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>artist messaged me pulling back commission because of her age reveal

It's not fair. Help me cheer up with a Roxanne thread.
>artist messaged me pulling back commission because of her age reveal
What a pussy. oh well, just fap to Roxanne and carry on. What was it you wanted to commission?
Sitting on her desk with her feet up and slightly open blouse for a nip slip, with barefoot and pantyhose versions.
She's 14 you sick fuck. Die
Again. What a pussy. Here's to hoping you find a better artist who doesn't mind it. That's what a good student like you deserves!
She used to draw everything but recently she really tightened up her rules. I guess there was some pushback. I didn't want to burn any bridges but yeah I was pretty pissed, was waiting for a long time too.
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That's too bad man, I'd much rather die standing than take the coward's way out and kneel to the fictional character age mob.
Anyway I drew Winona in that other thread so if this thread is still up I'll post the Roxanne one whenever I get to it.
Also blue dress > gray dress
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stay strong roxannebro, you're one of the good lads
I feel for you, anon. Again, I hope you find another artist who draws your request. Enjoy the Roxanne.
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I took the Gen pill a long time ago or at least deal with artists who have no scruples drawing the character erring on beauty over age.
How much have you genned?
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God, I lost count but not many Roxannes to date. Just the occasional experiment here and there.
meant for >>56712782
That's pretty good, I have to say. Pretty nice stuff. What ideas do you gen with Roxanne in mind?
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I'm happy for you but the process of getting exactly what I want is long and tiresome and I can no longer justify paying for decent generative tools
I will say though that it's amazing how far AI art has come in such a short time, pretty soon nobody will tell the difference.
I was optimistic about ai but the gened pics just don't feel right. Even well made pictures just lack something I can't put my finger on. Maybe when it gets a bit better.
When it comes to porn I usually just stick to the actual art, but there are some cases where you just want to see a specific thing with said character and sometimes you have to use AI for that. It still needs work but from what I see, it looks like it's adapting.
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>artist messaged me pulling back commission because of her age reveal
That's bullshit. It ain't even in the game. If all you want is a single illustration, lewd or not, i would recommend skeb for finding artists to commission.
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>artist messaged me pulling back commission because of her age reveal
She literally wears a school girl outfit. Tell that artist they're a retard.
The anime led most people to assume she was a teacher and an adult, despite her in-game title straight-up being "the rocking-loving honors student". The amount of people on this very board who were surprised by her not being a teacher after the leaks happened is baffling.
Normies absolutely didn't know she was a student up till now.
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>artist messaged me pulling back commission because of her age reveal
Can someone please explain to normalfags that characters canonically age throughout the series? Kanto/Hoenn to SM is like 9+ years, bitch would be in her mid-20s by then
>Kanto/Hoenn to SM is like 9+ years
It's literally 20 years apart.
The Red you posted, he's 31 now.
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>I can no longer justify paying for decent generative tools

I do buy buzz on CivitAI but I do have a home setup, granted it's only for SD1.5 and LoRAs trained on 1.5. I'll fuck with XL and Pony at home when I get a GPU with double-digit VRAM. This? All local, custom style LoRA on an 8GB Radeon 5700XT running ZLUDA baby.

That said, I do agree that there are some disheartening limitations to AI no matter what the model or custom-trained LoRA is in play. This with even Pony models considered. I'd LOVE to see something that can tackle some free-flowing elements or at least have a better frame of reference of certain ideas that have multiple interpretations. LAION is trained on some crappy ideas of some of those.
Going by SM time and assuming ORAS+RSE follow the same timeline as FRLG and RBY, Roxanne would be 34 in Sun/Moon.
Ever notice how people are vomiting blood over Roxanne and Elesa's age, but the same people were eagerly hoping 15 year old Brock got together with nearly 30 year old Olivia?
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Roxanne's age doesn't bother me, I'm not trying to keep up appearances with fapping to a cartoon.
It's only okay when it's older women.
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I gotta get some sleep but here's a rough sketch at least, if this thread's still up I'll try and post the finished piece.
Her hair's kind of annoying to draw
Her hair is basically two twintails from the sides of her head forming an "X" behind her head + hair ribbon. Stop worrying about how it'd work in real life and more like how it'd works structually and in ideal conditions.
She is 14...
>>artist messaged me pulling back commission because of her age reveal
people like this is why we need ai art.
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I'm of two minds. There are still artists worth supporting if available but AI still scratches an itch, not every itch but at least one itch.
pedos don't belong on /vp/
How hard would you go at Roxanne?
It's a cartoon. Save that energy for real child predators.

Take off pantyhose.
Both feet licked thoroughly
Eithe sniff shoes or dread the next asswhooping.
>you should put your career and following you spent months building up at risk for this one drawing of a niche character that won't get any traction at all
It's logical choice to deny it, no matter your stand on it. If you want to blame someone, blame the people who go after the artists.
Nigga people who ban for lolicon usually go by body types, rather than the declared age. I mean otherwise why do you have so many people cooming after Misty or May and seeing nothing wrong with it?
If you're a good student you wouldn't have to dread her punishment. But if you're gong to go all out, make sure you get a good whiff of her feet and shoes before tainting them with your stench.
if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. if artists bow down to people saying cartoon is cp they can bow down to people saying ai art is art.
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and that's a good thing!
Sex with Roxanne's tight pussy...
Easy for you to say, while you take no risks. I want to see you put your career at risk for some random fuck who might just as likely turn on you first chance they get.
>commision cp
>>take no risks
if the risk is too high for a human to take
have machine take it instead.
the cause of the risk is not only stupid masses, but the silant majority as well. any person who stay silent without trying to forge a better enviorment, artists included, are to be blamed for why a machine is needed.
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Good age for marriage
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>artist messaged me pulling back commission because of her age reveal
I genuinely dont blame AIjeets for being mad about artists due to shit like this.
Even then, you'd be better off finding another artist. I'd suggest looking into some japanese ones on pixiv and twitter or some artists on baraag that have zero qualms about the age of fictional characters.
I don't care about ai, never even mentioned it, not sure why you're bringing it up. If you think ai affects commissions at all then I have news for you.
I couldn't imagine making that your career, where there're so many characters you aren't allowed to draw and one slip-up where you forgot to check the fictional character's age stops your income. Not to mention having to deal with the hellscape that is Twitter every day. That being said, if you're not in it for the money, refusing to draw who Twitter says you can't draw is just pure cowardice. Well, it is even with the money, but it's far more so without.
Of course, this is disregarding artists who are deranged enough to get upset over character ages too.
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It's not what you requested anon but have a small gift.

I always fapped to whatever I found online, but eventually I began wanting specific stuff and just didn't find it. I started messing with 3D models because 1) at the time I didn't have money to pay commissions, 2) I was a decent at drawing in my teen years but never had the patience to make a proper lineart, learn shading etc. 3) AI as we know it was just not a thing. When tools to rip assets from 3DS games appeared, I started off exploring - at first I didn't have horny intentions, I just wanted to look at maps, characters etc. but eventually I stumbled into the hot girls and got intrusive thoughts. I started just giving them erotic poses, then eventually I moved onto editing meshes and textures.

Mastersex has been a goldmine in that sense - characters from all generations, super simple shaders for a newbie, meshes that look cute while not being too high poly that they become tedious to edit. Before realizing I had stripped naked almost 60 female characters. I go only for those with sex appeal and developed woman features (tits, hips etc). I have to say, I had never paid much attention to Roxanne, and I still like a few other pokégirls better, but that halloween dress definitely gives me tingles.
Sometimes you don't get to choose your career, it's that or starve. But yeah it sucks. Of course if given the choice people would not pick something this unstable and unsafe and were you essentially live at a whim of some faggots desperately looking for the next witch to burn so they can be the paragons of purity.
>refusing to draw who Twitter says you can't draw is just pure cowardice
Again, easy for you to say.
>western artists are too afraid of wokes to create
>go to eastern artists
>after conquaring the west, woke, jelous artists who couldn't accept the east is making more of them because they didn't bend the knee, and artists who try to show they aren't pedos by vocally going out of their way to join the wokes, gang on eastern artists
>consumer of eastern product are once again considered collectivly as perverts, and the second great anime drought begins
Absolutely fucking based. Do your post your art anywhere? I'd love to see it.

That's a very nice pic. On-model nudes are always the best.
Fictional characters' ages are not real. A fictional girl either looks mature or not. And if a girl looks mature she can be sexy.

The most rabid agefags are the type who faps on prepubescent dragon lolis and then say it's ok because she's 1000
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>Do your post your art anywhere
Not yet, I'm still shy about it. From time to time I randomly drop them on /vp/ threads cuz anonimity
Understandable. Your pics are fantastic. Do any of them show anything or is it all implied nudity?
>Again, easy for you to say.
Even if it's justifiable behavior given the circumstances, it's still cowardice.
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Roxanne's age bothers my penis quite a lot!
Is it true that Phoebe is also 14?
Yeah Phoebe is 14
>Roxanne's age bothers my penis quite a lot!
Care to elaborate more on it?
Roxanne is 14, Phoebe is an E4 at 14, Iris is champion at 13, and Flannery only just became a gym leader at 25.
The spaghetti makes a lot more sense now.
Pantyhose or bare?
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next time lie about her age
What do you mean by "spaghetti"?
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Does anyone have that one art of her with a fat ass while she has her head turned towards the viewer? Can't find it, she is still clothed in it
you gonna have to be way more specific than that
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Nevermind found it I'm just blind
I don't get it.
>he doesn't know
Need to squeeze that ass.
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Alright, here's the finished piece
That's really lovely, anon! Nice job!
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God damn why do I always notice my fuck ups only after already posting
Fixed version: https://files.catbox.moe/xle3vt.png
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Serves you right for having such a shit waifu
That haircut is dogshit
Her only redeeming aspect is pink stockings on dark clothing
don't be fooled by the leaks, she was actually she was changed to be 18
For the anime only.
Only pedos belong on /vp/

Anyone else want to paint her forehead?
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I want to paint Roxanne all over desu.
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Winona's wife
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Artists can be such ridiculous fags.
>it's fictional until you know her age
can you explain me this normie mindset?
It's the equivalent of what stupidity means.
You know what you will do is stupid, you know the potential ramifications of the aforementioned stupid, you know you probably shouldn't do it. But you do it anyways.
It's not entirely logical.

Normies are simply looking for constant good boy points to show how virtuous they are and are eager to jump on as many witchhunts as possible. NSFW artists are just easy targets (hated by other artists, hated by both right and left, often have no strong personality or online presence to fight back, almost always unwanted by the places where they host their stuff, etc). It's much easier to punch down.
Love the subtle jiggle effect. Nosepass seems to be enjoying herself as well.
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Turbo faggot artist holy shit
It's the lack of good backgrounds or complicated poses. 1girl standing art with a white background is easy, but AI struggles to gen anything complex.
The only reason why nobody takes this into consideration is because Red, Blue and maybe Caitlin are the only notable characters we see who an “adult design”. I figured Pokémon works like Street Fighter where the passage of time exists but characters only physically age when it concerns their story
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Let me guess. Nyantcha?
She was 14 back in 2002, she'd is 38 in current year. What's wrong with hagmaxxing?
I'm seriously feeling kinda down about the age reveal leak. I thought she was an university student or something, and was just teaching at the school. Fuck, I feel like a fucking pedo.
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>The first site Google pulls up MUST be a confirmation
This thread is problematic, that girl is underaged.
This is no different than feeling aroused by Poppy, you guys could do better.
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It's funny the culture that was built on fapping to two 12 year old girls associated with water (Misty, May) now wants to act like it has standards about how old the cartoon spankbait should be to start stroking. Even if their game is over 20 years old.
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Same, bro. It sucked all of the love I had for this girl. Like as a kid I was convinced she was an adult
lol what a pussy
I just say they are 18 when i draw pokemon characters, I mean what is 4 more years physically
14 seconds away from me mating pressing her.
>Where literally every protag is 10 despite none of them being 10 in the games
>Where literally every protag is 10
>every protag
>when only ash was stated to be 10

why do American millennial fans keep spouting this nonsense
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>May 12
>Roxanne 14
>Lisia 13
>Phoebe 14
>Winona 16
>Greta 13
I guess Alola wasn't the main hebe region after all.
They're both very tropical, aren't they?
Suddenly I like Hoenn now
>Normies are simply looking for constant good boy points to show how virtuous they are and are eager to jump on as many witchhunts as possible.
Eh, from what I've seen it's actually a fairly small group of people who do this. The problem is that this small group is very aggressive and militant about their beliefs and will harass "problematic" people to no end, causing normies to constantly placate and pander to them out of fear of being canceled.
Where can I see the age reveals?
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What absolute bullshit behavior from the artist.
Here's an album of all my decent Roxanne gens OP.
>AI slop
That reminds me, while obviously Alolan Exeggutor has never overlapped with Hoenn games, it was precisely RSE dex entries that mentioned Exeggutor grows larger in tropical settings. I hope if we revisit Hoenn in a future game, the Alolan form is the one obtainable there.

Ontopic, seems Exeggutor's heads aren't the only thing that grows larger in tropical regions
Baaaaaaaaaaaased, cunny chad
I know how you feel. Candice is my poke waifu and she's in the same boat as Roxanne
Were you watching the anime or something?
I feel genuinely bad for you OP. Artists have become so pussified in recent years. Back in the day, it was perfectly fine to "age up" a character or whatever. Now, every fictional character is assigned an unchanging "canon" age, regardless of their appearance or fanon interpretations. Likewise, I've noticed that even for characters with ambiguous ages, a lot of people intentionally try to lean them towards "unacceptable" for no apparent reason. Is it that wrong to simply LIKE the way a character is designed? Fucking sucks.
Loli region. You mean loli region.
The idea of someone being a "pedophile" because they blew a load to Sailor Moon is so fucking retarded. This is just dumb Twitter brain shit. I understand sperging out about actual loli or whatever but c'mon.
That and the games
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Figure I'd just repost my question here since it's a related thread/subject
Eh, I wouldn't let it get to you. If you still like Candice then there should be no issue I feel. Not saying those are absolute canon, but she could be slightly older in your mind if you want it to be.
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Agreed, like someone who is prepubescent I will call foul but like when the bitch is 2 years away from 18 like she isn't going to look much different by then if we are being real

Picrel could be like 17 (idk her real age and don't care) and look like that but because she is 17 and 364 days you are a pedo like lets be real, real pedos are after kids who still hold hands to get to class
I've noticed that their rules never really apply to male characters ever. Take link from the LoZ for example. He's 17 in BOTW, yet people turned him into a gay femboy icon regardless. Same with MegaMan, Animal Crossing, Sonic, etc.
man that fucking sucks. I at least hope you got your money back if you DID pay for it.
Anyone with half a brain finds Rosa attractive. It's nothing to be ashamed about.
That's because degen girlies like hairless boy cock but they don't like cunny. Another example of why shoving every single person into a single social media platform creates a shitty environment.
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Legal adult in the Pokemon world btw
and anyone with the other half of a brain (gay) finds nate to be the hot one
..I think, anyway. or would that be calem? idk I ain't gay lmao
honestly, this is why I'm kinda glad the alola ones haven't surfaced. because god, I haven't been able to detatch my brain from my poke waifu and I am terrified of how the world would react about it if it turned out she was <18.
all best alola females are hags anyway
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god I hope she is, because if this place has taught me anything, "hag" in this board specifically means "someone over the age of 18"
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I wonder why Roxanne became the designated stinky smelly girlfeets character? Is it the leggings?
Lemme guess, Mallow
Same. I'm aware that the girls are quite young (I like Shauna, for fuck's sake), but it still hurts to have this stuff confirmed for real. I'm aware they aren't real, and they were designed to be attractive, but the court of public opinion is a scary thing.
That sounds like shitposting to me.
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>Artists have become so pussified in recent years
Which is ironic because we were supposed to believe art was also about crossing lines, being a rebel, transgressing. A Spanish painter in the 1800s would draw literal vore from a greek god to his own child and everyone would celebrate him for decades and decades. Now you draw a 17 year old doing a flirty gesture and you're a perverted criminal.

They act like they're transgressing when they draw their gayslop or blackwash charaters, when they're celebrated by big corps, international organizations, Western governments, celebrities, media etc. I genuinely don't give a fuck about them just existing, but they pretend to be a brave victimized minority and point at (You) while having all the weight of the system on their side and I'm so fucking fed up of that.

It's time for revolution. Break your chains, free yourselves, open pixiv and celebrate feminine beauty.
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Acerola, actually.
I'm coping purely because of a damn masters quote and the fact that my brain has stayed attached to her since I was like 12.

it does, but it seems to be a recurring thing on this hellsite and I hate it so much.
I would never commission anything from them again
Didn't Pixiv start buckling down on loli shit too?
I wouldn't let the shitposting get to you. If you just wanna post cute art and talk cute things about Acerola, I see no problem. It looks like you genuinely like her as a character.
>my brain has stayed attached to her since I was like 12.
Aww, that's adorable.

I feel like everyone still finds Pokégirls attractive, but they just don't say it out loud out of fear. At least I hope that's the case. Pokémon has intentionally attractive character designs, so people will logically be attracted to the characters, regardless of whether or not it's for lewd reasons. Like I said earlier, you have to be lying to yourself if you don't find Rosa attractive. Although I won't lie, I'm still a bit scared about finding out the characters' ages, especially when it comes to Scarlet and Violet. I've invested too much love and attachment into these characters to back out now...

As that other anon said, keep loving Acerola!
Hey guys you can jack off or enjoy any cartoon you want. A few Twitter no lifers are going to call you a pedophile, that's the worst case scenario. Some "literally whos" are going to name call you and then move on to throwing another autistic freak out. Stop being pressed over internet nobodies. You're on 4chan you should know this.
You're thinking of DLSite
Wait for real?
I'm not into loli, my idea of feminine beauty involves womanly features -hourglass figures, tits, butt etc- and that excludes loli for obvious reasons. I know the line is blurry yes. As long as you don't chase real life children, do whatever. I just hope pixiv doesn't start taking down depictions of beautiful developed women with a arbitrary age tag.
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>I feel like everyone still finds Pokégirls attractive, but they just don't say it out loud out of fear. At least I hope that's the case.
It sure is strange how the teenage protagonist pokegirls have 1000's of porn images and are really popular on porn sites and yet barely anyone calls them hot on twitter and reddit. I wonder why.
So yeah, most people do find them attractive, but they have to pretend not to so that certain twitter users don't harass them. It's a dumb situation.
Acerola is cute too
I mean to be fair, they intentionally gave the range of like 11 to 19 for trial captains just so they could go "haha she was an adult after all!" if some hired artist of their goes off the rails with acerola nudes
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Remember that one meme template with Rosa that was really popular around 2019 (pic related)? I feel like that's the most recent example of people being openly horny for the player characters. Besides that, it's "don't ask, don't tell". I wish people were able to get over themselves.
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supposedly she was changed to be 18 in the anime
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Yep… I do.
though yeah, i'm happy that so far, most kanto & johto characters ages haven't been leaked yet. I still see a few people on the internet every once and a while insist that my pokewaifu Jasmine is a child, or you're a pedo for liking her. If that happened, artists probably wouldn't want to take commissions of her anymore to bee seen as virtuous
>t: scared that the twitter mob is going to find his 2+ year old tweets of him lusting after Roxanne and start calling him a pedo
I don't even use Twitter, and Roxanne was never one of my favourites, although I get her appeal, and It's nice to see art of her.
Do you people use your real names and work/school e-mail addys like fucking lunatics or something?
Which didn't do them any good considering MasterCard and Visa still banned them
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Honestly she's just.. adorable. I have a pillow that coincidentally is the same height as her, and I love huddling up to it. I just want to treat her like the royalty she is, not like how others treat her..

It's embarrassing, but in a good way, I guess. But yeah I probably will keep posting her here. Can't really get away with being open about it anywhere else .w.

I've been hoping it's at that later ages. Even if she's like, 18, on the dot, I'd still take that. I'm 20 at the moment so it's not that big a gap.
>I have a pillow that coincidentally is the same height as her, and I love huddling up to it.
Aww. I wish I had a pillow the same size as Nemona (basically a body pillow, but without any pictures on it so it isn't weird) for that exact reason. Your dedication to Acerola is adorable.

>It's embarrassing, but in a good way, I guess.
That's a good way to put it.
I don't care I'm gonna draw Roxanne PREGNANT and no one can stop me
Cringe, that's a child
You just heard the man, that's not gonna stop him.

AHA! I KNEW IT WAS YOU! Yeah it was sheer coincidental, I have a feeling that if I was looking for it, I wouldn't find it.
For the US and its European vassal states, yes. My region is Mexico and it works perfectly.
wait how old is she? she always seemed like the more mature girls...
Model sheet in the leak says 14, and the model sheet for the anime crosses it out to put 18
Did my speech patterns give it away?

>Yeah it was sheer coincidental, I have a feeling that if I was looking for it, I wouldn't find it.
Honestly, it doesn't even need to be Nemona's height. I just want something I can hug when I think about her.
>and the model sheet for the anime crosses it out to put 18

It's the same sheet, someone just edited it with an incorrect stroke order on the "sai"
I wish I was her student…
Wouch bang
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Fuck the leaks. To me, she's legal enough.
until this thread I didn't know that was a thing for her, but for your picture that is just what the author draws
LoL what fag artist was it
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Based, fuck the leaks and fuck Roxanne.
Tell us which artist so we can avoid them.
Or at least share if they're Asian or Western. I'm guessing western but if it's a Japanese artist I'm losing faith in the world.
I'll draw Roxanne for you, no worries
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I don't see many of those for Roxanne.
Candice on the other hand, gets lots of dirty sock and stankfoot art. Makes sense though because walking in the snow with those in some loafers is bound to have that happen.
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Friendly reminder her "age" is from an earlier draft, therefore not canon.

Also what kind of art?
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Just tell them you want one based on B2W2 Roxanne where she’s clearly in her twenties.
I love her legs
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G-Guys, I think Misty might be underage... How do we tell the fanartists to delete 25 years of porn?
Not working with Deviantart nudes.
t. Knower
>Using Deviantart for commissions in 2024
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Honestly, it's the wide petticoat that does it for me.
same desu
Same, I don’t why but it’s insanely erotic for me
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The fact that she is voiced by Lumine's English VA in Masters is icing on the cake for me.
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All of you should be handed the death penalty for your genetic inferiority in not realizing reality isn't fiction.

Because trust me, you cannot segregate it.
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>Because trust me, you cannot segregate it.

That sounds like a "you" problem.
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>post clearly mocking people scared of the twitter mob
>people take it as me being scared of the twitter mob
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That pic is super cute!
>and you pay taxes like an adult too
But pokemon trainers are constantly wandering the land in search of pokemon and challenges for those pokemon. How do they pay their taxes? Do tax collectors ALSO travel across the land, searching far and wide? Tracking down every 10 year old that left town?
probably hang around at pokecenters
that or pcs have a hidden tax payment option or some shit
bump because student teachers are hot as fuck
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>Artist pulled back because "muh age!"

As others said, I personally would never commission anything from them ever. But final choice is up to you.

And to say something, up to this day and even after age reveal. I personally continue (and will continue) seeing Roxanne as an adult.
I mean, can you blame me? She's the owner of a fucking gym. Why does a gym leader need to continue studying? It never made sense to me.
>I mean, can you blame me? She's the owner of a fucking gym. Why does a gym leader need to continue studying? It never made sense to me.

I agree with you mostly but to be fair there are gym leaders, e4, and even champions younger than her
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It's weird. I didn't start out with gen 3 and I don't have a particular attachment to it or its remakes, but for some reason I really like Roxanne. There's something about her that makes her very pleasant to the eye, independently of whether we're talking about her original look, her redesign or the special Masters outfit she got (speaking of, the fact she got a Runerigus only reinforces my belief that the fucker should've been a Rock type).

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