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I want to see pictures of Galactic members. Admins and Cyrus welcome too
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>Still the best evil team
How do they do it?
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Maybe it's cause D/P/Pt were my first games but I really love these guys.
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God they’re so hot.
I loved them as a kid
Do you have to dye your hair teal after joining?
>rape porn
Same here. As a kid I was all over Mars. Still do, but have been appreciating Jupiter over the years.
The dye is nothing compared to the haircut.
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I always loved Mars. happy we got arezu
Arezu is amazing. Really love the ass amounts of fanart focusing on her ass. I really want to ensure her bloodline continues.
I still find it funny that we got a female ancestor of Saturn.
Look at the earliest works on Danbooru/Gelbooru/Sankaku, Japanaese artists thought that he was a girl himself at first.
i still see people call him a chick kek
Team Galactic got many unique members in the different media, sorta like Team Rocket.
Thus said I wish Io (the only one to follow that dang planet theme, kek) and Lily got some more fan art.
For that matter, I’d love to see Venus in a Galactic uniform too!
What I was wondering over is if the leaks would explain why was it renamed from Team Galaxy (Ginga‐dan) and Pluto (Chiron). Seemingly those were copyrighted.
inb4 shaun posts that edited image of a fat galactic grunt claiming she ate cynthia
? Just report and move on. Is everyone on the internet 12 years old now or something
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That ended up in the show, no? Cyrus’ first appearance.
God that ao3 cynthia being sub to Team Galatic is still the hotest. Only wish Dawn has her own chapter instead of just glossed over.
>Only wish Dawn has her own chapter instead of just glossed over.
He's talking to you, WriteFuck
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If only Saturn looked like that.
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i wonder why all the grunts have all the same retarded looking fuck ass bob. Like imagine joining a gang and having to get the turquoise special needs haircut while cyrus has somewhat normal hair. i know it looks futuristic but i always bothered me since i was a child
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BDSP was a mistake
I want Mars to step on me
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it's even sadder now knowing gamefreak didn't even want that shit to exist.
Same here
I was always pissed off at their hair and uniforms ever since I was a lil baby playing DP as his first game. I like Cyrus but the rest of this team is just URGH. Specially depressing knowing the leaked admin designs looked way better
It’s honestly funny that even the more notable grunts in other media (B-2 in DP Adventures and Advanced level Grunt in PokéSP) kept those same hairstyles and uniforms.
I always assumed they were wearing wigs to help them hide their civil identity.
You might like DP Adventures, see: >>56716568 .
I want Mars and Jupiter to sit on me.
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>year 2024
>no high quality animated hentai featuring femgrunts
Did the grunts have any idea what they were doing to the world? I assumed they were some sort of militant New Age cult.
A lot of the early grunts seemed pretty stupid or confused.
It would have been eerie if the toughest members on Stark Mountain were fully aware, but wanted to do it anyway since they drank the koolaid.
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I remember there being scared and regretful grunts on the way up to Spear Pillar, implying they didn't know what exactly they signed up for by joining the team.
Also the scientists in front of the lab where you fight Saturn and free the lake guardians seemed to have been sick to the stomach about something.
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Genuinely what is the context to this one
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Uuh, Team Galactic themed yuri? Couldn't tell you if it goes any deeper than that
Looks like Giratina chain, I remember it from Zero art.
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lol nice
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I wonder what would he thibk of his Ancestor or Volo
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>remember that time you got your ass kicked by a little girl and ended up trapped in here with me?
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The universe save us from whatever spawn this action creates
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If Arceus is any indication, it's already confirmed Cyrus is going to be the dad of some anti-matter universe.
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>It would have been eerie if the toughest members on Stark Mountain were fully aware, but wanted to do it anyway since they drank the koolaid.
The Japanese market probably wouldn't have appreciated something that similar to Aum Shinrikyo in their children's video game.
should read the manga.
the cyan hair grunts are under some kind of uniform mind control
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Originally saved from /co/.
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Here’s a template if someone wants to do more.
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you ate his face?
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Yo, who is the girl under Jessi and over the Magma Grunt? I never saw her.
Isn't it like that already?
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A Cipher Peon from Pokémon Colosseum.
I had no good enough reference pics for Pokémon XD ones unfortunately.
That girl above her is the Rocket Sister as she was called in the TCG, Cassidy from the show was based around her look.
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>this guy's 27
Even Looker comments that age is surprising. On the other direction, Mars being 22 seems older than expected. Wonder if they kept that as the target for final version.
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I also imagined her and Saturn to be around 20, Saturn perhaps a few years older and Mars younger.
It's crazy to think that Saturn might be so damn close to Cyrus in age, if they kept that. They could've shared a classroom together with such a tiny age gap.
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>When an Aether Employee sneaks into Galatic's ranks
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ngl anon you have a cool art style (if that's your piece)
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uh oh
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>cyrus if he ballin
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Platinum if it was well made
Hey I know that artist

That’s bondage fetish art

Anon is posting bondage fetish art in the galactic thread

Ctrl + S for the next time, newkid
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Did they..? You know...
Don’t their character sheets say they’re complete opposites?
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Opposite attracts
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How do you know? Was there something in the leak saying that?
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>"Anon, help me! A redheaded woman is following me everywhere!"
>"She is screaming in broken english, something about a "pajeet", and wants me to cannibalize the Champion Cynthia!"
>"Please help me, I'll do anything!"
Which grunt has the biggest tits and the biggest ass? I'm asking for research. You can trust me, for I am a Pokémon Professor.
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Galactic is my favorite team and Cyrus is my favorite antagonist.
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Wonder if she sends massive amounts of photos of Purugly to everyone, before being told to stop as it is not efficient.
Idiots, if they have told that PLA was the remake people would have accepted that.
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Why is it so rare to get art of an Admin (any team) leading like dozens of grunts?
This is sick
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Team Galactic battle themes are goated and not yet surpassed even though the team star boss theme was very good
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I used to think it looks dumb (it still is) but it's growing on me lately
So then Saturn has the biggest...
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Made for gripping Poke Balls.
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the manga isn't canon dumbass
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Spiffy autist
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I don't know what the name of that cylindrical part of Mars's dress is but I always thought that was hot.
a tutu?
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