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been a while since we didn't have one that wasn't just the schizo
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Any revelation about her in the leaks? What was her age?
>Any revelation about her in the leaks?
Status: Married (to me)
Arceus' blood descendant
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My Goddess
>What was her age?
I think ~25 (Stevens age) or 27 (Cyrus's age)
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She is a descendant of Arceus the goddess of sex
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That woman from that movie that looked like Cynthia and had a daughter that followed Ash wasn't Cynthia/alternate world Cynthia. She only looked like Cynthia and had a completely different name, I forgot what they used. Pretty sure she was an Elite Four and not a Champion too.
Yeah true
>no anime refsheets for her kid form
>it stops at BW, and barely
Cynthia has to have her own info sheet as well
Did they not find it yet or it wasnt in the leak ?

or only gen 5 characters have these info sheets?
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Don’t recognise most of those suits, only the original and BW one.
alts from MasterSEX
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Such a cool design
Husband and wife
Center and Bottom Center is from the Pokemon Journeys anime, the former is from the Masters Eight arc where Cynthia is in her casualwear during her downtime, the latter is from the Legends Arceus special for a festival or something. The rest, barring the ones you already mentioned, are alts from Pokemon Masters.
I hope there is a Cynthia clone in Z-A. She could be like the Saber clone of Pokemon.
need a Cynthia in every game
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lucario is the wife
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Gods tribe
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>garchomp out of frame
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>Arceus genetically bodysnatching Cynthia
Why hello what do we have here?
Where have you been this last week.
fucking my girl
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Cynthia of she was Beidou from Genshin
they share the same VA on both, JP and ENG
>they share the same VA on both, JP and ENG
yeah, its quite a fun trivia, at this point I can close my eyes with Beidou on screen and the image of a drunktard Cynthia comes naturally... or a really nerdy Beidou when I play masters... or a super horny Cynthia when I play Somnuim Files
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Her ancestor is none other than Arceus.
i still can't tell if that's volo or cynthia. the togekiss makes me think volo...
It's Volo, he's wearing a backpack if you look closely.
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■ Champion

An all-round trainer.
Can use any Pokemon.

Female: 28 years old.

Prefers to wear black clothes that won't get stained by any color.
A researcher of mythology in the Sinnoh region (also for patrolling Sinnoh).
Born in Kannagi Town. Related to the Elders.
Cool to both men and women.


・Cynthia... White Nandina. A plant of the Berberidaceae family.
White = Diamond and Pearl. The contrast between the black clothes and the name.
Why did they make Cyrus and Cynthia so similar and even how their names mean sun and moon ect, it is almost like they were ment to be rivals or lovers, and I lean towards lovers now thanks to pokemon masters. Cyrus just has the autismrizz I guess, oh and he is apparently super rich
>patrolling Sinnoh

>Related to the Elders.
Arceus's bloodline!

>Cool to both men and women.
Based bi-goddess
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she's in her mid-40s now
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Glad we can finally get a look at Mommy without her hair accessories. Although I feel like I've seen this reference sheet before. I love how low cut her shirt is. Cynthia with small breasts is the best.
>An all-round trainer.
>Can use any Pokemon.
Nice, assuming this is legit we finally have her official age
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Cynthia if she a pirate mommy
Genshin Cynthia..
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>Cool to both men and women.
>Related to the Elders.
What Elders?
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Cynthia, her wife and her husband
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her secret lover
rare vore anon W
it is an actual jumpscare
thx for the bump, zhaunjeet
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WTF I love Cynthia now???
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Me on the left
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cynthia's nursing handjob
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Do the leaks have any mention of Shirona?
>that won't get stained by any color.
Am I the only one who thinks this sounds ominous?
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28 years old hag
Probably. She's a researcher and a bit slobbish, I can absolutely see her wearing the same slacks 2 or 3 days running, as long as there's not stand-out stains on them.
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In the past I've been asked to share my big autistic Cynthia folder. I'll share it again for funsies.

Is there a place that has this biographical information grouped together for all the characters that we have it for? I can't tell where this shit is actually originating from. All that I see reposted are images and people giving secondhand reports of things that they've read as opposed to the actual leaked text.

Mainly I'm trying to figure out if Roxie was intended to be albino, and if she's a kid or just petite.
cynthia's garchomp is getting a new tcg card in march
meaning full art version featuring cynthia herself
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Who is she calling?
Unfathomably based. Your dedication to Cynthia is admirable. She truly is one of the greatest pokégirls of all time.
ty King
That's a lot of Mommy...
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so pretty
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Cynthia dating sim when?
Masters is the closest we ever get =/
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holy sexo
Never :(
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Smells salty in the best way possible.
built for footrubs
built for toe sucking
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big sister Cynthia loves to read!
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I want to sit down and read with her...
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lucky Garchomp
What about that guy making a VN?
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I want Mommy to read me a story...
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one day I'll break and order that lewd figure
Unova Cynthia needs to return...
it's not worth it, anon. it really isn't.
after the post-nut clarity happens, you're gonna be thinking "why in sam hill did I even waste money on this?"
>is around the same age as lusamine in usum
they can be sexy mommy sisters!
Aunt Lusamine...
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Age is 28. And she's bisexual.
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How do we know she's bi? The Diantha sheet?
Read >>56727966
>Cool to both men and women
>Cool to both men and women.
>Cynthia with big tits and exposed cleavage
>Cynthia with a belt
Actually a sensible addition
I want to fuck Cynthia and her female Garchomp
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I want to fuck Cynthia while her Garchomp watches from the cuck closet
I want to fuck Garchomp while Cynthia watches from the cuck closet
I want to fuck Cynthia in the closet while Garchomp looks for us
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Brushing Cynthia's soft and silky hair...
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the unspeakable things they do inside that villa...
Imagine getting tangled up in both of their hair...
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You mean the one that's done and playable?
>shun bumps both this thread and /dg/ for free very day
what a good golem
Reasonably certain this speaks to her appeal, not her opinion.
yes, she appeals to both men and women who all want to fuck her
and she doesnt say no to either gender
It's literally
>men want her, women want to be her
But /vp/ is fucking young and doesn't know common phrases.
bi-goddess Cynthia is the best headcanon
Shaun your tenacity would be commendable if it wasn’t tied to nigger tier behavior
does shaun really have to sit there for 15 minutes after every router reset ?
Is there any art of Cynthia dressed as Cogita? I remember seeing a few.
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You shit up every thread with vore because a girl who looked vaguely like Cynthia reported you for stalking and you keep coming here hoping that anyone here will side with you and your incapable of realizing no one cares, no one sympathizes, and no one wants you here. You shit the bed. Stop getting mad you have to sleep in it
Verification not required
I was wondering why the system wasn't letting me post that image.
judging that his previous wave of posts was at around 23:30 UK time, and his most recent was around 23:55 UK time, I'd have to say yeah. it used to be a lot shorter iirc.
damn, it seems to be working, too.
dude got himself banned 2 minutes after he made a thread.
are we finally rid of the man they call shaun the schitz?
Free him.
Shaun lost bigly. Cynthia won and is now canon goddess over the Pokemon framchise.
That genuinely looks nice on her. I imagine that her hair would be put up in a large bun.
reminder that you:
>got expelled from NYU for stalking and harassing a female hapa classmate that vaguely resembled Cynthia
>gotfired from your job for posting uncensored vore art on 4cuck from your work computer
>got evicted from your apartment
>got permabanned from your favorite vore artist's Discord
>got your favorite vore comic DMCA'd by Nintendo
>got banned from ever flying with United Airlines because you harrased a person you were sitting close by because that person called you out for watching disgusting vore videos and making creepy sounds. That person told the flight attendants in the flight and you got kicked out of the plane for doing this in public
Why are you replying to that post specifically? It's just a normal pic.
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>no Cogita appearance
We were robbed!
Cogita in Masters when
before / during Master Fair SS Volo.
I'm honestly kind of pissed that GF botched Diantha so badly.
We could have had a true and real Cynthia's BFF.
What a blunder. They seriously do not understand how and why Cynthia is as popular as she is.
What's also annoying is that despite also pushing Cynthia and Caitlin together, for whatever reason, they don't ever truly go balls deep with it either.
That might be the trigger to finally get me to play that dross.
I nearly broke for Arc Suit Cynthia, milfy/gilfy Cynthia may be too powerful to resist.
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>when she hears a boy talk about Dig Dug
They're looking at Lucas.
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This is Arceus btw
>ywn be one of Cynthia's pokemon
why live
>15 minutes
God it would take so long
Imagine smelling it…
Gamefreak should capitalize on Cynthia's popularity and have a Cynthia-face every game moving forward. Clearly their attempts to capture the magic via the other female champions have failed. Either that or give her a daughter. Apparently she is as old Lusamine now by the time of SM. Where is her kid?
Just make her Champion of gen 10 region
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>hair longer than the coat
reminds me of a hot chick i met a few days ago who's hair went past her dress
But it would be so worth it to have all that soft luscious hair to yourself, even if it's only for a couple of minutes.
God, I want to get naked with Cynthia and play with her hair...
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Mommy Goddess
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>Either that or give her a daughter. Apparently she is as old Lusamine now by the time of SM.
Cynthia is 28 in DPPT
40+ in SM
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Thats rape you raping him!
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Not if it's consensual.
Damn, this pic has a little something for everyone.
Get the Artfx J figure. Do it right.

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