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looks pretty brown to me
Um he’s 1/64th Cherokee, chud
What possesses somebody to make such a shit thread?
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>Former champion
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He is very ugly and i only care about handsome and fertile male champions like steven and wallace
Bang Shishigami if he pokemon
no wonder he gets replaced by a black girl
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This reminds me of that pol shitpost about BW2 back in the 2016
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>Middle-eastern champion takes over New York
>Mentored by a german
Oh shit
>America: Questionably white, Nigger
>France: White Lesbian
>Britian: Pajeet, (formers) Nigger, Chink
>Spain: Pajeet
Will we ever win?
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not me, some whitey must've gotten mad and falseflagged
>german teacher
>probably well to do
you just know iris has the most racist views imaginable
N was a white male champion. There's also Palmer who was basically super champion.
>probably well to do
Isn't she like a literal fucking forest kid in the anime
Iris is a rural village kid from nowhere(so even more likely to be racist), but Drayden is a mayor and likely rich.
N is half pokemon, actually chud.
Palmers hometown is Twinleaf, he's probably like half asian half russian.
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>Hitler's Strongest Solider
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By playing as a white male, and winning the champion position yourself... you do play as a white male anon, right anon?
never officially beat the league challenge
frontiermeme, they are weaker than E4
Cynthia is the strongest NPC in Sinnoh
>N was a white male
He's an half pokemon mutt
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>only place whites won was in japan
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The strongest Japanese trainers are full-blown japanese.
Volo and Cynthia are white?
>asian men love white women
>cynthia jobs to some clown jeet
cynthias bros, she's beginning to look like dei hackfraud
So only in France, really.
Cogita is a descendant of ancient Sinnoh peoples. So I guess white people lived their once according to Pokemon, either that or she is just meant to be Asian with white features. But pretty much everybody just assumed she was russian because of the proximity to hokkaido.
Cynthias team destroys both those kantojobbers and their kanto shitmons
Cynthia is probably from Volo, Cogita ergo cums eggs are probably dryed up.
>Cogita ergo cums eggs are probably dryed up.
Arceus allowed it (like Anakins force conception)
plus if Cogita is immortal then so are her eggs
>thinking Volo would fuck anything other than god's goat pussy
leave this thread femoid
>she was russian because of the proximity to hokkaido
The fur trim on everything helped too
>A academy league established for young white American trainers
>principal is black old man
>Mogged by japanese country boy and spanish boy/girl
UnovaBros... What's wrong with unovamerica?
Literally who
I think nearly every Poke region gets btfo by a foreigner.
>Kanto gets its shit rocked by some kid from bumfuck west Kanto, aka "Johto"
> Hoenn gets fucked up by another Johto bumpkin
>entire cast of PLA bends over backwards over the MC being from a wormhole
>Iris becomes champ while being from ???
>Alola KNEELS to a Kanto kid
>SV protag could probably be from another region i dont remember if they were just moving into the house like SM or just starting the school
That makes sense, Anon.
>native American
The least you can do is not call them the same race as the people that stole their land.
>bumfuck west Kanto, aka "Johto"
Yes, everything west of Mt moon is basically shithole country
Chief Kick-a-bitch from the Slapahoe should be happy people even think of him as "american"
Is he actually meant to be native, I just thought he was crusty old tanned boomer
Ah yes american boomers which wear their hair in ponytails, have big ass bead necklaces, and dress in cloth and rags
Iris was a arab, and Peony another jeet. Niggers haven't won once.
Alder is native american
The only white champion is Diantha, as Lance and Cynthia are both from pokemon japan
Cynthia is considered a pokémon trainer, Red and Blue are "battle legend".
>ancient Sinnoh peoples
Aryan bros... we must return to the mother land.
Alder is a native, his team has a bouffalant ffs.
he did this on purpose, it's a humiliation ritual, don't participate
Thats real cute anon, we know alola loves sucking kanto cock
Doesnt mean their teams dont get raped be hers
Iris, Leon, and Hop are also middle eastern not black lol
She Japanese
She's a descendant of ancient hyperboreans
>but the race dilution
Look at Cogita and then to Cynthia, her hyperborean genes were too strong to be diluted
Nemona is the champion in SV not pageeta, and Nemona seems to be a spic.
>genes were too strong to be diluted
That seems to just be how genetics works in general in Pokemon considering most ancestors are basically just the exact same.
He's a yuppie
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Don't say Japanese say Kantonian, Johtonian, Sinnohian, or hoennese.

Don't say British say Galarian.

Don't say Hawiian say Alolan.

Don't say American say Unovan or Orrenian. (or Alolan.)

Don't say French say Kalosian.

Don't say Spanish say Paldean.
did you mean hippie?
Even if Nemona is better than Geeta their whole fraud elite four seems set up to keep her as the champion (even though she's a loser) and everybody treats her as the important champion still.
Cringe, Masuda wouldn't recognise Orre's legitimacy.
hippie that sold out yeah
Wasn't he part of team GibsMeDat?
Iirc Pewter is actually described as an old fashioned town.

So your three towns are an ass crack so valueless even as a port as to have nothing but a retired professor.
A bumpkin mountain town with a geology museum as its standout feature
A place people pass through on their way to the league, pressed into the armpit of a forest full of poisonous bugs, so out of the way and underscruitinized that the local mob boss put up his front there.

There is no overland access between this section of Kanto and anywhere else, your only routes are through mountains (Mt. Moon, Diglett Tunnel, Victory Road), and sea route without a port.
Technically, Mt. Moon isn't even accessible from the Cerulean side, but, I'll chalk that up to gameplay, not lore.
Diglett tunnel is unmaintained on the Kanto side, while it is made readily accessible on the Vermillion side, meaning the non-port beach that connects only to an island considered secluded enough to do highly secret biological and genetic experiments on is the "best" access route.

There is no proof of any economic power of this section of Kanto; its only significant actors are all trying to avoid wider society. Other areas of Kanto have prepared walkways and paved roads, significant infrastructure investment such as raised and subterranean walkways, and notable economic actors at play, especially concentrated around the Saffron cross.

The Pewter-Viridian-Pallet sector of Kanto is, by all accounts, an impoverished, underdeveloped isolation zone that not only seems to have failed to even attempt to bridge this connection with either the rest of Kanto or Johto, but seems to actively be directed in ways to enforce this isolationism.
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She's a Russian goddess
Sinnoh is to the north of Johto, with an implied land connection, right?

Is... Is Mt. Moon and connected mountain structures a part of the larger Coronet range?
They were simply taking what was rightfully theirs
Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh make up pokemon japan, everyone from here is asian
Alola and Unova make up Pokemon america, generally a mixed group of people
Paldea, Kalos, and Galar make up pokemon europe. People from here are white
With this established, Cynthia, Lance, Steven, and Wallace are all japanese
There are white people in Unova but Alder is based off of native americans, so he's not white
Galar and Paldea have non-white champions
Meaning the only white champion is Diantha.
N could also count as a white champion but he's half pokemon and also not a real champion.
White bros, we have the most boring and unnotable champion ever
Both of them get defeated by White Boiz.
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in that case what Nate could be? A far-right facist?
She is from the middle East, not black.
In the manga, it is mentioned that he was an orphan "rescued" by Helgonza from beyond the south of Orre, his name in the original game is Leo.

The sequel protagonist is Ryuto and his mother is originally from Orre, but it is implied that his deceased father was a foreigner.
That explains his similar skin color to Nemona and Skyla.
>half-asian and a spic
behold the saviours of the white race
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Sinnoh would be Hokkaido on a map of Japan. Picrel but ignore alot of the other shit.
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Nubians are black.
>Wes, the former criminal gang member, is the only Mexican in pokemon
At least he gets Rui, but goddamn GF.
I guess this makes Cipher closer to a cartel, importing shadow pokemon(drugs) and being excessively violent.
>pol shitpost about BW2 back in the 2016
2016 really ruined everything
erm, if you play as a male, then you're a faggot
yes,but if you play as a girl then you're a troon so there's no way to win this game besides not caring
>The only Mexican trainer is a narco and animal trafficker
I don't know how to feel about that

and the fact that he only became "good" with the excuse of fucking a gringa makes it worse
But chinge su madre! I would have done the same thing.

Hoyo aunque sea de pollo!!!
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He takes her back home to pokemon Mexico too, rather than using her as a way into Unova.
Now I wonder if Wes is actually his name or just his nickname. El Wes.
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The anime short they did gave N Reshiram.
if this was galar this would have made sense as they are stupidly allowing pajeets to replace them
People actually believe this. No wonder their lives keep getting worse.
Is Wes actually Mexican or is it only because Arizona is near Mexico?
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Wait, N is more associated with Reshiram, meaning he was always telling us the harsh reality of the Human-Pokemon relationship, while our character advocates an idealized Disney-like fantasy where we're all friends.
He's native american.
Orre is Arizona and part of Mexico
He's from south of Orre, and Mexico is south of Arizona.
Guess he can talk to Skyla in Spanish, since she's also hispanic and speaks a foreign language in her design document.
Technical yes but according to twitter Lance and Steven are “White Adjacent”
It was a waste that they didn't use Alder and his people to tell us more about the mythology of Unova.

If there was a hypothetical sequel to Orre I would like to see them included and mix the legendary birds of Galar or even the paradox version of the legendary beasts into their mythos, I don't know why, but I think the Paradox Entei fits very well as a protective beast/deity.
This is just white women trying to justify being attracted to asians characters.
>come into white thread
>it's all mexicans
he's old but not ugly
How is this possible? They could come up with any excuse, a portal like the UB, mystical mountains like Silent Hill, a mistake with Sada's machine and Turo sending a Pokeball to the wrong place and time, in fact I think they never explain what 3 legendary birds from Kanto and three deities (plus doggos) from Johto do in PokeAmerica.
there's an appeal but it's probably more for gays
Like America!
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that's based
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It could be explained that they migrated with a lot of Hisuians as it happened in real life, Native Americans are descendants of Asians who traveled from Asia to America through the Bering Strait.

The Lost Tribe of Giratina
Your picture is Lack-Two/Blake, though
>It's okay when Game Freak does it
>North African is different from middle African!!!

Same thing
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That's mainly Asia, only Egypt is included due to cultural ties, but not ethnic ones.
I still feel like Reshiram and Zekrom should have had their appearances and colors switched. Zekrom should have had the soft, whispy look of Reshiram but colored black producing an appearance similar to a storm cloud. Electric type also has more special attacks than physical so making it physically less powerful looking would suit the theme. Conversely I'm pretty sure fire type has more physical attacks than electric does so making it the more brawny looking dragon would have been better.
>fertile male champions
You mean, virile, right?
You happened to post a famous poke yume account who also draws other franchise husbandos that happen to range from mid 30s to 60s. Women love mature men as much as they love pretty boys.
Weren't the top three Pokemob characters in that one Yume poll Rika, Kieran and Larry in that order?
So you wanted a red-eyed black dragon with fire attacks and a blue-eyed white dragon with lightning?
Yes, Kieran and Arven dominating but Rika was high too. Yume female audience doesn't mind female characters if they are interesting or kawaii.
Or in Rika's case just a man.
kek more like a fluffy black dragon with lightning attacks and a burly white dragon with fire attacks
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>don't say introverted say autistic.

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