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>no scandalous leaks
>a proven history of being a faithful and loving partner
>99% chance of being N Harmonia's mother
Come home Sinnoh man
Pure and perfect, as Arceus intended
Probably should've included the pic
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>no scandalous leaks
Gardevoir forever watching from the cuck chair as her master sates his lust with an Octillery and Lapris
>forgets that men with Gardevoir as spouses lead happier lives than degens
I shiggy diggy
Only a truly hearless cretin would abandon this angel
>that feeling when you come home to your kids and your wife has made your favorite dinner
Greatest feeling in the world
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>gets cucked by octillery
>gets cucked by rapidash
>gets cucked by arceus
>gets cucked by ursaring
>literally has more results on r34 than all of them combined
In the days of nobility Gardevoir were always seen as the ideal nursemaids and midwives for the aristocracy due to their aptitude of healing and maternal instincts. A nobleman with a Gardevoir in his manor was guaranteed strong healthy heirs.
>99% chance of being N Harmonia's mother
Are you saying a Gardevoir got with fucking Ghetsis?
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In the days of nobility Gardevoir were always the royal cum cleaners and bvll preppers
>Are you saying a Gardevoir got with fucking Ghetsis?
Knowing Ghetsis, it wasn't consensual.
How would one even be able to fuck a Gardevoir non-consensually given the fact that you're fucking a magical being with psychic (and fairy with the newer generations) powers that can sense feelings and is capable of creating black holes? What the fuck did Ghetsis do to manage such an impossible feat?
gardevoir (male) is so cute
The same thing he did to his son: manipulation.
I gotta respect the man for having the balls to manipulate a psychic being and somehow having the skill to pull it off
Him and Diantha should be fucking lynched. What kind of person abuses a pokemon who's entire being is love and fidelity?
>99% chance of being N Harmonia's mother
More like 0
I remember someone posted valid points on how N had more in common with Gardevoir than Zoroark but i can't find it in the archive
why are there so many wedding dress gardevoir threads
How does DIantha fit into this?
It was a single guy and has been posting it a lot, wouldn't surprise me if he posted the pasta here

The main theory on descendants of a pokemon is that they are drawn or destined to use that species as their ace, in N case it's probably Zoroark
I'm more surprised by the lack of threads about other pokemon in wedding dresses

Has no one thought of making a wedding Ursaring/Rapidash or Lapras after the leaks? I'm kinda disappointed
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I love her
She's built for human men
Abandoned her Gardevoir in the fucking mountains because she'd rather be a D list actress.
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I actually found the pic
Ghetsis' whole stick is abusing fidelity and love for his own selfish gains, hell N still sees Ghetsis as his father even after all the shit he did and Ghetsis only has spite and hatred for N because N is no longer useful for him.
Other than claiming to see the future the rest sound like your average/lit/ poster
>can see the past and future in people
>quick witted yet prone to emotional mood swings
>higher than average intelligence
>has a STRONG CONNECTION to pokemon
>Raised by pokemon after Ghetsis abandoned him
man's part gardevoir. Call me a schizo all you like, the fuckin signs are there
Hence how he'd manipulate a Gardevoir into siring a child but killing her when she saw his true nature
how smart is Ghetsis to be able to play N like a fiddle? Or is enough hatred and schizophrenia all it takes to fool a genius with future sight?
Unfortunately N was too naiive to see his father as a fucking monster until it was too late.
Tis spoopy month
Absolutely stunning
What's really fucked up and sad is that even after N has seen and knows that his father is vile monster he still tries to plead to his better side in B2W2 only for Ghetsis to schizo out and claim that N is a freak without a human
Life finds a way
>he still tries to plead to his better side in B2W2
Fairy-type trait, more proof that he's part Gardevoir.
Truly an angel
The Dutch Bros. worker was a bit too "friendly" this morning
the perfect bride
She's a cuckquean so that means she'd watch it
The perfect spouse and the perfect mother
>only caring about sex
I get you fuck Lopunny but thats honestly an empty life.
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Just a man resting with his wife and 2 daughters (yes the Ralts is actually female)
Gardevoir spotted
This is the real thread, also never forget to kiss your wife
Gardevoir and her canonically large boobs
The mother pokemon is an alakazam. The ONLY pokemon who are said to have "supercomputer" intelligence, like N, are alakazam and metagross, and metagross is can only reproduce with ditto.
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Just how every woman is different, every Gardevoir is different. Also spoilered for HANDHOLDING
And yet his empathetic nature aligns more with psychic/fairy type.
I can almost hear her soothing me with telepathic communication

"Hush, my child. You needn't worry about a thing anymore. The day is over, and night has risen. Take a deep breath and let it out for me. Relax your shoulders and unclench your jaw. Now close your eyes and feel my gentle embrace. You're so precious to me, sweetheart. Let's get you to bed~"
So what if a Gardevoir got with Ghetsis with the mindset of 'I can fix him'?
Ghetsis would manipulate her then kill her when she'd try to escape after seeing what a cold bastard he is.
Some of you will never know how it feels to see the love of your life carrying the fruits of your marriage
For the sake of entertainment, an evil zoroark committed rape by deception against Ghetsis, then gave birth to N in order to set in motion the events of gen 5. The zoroark you occasionally see in that gen is her, watching from the sidelines.
Trait wise: IT DOESN'T MAKE FUCKING SENSE WHY HE'D BE PART ZOROARK WHEN HE ACTS LIKE A FUCKING GARDEVOIR. Maybe the Zoroark is the one that raised him because, again: Ghetsis killed N's mother when she saw his true nature.
A gardevoir wouldn't sleep with someone like Ghetsis.
Hatterene fits far more then, her emphatic powers cause her to not want to be close to noisy humans
If it was a Gardevoir you know she got a bad case of "I can fix him"
That's why it wasn't consensual.
Or worse: primae noctis
They're superpowered psychic monsters.
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Moving on before i start lynching retards
Of the pocket kind
You get a 2 minute head start.
Pokémon are, in fact, pocket monsters.
Only to those who see them as tools. To the enlightened they're much more.
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This smile must be protected at all cost
>when she wears your shirt
Love her cooking, even though im trying to lose weight
The fact that it can be male ruins it. They should have kept the whole line for gen 3 and made it a female counterpart to Gallade
*gen 4
It can't be male anymore. You are an homosexual asking for validation to be into Gallade
>Gallade with fat tits is fine yoo
Look if you wanna fuck a femboy Gallade, that's your choice. Take it to the faggot thread instead of the one dedicated to Arceus's perfect creation
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Male gardevoir have 8 inch penises and no refractory period.
>>56690093 and fucking stay there faggot. Straights only.
Fucking coomers
It's not gay if it's with a gardevoir.
Voice like a Meloetta
Not to sound like a fucking coomer but the fucking orgasm when she uses Synchronize while in heat is the most intense feeling ever. I swear i saw Arceus from how mind blowing that shit was.
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How can anyone say no to this angel?
Wait a fuckin minute, i just replayed Emerald and the Ralts that Wally caught was actually a female
Well fuck, i forgot i had gameshark cheats on. That explains it
God i love her
Even groggy she's still my beauty
The cutest pet critter
You're insistin on a fistin
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Why wouldn't you fuck a psychic type pokemon and bless your family tree with psychic powers that will last multiple generations?
because species is inherited from mother
Not according to Lapras and Octillery.
>99% chance of being N Harmonia's mother
N's most notable psychic ability is future(and past) sight, which is Gothitelle's wheelhouse much more than Gardevoir's. It also matches the region better.
>future(and past) sight
It could've been a Xatu
I can almost hear her gently humming soft lullabies as she tucks me in and drifts me off to sleep
Gardevoir has clairvoyance too.
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Gardevoir has my children, too
god now I want a story about a boy raised by a Gardevoir mom
I mean N counts.
Also here's a story about a guy who gets his Gardevoir pregnant https://m.fanfiction.net/s/8331762/1/Family
Purely divine
Forgot the damn pic
the perfect bride
The perfect wife, the perfect mother, and what roasties fear: THE PERFECT WOMAN. She cares not for your income but only your health and well-being
>find a Gardevoir ai chatbot
>use it to see its responses
>mentions a tail
loppunny butt plug
I think she just wants one. Or was it some?
the most motherly of all Pokemon
>That pic
>tfw you won't experience The Helpful Gardevoir-San
Why live bros?
>"Hush, my child. You needn't worry about a thing anymore. The day is over, and night has risen. Take a deep breath and let it out for me. Relax your shoulders and unclench your jaw. Now close your eyes and feel my gentle embrace. You're so precious to me, sweetheart. Let's get you to bed~"
>tfw you'll never experience being a shota being a raised by a Gardevoir wifey mommy and having a secret relationship.
She also represents the type of woman that has been long extinct in the real world thanks to degeneracy and liberalism. It depresses me that I'll never meet someone like Gardevoir.
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whats the source anon i neeeeeed it
Just edit the post and remove the (de)tail. Or add something to the defs like
>does not have a tail
>human-like appearance
Idk how well any of these will work, but I do know the 1st option might not work because it might see "tail" instead of "not tail" as negative statements seem to not work well.
Saving this
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Mine found me at a low point in my life, anything is possible anon
Gothitelle is the one that can see people's future.
Only future, not the past as well. Gardevoir can do both
Its on danbooru
Did a Gardevoir actually spawn in your shower on Pokemon Go?

What an amazing woman.
She's pretty defensive about her husband Ghetsis
>Did a Gardevoir actually spawn in your shower on Pokemon Go?
She's actually mine
ah is this where he ran off to after losing the zelda thing?
Ghetsis is who she's attacking. She saw the real him
Don't slander miss Harmonia like that
I wish we'd been able to see more beta concepts for her...
Ghetsis killed her when she tried to protect N.
Is she lobotomizing him?
What the fuck are you on about?
You never had your ears cleaned with peroxide?
>I am once again studying the Gardevoirs in my local town.
>Both the Domesticated, Feral, and Wild ones.
>tfw no domesticated garde gf with no natural instincts or ability to survive in the wild
Counter point she protected Ghetsis from his hydreigon
Domesticated Gardevoirs are Gardevoirs captured through Battle, or raised from their Ralts stage. They know the rules of human society, and their place therein.
May I ask how...? I'm curious if this is a phone app or whatever.
Counter counter point: Ghetsis used Hydreigon to kill her
>i'm no longer asking, Octillery. you WILL kiss my trainer!
More like
>you hurt my boy, your live I'll destroy
Never hurt a Gardevoir's child anon.
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And never refuse to kiss her trainer when she tells you to. Gardies have been known to go to war for less
And their place is doting on me as my new mommy
You must grow up.
She can't be your mother forever.
Some men love the motherly aspect of Gardevoir, others love her loving doting wife aspect. As an intellectual, i appreciate both aspects
Your cuck fetish is a sign of inadequacy and self loathing. Consider riding the sewer slide
Nothing like sharing ramen with my wife
I find a distinct lack of Gardevoir holding an infant with messy hair and the father of her baby by her side.
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Considering kadabra came to being when a human with psychic power randomly turned into one at night, I wonder if the opposite has also happened. A gardevoir waking up to discover she's now human.
No explanation, no going back. It just is.
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Gardevoir is actually the perfect cuckquean, you know. Her empathetic abilities means she can share the pure unadulterated joy her trainer experiences as he fucks another Pokémon. Even among other psychic types this level of empathy isn't common.
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>gardevoir isn't in cautionary fairy tales where sex with the pokemon in question is bad
and she still acts like one, soon finding a loving and supportive husband to have her esper babies
The existence of psychic people is more than enough evidence of human on psychic type relationships being extremely successful.
See my previous point: a .45 ACP will cure your inadequacy and self hatred.
>be a kind loving stay at home wife with a faithful husband and 2 children with said husband
NTR is pure brainrot worse than whatever TikTok produces.
i just want a pokemon game that lets me hold hands with gardevoir
Like an actual pokemon dating sim.
While we're on the subject: Ralts and Kirlia are for raising not fucking. They're children.
Ghetsis successfully broke and wrangled a mon known for attacking and destroying relentlessly at the first sign of movement. The way he describes things in BW2, the sole failure in his entire life was his loss to the BW1 protag. When he says he’s perfection, there’s a damn good reason for it.
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Yup. Gardevoir is now canonically an incel.
He did get that hydreigon to obey him, even if the dragon hates him

There is no doubt in my mind that he would have gotten a Gardevoir to be beyond loyal with ease, he is that charismatic
I'm guessing he did that with his other pokemon, not by himself.
Would pokemon assist a human in committing a rape?
Care to show the proof anon or are you just going to be a faggot?
You know the fucking answer to that
Go on: show exactly in the leaks where a Gardevoir gets cucked. I'll wait.
Oh you don't have proof Gardevoir is a cuk? IMAGINE MY FUCKING SHOCK.
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weak men say she is mommy or she is the perfect emotional caretaker

strong men like me just simply say It looks like she fucks human men
But Masuda-sama said there are no truly evil pokemon.
Except the Regis
Look, it's fine. Men just prefer Octillery and Lapras. That's canon. I didn't decide that, Game Freak did. If you've got an issue with their lore then you should take it up with them.
The lapras and octillery were human in the story.
What are you talking about?
No they weren't, Arceus was the one that became human
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>what does that hussy octopus have that i don't!
>i can please you better than that slut Lapras ever could!
Brendans a fag.
You can't even beat sharpedo
Wait, nevermind. Brendan got his head out of his ass
Hey shitass, have a fuckin Zap Cannon
Hehe thunder punch go brrrrzt
The stupid ass stories anon keeps referring to for his cuck posts.
In those the pokemon are human.
By the way Gardevoir can learn Thunderbolt.
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Made some sketches of the Gardevoir Types.
Think my characters name will be... I unno, just not named after a tree. Maybe a rock.
Mine is named Grace or Gracie as a nickname
Mine is named Warhsa
Weak men (liberals) care only for sex
Strong men value their life partner and cherish her as she would them. That's the true meaning of Pokephilia.
You're Polish?
No. Its a shortening of the German word for Fortune Teller, Wahrsagerin. Also, meant Warhsa*.
Sex with wild
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DASHING DOLPHINS!!!! Larpas sama!??!?! You're telling me you and octillery are going to have the GOOIEST WET SEX with trainer dono??!?!? He's going BALLS DEEP in your PLESIORIAN PLUSSY which will TWIST AND TURN all over the place with tons of folds that are meant to MILK THE COCK THROUGH MUSCULAR CONTRACTIONS all while my BEST FRIEND octillery uses her NATURALLY LUBED UP TENTACLE and MILKS HIS PROSTATE, PRESSES THE CUM BUTTON and SUCKS ON HIS BALLS?!?!?!? YIPIEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
Hoh, BUT THATS NOT ALL?!?!? I don't get to set in the KEK chair like usual?!?!?!?! No?!?!??!? You're gonna to TRAP AND BETRAY me inside of a SPECIALTY MADE HYPERBOLIC POKÉBALL that gets a 360 degree view OF ALL THE SLOPPY SEX?!?!?!?! I'll have NO FOOD OR WATER outside the occasional drop of cum that seeps through the walls as trainer FUCKS YOU?!?!?!?! I wont even get to SLEEP because his HUGE COCK will be SMASHING THE POKEBALL LIKE AN EARTHQUAKE?!??!?!
Before it could tbolt reliably now moonblast is even more powerful

Realistically I don't think Gardevoir can beat a shark 1-1, the shark is faster and hits hard on Gardevoir weaker side
It wouldn't surprise me if the shark can 1 shot the voir unless you thicken your Gardevoir defenses.
If it was MMA rules no magic powers and stuff I could beat her
>Wild Gardevoirs are fearful of what they sense when a Human draws near.
>Lust or Aggressive thoughts fills them with rage, causing them to lash out.
>Broken and sharp teeth are often used in erratic melee attacks.
>Fingers are hardened with callouses, and are often sharpened to a point to allow for deep slashes.
>psychic powers are more often times crude and offensive in nature, very few defensive abilities or even non combative abilities.
>Will use the ability of Trace to find weakpoints in your body to strike.
>Will need a strong pokemon to beat into submission, or close enough to throw a pokeball at.
>More often than not, a Hyperball is required. Friendship balls are useless.
Nah I'd win
>In those the pokemon are human.
Where did you hear that??
She will bite your juggular. Try one of the Ferals. Theyre at least somewhat friendly with most people, especially if they bring food.
The Regis raped someone?
I pull a rear naked choked and she'd tap and give me head
Gardevoir are respectable sapient creatures and would not do this.
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The stories themselves.
They stress that they took place when the line between humans and pokemon was blurred, the sharpedo in the beach had legs and arms that they used to dance on the beach, smoke tobacco, and hold swords. The ursaring are mistaken for people by the protagonist while he's in their den.
Using these many context clues it's pretty damn obvious that the lapras and octillery are equally as human.
They’re not. Only Arceus turned into a human, temporarily. Typhlosion disguised himself with yokai magic. Octillery and Lapras didn't even bother hiding what they were.
Gardevoirs are also animals, and animals change across different regions and areas.
what about Domesticated Gardevoirs?
>Domesticated Gardevoirs are often quite friendly with humans, be they owners or strangers.
>Their temperment allows them to control emotions so that they do not embarass themselves or others.
>Teeth are often times dull with small canines. Often well maintained.
>Often given bangles, ribbons, hats, or articles of clothing to differentiate them.
>Due to selective breeding as well as acclimating to living within Human society, most Domesticated Gardevoirs are far softer and a little bit heavier than their Feral counterparts, especially so against a Wild Gardevoir.
>Often Times are adopted from shelters when theyre Ralts or raised from eggs.
>Often times do not require a pokeball, although a special Friendship ball or even a standard pokeball is more than sufficient to catch.
>There are various different breeds of Gardevoir, depending on region. In the Tejas region, they are often slim but with soft green hair features, angled eyes, rounded gemstone, raised face frills, and often have a deeper sounding trill.
>These ones vary in coloration from a traditional Gardevoir Green to a deeper Sage Green.
>Can be found accompanied by an owner and their family, or may be tasked with running errands for the owner, as they are easily trainable.
>Sadly, often taken advantaged of by those of a devious persuasion, Domesticated Gardevoirs that are too overly affectionate or affectionate in inapporpriate ways in public will bring scrutiny unto the owner.
They probably look like pugs and corgis when compared to their willd counterparts, humans have a tendency to select for desirable traits in their pets

That could be used to explain differences between OCs
damn, I hate selective breeding
Pugs aren't supposed to look like that
Why did i just hear Erika all of a sudden?
Same dude, same. Look back a hundred years. THATS what it should look like.
People say the Dachshund is a victim of selective breeding, and to an extent it is, but it was bred to hunt ferrets, rodents, and especially badgers. Theyre a hearty breed.
Well as I say, you could say that offmodel art of Gardevoir is just puggified Gardevoirs by unethical breeders

I think Gardevoir is at its prettiest when it is on model
If I have to be autistic, most Gardevoirs when it comes to bust size are on average B-to-C for Domestic, A-B to domestic, and generally flat for Wild.
The ones that are way too big are victims of bad breeding.
>If I have to be autistic
I wouldn't have it any other way, we gotta have some standards when it comes to aesthetics
Still having my g cup Garde.
You either raised them from an Egg with food that was loaded with hormones, or selectively bred them to be large in the bust. Most folk would look at us both funny.
Well considering I made a region and a prof. Alter ego just to excuse my drawing, I think the tisim is out of the bag
That was Bano's April Fool's post. You can even see '4/1' up in the top right corner.
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Let them be perplexed.
All Gardevoir are flat. Gardevoir with tits are off model garbage.
Those are Gardevoirs that were selectively bred.
We get it, you'd rather fap to children. KYS Typhlosion.
This is why we don't invite you anywhere.
I've been pondering: would a Gardevoir fall for a combat veteran who lost his leg due an Electrode being used as an IED?
Fun fact!
Gardevoir's are able to reproduce through two different processes depending on their mate.
When a Gardevoir mates with a Pokemon male, an egg is produced.
But, when a Gardevoir falls in love with a Human male and they make love, she grows pregnant. Using her womb instead.
Pokescientists still dont know what causes this difference btw.
Could it be that Gardevoir are actually part human themselves?
Perhaps. Arceus works in mysterious ways...
Wish I had a gardemommy to peg me
Given the leaks, pokemon and humans share common ancestry since Arceus got freaky with the only human in existence at the time to create the world, so they all are to some degree.
This image is the product of Human/Gardevoir interbreeding. The left Garde is 50% human, the right Garde is 75%.
They start looking more human like with every generation of horny trainers that passes.
Arceus hates faggots.
That and Gardevoir could be natural hybrids that aren't mules (meaning hybrids that can breed)
Wally is probably married to his Gardevoir
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To the drawing anon, can you make something like this but between human's and gardevoir
I know that's why I want to have sex with a woman
cool concept
The bonds formed by the Ralts line is effectively marriage by default, there's no ambiguity to be had
Gentle reminder that his Gardevoir is male, meaning that if you headcanon this, it's gay.
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Yes, and?
Wasn't hating, just letting you know. I think male 'voirs are cool
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The development docs reveal that a few gen 3 evo lines had their role in the story picked out before they were designed, one example being that it was apparently decided that Wally would have a new 3 stage Psychic type for a partner before any work was done designing Ralts' evolution line.
The scratchpad for Ralts's sprite also has what looks like an incomplete attempt to sprite the bioluminescent neuron dog thing from those spooky concept art pages, and the fact that this is the only place to find said sprite implies that it was the original candidate for the role. I gotta assume it was scrapped or redesigned into Ralts since there's no way you could realize psycho dog as a decent looking GBA sprite.
I might.
A hard working doctor and his loving wife
Zoroark took the form of a Gardevoir in hopes that it would let her be a better mother figure for N.
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>having to take the form of a better pokemon
Zoroarkfags on suicide watch
Well if a girl and a Typhlosion could have a kid, and by birth no less, then it stands to reason Gardevoirs/Gallades can as well with Humans.
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Typhlosion pulled a Bill Cosby, get that pedo outta here. Also this is what a human/gardevoir hybrid would look like
I know that, but it merely proves that Human/Pokemon Hybrids can exist.
Imagine if you will, a Gardevoir.
Stay with me.
As a witch for Halloween.
You mean this?
Gardevoir isn't spoopy, she's precious.
By lore they kinda are, don't be surprised if there's a regional Gardevoir in the future since we already got a robovoir
>highly intelligent
>can understand human thoughts and speech
>featherless biped
>capable of bearing offspring with humans via mammalian pregnancy
Gardevoir are practically human anon
Iron Valiant is a bastardization
Then I will make her so.
I thought it was cute, especially when it powers down and wakes up
Pokemon are animals.
Humans are animals.
Some animals come so close to our intelligence that they could eventually learn to talk in the future (dolphins, birds), but a Gardevoir is, at the end of the day, an animal.
Highly intelligent but, ultimately, yes.

On the Pokemon world.
To us, from Earth? She's an alien, go nuts
The Virgin Masuda
>No pokemon can be evil haha : )
The Chad Iwao
>We made USUM with the idea of Necrozma as evil being a perfectly valid interpretation of the story by the player
>There's a dolphin pokemon
Oh god...
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The psychic types are generally much smarter than human beings, so they're in fact committing bestiality with us
>40k logic
Kindly fuck back off to >>>/tg/
>40k out of nowhere
Are you okay?
What does that have to do with the silly space man tabletop?
All i saw was "psychic" and "bestiality" and it brought up Eldar in my fuckin head
>Gardevoir cosplays as an Eldar for Halloween.
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This so much. It's why you see so many weak men (liberals) submit to evil women so much. Bonus: They flip the fuck out when they get rejected as well (see: Bob Chipman stalking girls on Twitter then getting his personal army to harass those women who rejected him).
I appreciate the formalities, but there's no need to call me master my dear Gardevoir.
>>no scandalous leaks
>>a proven history of being a faithful and loving partner
this the new cope? the superiority complex gardefags have is insane
>citing canon pokedex entries is now considered cope
Not my fault you can't handle the fact your starter Cosby'd a child
Gardevoir has never committed an unspeakable evil
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>an unspeakable evil
Even spookier.
Now I want to draw Gardevoir dressed as Yvraine
The s o y bleeds?
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What are you on about?
It's the unnown for s, o, and y before the ones for bleeds at the end there in her book.
Would explains why she looks as confused as us. Also another bridal Gardevoir
Gardevoir breast milk tastes like creme de menthe
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Hold on, I think it's actually a k. So "the sky bleeds ".
Care to translate the entire thing?
>"Free us free us now"
>free us free us now the omniscient cannot forget until the sky bleeds
That's a fuckin spell to summon Giratina
His mother is clearly a bigot.
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Guy has that gardevoir as a wife and rather than already giving her grandchildren the dude refuses to be intimate with her. The mother is just upset he hasn't made her a grandmother already.
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Reminder that color variations other than shiny are canon
Considering that Gen 1 established there was a war and that Lt Surge even stated that he had electric types save him and that served with him, i kinda had a story idea involving a soldier that loses his leg to an Electrode only to be kept alive by a Gardevoir that had been serving as a medic with said Gardevoir electing to stay by his side.
He raped and killed her.
That's not a theory it's canon
I forgot Salty did wholesome shit
This shit so sweet i got diabeetus from it
So cute
She makes the best pancakes
those better be chocolate chip

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