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So, Caitlin was 17 during Platinum. How old was she during B/W? how much time passed between both games then?
If I recall correctly, 14 years.
20 from RGB/RSE to S&M.
2 from RGB/RSE to GSC/DPPM
2 years from BW to BW2/XY, and a further 2 years to S&M.
This leaves 14 years once we take off the time at the ends.
It’s only been 10 years from RGB to SM. Red and Blue are both 21.
Porygon dex entry is pretty blant it has been 20 years.
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Doesn't matter to me. She's legal, so she is my wife now.
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Uh, you mean MY wife.
there should be another of her sheets but for bw and there we would find the answer how much time have passed
All I know is that she needs a cut, her Platinum hairstyle is fine but after that is just too much
Sugimori said she was designed to be around 14
But her insanely long hair is the best part...
isn't she Cynthia's childhood friend / lesbian lover?
No, maybe the first one but the second is just /vp/ delusions
Are you SURE about that?

that said, if their Master's dialogue is anything to go by, I think it's mostly on Caitlin's side, and Cynthia has classic Shonen protag blinders.

Most of their ship-leaning official art kind of supports that actually. I guess there's not actually much evidence that Cynthia returns any of her feelings now that I'm stopping to think about it.
which file or I call bs. Seen too many made up by now
>this is what yurifags actually believe
Yes, you are deranged. There is no teasing here of any sort.
>Well, in that respect, I guess you could say we made a mistake in our team selection." "Besides, with Cynthia, I've yet to..." "... ... ..."
>"You sure do hold that team–no, <player>–in high regard, don't you?"

>"Because you're my teammate, my friend, and..."
>"my rival!"

>"Me? You consider me your rival?"
>"My, how good you are at motivating others. Perhaps you have some psychic powers as well."

If this were a hetro couple, you wouldn't even be fighting me on this ship teasing. This is a classic romcom anime "girl has feelings and wants to confess but is too shy, yet gets jealous when others get attention instead, dense guy sounds like he's about to confess and gets her hopes up but actually says something positive but ill-timed and underwhelming, girl gathers her spaghetti back into her pocket, makes a snide comment about how bad the guy is at reading a room, then relents and focuses on the positive attention." moment, except that the guy is replaced with a soft-butch goth girl.

They're never going to progress the relationship any further because gay marriage isn't legal in Japan, and Pokemon is a family brand. (The 'forbidden' nature is part of what makes it so popular in teen/YA media.)

But they're still playing the eternal leadup narratively beat for beat.

lol. lmao.
He's still posting the quiet girl not talking well as evidence she's somehow gay.
That hat looks so bad holy shit
>17 during Platinum.
Except she was 14 as canonically stated
She was younger than 20 in BW though
Wait, if Caitlyn is 14, and Caitlyn and Cynthia have been rivals since childhood, which makes them the same age give or take. . . .
Oh my god.
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I have to ask: Pt Caitlin or BW Caitin, which do you prefer?
The one with the shorter hair
They're both lame long-haired blonde women.
Her age was supposedly confirmed in an old Nintendo magazine as well as some guidebooks, but nobody even way back then (check the bulbapedia talk page) could confirm
Both being late teens/adults wouldn't be surprisng honestly, Cynthia never came across as older than 25 imo
Of course they could still have been childhood friends even with an age gap between them
Pt Caitlin because I ship her with Darach and it's cuter
>Except she was 14 as canonically stated
Got a source? Genuinely asking here.
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The one with the longer hair
Though I love both designs
It's not like they need to be the same age to be rivals or have known each other for a long time
And I think it's fair to assume Cynthia is older considering Caitlyn aged up between Plat and B/W and Cynthia looks the same
That said I don't think Cynthia is THAT old, she's probably around the age Caitlin is in B/W but in Plat and then a little older in B/W
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>Pt Caitlin and Darach ship
actually based and very cute indeed
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Nintendo Dream possibly
>she's probably around the age Caitlin is in B/W
Anon, BW is like over ten years from DPP. If Caitlyn is 14 then she's over 24 by then. The gap is very significant.
Do we know that for sure or is that speculative because I don't recall that
I like them equally as I really like Caitlin for the first time when I tried out the Battle Frontier. After that I was really excited when I saw her again in BW. That blew my mind.
>check the bulbapedia talk page
Im thinking about Mandela efect because Id swear it was stated in both Bulbapedia and here she was 14 and now I cant check it
My headcanon is that Cynthia is 21 in DPPt. If that guy is right about the time that took place between RGBY and SM was 10 years it means that 4 years has passed between DPPt and BW which would make her 25 in BW, 27 in B2W2/XY and Professor Scyamore should also be at around that age in XY, 29 in SM and 19 in RGBY/FRLG/RSE/ORAS.
Source is from the Japanese Pokémon Wiki, which sources the May 2011 issue of Nintendo Dream, which is probably where I first read it. I remember that PokéJungle used to do lots of interview translations in 2010 and 2011 back around the height of BW, but I think I'm the only person who ever remembers interviews. A lot of this information, like certain pieces of BW Gym Leader info, Reshiram being feminine and Zekrom being masculine, Caitlin's age, etc. was already public information in Japan.
I ship her with her Butler
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Her hat is just too much in BW, so Platinum.
They've been removed at some point and I know what you mean because I remember the same thing kek
Best bet is also checking guidebook scans if you wan to consider that canon
Reasonable ages
It looks like it was removed at some point but the thing which was referenced was this
More specifically this section about her under 四天王
>プラチナ、HGSSのカトレアの成長した姿 数年後くらいという設定なので、見た目よりは年齢が高い かもしれない バトルフロンティア時は14歳くらいのイメージ バトルフロンティア登場時と同じ要素を使ってデザインしたが それだけでなく髪の量をとことん多くした エスパータイプの人は超能力で髪型を作っていてほしいという個人的願望から 両端のリボンを超能力で浮かせて髪型を保ってるみたいにしている ちょっと偉そうなくらいがいいので、後ろで手を組ませている(アゴで使う感じ) ポケモンの腕はは若い時から強かったが、超能力が制御しきれなく、使わせてもらえなかったイメージ それが可能になったので、力試しにイッシュ地方に1人でやってきた コクランは意外と近くで見守っているのかもしれないとのこと
More specifically バトルフロンティア時は14歳くらいのイメージ was used
To be fair, it doesn't specifically say "she was 14" just "she was designed to look somewhere around 14".
20 years from gen 1 to gen 7.
It's been two years since "we last saw Grimsley" in BW2, which takes place at the same time as XY and two after BW.
It's enough time for the Rocket Grunt to start a family back in Unova.
The interviews are so long ago where I recall reading things online and yet I can't remember the contents. Talk about dementia. Thanks anyway
Incidentally that's apparently a quote from an interview with Ohmura
Still somewhat speculative then. If 10 years had passed it'd call into question ALL of the gym leaders ages who showed up in the PWT unless you want to say that PWT is not canon or that all of them aged extremely well. If 20 years had passed in total since gen 7, remember Cynthia also shows up in gen 7 and still looks the same as she did in Plat. She must be immortal or something.
I think we have a case here of Game Freak didn't think about it and threw out a number which worked at the time but doesn't add up in the long run.
I don't think basing the passage of time on how characters with an anime arts artstyle visible age is that good of an idea, even getting past stuff like just reusing assets.
>He's still posting the quiet girl not talking well as evidence she's somehow gay.
Where is she not talking well?
The "and uh ... MY RIVAL!" is Cynthia.

I split them up by who's talking.

Caitlin complains about Cynthia inviting her out for a friendly practice match before she faces Player but then is running late, as well as feeling bored because Cynthia's been victory-focused and singlehandedly carrying all their team matches, so she hasn't actually been having much fun, nor has she had any kind of chance to do... SOMEthing with Cynthia because she's been so focused on winning.

When Cynthia does show up, she's dressed up specially for her match against Player and bragging proudly about how her Kommo-o has been growing faster than expected, just like Player. Caitlin sort of cattily says "wow, you really like that Player huh. Whatever let's just get this practice battle over with."

Cynthia goes "Hey, I know i've already put upon you here but please I want to see you give this your all. Because i've seen you growing and I want to see how amazing you've become because you're my team mate, my friend and my uh.. uh... RIVAL!"

Caitlin goes "W-what? Rival?"
Cynthia: "Do you not feel the same way?"
Caitlin: "What an inspiring thing to say, maybe you're a telepathy too (9_9). Look, I'm glad you think i'm so great, but literally how, I've never beaten you so much as once."
Cynthia: "Nope not even once! Uh, but I mean you could right?"
Caitlin: "REAL inspiring. Fine. Here's full force, Imma beat your ass!"
Darach: "Uhhhh, m'lady, you're letting your temper out again! You know like when you used to kaboom stadiums with your psychic tantrums?!"

The only missing pieces is what the SOMETHING she wanted to do with Cynthia was that she hasn't had a chance to yet because Cynthia's been to battle-minded.
>how much time passed between both games then?
About 3~5 years if DPPt is 2006~2007 and BW is 2010~2011.
>How old was she during B/W?
If >>56720618, then 17~19
Well yeah, but then that's characters like Tate and Liza who are only like 10 in R/S. So add the time difference between that and Plat and BW and B2W2 and they should be a LOT older. Also it looks like apparently that 20 years thing is from a Pokedex entry of all things and we all know how unreliable those are. I'd take that with a grain of salt personally.
Don't care about yuribaiting in gacha lol
>been rivals since childhood
Childhood definition varies by every person. Friends of mine say it ended when they were 20 and were forced to work.
Their age difference been at least 5 years wouldnt be weird
I dont want to sound as schizo as Zinnia but this only makes sense proven all games either happen in the same universe or different universes share the sale defintion of year as time unit
Thanks God Im not crazy
Here it says shes at least 18 because thats their definition of adulthood
Here it sayd shes 16 in Gen 4 and 2 in BW and the youngest Elite 4 but doesnt explain why
The ages in those documents are just absolute bullshit. How the fuck is Caitlyn 17 in Platinum but Elesa is 15? That should be enough to disregard these numbers as just made up
>what do you mean Jotaro is only 17!?
The Gacha is as canon as One Piece movies.
As in the specific events aren't but the canon characters traits and behaviors are intended to be 100% consistent with their canon versions.
They are made up, they're fictional characters.
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Speaking of Masters, I know this isn't the right thread for that but is it worth going back to? For any reason?
>Childhood definition varies by every person. Friends of mine say it ended when they were 20 and were forced to work.
>Their age difference been at least 5 years wouldnt be weird
Official Art of them as children makes them appear very close in age.
Exactly my point. It's incoherent and anyone with half a brain can see that. The best estimate we'll get is in game dialogue.
The Platinum & Black/White bios are very different in how they're presented. The Platinum ones look more thought through & concrete if you ask me, even referring back to how some stuff isn't used in the games themselves, while the BW ones look like early concept drafts. I wouldn't really take the BW ones too seriously in regards to the final products, it feels more like a fun look at how the ideas for the characters started, while the Platinum ones feel mostly accurate at least.
No, your point is arguing that drawings don't look the right age.
>Cynthia is either 14 or 17 in gen 4
Absolutely hilarious.
The people who actually believe those ages are the same people who actually believe the incoherent Pokémon lore lmao. Nigga they make it up on the fly and change it as they want. Hence why Red is 11 or some shit in R/B/Y, then presumably 13 in GSC yet looks identical and is also on the top of a fucking mountain in a blizzard and then appears in BW2 at the same age but then 4 years later ages to 31 in SM. Same as how Cynthia is an unknown age in DP, appears in BW then in SM and hasn't changed at all in those 10 years from DP to SM. None of it makes any sense of you pull the thread even lightly.
>ages to 31 in SM
>10 years from DP to SM
What the hell are you talking about?
I'm thinkin pokelorefags BTFO desu
NTA but how long has it been since you last played it?
>10 years from DP to SM
There's no source on that, anon just made it up.
Red is 31 or something in SM due to the 20 years passed between RBY and SM in the real world. Cynthia presumably aged 10 years between DP's release in 2006 and SM in 2016.
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Decided to make a thread to ask, but like over half a year.

Is the game still boring as fuck?
There's even a source that says SM is 2 years after BW2.
Nah the rule is more or less that each game takes place in the year it released unless stated otherwise like RSE and FRLG taking place side by side, I forget which game it started with though, I believe BW
There's no such rule retard.
So are solrock and Lunatone's and they make no sense.
Pretty much. At least to me that is, log in, waste stamina and that's that. The game's gotten even stingier with gems so you have to do a lot of saving. I have gone back to it myself and it's still the same as ever but I usually just stay for the events.
> it doesn't specifically say "she was 14" just
The article is the ramblings of a japanese fan. People took it as a source because its not official.
Stop spreading misinfo.
It's just discordtards trying to bait people, ignore and move on and don't waste your energy like a retard. They've been doing it for like a year now
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>was going to reinstall cause I still have Galar Moltres Marnie and wanted to see if I could scrounge up some freebie gems for cute girls

Man that fuckin sucks...
Still closer to canon than "I think it fits more like this".
Post the source nigger. Not another fansite.
That article literally disproves you.
Cope, seethe and cry
I would say to just do the bare minimum but really there's not a lot to do in Masters. I say just appreciate the art that it generates from the alts and look at the events.
You're the one mad your favorite poketuber isn't taken as a source.
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We do know that gen 4 takes place at the same time as gen 2, which is two years after gen 1. Meaning 1998 and not 2006.
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I'll give it one last shot since I think I missed the free anniversary shit, then I'll let it rot once it inevitably disappoints me
Gen 2 is three years after Gen 1, they only say that like 50 trillion times throughout GSC.
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The official stance, as far as GF is concerned, is that yes time is marching onwards but you shouldn't overthink it because they sure as hell aren't.
The gap between RBY and GSC is 3 years retard. The gen 2 games were very explicit about this.
Yeah, you just missed it. Hope you get some tiny bit of enjoyment out of the time you come back to it. For me, I'm trying to save up as many as I can get to go for Halloween Caitlin since I missed her the first and other times. I came back at the right time.
And he will be right because they arent meant to
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So 1999.
>Gen 2 is three years after Gen 1, they only say that like 50 trillion times throughout GSC.
This being /vp/, you have to take into account that the anon might not know that 96 and 99 are different years.

Other than Wally in Gen7, they've been coherent with that idea ever since Gen 4(discounting revisits to old games obviously).
Japs are bad with numbers
If gen 4 takes place in the late 90s, then explain the fucking Wii that's right there in the player's bedroom
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Product placement.
Offline patch when?
> That should be enough to disregard these numbers as just made up
Yeah, they're fictional characters and those numbers were made in the proposal stage.
Nintendo made the Wii earlier in the Pokémon universe, same thing with GameCube already existing in 1996.
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Even then, the tech in DPPt, from the plasma screens to the iMac G4-inspired computers is unmistakably 2006. Even the Pokétch is inspired by the proto-smartwatches of the mid-00s.
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Gamefreak has never bothered with internal consistency.
18XX: Arceus
1996: RBY/FRLG + RuSa/Emerald + Colosseum
1999: GSC/HGSS + DP/Platinum + Ranger
2001: Shadows of Almia + Gale of Darkness
2002 or so: Arceus protagonist's original time period
2003: Guardian Signs
Around 2006-2008: ORAS, in an alternate world
Late 200X-Early 201X: Let's Go, in an alternate world
Roughly 2011: Black & White
Roughly 2013: B2W2 + X & Y
Roughly 2015: SuMo/USUM
2016-present: GO, in our world
Probably 2019: Sword & Shield
Probably 2022: Scarlet & Violet
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Nuh uh, she's MINE
>18XX: Arceus
Pokeballs were invented in 1925 no? In PLA they are a recent invention.
Which means that, BDSP somehow have to take place both in 2075 and 1999 because it's 150 years back from it.
I'm starting to suspect gf doesn't give a shit about the whole timeline thing beyond the order of sequence, if even that.
Fans autistically trying to create a chronology for Pokemon meanwhile Masuda when asked about it just goes "I don't really know (laughs)"
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Godspeed. I managed to get her, and while she's definitely gotten outclassed in recent years, she's still pretty useful. If we get a Sygna Suit Caitlin/Gen IV Caitlin/any other seasonal Caitlin, I'll probably reinstall again. I love her so much.
Yep, at one point Pokémon devs have even quoted Lucario movie when asked how did their world look like in the past.
What's your source for the 150 years thing?
One of the leaks. Really should have saved it.
I don't give a shit about Masuda, this is Tajiri's world.
If that's really true, then that means Arceus takes place around the exact same time as the Brass Tower fire.
Tajiri hasn't had anything to do with it since 1999, his opinion on the timeline for games he had nothing to do with is irrelevant
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I go for favorites regardless of utility, that's how I look at it, it all depends on if I get them or not. Gen 4 Caitlin would really make me break out the gem bank. I love Gen 4 so much. I'm still waiting for Cheryl to get an alt so here's to hoping we both get what we want in end.
See? Even if she cuts her hair a bit she still can look cute and it's healthier!
>hair length to wrists
haircel, cope
Here are the ages of the Pokemon protagonists.

- Red is stated to be 11 in the manual for the Gen I games
- Brendan/May are stated to be 12 in ORAS, while Wally is stated to be 10
- Elio/Selene and Hau are stated to be 11, Gladion is Lillie's older brother so either he's 12 or she's 10
- Calem/Serena are said to be older than Emma whose age is 16, so they're presumably 17
- Hilbert/Hilda were envisioned to be around 16 when they were made, but it became 14 later, and Nate/Rosa are presumably similar
- Rei/Akari in PLA are said to look about 15
- Ethan/Lyra are taller and weigh more than Lucas/Dawn in Gen IV, so they are presumably around a year older

And here is the game timeline:

The plot of Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire and Pokémon Red and Green are contemporaneous. They are then followed by the equally contemporaneous plot of Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal and Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, which are set three years later. Pokémon Black and White are set an unspecified amount of time after those games. Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 are set two years after those games, and are contemporaneous with Pokémon X and Y. Pokémon Sun and Moon and Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon take place two years after the events of Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 and at least 10 years after the events of Pokémon Emerald. Pokémon Sword and Shield are known to take place after the events of Pokémon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon because the Pokémon Sword and Shield Pokédex states that research notes of Type: Null were stolen leading to creating more of these Pokémon, in contrast to the three that existed in the previous games.

Therefore, a minimum of 10 years and a maximum of 20 years elapse between RGB and SMUSUM. So Red is between 21 and 31 years old in SMUSUM.

RGBY/RSE/LGPE > 3 years > GSC/DPPT > at least 3 years > BW > 2 years > B2W2/XY > 2 years > SMUSUM > ? years > SWSH > ? years > SV
Remakes should be considered separate from the originals. RSE and DPPt aren't linked to RGBY and GSC, but rather FRLG and HGSS. See >>56721712 and >>56721777.
Not only does the tech from the time of RSE/DPPt extend to FRLG/HGSS (Compare Pokédexes, Pokégears, etc.), but so does the overall art syle, character design, and aesthetic of the games. This is evident in Masters EX when Kris is placed near any character from HGSS.
Wheres everyone?
Are you guys sleeping?
Yes, not everyone here is from Australia.
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Nothing else to say besides Caitlin is cute.
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yes, and the thread may die
but maybe we'll get another fun thread like this some day
She is also too skinny
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So how old did we decide she is in BW?
Unironically yes
Okay, leak notes say mid 20s when she's a member of the Unova Elite Four, guess that solves that
Cynthia = 28

apparently Diantha is 20 ???? WTF!!
she looks like 30-35+, if not 40
Especially with grey hair

I guess being white & french (=slut) + acting stress = ages faster

That puts Platinum and BW around 8-10 years apart
>mid 20s when she's a member of the Unova Elite Four
Then her age range 23-27
Are those leaks from BW 1 or 2?
or Lysandre was a huge cunnyseur to talk like that to a 20 year old kek
Alder is the champion in those docs, so BW1
damn, timeskip of +6 years confirmed then
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>Then her age range 23-27
Sweet, so we're pretty close in age range. That just makes me love my wife even more!
Interesting to know that she was in Platinum
>- Calem/Serena are said to be older than Emma whose age is 16, so they're presumably 17
See >>56730790, >>56730884, >>56731127, >>56731235.
There is no evidence about Calem/Serena's ages in the jp text.
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wait but....
that means DP to BW is ~8 years...
but BW to SM is 2 years....
but mina is 14 in LGP then...
then... huh?
GF already said they don't care about internal consistency.
Do you really think that LGPE, a game that replaced the originals MCs of the region despite the story playing out almost the same, cares about that?
BW to BW2 is two years. Then another two years for S&M.
you can imagine that gen1 was happening at the same time as gen5
there's nothing that contradicts that
The rocket grunt from gen 2 starts a family we later see in BW2.
Unless he somehow started a family while in the past back home at the same time he was in Kanto in the future.
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Here’s all the ages from today’s leaks

Steven (ORAS): 25
Alder (BW): 57
Marshall (BW): 27
Shauntal (BW): 18
Grimsley (BW): 27
Caitlin (BW): Mid 20s (In Japan this could be anywhere from 22-27 specifically)
Striaton Trio (BW): 14
Lenora (BW): 35
Burgh (BW): 21
Elesa (BW): 15
Clay (BW): 55
Skyla (BW): 18
Brycen (BW): 44
Iris (BW): 10
Drayden (BW): 69
Benga (BW2):14
Marlon (BW2): 30
Ethan (HGSS): 12
Lyra (HGSS): 12
Thorton (HGSS): 14
Argenta (HGSS): 42
Darach (HGSS): 25
Caitlin (HGSS): 17
Dahlia (HGSS): 24
Looker (Pt): 43
Charon (Pt): 71
Aaron (Pt): 19
Bertha (Pt): 56
Flint (Pt): Early 20s
Lucian (Pt): Early 30:
Cynthia (Pt): 28
Roark (Pt): 15
Gardenia (Pt): 18
Maylene (Pt): 10
Crasher Wake (Pt): 37
Fantina (Pt): 32
Candice (Pt): 16
Byron (Pt): 51
Volkner (Pt): 24
Viola (XY): 18
Grant (XY): 22
Korrina (XY): 14
Tierno (XY): 16
Trevor (XY): 10
Shauna (XY): 12
Ramos (XY): 65
Valerie (XY): 20
Olympia (XY): Ambigious
Wulfric (XY): 45
Wikstrom (XY): 35
Malva (XY): 33
Drasna (XY): 40
Siebold (XY): 25
Diantha (XY): 20
Drasna is younger than fucking Lusamine.
How does she do it?
Superior Aryan genes
>Serena/Calem - 17
>Shauna - 12
>Trevor- 10
>Tierno - 16
What an eclectic mix.
Someone post the updated timeline
Was Emma considered too young to work for Looker in the jp text like said here? >>56730562
if so then that's pretty good evidence.
They're in their 30s if we go off that non-canon source book that Game Freak still references to this day and takes bits and pieces from, Porygon was made like a year before Red and Blue, and according to Sun and Moon Porygon has been around for 20 years

So Red and Blue, the characters would canonically be 31

FRLG & Emerald
~3 years~
HGSS & Platinum
~Unknown amount of time~
~2 years~
B2W2 & XY
~2 years~

The series becomes linear after Gen 7, I recall they reference USUM in the DLC for SwSh, but its been forever, but I doubt its been that long, on top of the stolen Silvally plans

They reference Bede destroying the wall in one of the books in the school in SV, so obviously that means its set after as well

Pokemon games seem to reflect the amount of time in real life that it takes for us to get new games, so like it can be assumed 2 to 3 years gaps

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