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Reshiram is female


Zekrom is male

To the surprise of no one
Good. Now I have zero regrets for busting hundreds of nuts to Reshiram and zero nuts to Zekrom.
Zekrom has a dick and Reshiram has a vagina?
Zekrom tells dad jokes and Reshiram ara aras
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He won.
You have to say Kyurem is some sort of nonbinary tranny then
they are described to be Ditto-like so yeah
Then why does she have her massive erect cock out where we can see it?
>box art of gen 5 is black male white female
We won
it's just giant monster mommy pubes you gay
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>Reshiram is female
lubby brothers... we are vindicated...
Why though? Lubby Chudder is supposed to be yang (male) while Zekrom is yin (female)
Game is based on the USA so it makes sense
JustinRPG won
So what gender was (the) Dragon pre-split?
zekrom male we won so hard
According to ying yang It should actually be the opposite. GF did another sloppy job.
They don't have to abide by everything.
Reshiram is the mascot of Pokemon Black(yin) and Zekrom is the Mascot of Pokemon White (yang)
>steal mystical concepts
>get them wrong
Technically they don't but my autism always found this mismatch irritating.
Nevermind, it's actually clever in context.
This is wrong because the name of the battle themes identifies Reshiram as the Blazing White Yang and Zekrom as the Electrifying Black Yin.
Sugi literally said this ages ago, and every time it’s brought up some retard goes “durr muh yin yang” as if the inversion isn’t immediately known as the intent by their placement on the opposite boxart.
They are swapped aesthetics wise.
bara fags won so hard on this one kek daddyrom
See Arceus.

It is to compensate Typhlosion becoming for otome-only.
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based. Let's all worship Zekrom pits together
>See Arceus.
Was the brother who got Zekrom gay?

It is likely.

The dragon myth matches the one where Arceus creates IA and EA based on her own halves.
I hate you for giving me a boner
God that bush
Didn't Sugimori say something like that already?
I remember reading that Reshiram was designed to look very feminine while Zekrom was designed to look very masculine
some idiots still insistent because some ying yang whatever bullshit nobody cares about
Wot, so that ying yang stuff was fake?
Now that you mentioned it, the legendary mascots seem to follow male/female pairs.

Dialga/Palkia, Reshiran/Zekron, Solgaleo/Lunala, Zacian/Zamazenta.
It is real, but Zekron is hard/masculine despite being yin.
Reshiran is ethereal/feminine despite being the yang.
Duh. The last two are specifically male and female pairs.
>You're gonna regret it, my friend.
Yes, now the question is XY.
so, confirmed female legendaries:
Yvretal is the female slutty one
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So the original dragon is both male and female?
Reshiran being yang, makes kind of sense since IA is sometimes called the goddess of light.

Considering the hero was a symbol of god/aus, yes, since Arceus does.
How do you open these links
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So why are they gender unknown in the games?
Are you fucking shitting me? The entire point is that the black yin is feminine and the white yang is masculine. Femboy Reshiram, tomboy Zekrom. Making Reshiram a girl and Zekrom a man defeats the entire point.
i think gen 2, theyre both supposed to be female
TPC probably treats lugia as male and ho-oh as female (they're supposed to be pokemon's counterparts to the dragon/phoenix duo) but shudo still explicitly designed it to be female and went insane went TPC wouldn't do what he wanted
also i think there's a slight godzilla/mothra inspiration too but thats my autism getting a bit too far
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nope. no. fake news.
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Yveltal literally has the Y chromosome, he's a dude. If either of them is female, it's Xerneas.
Palkia,not dialga
>the dragon/phoenix duo
The what?
Also if Lugia was meant to be a dragon, why the fuck isn't it a Dragon?
That's d
zygarde, of course, represents the Z chromosome
Zygarde is made up tranny fanfic bullshit complete with its own retard fanfic form, yeah
>noncanon fanfiction
A hermaphrodite?
Chinese mythology, Ho-ho is the Japanese name of the bitd thatrepresents the empress/queen.

did he ever lose?
Are you actually retarded?
you better ask that from a mirror
>thread is about pokeleaks
>anon says dialga is female
>all pokeleaks say that dialga is male and palkia is female
>post some as evidence
>reee fanfiction
Again, are you actually retarded?
Please stop being dishonest. If they intended for the BW dragons to have an official sex, it would be given in-game.
This says Reshiram has a mother-like relationship to heroes, not that it's female.
This says Zekrom has a father-like relationship to heroes, not that it's male.
I was about to say. I always assumed Palkia was a girl. I still love it to death regardless. Bro literally has high heels built into its design.
are you?
Return to /pol/ with your ableism.
Reshi has always been female, I am always right
why not use "parent", then?
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>the pearls
>the high heels
Why did I never notice it
So basically zekrom = masculine, reshiram = feminine
There are multiple versions of that story in the file.
In some of them, Dialga is the female.
In some of them, Dialga is the male.
I forget which file was closest to release date but either option is valid since they back-and-forthed it.
then why'd they give it a male voice in the movie?!?
laziness? do reshiram and zekrom have the same voice actor since the movie did that retarded two versions thing? I remember they sounded a little different from each other.
>Z chromosome
Zygarde is a bird?! :o
don't bother, they'll just post the anime screencap that says it's "motherly" while neglecting that it's the same anime which gave it an explicitly male voice and drove in hard the parallel between the two dragons and the two brothers of the tale then ignore you when you point it out as always
the same anime that did go out of its way to give Virizion a female voice and gave us things like male Purrloin/Leavanny and female Samurott
They were switched, dumbass gooner. We've known this for over a decade after the Sugimori interview.
Palkia shoulders and neck are too phallic.
They did the same thing for lugia, despite it being a girl
Duuh, it's been explained for years that the design was commissioned to the artist without giving him context, they just told him to create a white and black dragons, he created a white female dragon and a black male dragon. Even Reshiram has elements of a bride in her wedding dress

He didn't know anything about the yingyang lore shit they wanted to implement.
Why randomly switch part of it? Why stop there - let’s associate zekrom with the sun and reshiram with the moon.
Palkia is the Pokemon that reminds me the most of Gieger designs, a gian phallic creature also kinda mechanical yet feminine.
There's no original dragon.
What about OG Genosect though?
Just a bug dude.
But the original dragon was a metaphor the whole time for intangible concepts.
>Reshiram has a mother-like relationship to Heroes
>Has been referred to as being designed to be ladylike
>Zekrom has a father-like relationship to heroes
>Outright stated to have been designed to be masculine
So JustinRPG was always right.
It's also curious how they're the reverse of their respective base.
You realize most legendaries are genderless despite their appearence?

Specially Box Art Mascots

Lunala: Mentioned as female evolution of Cosmoem
Solgaleo: Mentioned as male evolution of Cosmoem

Zacian: Mentioned as older sister of Zamazenta.

Zamazenta: Mentioned as Zacian's younger brother.
They're not genderless, they're gender unknown.
My point is, GameFreak doesn't give their main legendaries a gender.

The only time that ever happened if i'm not wrong is actually Terapagos in Gen 9 (50/50) but the one we can catch is always male.
Terapagos isn't a box legend. Else Ogerpon is too and Urshifu and both they blow your faggot cope out the door.
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Anon, Sugi designed them and he had gotten the design brief from the tit of Masuda himself, who'd decided on a theme of opposing forces for the games, leading to them to consider a yin-yang dynamic right out the gate.
If you faggots paid attention, you'd realise the box legends are supposed to complete the yin-yang symbol by being the opposite spot of colour on the field of black/white (that's why literally all the marketing or official art had the two of them presented with Resh on a black background and Zekrom on a white, because then they resembled a yin-yang symbol.
Reshiram's fluffy girlcock :3
Not just those ones
>Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Xerneas and Miraidon are all female
>Lugia, Groudon, Yvetal and Koraidon are all female
Game Freak and TPC treat it as male, despite shudo making it a self-insert for his tranny arse, because the Fenghuang is ALWAYS female and Game Freak created Ho-Oh LOOOOOOONNNNG before shudo came up with M2's story (given the first episode he ever did saw him tease the cunt right at the end of the ep). That they have since continued to make gendered pair box legends, all backed up by design theory, just proves they'd decided after Gen 2 it had worked so well.
okay, now it's peak
it's like, It's not always Black and White
It wasn't a "random" switch. It's part of the whole theme of contrasts and differences in gen V.
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It was always rather obvious that Reshiram is female adjacent while Zekrom is male adjacent. Hell, even the anime that people site has Reshiram portrayed as a motherly figure. This is a theory but I'm willing to say that's Reshiram is meant to be the eye of Yin while Zekrom is the eye of Yang, because both of their God stones corresponds with the shape and color of Yin Yang's eyes.
Are you really that fucking mad that Reshiram, the clearly more feminine design, was designed to be the feminine one?
No. For important symbolic reasons Zekrom has a vagina and Reshiram has a dick.
Feminine man
Masculine woman
That's a lot more interest when you're talking yin and yang
It literally has a giant cock you FUCKING tranny retard
>noo but muh femboy and tomboy
Mental illness
>fur = cock
This is your brain on porn.
All pokemon are female, even the male ones
Urshifu isn't a boxart Legendary either.
That is the white forrest
>"noooo haha it's totally innocent :)"
It also has tits, long hair, birthing hips and a jet hole.
Meanwhile, zekrom has pecs, a defined jaw and a tail perfect for fucking Reshiram's jet hole
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>It also has tits,
>long hair,
I'll give you that, but Zekrom has a ponytail
>birthing hips
What are you talking about nigga
>and a jet hole
>Little bro thinks men don't have anuses
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>>It also has tits,
NTA, but he's referring to this, which resembles a woman's cleavage.
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You wanna talk about birthing hips?
Don't care, still seeing them as genderless/"gender unknown". Slapping genders onto legends that are given none feels boring. More fun to see them as some kind of alien hermaphrodite, tbqh. Though maybe this is because I'm not a coomer.
Also this: >>56718679
>white woman is the twin sister of a black man
Movies never been treated as canon. Zekrom just roaming around stealing electric pokemon's energy and yet, it needs to be awakened in the movie somehow? And Ash not having any recollection with Reshiram or Zoroark for that matter when meeting them in the anime series? It's obvious that the movies are in it's own continuity.
>Daddy Zekrom tells you to chase your ideals
>Mommy Reshiram tells you to just cope with what's real and true
Why is Mom always the Captain of the Anti-Fun Brigade
Because somebody had to keep you grounded and it certainly wasn't going to be your dumbass dad
i want daddy zekrom to drill my asshole with that sexy back end of his
>According to ying yang It should actually be the opposite. GF did another sloppy job.
It was a purposeful swap
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Disdain this filth NOW.
zekrom is not avery.
Did you forget Reshiram's game is Pokemon Black? They are the dot of each ying yang side
Probably a Scyther ancestor.
It is described as flying through the trees in the forest.
Your rebuttals are incompetent and your presence here is impotent.
Kyurem is kind of supposed to be a living husk. So it’s just kind of a zombie.
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thats weird because yin is feminine and yang is masculine.
explain reshirams dick then.
nah see palkia to be the male beacause how else would they fuck. the logistics insentivise palkia to be the one doing it.
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Yin is the black half with the white spot, just as Pokémon Black is the game with the black boxart with a white box legend.

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