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You, Anonymous. Yes, stop scrolling the catalog, and cease the perversion of the poor innocent Pokemon.

Repent, and you shall be saved by our wise Lord Arceus, or else you’ll fall deeper into despair.
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hmm.... nah.
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This man is an imposter!
Go and have passionate sex with your sapient pokemon wife right now. Verily!
Silly anon, you will burn in hell for this ruse. lol.
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This ruse?
Ugly shitmon lol
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>Lord Arceus
Arceus is a slut, same as all Pokemon. Made entirely for my human cock. You lost, whorefox.
Alolan Ninetales finds hikers lost on snowy mountains and freezes them into icy statues, only to keep them as a collection! She only does this to men! Why?
Fanfics are not canon
I wish I could make out with Icetales frozen cookie
zoophiles and their creepy knowledge of animal genitals
>saved by our wise Lord Arceus
You mean the chick who fucked Human men?
Arceus tasted human cock ;)
This, it was written by GF so it's canon
um sweaty... foxes dont have those...
And how would you know?
zoophiles fighting amongst themselves about whom has the best knowledge of animal genitals
It was in-house work, material from early Diamond/Pearl mythos planning stages, when the writer was studying existing real-world mythology and trying to pokemonify it. Not fanmade. But still fiction and very much non-canon.
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silence shitmon, for I desire ghost wife
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You’re coping. God is a slut.
mismagius might as well be anthro, also
>posting porn
You’re disgusting by human standards, you’ll still be disgusting by pokemon standards, even in a world in which pokephilia isn’t immoral.
how is the ghost in that image not humanoid?
I don’t know, and I won’t open the image in the link. All I know is that if it looks humanoid and a pokephile gets mad about it, he’s a zoophile ontop of that.
based, only way to go
you ever seen a horse's ass?? oh my GOD...
>Your waifu isn’t a stainless steel pyramid with a woman’s voice, you’re so basic!
Never understood this thought process to be perfectly honest
those fake threads impersonating feel shallow and empty. you can stop at this point, unless you go and roleplay her and reply to others constantly.
I can't get a FUCKING snow warning vulpix in scarlet
deranged and in need of a bullet
If everyone is an impersonator, how do you recognize the original?
>how do you recognise the original?
writing style, being a dumb bitch with viewpoints from 200 years ago, autistic as fuck, never giving up with almost religious preaching
Arceus is a slut
>b-b-b-but it's not c-
Arceus is a slut
Arceus worships human cock
Canonically a faithful wife actually, so shut your whore mouth
you think I give a shit about sexualising pokemon?
there's better nintendo IPs with better girls, anon.
Splatoon, Mario, Legend of Zelda, and Animal Crossing got better girls than Pokemon.

..with one exception, of course.
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You know what, i've changed my mind. I've been fighting a losing war for years now, i should settle down and suck some eternal human cock.
>writing style
Consult the archives, then. See the very first instances of the Icetales.
>viewpoints from 200 years ago
apparently thinking bestiality is wrong is archaic, huh
>autistic as fuck
ableism aside, you guys are obsessed with animal genitals. you’re truly a shallow lot.
>never giving up
ok? what’s that supposed to mean?
Not canon, will never be canon.
>consult the archives
not autistic enough to care

>obsessed with animal genitals
you're are degrading pokemon to genitals. you are degrading them, insulting them as too stupid to consent. they are living beings with feelings.humans can't even understand what pokemon say, but pokemon understand both. If a pokemon would ask they could not even constent because they don't even know what they said.
Human! Human human human human. Hu-man! Human human human. Human human.
game freak writing is essentially word of god
and word of god is canon
'tis canon.
I say this.
yes you do, satan
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Typical disgusting human supremacist. You all libe just only through Arceus grace as every ther living being and yet it is you who again and again put yourself above others, considering yourself morally or intellectually superior. Worthless prideful scum, N was right all along, it was just his methods that need some improvement.
>Scrapped lore written by one employee = canon
Not how it works retard
I bow down to you
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>Lord Arceus
when will this cringe reddit type fedora-posting stop?
>thank arceus
>pretending arceus is a god

blasphemy is a SIN.

there is only one true god and that is JESUS CHRIST
now we're jumping the shark
Anime is not canon, and will never be canon.
God isn’t real, and you will never be a woman.
/hmofp/ is literally sanctioned by God
Anon I....
>zoophile thinks human male zoophilia is ok while human female zoophilia is immoral
retard-kun, they’re both immoral.
also, Arceus never sanctioned this.
Harnkess test, she is legal age and can consent
>but she doesn't speak english durr
She understands it
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I'm sorry bro but Lady Arceus' divine pussy belongs to humanity by Her own decree
Cope nigger zehahahahaha!
That lopunny is actually male.
Ok and?
You forgot to take your meds, Pokemon are literally unable to consent. A mute and deaf human are more capable of consent than a normal Pokemon.
Rejected fanfic, therefore not canon.
“Pikachu, may I fuck you?”
>Pika-pika Pikachu.

How would you understand that, or even know the Pokemon understood you?
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But Arceus is the one that instilled the desire to fornicate with humans into Her subjects. Can we turn our backs on Her and ignore Her will? No, I should think not. Indeed, to fornicate with Her subjects is to honor Her. We should all go out and find pokewives. It is Her will and we are but humble servants.
>are Pokemon sapient?
>do Pokemon understand human language and mannerisms?
>if a Pokemon can't speak your language, can it perform tasks to substitute "yes" or "no" answers to a "yes" or "no" question to facilitate communication
answered by questions 1 and 2, yes

then there's no problem
>b-but muh morals
They understand what attacks their trainer wants them to use, they understand what their trainer says, meoth learned to walk and speak English because the girl he was attracted to canonically liked human men
I guess teaching dogs how to sit means they completely understand human speech, according to your demented logic. As a Pokemon TRAINER, you TRAIN your Pokemon to use moves you TRAIN them to learn, and while you reap the benefit of prestige and material after each battle, they receive food and pet-like affection in return. Thinking of it as anything else is zoophile bullshit.
Anime is still not canon.
No. Even highly intelligent psychic pokemon, supposedly smarter than humans, still live in the wilds, eating berries and sleeping in caves.

This just means they only have superior pattern recognition, but not actual genuine sapience to form communities.
Still no. They understand certain sounds means doing an action, and doing that action leads to a reward, just like an actual animal.
>answered by…
didn’t answer shit, just drop the facade and admit youre attracted to animals.
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Difference between you and me is I spent years talking canon and reinforcing it with references, you spent that time shitposting your feefees and now leaks have proved I and others here with me understand the devs' mindset on THEIR world better than your feefees and you're trying to filp the table and ruin the game, as you lost.
God made pokémon in Her image, not the image of your imaginary sky friend with the brown son from a cucked working class schlub.
>talking canon
Delirious fanfiction and crippling porn addiction*
>leaks proved
Rejected cut content is not canon.

Cease the coping and blasphemy, ESL-kun.
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Canon doesn't care about your feefees fucker. That's why they persist in throwing asides to poképhilia, despite the "non-canon" lore myths that ultimately ARE canon, just pared right the fuck back to be more kid-friendly ("immaculate conception", rather than "god impregnated mary" - the same concept, dressed in different language).
You. Lost. Die in a fire if you can't handle that like a first grader.
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True and real, Aus bless
>No. Even highly intelligent psychic pokemon, supposedly smarter than humans, still live in the wilds, (headcanon)

>Still no. They understand certain sounds means (headcanon)

They are known to act on their own volition, often outside of Trainer intervention, they have their own moral compasses observed in their behavior in the wild, and they have been known to implicitly befriend humans since before the invention of the Pokeball.

But yes, let's ignore the heaping pile of evidence spanning every single Pokemon game that suggests a bond between a Trainer and their Pokemon can grow to be more than just a basic symbiotic relationship. Because it's convenient to do so for (You)r argument.
>What are all the talking pokemon in both the games and the anime.
Pokemon have no use for the low hanging fruit of civilization, and many just flat out don't have the right body types for toolmaking. Do you think something like an Alakazam is going to get anything out of bronze tools or living in a community where they have to deal with laws and shit? They can teleport wherever they want to get food, blast away almost anything in their way, then go home and nap wherever the fuck they want, probably snapping a tree in a few segment to make a lean-to. Furthermore, imagine being an Abra. Are you going to go spend thousands of hours trying to tech up and MAYBE making something that vaguely matches a basic bitch pokemon move, or are you just going to get strong and evolve so you can chill?
That's because you are basic.
>They understand certain sounds means doing an action
Same would have to apply to Mute humans, then. Since doing x means yes and doing y means no, a yes or no question answered by specific tasks facilitates consent for both pokemons and mute people.

Also, there are people who live in the wilds as well (hunters or hobos or people lost in a forest), it's not that different from a wild pokemon, especially if they also happen to be mute.
To add onto this; they disobey you if you dont have enough badges, meaning that you have to prove yourself worthy in order for them to accept you fully, as they have the sapience to decide who will be their partner, kinda like how human beings have standards for dating
>They understand certain sounds means doing an action, and doing that action leads to a reward, just like an actual animal.
Wrong. Pokemon can understand humans and learn to speak human if they want.
Anime is not canon. Dogs recognizing a certain sound doesn’t give them the magical ability to talk to humans.
>Pokemon show respect to whomever is the strongest
>retarded zoophile twists this to his perverted fantasy
you’re a reject to humans, and you’ll still be a reject to pokemon.
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I'm talking about the games. There have been multiple instances of talking pokemon. The most famous example being the Zoroark from BW2 that disguised itself as a human and talks about it's travels before giving the player the TM for Snarl and then running off.

Pokemon can learn to speak human if they want. This is canon to the games, the anime, and the manga.
Explain the Zoroark talking in B/W
Uh ohhh, you can't
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Op, I assume you're the same person every time, and as much as I disagree with you, you are a vaunted member of this board for sticking with such a funny shitpost. Never change.
It’s a shillmon for Gen 5, and a failed one at that. It’s only popular with furries and genuine losers who constantly get rejected, saying otherwise is nothing short of cope.

To take this half-seriously, it’s a magical ability unique to the species. Zoroark giving the Snarl TM implies it was just snarling the whole time, but because it can disguise as literally anything, whatever it said can be understood by the same species. Get an actual plain Zoroark, and get it to talk, you’ll never understand each other until it disguises as a human, which totally crushes your pokefucker fantasy of diddling a glorified fursona ruse fox.
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I sneedccept your copecession, thanks
posting furry art and cropped porn isn’t a personality
>it was just snarling the whole time, but because it can disguise as literally anything, whatever it said can be understood by the same species. Get an actual plain Zoroark, and get it to talk, you’ll never understand each other until it disguises as a human
All this headcanon just to cope with the fact that pokemons can speak like humans
>it’s headcanon because I said so!
No other pokemon can do this, and no other instance of Zoroark were able to replicate this. It’s a one-and-done instance, meant to catch the player by surprise.
>Zoroark giving the Snarl TM implies it was just snarling the whole time, but because it can disguise as literally anything, whatever it said can be understood by the same species.
Where does this begin and end? If Zoroark is just snarling the whole time because you think it's implied (headcanon), can Psychic type Pokemon with the literal ability of Telepathy communicate with their humans, or is it "not canon" because it's not shown in-game?

>no other instance of Zoroark were able to replicate this
There is no proof in any of the games that other Zoroark are incapable of this, if there is, please refer to it. Coincidentally, there is undeniable proof of one Zoroark in a Pokemon game talking to a human while in disguise, making this a canon thing Zoroark are capable of.
>It’s a one-and-done instance, meant to catch the player by surprise.
Again, you are assuming that other Zoroark, not shown on screen in the Pokemon world, simply act in the way that you think they would. "Because one Zoroark did it on screen, and it was a scripted event, that must mean it's a special case and no other Zoroark are capable of this in the entire Pokemon world." Careful with that line of thinking, because the next step is to create headcanon that supports your argument, since it doesn't already exist.
>"it’s headcanon because I said so!"
No, it's headcanon because there's nothing in the games to support the absolute claims you're making. (You) know, the standard that (You)'re holding people up to

We're already dealing with a subject that has a limited depth in the games' canon as evidenced by >>56714672. So play by your own rules or admit defeat.
No, there's a talking Doduo in RBY, Bill can speak while transformed as a pokemon, a Murkrow in the GS games speaks, in DP Darkrai talks, in SuMo Rotoms can speak while possessing electronics, Tapu Koko also speaks in SuMo, so does Mimikyo. SuMo also has an Oranguru that is learning to speak. SwSh has Calrex, which speaks via telepathy and as well as a talking Honedge. In PLA Palkia and Dialga can speak. And that's not even touching pokedex entries. Would you like me to go on? I can.

Pokemon can learn to speak. Most choose not to but the ability exists.
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Ninetalesfag has NEVER been this btfo god DAMN
Thank you for pointing out Calyrex, I had forgetten about him. And he doesn't even have the Telepathy ability!

Isn't that fun, Ninetales?
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Stendarr's mercy be upon you because we have none to spare!
He's NEVER recovering from this. He will be coping and seething until he dies.
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You’re ranting too much, and I don’t like repeating myself. Zoroark can speak if it disguises as a human, and it can’t if it’s not, end of story for this furfag cope.
Early Pokemon weirdness, like how Raichu can shock an Indian elephant unconscious.
Crows and ravens can mimic a “hi”, larger parrots can mimic human speech, doesn’t mean they can understand it. This is a reference to that.
Anime is not canon. If it happened ingame, tell me, I never got the event.
The rotoms kind of make sense, I guess? especially if the technology was literally catered to housing a rotom, but that doesn’t mean you can fuck your phone.
A reference to apes being taught sign language. The species still behaves like a typical orangutan, just with psychic power.
>Tapu Koko
I barely remember this, but it’s broken speech, right? The guardians are also special given they have frequent connections with humans, but they’re still largely beasts.
Legendaries that can literally control space and time, essentially existence itself, might as well be literal gods. It’s still a dumb choice since they never had voices in DP.

Calyrex is an exception, for he is the most devout follower of our wise Lord Arceus, for he is one of His holy saints. As the TRUE king of Galar, and the ambassador of Lord Arceus’s decree, St. Calyrex will give us salvation by spilling the blood of ALL the Pokephile heretics, forever cleansing the land from this degenerate BLASPHEMY.

Bring up King Calyrex’s name again to spread your agenda, and I will have you crucified at once, HEATHENS.
Why are you so obsessed with getting human attention you filthy animal
>Legendaries that can literally control space and time, essentially existence itself, might as well be literal gods.
Gee it’s almost like Pokémon are meant to be more than wild animals. No point arguing about it tho. You’ve had Pokémon literally talk to you and your response is
>that’s dumb
Because it didn’t happen in one particular earlier game.
>no other instance of Zoroark were able to replicate this.
You mean like the hisuian one that disguised as Mai in the Daybreak update?
In Legends Arceus you hear from literally god multiple times, like she speaks directly to you. Dialga and Palkia talk to you. The lake spirits talk to you. The game is about making humans and pokemon coexist on equal footing.

They really, clearly, as a class of creatures are not just “feral dumb animals”
>Pokémon are meant to be more than wild animals
Pokemon have always, and will always be, stand-ins for animals, both wild and domestics. For the mythicals and legendaries, some are taking the form of yokai-like and fairy-like entities to local deities and even God himself, and their rules don’t apply to standard Pokemon rules. You can’t compare your pudgy disgusting ass to a deity like Thor.
>it didn’t happen in one particular game
Yes, the very game they were introduced in, dumdum.
So? It’s a Zoroark mimicking a human, it goes back to being a dumb animal when the mimicry ends.
So let me get this straight. You agree that pokemon includes legendaries and thus as a concept encompass more than dumb animals, but because the legendaries exist and are legendaries this somehow cycles back to pokemon existing only as dumb animals.

Also for that matter what do you even say about like Yamask and other Pokémon that used to be human. What about literally almost every ghost type. What about Pokémon like zoroark clearly being modelled on Japanese and Chinese legends of kitsune and their alleged shapeshifting to trick men etc. more than a fox you see in a random ass forest. What about the fucking ice cream cone.

Literally only a small core of Pokémon are more or less just wild animals, like starleys or whatever. But pokemon usually means yokai more than anything else - I mean its literally in the name “pocket monsters”. Like some of them are clearly sapient, again literally god exists and speaks to you directly. Unless you’re gonna argue that somehow arceus is non sapient and cannot consent despite creating the fucking universe.
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You know why she is
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This is the issue with the series. It doesn’t draw a hardline somewhere, it keeps making vague and contradicting statements that change through each generations. At this point, it’s more accurate to say that anything that can get caught is called a pokemon, be it a yokai-inspired creature, a reskinned yokai, a fantasy version of real life animals, or literal gods that are more powerful than any of the mythological gods in human cultures throughout the ancient world.

But, other than that, the only sapient non-humans are Lord Arceus and His holy champion and crusader King Calyrex, yes. If you disagree, please take a number and a seat, your crucifix will be erected shortly, as soon as we’re done with the 600,000 blasphemers before you.
it all makes sense now
This is just a Christian moral panicking isn’t it
I don’t really remember any of them from Pokémon media. Misty was holding just a regular cross against Gastly in the show.
I'm a Mewist, cope Arceusionist.
well pokemon mythology is basically animist it’s not christian.
>Early Pokemon weirdness
Nope. It's in the game and a recurring theme in future games.
>Crows and ravens can mimic a “hi”
Murkrow is not a crow or a raven, it is a pokemon and it spoke a full sentence.
>larger parrots can mimic human speech, doesn’t mean they can understand it.
Nice parrot fact but we are talking about pokemon.
>This is a reference to that
Do you have any proof for that claim?
>Anime is not canon
Every example given is from the games.
>If it happened ingame, tell me
It's the event where you battle Darkrai in DP
>The rotoms kind of make sense, I guess? especially if the technology was literally catered to housing a rotom, but that doesn’t mean you can fuck your phone.
Rotoms can posses any electronic, there are sex toys with electronic components.
>A reference to apes being taught sign language.
Nope. It didn't use sign language, it spoke.
>The species still behaves like a typical orangutan, just with psychic power.
No, it doesn't. Orangurus act nothing like Orangutans. At least I've never heard of an orangutan meditating or nursing injured animals back to health.
>I barely remember this
So you're using the games to base your arguments on but haven't actually done the in-depth research necessary to verify that the games actually back up your claims? That is a very weak place to be arguing from.
>but it’s broken speech, right?
Nope. Full sentences. Albiet done via telepathy.
>The guardians are also special given they have frequent connections with humans
Just like every pokemon that has a trainer.
>but they’re still largely beasts.
Do you have proof that they are mindless animals?
>Legendaries that can literally control space and time, essentially existence itself, might as well be literal gods.
They are the direct descendants of Arceus herself. I would expect as much.
>It’s still a dumb choice since they never had voices in DP.
Your opinion is noted but doesn't change the fact that they can speak.
Followers of the Mew Cult will burn in hell
>early game weirdness
its in LGPE
retconned the stuff about india and south america, but kept bill talking
>yiff in hell
giratina is my new waifu
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uhm based
This retard deliberately ignores canon. As proven multiple times already it's a mistake to use actual evidence when his primary issue is that he doesn't want to accept reality.
>canon: “this Pokemon uses telekinesis to pick berries from very tall trees”
>zoophiles on r/veepee: “wow, this means I can fuck this animal!”
What's his excuse for that froslass in Arceus?
>double blasphemy
Purgatory for you, then
At least it lets the lurkers know that these puritards cant even counterargument properly
The zoophile “argument” is headcanon, repeating what they said, and posting cut content to justify why they find animals attractive. Then, they’ll deny they don’t find animals attractive while describing their genitals in very gross details.
Oh god this guy again.
Don't you have other things to do?
reminder to put "zoophile" on the filter for this board to ignore low-energy trolls. Real posters say "pokephile".
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>reminder to put "pedophile" on the filter for this board to ignore low-energy trolls. Real posters say "hebephile".
They’re literally the same thing lol
There is no such thing as a male Lopunny, only breedable females, and anal-only females.
>Y-you're ranting, I'm just right, okay?
>Calyrex is an exception, for he is (headcanon, headcanon, headcanon) As the TRUE king of Galar (headcanon headcanon)
So you won't live up to your own standards, when called out? So much for morality.

Concession accepted, have a nice day.
Before coming back, do some intense research on the series you claim to know so much about. What you'll find may shock you.
Also, if you're gonna keep dying on this hill, try not to pop a blood vessel, it's much more entertaining to keep someone like you around.

All in all, have fun using bad faith arguments against St. Peter at the gates while discussing your sins. I'm sure it'll get you where you want.
>your own standards
What standards? Canon states Lord Arceus hates pokephiles, and King Calyrex will carry out a crusade to get rid of you guys, there’s nothing here to misunderstand. I think you’re just mad at being called a heathen, try not being one instead.
>"Canon" states Lord Arceus hates pokephiles, and (larp larp larp larp)
If it's canon (in the games), then point to it, instead of simply repeating that it's canon on word of mouth alone. Back up your claim. Any other kind of response at this point is a coping concession in earnest.
>point to it
You point at a bird mimicking human speech and think it means all pokemon understand humans lol. Moreover, you consult rejected cut content over canon content.
>larp larp larp
Play Crown Tundra, you’ll see how King Calyrex was chosen by Lord Arceus to eradicate the blasphemers from Galar and cease all the inanities that plague pokemon-kind from self-proclaimed “lovers”, aka molesters and rapists.
Pokemon being "just" animals is where Pokemon goes to die.
>You point at a bird mimicking human speech and think it means all pokemon understand humans
No, we point at evidence of various Pokemon species of much variety, in many of the games, both communicating and understanding human speech, and simply present it as evidence for a case

>Moreover, you consult rejected cut content over canon content.
The "rejected cut content" in question:

>Play Crown Tundra, you'll see how King Calyrex was (literal fucking headcanon yet again)
Arceus is only ever referenced in canon, in-game events, in DPPt's Canalave Library and the Hall of Origin, HGSS's Sinjoh Ruins event, Gen 7 with Type: Null and Silvally, and by extension Gen 8 with the RKS Laboratories company, and PLA. Everything else is objective fanfiction.

Cope more, your rat king got it's tail caught in a trap and now you're seething that you can't even formulate a half-decent argument against pokefuckers without inventing fanfiction on the fly.
That is because you have zero taste.
You saw your cat/dog (or a random one on the streeet/in the park) pussy. Therefor, you are by your definition a zoophile. Welcome to the club.

> but but...
what does this expression entail?
You're not beating the zoophile allegations
Why would I fight with my own kind? We are welcoming bunch.
Come here.
you're scrambling around for excuses and assume anybody else is as fucked up and unwanted as you
I.. what. Anon, I dont understand why are you upset, I'm just measuring you with your own scales. Oh, you dont like it? Well too bad, shouldnt have started it to begin with. Not get used to it,
disgust isn't the same as being upset, you would be able to figure this out if you were not an autistic wasteman, you should tell your parents you find animals sexy
No you are clearly upset when I pointed a flaw in your logic. If curiosity about animal anatomy and biology is zoophile then you are, by definition, and more than half of the world as well.
Deal with it.
>here is how I imagine you think as I scramble around for excuses for my autistic disturbing fetish
You're digging yourself deeper.
> no argument
And none can be made in the face of Absolute Logic and Truth.
Take the L and save the rest of your little dignity
What argument is there to be made, you are a zoophile, you are a disgrace.
so are you! which means you are disgrace too!

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