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I'm so fucked up.

I can't stop gooning to Pokemon/Pokegirl smut. I'm going to participate in NNN for the first time. This is going too far.
Do your best and avoid sites and a hobby to take your mind off doing NNN. A mental reset would do good for the dick and brain
For me its human male on female pokemon
You must keep cooming until your dick is bloody, you lips are dry, your semen emptied, you head throbbing, you arm numb and your mind blank. Only then will you be in a state of harmony.
Good for you I guess but did you need to tell us this?
Dont listen to retards, op. There is nothing wrong to enjoy pleasure. And NNN is a meme, it brings nothing of value.

Sexual pleasure literally the only thing with no string attached you can have in this life, so dont waste your early life, this is where it is the strongest and feels best.
But gooning doesn't even feel good anymore. My erection is semi-hard and I barely cum at all. Still can't stop for some reason.
>t. satan
It's best to wait a few days between faps and I'm going to shoot a big fat load to Lillie tomorrow!
What meaning do you put in "gooning" exactly?

Well, you do need to take breaks for the nerves and dopameme receptors to recover. It is a limitation of human males. Not so much for females, but that's a different subject.

Usually there are 2 approaches and they greatly depend on your biology:
- either prolonged edging for 2-4hrs which helps to keep going and feel pleasure longer
- or very, VERY fast and quick orgasms, which helps to recover faster and be able to experience these multiple times

You need to find what works best for you.
Funny, this is the first year in a while i'm not going to participate in NNN
with gooning you pay with your soul instead of your wallet
jew detected
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Oh god an actual porn addict, I feel sorry for you OP.
While I've never been a XXX addict I've been addicted to hard drugs before so I know how to quit an addiction. The best advice I can give you is just ween off of it in the days prior to NNN so like instead of fapping however many times you do in a day do like 1/2 of that, then space it out so its like every other day then keep stretching the days like every other 2 days 3 days so you won't immediately relapse. Then during NNN go cold turkey fully and take up some different hobby that fills the gap in pleasure it's important to note that you're fooling your mind with masturbation, treat it like entertainment rather than anything other than that. What I'm getting at is find a new venue of entertainment that uplifts you and doesn't bring you down. If porn isn't what brings you joy, why partake in something that actively hurts you? You got this OP I believe in you.
Im gonna spend all night doing just that
Cheers mate
There is no such things as porn or sex addiction, it is not like drugs that cause an actual addiction (to the point quitting some might kill you).
Masturbation also has no side effects unlike drugs.
If you want to compartmentalize the definition of addiction sure.
It does form habits though and normalfags don't care about the nuance between a badly managed habit and an addiction.
Psychological "addiction" is not the same as physical/chemical one.

You have a lot of other habits formed, some good, some as "bad".
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>Masturbation also has no side effects unlike drugs.
OP is a tranny btw
Addictions can be mental, you guys are under-educated faggots lmao.
What? It's not hard to find porn addicts with how many pokephiles and pedophiles are on this board
moving the goalpost, god this board is retarded
The problem with porn stems from needing novelty to keep the nerves excited. Your novelty is Pokémon on human female, yes it can get worse.
I've seen people that started to fap to normal things but then get into the very weird shit down the line. I've even known a straight dude who after a long time would begin to fap to the idea of funding femboys and eventually fantasized about himself being a femboy getting fucked by other femboys.

Just ween off and then go full nofap. Reset your brain until it goes back to normal.
In order to fry your dopamine receptors you have to take something like DPT you moron. You might raise tolerance but it will go down after a break. it will go down GIGA fast if you have good diet and no other bad habits like sugary things.

And yes, over the course of 100+ years of research NO ONE was able to come up with actual, confirmed side effects of sexual pleasure or over-indulging. Only some peripheral studies, but these studies heavily rely o your genome being pre-coded to cause such effects, for example, some males can develop prostatitis too quickly by overstimulating prostate i general, but again, this has to be hereditary

Severity of validity of psychological addiction argued and very to this day, with no consensus i.e. like addiction to videogames or movies. The more you try to deconstruct the silliest it becomes

> addicts
it just a slander term low-IQ morons throw around to get under the skin
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>reddit spacing
go back to r/transporn faggot
There is no benefit from that. Opposite, jerking off prevents you from ass cancer. Jerk as much as you love to
>And yes, over the course of 100+ years of research NO ONE was able to come up with actual, confirmed side effects of sexual pleasure or over-indulging.
That's everything in science, humans are complex everything is nuanced, congrats on your 3rd grade thinking anon.
>this has to be hereditary
Shut up genefag
>Severity of validity of psychological addiction argued and very to this day
Then fine faggot we'll do your DSM approved faggot terms, lets say the anon has CSBD, cool now we can stop being pedantic and actually help them.
Hi bot
> No validated or peer-reviewed or accepted by scientific communities papers
>every year dozens of new ones released
> every next years dozen of new ones that debunk previous ones also releaed
> cycle repeats

And yet, after all these years, none o these made up theories adapted into general sex ed as a discipline because they are not considered proven.
The body is literally evolved to withstand orgasm. Just as everyone eats without succumbing to food addiction, sexual pleasure does not trend outwards without some complicating factor (usually depression).
I'd say you should get off the internet and find a hobby to keep your mind of porn for the next month. Try to find something to keep you busy
This is everything to let me know you're a modernist faggot, the door is that way.
Also Jews own porn hub so dont jerk off
>Le peer-reviewed
It showed a cause and effect retard porn addiction causes worse risk taking and loss of brain matter
Show me some of that will ya?
Your body has not evolved to repeated jerk off to a screen or degenerate/homosexual shit Just to get a high retard, also Jews own porn hub.
>Then fine faggot we'll do your DSM approved faggot terms, lets say the anon has CSBD

> CSBD is recognized by the World Health Organization
And yet the countries where it actually counts as a disease that is practiced is how many? No, you can lower your other hand, one is enough. Start counting.

>That's everything in science
No? There is a lot of concrete and hard and cut research on cancer. And it is now part of general knowledge. There is no research on masturbation and actual negative effects of it that was raise to the level of general knowledge.
Reminds me when xhamster tweeted that Nofap is an antisemitic practice a long time ago
>I'm not happy
>Well my peer reviewed studies say keep doing what makes you unhappy
You guys are fucking Reddit as fuck. Genuinely kill yourselves.
>It showed a cause and effect retard porn addiction causes worse risk taking and loss of brain matter
Anyone can write made up paper. You can even get some popular science jurnos to post it. And nobody will care until it is PR and is backed by other similar studies and trials.

> Your body has not evolved to repeated jerk off
Actually, that is not true and is the opposite. Humans are the only confirmed (read: confirmed) animals that takes pleasure in repeated sexual acts. In fact, females, due to differences in biology, most normaly lack of refraction period in abut ~78%-80% of females, can have dozen of back to back orgasms, which is unique to human species.
>sexual pleasure does not trend outwards without some complicating factor (usually depression).
im literally a coomer trying to recover and the longer i go without fapping the happier i feel.
theres a semen retention general on /x/ and there are lots of people who have been saying that theyve become happier, more productive and less socially anxious after they started doing nofap, i know that you probably wont believe some random anon on 4chan but you can try it yourself and go a week without cooming and then see for yourself whether or not you feel any different
>There is no research on masturbation and actual negative effects
Yes there is retard the studies in >>56711069 show the negative effects of jerking off
Having sex is fine but having a porn addiction or jerking it in general is bad as its artificial stimulation that disconnects you from reality
>I like doing drugs and if you tell me its wrong your le reddit
Go back to r/weed fag
Do you have PCT?
> low-hang fallacy moron
Sexual pleasure cannot make you unhappy. You escape to sexual pleasure because something ELSE make you unhappy and your brain is looking for something that can offset it.
Cause and effect, retard
>Anyone can write made up paper
Nice cope retard
>animals that takes pleasure in repeated sexual acts
Yeah when they are actual sexual acts not jerking it in front of a screen, and we are not monkeys and fucking a bunch of women when we were cavemen but monogamy exists for reason in all successful cultures
pacific crest trail..?
>es there is retard the studies in >>56711069 show the negative effects of jerking off
Unconfirmed studios with barely conclusive results are irrelevant.

> Having sex is fine but jerking off
God, you are fucking moron. There is virtually no difference in how you achieve orgasms, be it actual fleshy vagina, felshlight or your hand. Underlying effect is the same, the only thing that changes is undertones based on environmental factors. You absolute fucking low IQ-american degen. I know it is a low blow but wtf with education in US?
>I like doing drugs and if you tell me its wrong your le reddit
That's literally not what I said, can you faggots seriously not read?
Yeah and wouldn't removing the escapism lead to that something else being easier to be dealt with?
Post-coital tristesse retard
>There is virtually no difference in how you achieve orgasms
Holy fucking retard this guy this jerking off into his hand is the same as having sex with your wife.
> Yeah when they are actual sexual acts
Moron, when I said sexual acts I meant nay acts that delivers you sexual pleasure. Screen or no screen bears no difference, see >>56711248

> we were cavemen but monogamy exists
What the fuck any of this social shit has to do with sexual aspects of your body, you moron?
>Screen or no screen bears no difference
Yes it does you fucking idiot because one is with an actual an action with a human that takes effort the other is watching a video on porn hub and jerking off
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>OP posts generic question
>Anons post responses
>Instant replies from "Anons" about why those responses are le wrong
Fed thread, pack it up.
>Yeah and wouldn't removing the escapism lead to that something else being easier to be dealt with?
You can address it regardless. What you call "ecapism" aka sexual release is helping you to keep your shit together because it works as a natural anti-depressant. if you quit it it is not gonna make things better, it will most likely make them worse or force your brain to force you to switch to something else - smoking, drinking, drugs. Surely THESE would be better!
Hey dumbass, the reason you feel better is because you're practicing discipline, it doesn't matter that the thing you were lacking in discipline was choking your chicken.
Mastering your life will always make you feel better. It has nothing to do with the mechanics of orgasm.
Discipline is overrated but you do make a good point. It's more that you're getting out of a comfort zone/feedback loop/procrastination cycle.
The fuck does "modernist" even mean in this context?
Are you a primitivist?
>Holy fucking retard this guy this jerking off into his hand is the same as having sex with your wife.
Moron, we are talking about physicals aspects and underlying inner-working of how sexual pleasure works. Not about psychological ones. You are the one who brought addiction to this conversation, moron and now when you being pointed out that sexual act (of any type: masturbation, actual sex, etc) is nothing special under the hood and works the same you resort to fallacies.
>social shit has to do with sexual aspects of your body
Because context matters retard
>Post-coital tristesse retard
yeah i get that some times after cooming, but i was talking about long-term depression, i started feeling more energetic and although i still want to kill myself, i feel less shit overall than when i used to jerk off twice daily

>you feel better is because you're practicing discipline
that means it works
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>Not about psychological ones
>In a thread about an anon's psychology
Holy fuck you are so fucking retarded.
>with an actual an action with a human that takes effort the other is watching a video on porn hub and jerking off
Where is the logical conclusion here?
The end goal will be sexual release, it is the same physically, regardless how it is achieved. Absolutely irrelevant.
>physicals aspects
>Not about psychological ones
Pack it up the guys a retard
>Humans are the only confirmed (read: confirmed) animals that takes pleasure in repeated sexual acts. In fact, females, due to differences in biology, most normaly lack of refraction period in abut ~78%-80% of females, can have dozen of back to back orgasms, which is unique to human species.
Bonobo chimpanzees also have sex and masturbate strictly for pleasure.
They are also humanity's closest genetic relation.
he is right:
"cooming" wasnt the reason of their unhappiness, it was symptom of it
They just got their shit together, you dont need nofap for that, it just one of the ways because you force yourself to be disciplined
Context is relevant jerking off creates a disconnect from the action and the studies show its harmful to how people function end of story Jew
>Because context matters retard
It matters, but not for the current subject: addiction and negative effects of masturbation.

It matters in psychology, but this is not what we discuss here. You are free to start separate topic

> 0 arguments
500 reddit gold
There is also whales and dolphin etc, but Is aid confirmed as in part of education. As far as I know it is still heavy research subject.
>It matters in psychology, but this is not what we discuss here.
Why, why shouldn't we discuss it here? If the OP isn't feeling good because of a bad habit that IS a part of psychology, acting like it's not is removing a bulk of the complex array of problems OP is facing.
Again, psychologically - may be, but this is not something I want to discuss because there is no solid research as it changes literally year to year with new arguments an debunks, new studies, new movements in psychology on this front ,etc. It is a shitshow and I dont even want to touch it

Anyone who claims he "knows what he is talking about" because he read some random paper that is 100% ALREADY outdated and was disproven multiple times in last years is a fucking moron.
so getting rid of my symptoms will get rid of the cause?
>Why, why shouldn't we discuss it here?
- not what was original subject about
- see >>56711426

> If the OP isn't feeling good because of a bad habit
In majority of cases masturbation is never the cause, it just symptom. See

Oh my fucking god.
Are you certified retard? I'm asking seriously. Either that or you are giga-fat troll.
Your lack of self control is the problem. Your attempt to cure the symptom directly improves it. You miss the forest but hit the trees.
>self control
I thought no psychology based answers were allowed.
My room is dirty and full of litter and junk. It smells bad. How can I get rid of smell? Oh I know, I will buy nose clips, that will solve it.

This is addressing symptoms.
Taking out the trash - addressing cause.
Learn self-control, OP. Nothing wrong with jerking it to Flareon’s dumptruck ass every now and then. Just keep yourself grounded in reality and don’t let it take over your life
Inhibitions are physiological.
>self control
Which is influenced by deterministic environmental factors. Most of which are cognitive and biological.
>Flareon’s dumptruck
someone who jerks to flareon
explain yourself
NNN can help with self control to be honest.
but heres the thing: it works (for me)
as far as i am concerned:
>fap = big happy for 2 minutes, then i want to kill myself
>no fap = i want to kill myself less and my overall mood improves
Whatever works for you, man. Don't have to start a cult over it.
Or you can get a job, start going to gym, force yourself to be more productive without restoring to NNN and with the same success.
NNN is just formalized way, like a written down how-to step by step, i.e. "just do this and everything will be fine"
Is your argument literally OP should keep masturbating while doing the laundry list of things. Why do you assume OP has no job, has never worked out, etc.
>get a job
>go to gym
but there are other people and im scared
>force yourself to be productive
im incompetent
You sound like a bitch made pussy. Go read some fucking books.
No, my point is NNN on its own does not do shit. You can have 3 NNN in a row but if nothing else changes then dont expect much, well, change, overall.
then become a femboy and find a good bull
Oh yeah fully agreed however removing however many many hours of masturbation. Could help in actually "doing" something with that spare time. Though do note no one approach works for everyone which is kind of the issue with things like NNN in the first place. And from the looks of things >>56711662
OP has worse issues than just wasting time fapping they need to deal with first. But taking time off from fapping could remove aspects of their "comfort zone"
Kill yourself nigger.
Yeah but it is not that simple, you cant fool your brain easily. You can force yourself to do particular activity but if it not that fun or engaging your mind will constantly slip into "man, I could have a really nice edge session going right now, it would be sooo goooood aah".
Having job helps because it forced explicit discipline, you NEED to do the job, you CANT skip it, because bills, etc. But then if you are a NEET on payroll then this does not work.
>>56711662 fill his free time with fap because he has nothing else to do and it is a very easy, accessible pleasure. it is not a problem to have it as a dedicated hobby, even as a 2-3 hours long edge sessions, as long as you do something else and masturbation time is a reward
Jobs are not accessible to everyone anon.
If you can't do physical there are mental. You can do testing or learn basic coding and do some code-monkey shit. I'm not saying it is easy, I've been there (I have no formed education, for me finding a job is mission impossible), but there ARE options.
And if you're fucked on both?
You can type he so you are lying.
Do you have seizures every 5 minutes? No.
ADHD? I have severe ADHD so what?
What's your excuse?
CFS Cancer and Meningitis
lol it was a troll all along
Not OP btw just throwing my two cents in there.
Where's the troll? Are you just schizophrenic?
whats your favorite pokegirl smut?
I prefer the pokemon, I'm not really attracted to the girls
humans are boring

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