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Regional Pokémon Idea:
Unovan(?) Lopunny
Type: Fighting
Ability: Afterparty
Extends duration of Weather/Terrain activated by your team

"Afterparty" was the first thing I thought of, as it stuck out as a means of "extending" something finite to get the most out of it, but I've thought further and have come up with "Homefield Advantage" & "Away Game", but I think "Afterparty" might be fine enough as is?
HA sounds more positive in your favor, while AG sounds more aggressive against your opponent
"Away Game" might be better as its own ability, that SHORTENS weather & terrain
I'm so retarded, "Home Turf" would be so much more elegant than "Homefield Advantage"
"Terraforming" is also more succint, but less flavorful

The idea for an American Football Pokémon with the ability "Traction" that doubles speed under all terrains to punish abusers has suddenly hit me as well
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Passimian is a quarterback, I think
The Traction mon I think would be larger, a Linebacker, meant to take down the Passimians

Oh shit, picrel is apparently a lemurs natural predator
A bulky cat-like monster with claws like cleats would be kinda rad
There are Passimian with different bodyforms to cover each position
In the anime maybe, but not in the games
Would you want another Pumkaboo situation, or would you prefer more Pokémon?
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By the way, those monkeys are huge.
In this case I would prefer another sport instead of repeating a concept again

For example we don't have a basketball or baseball player Pokemon
This should be Galarian if we're going with cheerleader.

Cheerleading was invented in the UK.
I think there's room to expand on an idea when it comes to sports with multiple postions, but a viking/baseball monster with a club and cleats popped into my mind after you said another game
It may have been invented there, but when you think of slutty cheerleaders, you usually picture blonde Americans
Playboy is an American company, but Lopunny is from Sinnoh/Hokkaido
Faunazon is still the best fakemon
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>viking/baseball monster with a club
or hockey with a axe and a skull like disc
I'm trying to make "Traction" work here ToT

I think I'd rather see a Figure Skater first over Hockey, since Triple Axel exists
That bitch could introduce a kicking equivalent to Iron Fist
Cinderace but butch dyke/joke footballer ITS CALLED FOOTBALL NOT SOCCER YOU FOREIGNERS

Something plane based
Although, thinking about Terrain again, an Icy Terrain that slows all Pokémon except the ice type might be kinda cool
It'd be funny if Icy Terrain was the only terrain Ice Spinner didn't remove
Thought just occured to me that someome might say "wouldn't speeding up ice types be better"
But maybe specifically having it slow all types but ice might be more interesting, as you could potentially have a unique interaction with Trick Room by having a sort reverse Tailwind at your disposal
Away game would just be a shitty cloud nine

Afterparty would be good if it extends it every time slutbunny is sent out. Would be great with u turn
and the mega is Fighting/normal
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I am making some cupid inspired fakemon redesing, what you fellas suggest ?
Im retarded, just realized that Terrain effects the entire field, not just your side, so it'd be hard to use in Trick Room, but it made me suddenly think of a move similar to Coaching, called "Huddle" where your two Pokémon take a second to strategize, rasing Special Defense but lowering Speed, which could probably help in a Trick Room scenario
Is there anything decent that can actually last on the field to make Cloud Nine worth it? Away Game would shorten or remove Weather, but Cloud Nine only works if the user is present, it doesn't cancel it
Constant rereshes might be a little unfair, I pictured it as a weather rock/terrain extender that freed up a held item slot
Literal love bird, huh? Fairy Flying?
Thoughts on an ability or move?
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It would be more of a arrow bird, but yea the idea was to make a more different cupid mon, its was originally suppose to be base on eros
Damn, Decidueye makes this difficult
Cupid apparently likes Dolphins, but thats been done...
He dislikes Bees, so Psychic could work...
Apparently his other symbol is fire, along with the bow..
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All I can think of is this thing after seeing fire
Like a small bird with a heart shaped chest that puffs up and blows fire when its with it's partner and happy
Thinking of Terrain again, what about a fire move called "Scorched Earth" that turns terrain into burning terrain that damages all non fire types for the remainder of the turns on whatever terrain it overrode?
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Since the region has greek inspo, which bird could it be base on, oh yea here the desing notes i did for the old desing.
I read that Doves are the favored bird of Cupid's mother, Venus
Tangentially related, Mistletoe has romantic connotations, and I believe it's also poison to certain gods in norse religion
Maybe there's something there?
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I did some more cupid like desings while making the bird looking one too.

Also a dove, hmmmm, i will think more about it
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I think this lil babby form has more potential

The phrase "love at first sight" brings heart eyes to mind, and you could pattern said eyes like bullseyes to emphasize it's good aim

This may be sacrilegious as a reference point, but you could ditch a physical arrow and just have it pose as if it was holding one like Angewomon to fire light arrows with heart tips
Additional thought, good aim is often referred to as "true", and the concept of "true love" exists, so you could give the creature a name tangentially related to "truth"
Sorry, I'm on a little bit of a roll rn, but it'd be so simple to call it "Trupi/Troopi" or "Trupid/Troopid" ToT
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I think if i go with the baby i would make the evolution be like this.

I also tried experiment with idea of the air blower bird for fun and end up with some actual cool results
Cupid in japanese is "Kyupiddo"
That alone could make for a good name for the evo, as it sorta sounds like Cupid & "kiddo"
You could call the babby Kyuth (kyupiddo & truth, sounds like "cute") & the evo Kyupiddo, or swap them if its a two stager
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I think the second idea of a air blower bird actually is kinda swag, i imagine that the way he makes people/pokémon get in love would be by literally blowing fire without command, like a sneeze, at them and the fire would have some chemical in it that after it burns out the person would be in mad love.
It also fits their old name and theme of a bad culpid that end up making the worst pairs by accident, what you think ?
Make the mouth a little more heart shaped, and his flames as well, evoke "blowing a kiss"
Bellow + Blow A Kiss...
"Blowkis" or "Belkiss"?
Gimme a minute and I'll see if I can think of a name around the mismatch theme
lovers quarrel + warble
"Quarrble" may be enough, but it doesn't evoke fire...

Erobaka sounds like "Love Fool" which is like a love addict more than a mis-matchmaker
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This dude is coming up good aint gonna lie
Taking most from Author

Regional Milcery and Alcheemix (Alchemist + Cheese + Mix)
Stench/Gooey (HA: Purifying Salt)


Poison Gas
Aromatic Mist
Decorate (Upon Evolve)
Draining Kiss
Acid Armor
Dazzling Gleam
Sludge Bomb
Sludge Wave
Misty Terrain
Gastro Acid
Oh shit, what about "Afflare"
Affair + Flare?
Blowkis, Quarrble, or Afflare
Would there be different flavors/colors of cheese?
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>cinderace plays football
You might be thinking of passape
Sounds good i like it, what would a evo be like tho ?
Yes, But it's based on what level you spin it at instead of how long you spin.

Could have a belly like a hanging hearth, be a large flightless bird, or like a Pterasaur
"Home is where the heart is" so it could be more serious and motherly compared to the babby form that's love crazy
Could call it "Lovness" from "Love Nest"
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I was JUST about to post that alternatively, you could focus more on the nesting angle and maintain more of a bellows motif by having its lore involve bonfires as nests, rather than a modern fireplace
Would give it a more primal, wild sense of "love"
Could even call it "Bondfire" over "Lovness" to keep more of a flame motif
Try something more like quetzalcoatlus, here
They were so big they were flgihtless, they just jumped and glid, but the head shape and wings maintain the bellows idea
Also looks more like the babby form you had going
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So it can puff up it's head & belly, blow fire, and flap its little wings to stabilize and feed a fire more oxygen :y
I gotta sleep, but drop your blog, it's fun helping out with this stuff
I could swear they can fly
Did Ash do black face? That's pretty based.
They "could" but from I remember it was dependant on weather and wind assisted
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Ima sleep now

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