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Replayed X and Y and I still don't understand his plan or what the fuck the machine stuff was for.

Also XY are still the worst entry in the series. Yes, even worse than SV.
genwar thread
He's Thanos. He thinks the world is low on resources so he's culling the population so there's enough resources.

>Also XY are still the worst entry in the series
This doesn't mean much coming from someone who clearly didn't pay attention to the game.
Kill everyone necause the world isn't beautiful
worst story and he was a big reason why that was the point where the series jumped the shark
>worst story
DPPt's is worse.
nah i did it was fucking shit and out of left field absolute worst villian in the series
It’s marketed for kids. It’s not supposed to make sense
>playing "you didn't pay attention to my boringslop so your criticism doesn't count!" this early in the thread
Imagine if people said this every time a capeshit flick got criticized
he planned to propose to me so we could be husbands
>out of left field
Thanks for confirming you didn't pay attention to the game.

When your "criticism" is literally just a result of you not paying attention to the thing, then yes, why not?
nah this was way worse
i did play that story was fucking retarded and so are you for defending it
If the entertainment thing isn't entertaining enough to make you remember it then it's fundamentally a failure
I remember it. I guess that means XY succeeded.
Going Galt, but with genocide
>absolute worst villian in the series
Rose got him beaten
Rose was retard but this fuckwit is even moreso
It is "quantity vs quality".

AZ was the original main villain, he planned to rule the world with his descendants.
>Has a fire team
>Master plan doesnt involve burning the country to the ground
it can't be worse when they're literally the same shit plot
The plot only makes even the slightest bit of sense in Y.
It's not out of left field, did you not hear him the first time you meet? Honestly RSE Aqua/Magma are worse, with Rose being the absolutely bottom-of-the-barrel of the shitpile.
No, you must love it you must love it anon
Cyrus and Lysandre to remake the world for different reasons.
>Cyrus: The world is shit i'm remaking it
>Lysandre: The world is shit i'm remaking it
>Cyrus: The world is shit i'm remaking it
>Lysandre: The people are ruining the perfect world, time to cull.

Cyrus saw the world as being inherently imperfect.
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Lysandre's ambitions were
>God, poor people fucking SUCK. They can NEVER be happy with what they have, they just have to TAKE, TAKE, AND TAKE, and the world turns UGLY because of those GREEDY POOR FAGGOTS stripping Mother Earth of her beauty
>So that's why I'm going to [Put the world into eternal stasis so the beauty it still has can be preserved forever/Commit literal omnicide so that Mother Earth may reclaim her world and become beautiful again]!
>Huh? What do you mean my chosen elites, the wealthiest and most powerful people in Kalos, are the ones I should be ACTUALLY directing my anger towards? How could they do any wrong when they clearly share my vision! They paid the extravagant fee after all, unlike those FILTHY POOR NIGGERS...
XY is only slightly better than SwSh, the real worst entry
Not only is the plot about as retarded overall (worse in some ways) but both the KANTOOOOOOOOOO shilling and brain-deadening of route design was cranked up to 11
XY objectively has the most complex routes in the series next to Hoenn
It gets funny in mastersex, where he becomes a vigilant cosplaying as a volcanion.
And Yveltal is all for a genocide.
It is actually worse. Cyrus, as stupid as he is, at least has some ground to stand on for emotions being negative. Lysandre, meanwhile, is goes on an insane serial killer rant in public, and Sycamore's only response is "wow, cool! So passionate!" His big plan is to kill everyone except for the exact type of people he claims to despise, and this is motivated by problems that don't exist in Pokemon's setting - certainly not Kalos.
>and this is motivated by problems that don't exist in Pokemon's setting
And when they realized this, in order to "prove" Lysandre had a point, they outright had to shitpost about Japanese Work Culture in ORAS via Sea Mauville, to such a degree that it outright depicts how being a slave to your job, while the correct thing to do socially, also means you have to accept that your neglected wife is going to cheat on you because she has no other options to enjoy the company, comfort and touch of a man.
>at least has some ground to stand on for emotions being negative.
it's embarrassing that you don't understand the dumbed down plot of a game for kids
They kind of existed in the first few generations, and swsh has some global climate change themes.

See Lysandre.
It's outright due to the emotions Arceus felt during its battle against the giants in order to claim its right to exist and rule over existence that the Pokemon Universe was founded on a basis of "every living organism (except humans) FUCKING LOVES FIGHTING and will fight at ANY GIVEN OPPORTUNITY because it's basically the equivalent of TOP TIER SEX for them", which in turn due to humans being the exception and also a key element in that "GOD I LOVE FIGHTING" agenda, has been exploited time and time again for selfish gain.
Changes in the development made some stuff nonsensical, like team aqua in rse.
no Lysandre is the bottom of the barrel
Team aqua is worse, team magma makes more sense.
>See Lysandre.
Cyrus was more of a violent retard than Lysandre was. He was planning on killing literally everyone while Lysandre wasn't.
stupid bitch
Magma fucking sucks in Emerald, it's cartoon villain bullshit taken to the extreme. Also I realized Aqua is barely villainous in the first half of Sapphire, they literally try to get rid of a volcano and turn it into a lake which would technically be better for people in the area.
Lysandre would have absolutely devolved into a truly violent shitfit of maximum retardation when he finally realized "Wait... The filthy niggers who I thought were among the poor responsible for all the conflict and theft that soiled the world... They're also THE VERY PEOPLE CHOSEN TO LEAD THE NEW WORLD!?" and subsequently made an effort to slaughter the rest of Team Flare. And if he took a moment to genuinely reflect for even five seconds, he'd realize he, too, is a conflict-starting thieving nigger, and kill himself for destroying the world he so desperately sought to preserve.
Cyrus at least didn't delude himself with the idea that anyone else was deserving of experiencing what he sought, Team Galactic was always a means to an end as he sought a world that only he would survive to see, so that he could ascend into its God.
AZ becoming a villain after holding on to his trauma for 3000 years would've made way more sense than this faggot that was added at the last minute
? Team Flare isn’t greedy.
Being let emotions cloud their judgment all the time, is what I mean. When you get angry, you think less rationally. It's easy to see how Cyrus, who we're lead to believe is outright incapable of feeling things, would grow up seeing this and decide that the world would be better off without them.
>They kind of existed in the first few generations, and swsh has some global climate change themes.
That's true, though it probably goes without saying that SwSh's theme falls apart because they made their energy crisis not matter for literally one thousand years.
Team Flare is comprised entirely of the upper class due to having an extreme payment fee to join, and rich people are some of the most selfish and greedy fuckers of all due to how much they can get away with it.
This thread won't make yawnie happy
>being let
I meant "People let."
Literally everyone in Team Flare besides Malva, Xerosic, and Lysandre himself is a self-centered rich kid that only cares about saving their own skin and bought into his doomsday cult. And Lysandre himself counts, because he's making the single-most selfish decision a person - killing billions of innocent people solely for his own ridiculous beliefs. Again, while only saving the aforementioned rich kids who are the exact type of people he claims to hate.
>Yet no plot where you are part of the evil team and you have to defeat the boss who always helped you and you always admired just to turn out to be a bag of lying shit
>Team Flare is comprised entirely of the upper class due to having an extreme payment fee to join
So? That doesn’t mean they’re greedy.

>killing billions of innocent people solely for his own ridiculous beliefs
Nope. He truly believes it’s for the greater good. That’s why he cries when Calem/Serena asks if he’s also going to kill the Pokemon.
Even in the Pokemon world, rich people are depicted as gleefully flaunting their wealth and being cocky assholes about it, having to remind those beneath them regularly that, yes, they are in fact rich.
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>That’s why he cries when Calem/Serena asks if he’s also going to kill the Pokemon.
Not Team Flare.
what changed about Team Aqua?
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Shoot yawntard three times, along with every troon from shitcord and every shitskin from sharty that tried to prop him up
>Yes, even worse than SV.
Fighting over last place.
Magma is literally fine until the Mossdeep episode. All the actual crimes get assigned to Team Aqua so Magma doesn't even do anything, the Mt. Chimney thing is bad but in Emerald it is to awaken Groudon which makes a lot more sense compared to Ruby where it's just for the sake of it.
Even if he has those retarded Thanos ambitions why does Team Flare exist/not share those ambitions or beautiful character traits at all. At least team Plasma/Magma/Aqua/Rocket grunts and admins bought into their respective delusions. Team Magma genuinely believed in the plan to blow up the ocean. Team Flare doesn't even pretend to. If "gibs me dat" niggers are the problem then why is the inner circle comprised solely of the worst "gibs me dat" niggers in the region? If I was Lysandre the gang would only be a tool and there would secretly be no bunker or solace for anyone but me at the end of the day Cyrus style, but that's not the case. He just coddles a bunch of nouveau riche retards with the apparent only requirement being a red suit. Is his beautiful ideal world just a front to exercise his desire for bad fashion?
Who is the best villain?
Miraidon/Koraidon from SV
Probably Gen 1 Giovanni, if only because he's not entirely asinine. Maybe Ghetsis if the game didn't have the stupid fucking signals that he's a bad guy right from the get-go.
Charles Merloc
King Vilrich.
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This is how I feel right now
Even Giovanni is a loser for shitting himself and disbanding Team Rocket for losing a few Pokemon battles
Only in USUM he is somewhat smart
AZ ended the Kalos Wars with his machine. It seemed to me like a stand-in for nuclear weapons used in WWII. A few NPCs talk about AZ's actions as some necessary evil for bringing peace to their country at the time. Not unlike debates surrounding Oppie. It's funny now knowing that AZ was originally meant to be the villain. I like that a bit more.
not exactly. he wants eternal life, but he also realises that if everyone gets eternal life then the world will indeed run out of resources, so he wants to cull the trash and then have a small club of immortal friends to mingle with forever
The only remarkable thing about Team Flare are their aesthetics, top notch grunt and admin design. Kalos had some really good fashion specially now that we can look back from some of SV's horrendous choices. Team skull and the aether guys still had plenty of click to themselves but team star is so offputting all around, they really wanted to hammer in the point those guys got bullied when younger didn't they
Poor people are ugly. Seems simple enough for me.
Were those scientist girls even used for something in the other media?
Can someone explain what Lsyandre's 3 mechanical flies were actually for?
the're too ugly and unlikeable to be used at all
More people forgot it than with other games. I guess that means XY is the least successful relative to other games.

Anon wasn't that shown to be not as complex as the breakdown images make them seen? There are so many separations that could just be connected because they are two ways and identical.
>thread is still on page 6
Why does XY make you seethe so hard, sagie? Is it jealousy?
Yawnigger meltie.
Still waiting for my aliens stuff and why it was split into X/Y and S/M OP.
>XY detractors are retarded enough to fall for obviously fake fanfics
checks out
>no rebuttal to the substance
>no rebuttal to actual leaks
galar is worse than both xy and sv
BW's story exists
What does a better story existing change about what that anon said?
It’s not better, sagie.
> Cyrus, as stupid as he is, at least has some ground to stand on for emotions being negative
Not really; his logic is no different than that of a child first learning to be “deep” and “edgy.” The leaks really hammer this home with his motivations stemming from a tantrum because someone made fun of him at age ten.

Lysandre’s motive is actually a decent one, and in a different franchise would be up there with N/Ghetsis. The problem is that the pokemon world (at least Masuda’s vision) is intended as some sort of utopia where resource shortages and the like aren’t a factor due to everyone living in harmony with the endless bounty of the pokemon. .
Looking cool and menacing, im pretty sure he uses them to float around in a movie or something too but I am unsure
Based on what he says, it may have been to syphon energy from the legendary back into the weapon?
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I'm surprised no one has made a Lysandre version of this yet seeing how his motivations are even more chudly than Cyrus's.
100% agreed Anon.
Get here Shartys.
there was one floating around I am pretty sure
The world is ugly so kill everyone and everything. This makes the world better somehow.
DPPt is undercooked and still better.

>Cyrus recognizes that people flock to a cult of personality
>creates Team Galactic as an organization that feeds a bunch of misfits the lie that they're all special for being in the group
>most of them have no idea what the fuck they're doing, but gain a sense of entitlement for being in the group
>Cyrus views them all with contempt and plans on just using them to achieve his goals before ditching them

In contrast, Lysandre has absolutely no relationship with Team Flare and the hypocrisy of how his organization is the exact type of person he wants to cull isn't even addressed by the characters. The rival even tries to suggest that "maybe neither side was right" as if killing everyone with a space laser is some kind of nuanced issue.
Literally nothing. The game never explains because it's an unfinished and rushed slopfest.
>Replayed X and Y and I still don't understand his plan or what the fuck the machine stuff was for.
He wanted to genocide the world of people the thought was undesirable because he thought he was royalty
Still seething, eh sagie?
>s why does Team Flare exist/not share those ambitions or beautiful character traits at all.
Team Flare is scientology
>accuses others of seething
>refuses to address posts' substance because he lacks any argument
Sycamore is like the occupied French during WW2, more pro nazi than they'd tell you after the war. He was butt buddies with Lysandre and ignored all the red flags
The volcano ash is how those people can live
>literally just an innocent claim
>schizoanon interprets this as spam somehow and imagines a mob yelling it
You need therapy if you couldn't even as much as type out "but it isn't unfinished" if that's your belief, dumb as it is.
They gave me a lipstick fetish
It is spam when you repeat it in multiple threads constantly for days on end, sagie.
And on what fucking grounds do you assume it's the same person every fucking time? Maybe it;s because evidence of that claim was just fucking leaked, retardbro. Not everyone against your game is the same person.
Nah. Can't be worse than SwSh lmao.

At least their villain was a villain not an idiot trying to summon THE ARMAGEDDON because of a possible crisis in 1000 years.
It was a commentary on global warming hysteria
Lol you seriously?
So Lysandre is a comment in limited resources and how overconsumption will be our end.

You can make them more philosophical anyways.
His plan was "billions must die" and it was based.
What kills Lysandre's point is his own team. He employs the very selfish people that he despises and even promises them a ticket to tomorrow all because they were able to pay his absurdly large fee for it. At least, Cyrus intended to dispose of his minions once their usefulness came to an end. If his team at least shared the same mentality as him and spout out how sanctimonious they were instead of their gaudy fashion, then it would be fine.
It all makes more sense when you realize he's a scientologist
Him being a hypocrite is fine, but the problem is that he's never called out on it and everyone acts like he had a point.
XY's story would be a lot better if Lysandre revealed his real plan was to kill everyone in Team Flare
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this is why i think a story was scrapped. 3000 lines of dialog, GONE....because localizers couldnt be ready in time for a global launch.

I think they watered him down specifically for that. and i was really hoping the leaks would have shown this....
Lysandre would have been a better villain if they respected his base concepts, he is an idealist. His point is that "in the future we would exhaust resources, the balance of the world would be lost and it would cease to be beautiful." He is not like his lackeys, who came in just to be rich, not caring about Lysandre's base ideas.

It is the concept of "hard decisions require strong wills" with all its background of being a descendant of King AZ.

His idea is simple: to avoid a crisis that will ruin the beauty of the world, commit ritual suicide and thus cause a kind of "reset" of the world.

His plan in Y makes more sense.

He shouldn't have had a team, and if that were the case they should be some kind of activists and not a bunch of overbearing art commissioners.
He thinks he is deserving because he is rich and royal
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>Play a Pokemon game.
>Every character I come across forcefully shoves a dozen potions, a hold item, and their firstborn child into my backpack even if I don't want them.
>Expect me to take the one guy ranting "EVERYONE IN THE WORLD IS A PARASITE EXCEPT ME" seriously.
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ignoring the plush, is this a leak from cut cards or actually new art?
Or if they gave him Az's original characterization.
>ignoring the plush
can't, too cute. I want one
>Any criticism of XY
>He gets angry and accuses you of being angry.
That's not how it works
In Y it makes more sense wipe out the trash that ruin the world. In X it adds the eternal life which would probably be keep those worthy of living immortal. Short grant life to those who help advance civilization and grant death to the brain rot. Best antagonist in the series.
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Are these threads a futile way to contain genwarfags from shitting up other threads on this board?
it doesn't work sadly
True. At least then I could understand why he has a team of jerks. But they aren't royalty they're just idiots with money.

It would make more sense.
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Lysandre as a villain is flawed as a concept. His motivations are to cleanse everyone who is an "undesirable", anybody who doesn't fit his vision of a perfect person would be culled. However, his conditions are extremely unspecific and vague, which is made even worse by the fact that this is a utopia fantasy world where there are seemingly no "undesirables" to cleanse or societal oppression. He's a classic fascist-type villain, but with nothing to back it up or make him interesting.

If you have any reading comprehension, the difference between Lysandre and Cyrus is apparent. Lysandre is fueled by his (apparent) hated of other people. Cyrus is just autistic and wants the world to fit his specific image, no matter the cost.

XY's development was hell, and we're learning more about it from the leaks. Lysandre wasn't even the main villain from the start, it was originally planned to be AZ.
>Yes, even worse than SV.
Incorrect, but carry on.
Giovanni and Ghetsis are the best ones for sure. Villains that have a realistic goal or manipulate a mass of retards are alway cool to read. I never really cared about villains that think are right but they will just kill everyone because they are retarded.
Nobody fucking knows, it's random like the entire plot of XY
kys seething faggot

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