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It's the best day of the week!

Post all of your Serenas and Y-chans here!

Previous Thread: >>56575998
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anon on /v/ drew a Serena
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and a spicier edit
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>Her Anime counterpart would’ve gotten countless ass shots
Robbery of the century
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Scraped legwear options for Serena.
Sorry Serenabros... this is the end of the line for me. Learning that she's 17 means I gotta leave this place behind. Thanks for the good times.
>her adventures could've been longer
>we could have been with her for much longer
Looking forward to further concept art serena edits
Maybe the first pic in all skin colours from the trailer? A lot of spriters did that back in the day.
Post source
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Does Serena has big tits or small tits?
>game big
>special big
>anime smallish
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Medium, including anime Serena depending on the clothing she wears. Black Sweater Serena has defined breasts.
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Makes sense. She's like 16 or so in X and Y. But then in the anime she's about 10.
>>game big
Are you sure? Is she anywhere near Candice who is just 16 year old?
deliciously big and round
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Serena's ass does NOT need to be that big...
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Is 17 year old game Serena's body even as developed as Alice?
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Serena's breast? Serena breast....
Militarena wants you to join the Kalos Foreign Legion.
>supposed to be around "10" in the anime
Can't imagine what she'll look like by the time she's actually 17.
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Anime Serena's rack is impressive for a 10 year old, can you say that about Game Serena that is 17 years old?
In game she is AT LAST 17 or even 18.
It stated in game she is Older than Enma who is 17
I don't think the game actually confirmed Serena to be older than Emma. More like it was implied because of the way Emma treats the players but it could be her respecting them as an experienced trainer rather than their age.
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But why doe her tits and ass need to be so large for her age? It's too tempting...
>IP grabbing link
>Quotes his own link to avoid the detection
>Wants Serena to emulate an off-topic whore
Mods, ban this ginormous faggot.
Best way to push a sole love interest is to give her most well developed body with better combinations of eyes & hair colour.
>That is 17 years old
Dumb ESLpedo
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Game Serena's body would have been impressive for a 14 year old since that would mean she still has a lot of time to grow and might could reach Nonomi Izayoi's level as a 17 year old.

There is no point of older protagonist if the female protagonist isn't allowed to develop a hyper body like Zinnia.
Who asked for your groomerfiction? Nobody
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drew her a bit ago
Why is that moron quoting his own link?
We already seen 14-17 year old Serena in the game. Unless the anime decides to ignore the game and gives Serena a hyper body.

Evolution Serena seems to have a large rack.
good job!
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>Traced MSpaint template
Epic, you won over 9000 internets sir =).
Is it possible that Game Serena's tits are actually as big as Candice on reference sheet but it is actually hard to notice?
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Then you will love this.
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Serena NO!
Not even horny just really liking the composition nice job
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>Implying he would be better if he was brown
holy shit it's already been a week?
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pin-up postcard Serena
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Someone wake Serena up.
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flying off to Mass
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mogged by May
I'd still eat both of their pussies regardless.
Go away, Ash.
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I disagree.
why do they cut her hair in every single adaptation
because otherwise she would be too hot
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What is sex with each iteration of Serena like /ss/?
Anime: cowgirl (only to Satoshi)
Game: missionary
Manga: doggy style
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>still spilling spaghetti

This doesn't add up.
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>"do not reupload"
>reuploads it
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You have to wonder how many people actually listen to that request. You as the artist has to know putting that on your art is pretty fucking fruitless.
>You as the artist has to know putting that on your art is pretty fucking fruitless.
I no longer make any assumptions about what people do or don't understand.
People are pretty fucking dumb.
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Cowgirl, missionary, doggy, oral, vaginal, anal, paizuri... literally anything for her Satoshi.
Protagonist Serena is always on top, whereas rival Serena is always a bottom.
>But why doe her tits and ass need to be so large for her age?
Anime!Serena's body began developing after she met Ash at the summer camp, so in order to cover her bases, she grew both big tits and a big ass, just so she'd meet whichever preference Ash ended up having when they grew up. It's no wonder she left Ash at the end of XYZ with the promise that he'd "like the kind of person she grew into"/she'd "become a more charming woman," and the next time he sees her, she's showing even more arm and shoulder, and has even bigger tits.
Because haircuts were a promoted feature of XY and so they wanted to show all the Serenas with various hairstyles. Same reason anime Serena has had three official main outfits without a 3rd version.
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>emerged unscathed from the leaks
>the only leak that could've portrayed Serenafrens in a negative light was a mistranslation
my faith in her is unaffected by such things, no matter how they turn out
they could leak a draft story about how she was supposed to violently rape the player character during X/Y and I would not mind
The fact that Rica Matsumoto essentially called that transcript fake gives fans the greenlight to simply ignore it if they want to, so even if the part you're talking about wasn't a mistranslation, people would've had cover to just call it fake anyway lol.
She only dismissed the part where her relationship with Ikue Otani was put into question. But the fact that this was in one of the files that were leaked alongside the ones of the games or the fact that she acknowledged the leak at all and she is lying about official documents isn't good PR for her at all.
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I disagree. While it's true that fake documents have found their way into real leaks in the past, the transcript is too long with too many named people discussing things in too much detail to be fake. However, Rica knows Japanese anime culture being what it is, she just needed to call the allegations fake, watch her fans support her in the replies, and move on like nothing ever happened. Nothing will ever be investigated further and nobody will ever come forward publicly. Hell, it's only been a week and I don't think anyone in the Anipoke community even cares anymore about that transcript. The Rica controversy lasted, like, two days, and the Yajima threats thing re: Serena died down after the initial translation was called out as bullshit, barely lasting a whole day. Give it a month and nobody will remember anything about these leaks besides character ages and maybe the Typhlosion meme. It'll be Spaceworld all over again.
You can't trust google translator, that was the first and last mistake.

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