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A thread to gather the canonical character ages based on leaks, at least when the concepts were made:

Ones I’ve gathered so far:

Skyla: 18
Elesa: 15 (very likely no longer canonical)
Clay: 55
Lenora: 35
Cilan/Cress/Chili: 14
Burgh: 21
Drayden: 69
Iris: 11
Rowan: 70
Brendan/May: 12
Roxanne: 14
Winona: 16

Anime only

Trixie: 24
>very likely no longer canonical
You're basing it on the fact that this age was for a different beta design and not the actual character we ended up with?
Yes, if you also compare the beta and final ones, the final Elesa looks a lot more developed and grown than the beta one.
>Brendan/May: 12
Was this in RSE leaks or ORAS leaks?
actual canon Rowan age is 60
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Can you show me? I know Lucas and Dawn were confirmed to be 12, but I didn't see anything about Brendan and May.
How old is Acerola?
Centro warning
Elesa is a child, you can cope all you want but those are the facts, all this time you were no different to those who beat it to Selene or Gloria.
>Elesa is a child
a sexy child at that ToT
Elesa stonks just keep going up
She's 15, the final doc upped her height and it does match official art. Why do you people keep trying to deny this?
ORAS bios also carried over the ages from RSE
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>Brendan/May: 12
>this is 12
Maybe the ORAS version, but I would never believe that the original May is that young. She's one of the more adult-looking protags, I'd put her in the same range as Serena.
I am not like you so I refuse to accept her age.
People don't want to think they had the hots for a 15 year old model.
In that case, none of the ages are canon, since none of them are spelled out in the games. Developer mood boards hardly matter when you talk about hard facts like that.
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Anime May is eternally 10 like Ash, Dawn, and Misty.
At least admit it's a headcanon there isn't anything wrong with that
This is the same shit as Jotaro being 17.
So if you headcanon that Penny is 28 it suddenly makes it ok? It doesn't work like that.
You like a child, as simple as that.
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Supposedly Caitlin's age was lowered according to a magazine, does anyone have scans of it?
Funny as fuck when you remember someone in BW says Darach has "feelings" for Caitlin (I know she's older in Gen 5 it's still not a good implication)
It doesn't make it ok, but it's admitting it's a delusion, that's what I mean.
At some point after the anime Roxanne was given the age of 14, someone in the anime production crossed out the 14 years old and replaced it with 18 years old. This was leaked and shared for years before now.

The version we got from the leak only has the 14 years old.
The anime has issues portraying student characters as adults/teachers for whatever reason
You absolute Fucking retard
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At some point I expect the Pokemon history researchers to get to this document, at which point the twitter freak out will start.
Reposting from another anon, another thread
>Brendan/May: 12
>Norman: 37
>Norman's wife: 32
>Birch: 35
>Wally: 10
>Roxanne: 14
>Brawly: 22
>Wattson: 67
>Flannery: 25
>Winona: 16
>Tate/Liza: 10
>Wallace: 34
>Lisia: 13
>Sidney: 27
>Phoebe: 14
>Glacia: 32
>Drake: 53
>Steven: 25
>Tabitha: 27
>Courtney: 22
>Maxie: 34
>Matt: 27
>Shelly: 34
>Archie: 34
>Zinnia: Unknown (appear to be in late teens)
>Lucas: 12
>Dawn: 12
>Rowan: 70, dropped to 60
>Mars: 22
>Jupiter: 24
>Saturn: 25
>Charon: 71
>Cyrus: 27
>Cattleya Dendrobium: 17
>Darach: 25
>Argenta: 42
>Thorton: 14
>Dahlia: 24
>Looker: 43
>Chili/Cylan/Cress: 15, dropped to 14
>Lenora: 33, 32, then settled on 35
>Burgh: 24, 22, 21
>Elesa: 17,dropped to 15
>Clay: 56, dropped to 55
>Skyla: 26, dropped to 18
>Brycen: 35, aged up to 44.
>Iris: 22 revised to 12, then 11, then 10
>Drayden: 69
Anime staff changed her from 14yo/student (based on the games) to 18yo/teacher.
I guess it made it easier for them to write an episode.
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I have a bigger surprise for you

Georgia is only a year older than Iris and Burgundi is only a couple of months older than Ash, Bianca is 13 in the anime, which is not much different from her video game version, Cheren on the other hand is 16-17 in the anime.

I think the biggest change is Mallow who is 10 years old like Lana and Ash.
How old was mallow originally?
>Pokémon Duel
I need to have sex with Georgia.
It was said in an interview that this was done to recreate the atmosphere of a classroom, Kiawe and Sophocles are the oldest and youngest of the group, but their age is never made clear or if it is only by months.

Regarding Gladion, he is at least two years older than Lilie but has Ash's height, possibly Mohn's genes.
NTA, but the only argument worth a damn here is an official number from an endorsed source, or at least something that implies their age somehow. Like Poké Kid trainers are kids, it's in the name. But characters like Elesa just look like vaguely young people.
The characters in the Pokemon universe are as old as you want them to be. The world of these games is extremely vague and fairytale-esque, a 10-year-old target audience kid could have a globe-trotting adventure without feeling out of place, and when that kid grows up, the world just grows up with him, even though it doesn't change. That's why everyone's so comfortable with drawing porn of these characters even nowadays, when people are afraid to make lewds of Yuffie from FF7 because she's apparently 16.
Basically, it's not that deep.
I could give you the sources for the RSE stuff at least but as I said, I'm just reposting what someone else typed
>The Trial Captains (Ilima, Lana, Kiawe, Mallow, Sophocles, Acerola, and Mina) as well as Hiker David are at least 11 years old and at most 19 years old

>Trial Captains have previously completed their own island's challenge before becoming a captain, and they retire from their position when they turn 20.

It is curious that in the anime none of them is a captain, which could be taken as a kind of prequel, since the following year everyone could be a candidate.
You'll have to go through like 4 different leak folders or wait for Dr. Lava or Lewchube to post a compilation on Twitter.

Like XY-DOCS\ohmori\japanese word\japanese word\ japanesewords_091019 then pop it through a manual translator (though ages are just listed as numerical values.)
You can check most of them, they are added to their design sheet
I think the correct answer in most cases is "Don't think about it, buy this Pikachu toy"
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It's funny Kiawe doesn't look like a kid, until you compare him to his mother, good genes!
The age 20 thing comes more from Japanese culture where you actually were considered a minor until age 20. They lowered a lot of things to 18 in the past year (getting a cell phone, signing an apartment lease, getting a job without parental approval) but anyone who would have been working on the series would still have that world view.
it's both a shame and a god damn miracle that gen 7 didn't get one
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For RSE Gym Leaders
These ages are on their anime settei as well
Wally was initially planned to be a Gym Leader instead of Tate/Liza, but you can find their ages on said settei (they're both 10)
Dahlia, Flannery and Courtney being in their early-mid 20s; yum!
If only there were more profiles of the BW trainers and any of the XY/SM ones.

As dumb as it sounds, wish the generic trainer classes also got canonical ages.
>As dumb as it sounds, wish the generic trainer classes also got canonical ages.
We don't need more of this autism.
>Dahlia, Flannery and Courtney
Nice taste.
>Phoebe: 14
O-Oh my
If the anime changed Roxanne's age to 14 and the manga made Winona an adult, two officially published Pokemon media by tpci itself

does any of this actually matter if even the company itself doesn't care and changes ages at a whim?
We’re all autists on here
No, the anime changed Roxanne's age to 18, she's 14 otherwise
But anyway what matters is what pertains to the games, to me
Yes, but that autism brings out the worst kind of autists that do actual damage to the community with their retardation.
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Where are you getting 14 for Roxanne. The file I’ve seen seems to suggest 18 but then again I can’t read moonrunes.
I've never been one for fashion but something about Georgia's outfit always looked particularly nice, 98% better than every other anime-only character
Right there, in the center. It says "honor student, 14(crossed out) 18 years old".
For me it's the hat and gloves. It's been a while since I saw the anime but she was pretty stuck-up which made her pretty hot and memorable to me.
I agree. also weirdly her complexion. I usually get tred of overly pale chicks that seeing someone with a healthy shade of pink just works for me.
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The thing with the character ages are only going to cause problems with the ones that people in general thought were older than they are.

Everyone knows characters like Misty, Dawn, and May are well below age 18. The problem is that some of the "Safe Horny" characters actually aren't. It's going to have a chilling effect on some of the more adult art posted.

Interestingly enough look at the Pokémon Masters Halloween event: The two 14-year-old Hoenn girls are teaming up.
Well, it's not like characters like May, Dawn, etc. being underage has ever stopped most people from caring. Only a handful of moralfags on Twitter will be affected by this.
But you know what, I do hope artists start taking these ages into account. For all manner of art.
I honestly prefer the purple haired girls outfit. Her hair and personality are awful though
Bring back the /ss/ thread that got deleted RAAH
The problem is the handful of moralfags can organize discord raids and mass report you.
Do I like Roxanne? Yes. Will I keep drawing her? Hell yes. Will I bother posting it online from now on? Absolutely not. Simply not worthy. Why would I risk it?
>Simply not worth it*
Sucks for you. I make what I want, post what I want. My livelihood isn't dependent on my hobby, nor is it even affected by it. If the stuff I make nets me the ire (and it never has), whatever. It's legal and I'm not aiming for popularity anyway.
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for me, it's the thighhighs
My livelihood isn't dependent on my hobby either, but it's a nice extra money when I want it.
It doesn't suck for me tho. I draw primarily because I like it, and I still get to do it and then see my drawings after. Posting is nice because I get to share that with other people, but it's definitely just an extra for me.
nothing about any of the gen 7 characters? I was hoping for acerola, mina, and wicke
Liza was already hot but now? Uff
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No one ever pretended that Roxanne was older than 18 either. Being a school student is her entire personality. The actual safe horny characters are few and far between, like Cynthia or Lusamine. And if you let Twitter retards live rent-free in your head, you might as well never draw anything again.
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couldn't have said it any better, that anon should do as he pleases

the world's already going to shit and he shouldn't make it harder to enjoy what little we have left
I want Roxanne to teach me Sex ed.
I mean.... she was already clearly younger than the protags
What do you want to do with Liza?
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hold hands and have her sit in my lap while I give her headpats
Holy fuck...
There is literally always a /ss/ thread on /b/. Why don't you go there instead of shitting up the board with your ecchi dump threads? /b/tards won't bite you you know
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Get in anon
Live rent free in my head? Twitter retards are very much real and every other week a friend artist gets nuked because of so called "twitter retards".
>you might as well never draw anything again
Or I'll just draw it and not post, like I said I do.
This, bending the knee to people who will instantly hate and harass you for making something they just don't like and having what you can and cannot create or post be dictated by such people is a sad existence.
But if you rely on making money off of online art, it can't really be helped, so my condolences in that case.
Relying on social media to make money is just sad in general because it's a constant walk on eggshells situation, leftoids love censorship and they pretty much rule all social media. No platform will ever side with you. So unless you have a very dumb and loyal userbase you interact with, you're just screwed.

Which is also why people think most artists are left-leaning, when the truth is only the left-leaning artists have the right to voice what they think. If you see an artist avoiding politics like the plague, good chance they are right-leaning.
Color theory, green suits redheads very well
Don't forget melony, the literal canonised MILF.
>>Steven: 25
>>Cyrus: 27
Cynthia is definitely between ~25 and 27
how are they so dumb?
she looks and acts like an adult
a decade ago not many people cared about how old fictional women are
>Georgia is only a year older than Iris
Middle Eastern girls when will they learn
>a decade ago not many people cared about how old fictional women are
Normies ruined everything.
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>In the Anime
WHEN? I mean- WHERE?
no new alola stuff, huh
the iPhone and its consequences have been disastrous for the internet
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During Best Wishes, it was weird seeing Roxie, Marlon, and Cheren from BW2, especially with Bianca still young.

But the anime and games are a different continuity, like May being Norman's daughter and in Masters his son is Brendan.
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>She's 15, the final doc upped her height and it does match official art. Why do you people keep trying to deny this?
It's just weird for her to have a professional modeling contract at 15 years old. It's not that people don't want to believe it it's just a bit unrealistic for her to be anything but amateur-level at that age. Let alone 'supermodel'
If 10 year olds are allowed to be trainers and in Tate/Liza's case gym leaders I don't see why it would be so weird for 15 year olds to be models.
At the time the game concept was made, they picked a girl who was scouted at 14 but debuted at 15, which forced the show she modeled at to set a minimum age of 16 for future shows.
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Gemma Ward 14
Coco Rocha 14
Kate Moss 14
Barbara Palvin 13
Natalie Vodianova 17
Chanel Iman 13
Lindsey Wixon 12
Lily Cole 14
Karlie Kloss 14
Kristina Pimenova 9

This is actually very common because the fashion world is very demanding and cruel, by the age of 25 they are considered old, very few maintain their status as supermodels after that age.

A parallel with men is those sports that have a very short career due to the physical demands, such as Olympic gymnastics, athletics, and box.
Is this real or is this some 4channer's sneak edit of writing in an 18
Well the original is 14 >>56709424
Protagonist ages:
Red/Leaf - 11, confirmed in Japanese manual
Brendan/May - 12, confirmed in these leaks as well as ORAS
Lucas/Dawn - 12, confirmed in these leaks
Hilbert/Hilda - conceptualized as 16, but lowered to 14 for the actual game
Calem/Serena - implied 16-17 by dialogue in the Looker quest
Elio/Selene - 11, stated in-game
Akari/Rei - "15 or so", stated in-game

Do we have any info about Ethan/Kris/Lyra, Nate/Rosa, Victor/Gloria, or Florian/Juliana? I could have sworn there was something in one of the Spaceworld demos that said Ethan was 10, but I can't find any actual evidence of that.
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It's strange when you realize that Cilan, Elesa, and Bianca are almost the same age.
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And instead Skyla being a young adult is shorter than a teenager
just like real life...
I see several children on this list. You must now cease and desist in leading them.
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Greta: 13
Genuinely the worst part of these leaks and it's not even close.
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>Sexy Pilot
GameFreaks confirmed for coombrains.
>draw adult looking woman
>call her a child
Why are Game Freak like this?

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