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>gen 10 based on Denmark
>legendaries are water fairy narwhal and fire poison wolf
>story focuses on themes of desire for progress, but said progress being not in the best interests of people and Pokemon, especially those who are less fortunate in society
>evil team has a regal theme
>open world like scarlet and violet
>hms are back but they are outside of your pokemons regular moveset and lots of pokemon have the moves
>no gimmick
>getting additional support from nintendo to help get it out on time, taking longer than expected
I farted
That looks tasty
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>has a pizza making minigame
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530 KB PNG
>The gyms are all sex shops
those noodles look nice, can i have some?
You look tasty
>Gen 10 based on spaghetti
>Legendaries are meatballs
>Story focused on sauce
>Evil team is onions
Is Rhyperior in?
She's in!
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An ugly group of people. A nation of neadermorphic philistines.

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