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Proto-Brigette Edition


We have:
>Full SVN repositories for Platinum, HGSS, BW, and B2W2, which includes source code and full commit history
>Shitloads of design documents, beta Pokemon, concept art, music, and other such things from Gen 1 to Gen 6 (but mainly Gen 3 to Gen 6)
>XY and ORAS source code & assets, staff documents, concept art, dev videos and XY prototype builds
>Legends: Arceus proof of concept protos and mid-production overview PDF
>LGPE source code
>BDSP debug builds
>USUM git repo
>Pokemon Bank source code and builds
>Anime production art up to BW
>Source logos, manuals, boxart and promo PDFs for select mainline Pokemon games up to BW and ORAS
>Miscellaneous stuff like digitized scans of GF Magazine, anime art, TCG art, data on Detective Pikachu and Pokemon GO QA builds, etc.
>Codenames for past and future games (e.g. "Titan" = S/V)

Non-Pokemon leaks:
>An unreleased and nearly finished SNES remake of Mendel Palace/Quinty
>Two incomplete DS games developed by Game Freak; one of them involves insects, and the other is titled "Present Party"
>Localization, sheet music, and other development documents for Drill Dozer
>An unreleased DS conversion of an unreleased port of Yoshi to the SNES
>Some HarmoKnight stuff

The amount of data here is immense and even more is still on the way, so please be patient.
People are rummaging through the files as we speak.
Post filepaths/sources for leaked content or be forever deemed fake.

LATEST LEAKS: Parts 16-17 of sango_project
WHAT'S NEXT?: The rest of sangopart4/sango_project, followed by the XY repo


>Files: https://rentry.org/freakleak
>Torrents: https://rentry.org/gfteratorrent

Make a new thread if we hit image limit or reach page 10.
Previous: >>56717604
Brigette sex
Brigette sex
Brigette sex
i love bridgette
The #1 rule of common sense that's always ignored lmao
Copied? or do great minds think alike
So called free thinkers when they see a female pokemon professor:
Is anyone looking through the USUM code at all?
I love reporting off topic antics and getting banned for it anyway!
Not to my knowledge, even though it should be easier since more people are familiar with git than SVN
I just want to let you guys know that if you actually make a decomp/PC port I will make so many titty mods. Trainer, Pokemon, no model will be safe. Let's make the best Pokemon game possible.
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It's time for your research in the wild my boy
Can't wait for thread 69
Damn straight. I can't wait for the mods that make XY into a good game (i.e restoring beta content)... and the coom mods too.
Busty Serena 3.0 with jiggle physics and nudity...
E-even Regigigas titty mods?
Let's hope there's actual deliverance on this.
Maybe someone will finally make a busty mod that doesn't give Serena and May Lara Croft tits in the overworld.
Why are these threads still being created? Leaks are over
Higher poly count should be a given with a port.
You wish
What is your agenda behind spamming this every thread despite it being so obviously false?
leaker just posted parts 18-21
freakleak rentry guy needs to update the fucking link already
Discordfaggots trying to create disinterest in th leaks so they can continue hoarding, don't fall for it
Ok, so why didn't you share them? Care to explain?
so one more day till XY finale?
Is that seriously the best they can do? Why would anyone fall for obvious bait post like that?
leaker just posted parts 18-21 of you're mom's nudes
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you fucking liar, fuck you for making me look


underage detected
my mistake, your're mom's nudes
brigette is hot
>the shitposting samefag from last thread is also a member of the discord
No one here makes your mom jokes. That's what grade school kids do.
Explain how I'm shitposting?
Explain how I'm a samefag? I literally posted proof I'm only one of the dudes you're seething at
God you're a pathetic schizo lmao
Wrong. Your mom suck me good and hard through my jorts.
you know what else grade school kids do? ur mom
tell that you're mother, this ain't joke.
His mom is a pedophile?
You're trying way too hard to look like an adult.
I do not feel comfortable using GoFile (due to porn popups) or Buzzheavier (due to it being not mainstream and I don't know if it is safe). Is there a safer way I can download these?
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You know who else make your mom jokes?
>due to porn popups
Use an adblocker bro
Regis could be done by retexturing a hypothetical lewd Lopunny or Gardevoir model or just grafting 6 tits onto Regigigas's model A proper Gigas girl would require a brand new model and animations, not impossible, but would be a big task.
Why aren't you using an adblocker?
Stop being a pussy.
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>porn popups
Just use an adblock
That'd be fucking cursed
Though I like the idea of a gen 6 moemon hack
>no adblocker
are you retarded?
I'll advocate for six tittied Regigigas
I haven't gotten a popup in over 10 years. Sounds like a (you) problem, tween.
>not using adblocker
You have to be 18 to use this website
Nigga an adblocker is absolutely necessary even if you weren't downloading this stuff
It's like a digital condom
My heart breaks a little every time I see a co-worker my age not have an adblocker
any character sheets or assets from LGPE?
This post was written by an actual child
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You realize this stuffs being posted on Tiktok now right? Kids are gonna download tar files on their iPhones
Thanks professor.
Most excellent.
>Kids are gonna download tar files on their iPhones
...you're serious?
ur mum gey
God, that's hilarious.
How nostalgic.
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>there are people posting here that don't have adblock on the internet
Exceptionally fucking grim.
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So, to sum up, some lads and I have been investigating the commits in each tgz so far of sango_project (aka xy_project) and so far there's no evidence of southern kalos actually being implemented beyond the planning stage, even in early xy commits dated like 2011
Any "leads" like >>56719464 were just false alarms and the route map models turned out to just be close to final in terms of layout
Beginning to think that they scrapped a lot of cool shit before they even implemented it in the actual game
Evil AZ, Battle Island, Mirage Island, South Kalos, etc...
Q: Was USUM's repo built atop SM's, like ORAS's on XY's?
I genuinely dont get adblockers, only because they serve no purpose. The ads are never unremovable, inescapable these days, and, with finesse, i usually navigate sites like gofile, bunkrrr, and the like anyways.
Digital condom my ass, everyone should only be able to fuck raw
>each tgz
*each part of the tgz, epic grammar mistake
Truly these are the darkest times.
I dunno, look at the git commit history for USUM yourself if you want.
We'll only find out how far it went in conceptualization when the leaker gives us the doc and art folders of the XY repo
Are you retarded?
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The thread didn't even really start yet and already you've taken the cake for one of the dumbest posts in it.
No one's looking at the USUM repo . I guess no one cares about it.
Malvertizing has been a thing since the dawn of the internet.
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>shit-tokers are in on the leaks too
>they absolutely DON'T have adblockers
>will get their iphones fucked up while trying to download tar files
god please let this happen to them
Duh, the prior leak of the USUM repo had people analyzing it for SM finds
Leak season has proved that many anons here are technologically handicapped, just let them be
ORAS were the last good games
theoretically, SM builds could be compiled from USUM repo
The main focus right now is sango because we have the full source.
Why is there no playlist of all the beta tracks? Someone needs to upload them somewhere besides individual links
What the fuck is the point of these shitty threads if he's confirmed he won't leak Gen 10 or Z-A? I swear to god what a waste of a fucking week I already had to put my dog down all I wanted was to fucking see Z-A at the very least since TPC hasn't released anything anyone should give a singular fuck about in months.
But fuck me for expecting good things to happen.
I think you should take some time off the internet to process your emotions properly, sorry for your loss
>He doesn't like beytah kino for old games
Sorry your dog had to die but imo you're a weakling.
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>they serve no purpose
I'll take the title of retard for asking, but I thought it was only XY without the full source? And SM without any source. USUM had full source leaked I think?
>What the fuck is the point
Because there are still leaks happening?
Sorry about your dog, but I feel even worse it had an owner like you who'd use it's passing as a way to bitch about video game leaks on a mongolian basket weaving forum.
Gr8 b8 m8 not ir8 but I’ll r8 8/8
Honestly, who the fuck cares about Legends ZA or Gen 10, we know those games are gonna be putrid dogshit anyway, all leaking them would accomplish is finding that out faster. I'd much rather look over older shit from back when Game Freak still had even a semblance of a soul.
>XY without the full source
Sango (ORAS) is built on top of XY's code, and has XY's full commit history as a result
Sango literally has all of the raw assets which no other game has which is why it's 300GB+. Every other game has packaged assets.
yeah whatever dude, you ain't the worst I've heard.
Game Freak's laziness put us in luck for once.
glad your pibble died, hope it wasn't a peaceful death
this isn't laziness, this is basic software development
True but I still care about kalos
who knows it might be good
Theres no way to get into the discord anymore right?
mega jynx just flew under my bedsheets
Wait until he finds out that swan was a continuation of wb.
Then let's see Diamond and Pearl builds compiled from HGSS SVN.
You can technically do that, the earliest HGSS builds compiled from the HGSS svn are basically just DP without story or map scripts.
When I said that the posts get dumber and dumber every thread, I didn't mean it was a competition, anon.
she just flew out of mine, what a whore
But I think what makes ORAS repo different is that it has the full commit history of XY, something that HGSS doesn't have for DP, from what I know.
And now for the Question of The Thread: What is your favorite Pokemon game and if relevant how was it most robbed in the last 9 days?
Thecleaks have been amazing so fsr man, I'm already looking forward to romhacks using the betamons! If ZA doesn't get leaked then silverlining you get to go in fully blind.
I'm so sorry for your loss bro, stay strong brother!
While I agree that everyone should be able to fuck raw, the internet is full of STDs. We're not in the AIDS epidemic that was Internet Explorer's half a billion rootkit exploits, but it's still not safe to raw dog it in most websites these days.
TL;DR: Pick and choose your website fuckbuddies.
Sorry about your dog but you should take a break from these threads. If ZA leaks you'll know it from everywhere, so no need to hound this website if thats what you're after.
Is there any stuff on volo and cogita?
Where is the R/S source code? Why did leakernigger instead just steal a bunch of fucking useless concept art?
Favorite game? Probably BW2. If I'm allowed to cheat I'd say it got robbed out of beta Escavalier, the beta bug with whimsicott's hair and fat fuck simisear
New Friend wasn't here in 2020.
We weren't robbed much if it at all, pretty much every decision GF made from beta RS to final seemed to be the right one.
>Wasn't robbed at all, only bolstered by lore leaks
>Closest to robbery was more coomer designs were lost for a more grounded Space Cadet theming

Sinnohchads be eating and winning compared to ANY of the other Gens
>What is your favorite Pokemon game
Either HGSS, Platinum, or WB
>how was it most robbed in the last 9 days
I'd say they still turned out well, there weren't any cuts I think were necessarily bad
(The schizo ghetsis thing being reworked into blatantly evil ghetsis I can 100% understand since this is a children's game and children probably wouldn't understand a jrpg villain having convoluted motives)
We already have RS source from the gigaleak, and we already have a full and much more usable decomp of Emerald and FireRed, so fangames aren't a concern either.
link to the yoshi game?
Not quite favorite, but XY missing out on the heel flamingo and the chameleon lines is a shame, those designs are really fun and creative
not much just some art I wish we got to see and anime max not being in the game is kinda lame
Same to be honest, as someone who hates Gen 6 and onwards I feel Gen 6 could have been one of the greatest pokemon games ever
>Evil AZ
>Battle Island
>A whole southern kalos
>Custom gyms
>etc etc
I can only imagine the amount of SEXO the beta galactic admins would've had. Maybe thats why they were cut, they were too powerful
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These threads are an interesting mix of internet veterans and internet zoomers and it blows my mind
>TheGrandGarchomp and everything he does
>The people not using adblockers and trying to rationalize it
>The people mirroring shit and cataloging everything to god knows what file provider
>The former devs who just know how to compile this shit like they did it yesterday
>all blending together in discord of all places, where they dont share/repost the links
>an equally autistic bunch who goes out of their way to share the links specifically for the above reason
>people prepped to password crack shit in case necessary, with results no less
>other tech autists that specialize in storage
>one dedicated guy making torrents of every single goddamn file even though he doesnt need to and could just make a big torrent
>many people who dont even know what a torrent is (see: TheGrandGarchomp)
and yet, the thing keeping us all together and moving forward to ensure its all saved is pokegirls
it's on the rentry.org link in OP
How old is Korrina?
blessed trips
Why does it matter?
>even though he doesnt need to and could just make a big torrent
And what happens when a new file comes along, hrm? Given how many times I've had to update some of these torrents, I think this has worked out in everyone's favor!
(Thanks for calling me dedicated though, that's not a word often used to describe me :P)
Last time I checked a channel called video game music resources was uploading them on YouTube. No idea about playlists though.
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Yeah, let's make the world happier.
Emerald and I would've liked to live in the timeline with better animated sprites
Explorers of Sky.

More seriously probably HGSS or Platinum, but the only mainline ones I haven't played are BW2, USUM and SwSh and I liked pretty much everything to some degree, with SuMo being the weakest by far. I imagine that'd change if I went back to the older games and replayed some of them so obviously I won't ever do that.
such is the nature of the modern age
just do what we always do, keep the same files, add new shit, make a new torrent, drop the new one. it may be annoying but youre going to be going back to him for the torrents anyway so who gives a shit
>mods that make XY into a good game
With the anime's plot of zygarde instead of the floette garbage. And South Kalos, of course.
As it goes, spite is the best motivator. I'm glad we've got anons who aren't fags just to spit in the face of the fags.
Of course we don't. In these parts we make MY MOM jokes.
>Verification not required.
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I would like to know if she's old enough to still be needing her special needs helmet
>and yet, the thing keeping us all together and moving forward to ensure its all saved is pokegirls
And Pokédick.
I'm here for the shitposts while waiting for the big stuff. Also the little crumbs like Cheren and Bianca being named Blackey and Whitey is pretty cool, too.
For me? It's TheGrandGarchomp pictures while i lurk.
3D Moemon? Let's go!
I grew up on ADSL so that model has historically fucked me over personally in the past many, many times. This is being done out of borderline autistic frustration of said model.
Im even going to the effort of sorting shit just in case. now if only we could get the people to document the steps to compile shit properly, matching sdks and such so we dont have to needlessly work for it
If she's 15 I can't fap to her anymore. She'd be too old.
I like all of Gen 4 and 5 and I think I'd still like the games even if the cut stuff was added. Some details like reusing old gym leader sprites over the redrawn PWT sprites they were working on still piss me off, but it's not make or break.
I feel more robbed over Gen 3 and 6 if anything, Evolotto and the peanut dragon are cute as hell. And no fucking Rhydon racing game even though XY hype the shit out of it as a thing in universe. So fucking lazy
Click download
>2 tabs open
Click again
>Another tab open and download an exe file
Click for a third time and is finally able to download what you want
>Another tab opens anyway
You need adblocked anon, it's genuinely horrible to use anything now without one.
Somehow despite growing up with the internet, a literal library of overflowing information it has made people somehow more stupider than ever before
To see if she really younger than game Serena.
Fuck you, its for safety purposes only.
amazing that this is one of the only mods to actually restore may's rse outfit btw
Modern social media is when the real decline into retardation began. Irreversible damage has occurred from it.
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Is the card art stored in the leak too?
Serena is 14-17+ apparently
Serena has to be at least 17 because Emma is 16 and the XY protags are stated to be older than her in-game
Sorry, meant to ping this post when posting that modern social media being the source of modern retardation.
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I first found 4chan on an R52 Thinkpad in 2004 while using Dialup thanks to a Naruto Hentai thread on /h/. I've been here ever since. I'm 28 as of typing this. Do the math.
The amount of shit ive learned from this site and just searching and reading is incredible and I could not ever imagine life had I not taken this direction. Torrenting is one of the best things to ever happen to the internet, P2P as a whole, and I am glad I met Bram Cohen, but today it saddens me deeply that this shit is dying down due to the fearmongering of ISPs and lawyers even if you use it the right way legally.

I dont know where we went wrong exactly but it makes me legitimately depressed how tech-illiterate the newer generation is to a point where I even try to teach basic shit and it always falls flat on these fuckers. Dont stop what you're doing, make people learn just like we did
Well if you BELIEVE Emma
I agree with you, though Gen X's parenting style also shares some blame, as Gen Z was never allowed to self actualize.
This is a good rant describing how fucked Gen Z really is: >>56644991
>internet, a literal library of overflowing information
it's a library of babel, sure all the information you could need may be on the internet but it's intermixed with so much falsehoods, buried under years of meaningless noise, and other online bullshit too, it works a good filter making the stupider even stupider whilst benefiting those who are smart enough to use it.
Post line.
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Plza fucking when
see >>56720980
people don't even use the "internet" per se to get information anymore, as in search engines and websites, stupid motherfuckers get all their news and info from social media platforms.
I was looking at Naruto hentai on my DSi when I was barely older than you were, lmao.
Yeah some people are a little TOO tech illiterate. Especially those who always ask questions that arevtoo easily Googled.
I need something like this but with RS, PokeSpe blue, and Emerald retextures of the leaked RS style May overworld model. I still prefer the bandanna. Did we ever get a battle model of to go with that leaked original style model or was it just the overworld model?
pizza now, open up
That mod actually has a retexture/remodel that gives may back her RSE outfit actually
I cheeked Emma's dialogue and she never refer protagonist to be older than her. I mean how did she even knew the player's age? Its make sense for Shauna to be 12, Serena to be 14 and Korrina to be 15.
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Shoutouts to Star Sapphire for actually having blue outfits, these Game Freak dudes release the same game twice every few years since 1996, at least add a different fit for the MC, right after axing customization for the first time too.
despite what most say, xy is one of my favorites when it had online, even if I suck at battling real people I had a lot of fun when I would get battle requests
I got some nice safari friends
I'm doing my best man. It really, really is sad to see everyone go to tablets though, because it makes the whole thing way tougher. Unironically, the mass majority of the people my age never had a desktop or even a laptop. They also didn't have a cool ass dad willing to teach them the ways of piracy and how to best utilize their computers.
These people don't understand what torrenting is like, they don't know how the internet was. They don't know how to handle aggressive malware, or how to make repairs to their machines. Shit, I barely understand the latter honestly, and I grew up on these machines. They grew up on a locked down, underpowered machine that didn't let them enjoy what the internet and the world of computing had for them, and without any of the need to learn to be safe with them. I couldn't help but grimace every time I saw one of my peers struggle to figure out how to LOAD A PROJECT WITH UNITY, and we basically have TWO generations of this now.
At least my peers could've had Windows (and I've heard of one case of Linux-based) computer labs when they were growing up, Generation Alpha and late Z has chromebooks which are basically just underpowered tablets but with a fancy keyboard attached.

I'm sorry I'm just rambling. Like I said, I'll do my best to help all that I can.
Emma frequently refers to you and looker as "adults", and the general tone / implication really seems like you're older than her. Its not hard evidence or pure numbers, but its at least a sensible conclusion.
Every thread so far:
I appreciate the attempt, but I still wish it wasn't top knotted. The ORAS hairband looks okay top knotted but the original bandanna needs to be bottom knotted.
I think it's partly on the old timers at the start of the 2000s assuming the kids will grow up to be tech wizzes just by soaking everything in passively.
>I was looking at Naruto hentai on my DSi when I was barely older than you were, lmao.
I may have started being a degenerate a little too early but I dont regret it for a second, it let me learn too much. I now run several large scale archival projects to a degree I can only describe as insane seeing as I'm doing it solo, I have understanding to solo manage an entire QA Department at a game publisher, experience on all game platforms including piracy and piracy protection, collection of unreleased exotic hardware, connections to all sorts of interesting game devs, and yet the one thing they all remark about me is that while I may be weird my resourcefulness is insane and when questioned how it got this way I just tell them "I was bored so I learned stuff"
I didn't even have a DSi until 2017.
>Emerald and Platinum
>mostly shitty designs and cool lore, don’t care too much
Emerald, and since I dont like basically any of the beta designs, I dont feel too robbed.
Their purpose is literally in their name lol.
Doesn't surprise me. I've seen older anons on /a/
Probably a bit of that, and also just taking for granted the (poorly paraphrased) adage that "every generation will be intelligent of the technology they use"

Jesus, I wish I could do that. I've done research into those types of projects recently(I want to have a dataserver in my house because of how much I hoard,) but without a job I can't afford anything. It doesn't help that the internet is decaying at a catastrophic rate and all of my resources for learning this shit is just VANISHING. I'm trying to teach myself to hit ctrl+s on webpages I like because I never thought to do that as a kid.
no anon, you dont understand, subtract the years since 2004 from my age and you'll find out how old i was when i first came here
The first time you see Emma you have to enter an alley of a group of kids where the first thing they tell you is that you are a "grown-up" and because of that you are not allowed. Emma is refered as a kid instead.
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nta but
what the FUCK
I genuinely hope this is bait because noscript and custom CSS can revert the most retarded ui choices that companies make. I hope for your sake this is not real.
this is profoundly sad
8 year olds (particularly Gen Z) have gotten into way worse, anons. It's kind of a running trend. Had an 8 year old say he wished he could show gore to anyone who claimed he was sensitive.
Although probably just a lie, something I remember is a friend of mine bragging about how he could watch 2 girls 1 cup without being disturbed in 3rd grade lol
This discussion is neat and all but what does it have to do with the leaks?
>people itt actually care about the ages stated in those character study documents as if they are even remotely accurate to the final version
Tell me you've never created something without telling me. Those ages don't mean anything. The best estimate as to the characters ages is usually in game and in official media, not in outdated brainstorming docs
Honestly it's way better than the other off-topic arguments, though I would also still prefer leaks.
Looking for Naruto hentai at 8 is pretty crazy my man. Now I'm trying to think of how old school that hentai would be, 2004 is before the timeskip even happens in the manga
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While we're on the subject I would like if modders tried to recreate gacha outfits for Brendan May Calem Serena and PLA Lucas and Dawn. I think I saw a WIP of one for Serena.
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to be honest its a hard tie between platinum and emerald. crystal was my first and I was in PEAK pokemon time during emeralds run, and platinum came in and made it better. I dont think either was particularly robbed. I like the designs in plat and the lore that was cut was obviously cut because its a kids franchise so I'm not too heartbroken. Love this nigga like you would not believe
I'm back and I see that you retards are slacking with the gofile links again. You discordfag parasites completely missed the 2 new hayabusa builds. Same password as last time, 2b9N5]fMU[


These were posted BEFORE P16 and P17, so whoever posted those is being lazy.
Roxanne will always be a teacher to me. Those character sheets are as canon as beta johto, so not at all
Many thanks anon. You're doing god's work.
>so whoever posted those is being lazy
I just don't give a shit about legends ARSEus or anything post gen 6 is all
It's worse now, even stupider motherfuckers will get their news from fucking ChatGPT
What's leakerkun uploading now?
Switch stuff?
They are not a bad reference point. ORAS used the age of Brendan/May from RSE docs.
Rant is gone
To be fair, modern search engines are absolutely fucking terrible at finding anything
>They also didn't have a cool ass dad willing to teach them the ways of piracy and how to best utilize their computers.
I was given hardware at a young age with no guideance, anything I learned is a direct result of my fuckups or someone online teaching me, so I dont necessarily see this as a good excuse but not everyone wants to care about it either. It's not hard to learn, but it also depends on how much you want to learn too. I wanted to learn anything that caught my curiosity no matter the subject or reason, and with that entire unrestricted access it definitely made a difference.
My peers dont even know what a fucking fax machine is, yet I still use one for some instances not by choice. I've met people my age, similar conditions, who have no idea what a lan cable is and that is unbelievable to me.
my one regret is not learning to program but i feel the world is a marginally safer place if I dont learn

did you really need a calculator for that?
at the time /v/ didnt even exist as a board, and /g/ was guro. thankfully i learned early on guro idnt good so i dodged a bullet there. I may have been an 8 year old retard but I was a smart retard
in my defense I was also curious about why google didnt always return the same result when searching for it so I stuck around because the temporary nature of threads hit my autism just right.
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legit based
I mean the rant is old. If you view this thread from arch.b4k.co or archive.palanq.win, it directly links.

You discard the stated character ages because you think they aren't canon anymore.
I discard the stated character ages because I never trust the Japanese with numbers.
We are not the same.
Thank you, feel like I'm in bizarro world whenever I see anons on this board actually discuss them. I think we're all just bored from the drought
Based and thanks.
I see people everywhere go, "oh, i used chatgpt and it said," not realizing the machine is not only stupid, but should actively be discriminated against
robots are one of a good few things where i dont want them to have the capacity to consent as i pound their asshole
except porygon z. would let that spastic say yes as i creampie it
To me, the only time age ever matters is with nojyalolis. Otherwise I literally could not care less because I will masturbate to them regardless.
>freakleak rentry still not updated
I went to google something the other day and I had to scroll through an entire page of online store listings for what I was searching for before I got to any actual info on it. My desire for specifically targeted ultraviolence has never been higher in my life. Regulating those fuckers at google into the ground cant come soon enough
They're completely meaningless, I'm not gonna lie anon. It's just to give you a very very rough and early glimpse at who the character is, especially for people outside Game Freak.
>/g/ was guro
Can't believe moot prioritized that over an architecture board

P18: https://gofile.io/d/bhB49e
P19: https://gofile.io/d/7YzINd
More people than you think because PLA core gameplay is actually good, it's just that they fucked everything else. But, now, with more time and all, maybe it can be actually good, even though we know it's never going to be amazing. I've put 500 hours in this bad boy just wandering around on foot, catching stuff, interacting with Pokémon (I wish these interactions were more broad/random and not specifically locked for each Pokémon), fighting and just having fun like I used to with Pokémon back then. Mainline Pokémon is boring to me now compared to PLA, and I find BOTW/ToTK boring so it has nothing to do with the "open world".
It's fun to discuss minor details about characters
No stop the documents for rhydon racing already had me annoyed now I'm going to hunt down Gamefreak and beat them up
normalfags need to know the age of the characters otherwise they are not allowed to goon
look how skyla's popularity skyrocketed now that they know she's 18
danke schion
sometimes the best architecture is the miracle of life, but much like a building you gotta peel back the layers to see the important internals, you know the real meat of the situation
65% of Sango complete, it has a decent chance of finishing tomorrow
To be fair I think her popularity skyrocketed because the internal docs referred to her as a sexy pilot
there's a mod for Serena on banana site
if it said sexy pilot and her age was stated as -17 they'd have stayed slient and probably would have called game freak's writers pedophiles
>Winona is 16
>A womanlet too
That was so disappointing
Most search engines along with most of the normie internet is practically unusable without ublock. The few times I have had the misfortune of seeing the internet without ublock in recent years were horrible. I tend to forget that my browser'd usable way of displaying the web is non-default.
>fictional well developed female, 17 years and 11 months old
>fur bait pokemon, 6 in-game hours
>all fine
>minor details
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Platinum, I haven't felt robbed at all. The Legendary Pantheon was really cool to see and I really hope we get more stuff like character sheets.
yet they all make and crack jokes every release season about how fast people are to make porn of the characters, like why do they care and how do they know if doesn't interest them.
No her popularity skyrocketed because of the latina bit. People just rarely draw porn of characters from games that're 10 years old unless that series is all they draw.
Everything we've seen for south Kalos has been absolute bare minimum. There's almost no description of the content or landmarks or anything.
>Two towns
>Two cities
>Battle Island (could have easily been Battle Chateau, Battle Maison, Battle Institute (even though it has a different Japanese name), etc.)
>Mirage Island (Gen III Mirage Island was minor)
>Poké Transfer (reworked into Pokémon Transporter 3DS app and Pokémon Bank)
>Four "dungeons" (named areas that aren't routes or locales, could be nothingburger areas like Floaroma Meadow)
>A bunch of routes
So it got cut because it existed mostly as a Battle Zone-like concept and they knew working on it would take up too much development time.
I think that maybe if XY got pushed back a year (like it should have been, the switch from 4 year to 3 year development cycles has hurt the franchise immeasurably), we would have seen it. I also think the routes wouldn't have been so jam-packed with standard encounters, there would have been more of a Sinnoh approach with special encounter methods. In the final game, the Poké Radar doesn't even find new Pokémon, it just shiny hunts.
Everything about XY's beta/cut content just makes me upset that it wasn't in final
This game could have been so great instead of being so bad, man...
because they are simply hypocrites, do you think they suddenly started finding skyla sexy now? no, they always did, but they never said anything fearing any kind of backlash
Do you think there was any way Sword/Shield could have been saved from being a dumpsterfire? I know theres basically nothing related to them in this leak but I feel like even in the best case scenario it'd be a shit show
>no guidance
I am not saying that it was necessary, I'm saying that you tend to take it to heart a lot better if someone you love is helping you to learn it as early as 4. It's certainly not hard to learn on your own, I just had a massive head start that I frankly wish most people had seeing the current way things are panning out.
>fax machine
I'd love to use a fax machine, ironically. I hate giving my credit card information online, so I'd rather send a secure fax with a check.
No one accepts checks over secure fax though :(
Honestly, I'd recommend almost anyone who likes logic puzzles to at least give it a couple of shots. It's not for everyone, but programming can be tons of fun.
>/g/ is for guro
I still can't believe Moot thought that it would fly with his ISP's AUP lol

While I learned about 4chan sometime in 2009, I only put two and two together way later and realized that basically every online community I ever liked was HEAVILY formed by SomethingAwful and 4chan's influence. I wish I had thought to come here sooner, this site is nothing like what I was hoping for now...
I love minors.
It was doomed from the moment they decided to make it Sun & Moon 2
No. No amount of time would have saved Sword and Shield from Game Freak's increasingly bad game and art direction.
>People just rarely draw porn of characters from games that're 10 years old unless that series is all they draw.
may, dawn or rosa get porn regularly
i'm calling the police
Anon you can just say what you mean, it's been widely shown time and time again that most people who complain about loli devoutly are usually hypocritically also into loli.
It would need at least one more year in the oven. They have the frame of a potentially decent game, but everything they attached to the frame is butt fuckin' ugly. However, I think that there was hope had it been delayed further(and COVID not happened.)
Absolutely not, by that point Gamefreak had given up.
Only a couple dungeons were lost from Sinnoh. There's some data for the Vista Lighthouse including an internal layout. It also seems that the Battle Frontier was planned for DP, they even had the Battle Factory listed.
most people online nowadays dont actually know the popular oldfag guard were goons on SA, you can usually tell if theyre a faggot because they have trolls remorse and apologize for their time 'being edgy' lmao. Ive been on the internet way too long
That was because they called her a "sexy pilot" not because of the age you retard
Sometimes they're worse, they're just straight up pedofiles
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So have discoveries from the leaks dried up for now, or are they all being hoarded?
Sword and Shield came out the year before Covid.
Yeah it really does feel like they tried to replicate Sinnoh but simplified with the original draft of Kalos
>i need them to spell out for me when a character is sexy otherwise i'm unable to discern it
your point makes it even more retarded
>I'd love to use a fax machine, ironically.
Trust me, no you dont
>It's not for everyone
I already tried my hand at it and it's not for me. Quality assurance, computer hardware, console hardware, storage/archival/preservation, documentation creation/maintenance, network infrastructure these are what I excel at and what I enjoy most. At most I will occasionally compile something myself because I have no other choice, but I strongly prefer not to.

The company I worked for should be glad I did what I did for them despite working 4 people's worth of jobs for them. Our lead programmer can suck my cock his code was shit and pipeline being half-assed caused way more issues meanwhile I'm over here turning 680gb of shit into a 30gb package non-destructively
We are eating good with these good lord. Thank you for keeping up with these
A little mix of both. The leaks aren't done yet but we're closing in on the last pieces of the puzzle, which is where the fast-paced stuff will stop happening and people get to pick at the codes of the game over the next few years, and Discordfags are still hoarding some information but are dumping others.
This is gonna be a controversial take but maybe if they went for the open world meme in a BDSP or Lets Go chibi style. Even less resources required.
I try to download some archive (7z, tar.gz ecc...) but winrar says the archive is damnaged, how can I fix it?
And if they got delayed by at least one year, the development would bleed into COVID.
Seriously anon?

Yeah, we both have...
You probably never visited /vp/ early on. You ever seen the fucking 2013 4chan archives? /vp/ is completely different, there is not a single bit of it that is similar to what we have today.
Right now, the leaks are being dammed up by the fact the next project had to be split into 29 parts and uploaded over time, we're about half-way through those and waiting for the rest to finish uploading.

Once we have all 29 parts, the flood gates open.
Dexcut was never not happening (not that I personally care). The story itself was poop with the NOT ONE MORE DAY thing, though that was never getting reworked considering it would have taken no time to have done so. The game’s main issue is that it’s just barebones with no postgame, but the DLC at least let us pay to fix the postgame. Otherwise it wasn’t THAT much worse than basegame RS or DP compared to their third versions imo. To SWSH’s credit the Pokemon designs were very good, so if anything good got scrapped I wouldn’t be mad.

Tldr we basically got as good as it was gonna get.
Literally if they didn’t cut Pokemon people would’ve been way nicer. The zeitgeist practically changed overnight when the treehouse direct aired. Reading old fake leaks from before e3, talking about going to Kalos or armor Pokemon, felt so naive in retrospect.
So who's going to be the first to merge all 29 parts of the Sango archive?
Protip: It'll be me
how the fuck do you even find anything on the internet nowadays, it's like we've gone back to 1998
Anon most people are retarded, I regret to inform you. They saw "latina" and "sexy pilot" in the bio and then made art since they want to get on the top of trends. Its literally as simple as that
I miss old /vp/ so much.
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Pipedream leak from this?
I would jizz if we had full PC builds/source of PLA or SV.
Why is there a Cynthia model in PLA's 20200629 build?
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>It'll be me--
GOHAN! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D919lqv2iOQ
Only real pipedream left is the documents/art in the XY repo.
If it has an extension with two letters at the end(IE: .ab, .bc) then that means it's a fragment and you need the rest of the files.

>Trust me, no you don't
I'll take your word for it. I still like the concept though.
>it's not for me
That's fair, then! I'll stick to what I do best then.

>lead programmer
I am so sorry you had to deal with that. I know what a bad programmer is like to deal with, I don't wish that on my worst enemy.
>anon ORE WA SUPA BEJITA'd himself
oh no
we have SV source code, but not the assets. not sure if it would be possible to port it by ripping the assets from SV directly
I should take back comparing SWSH to DP, as it had quite better postgame. RS is a bit more fair but even then.
Cogita or Volo placeholder?
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New Hayabusa, unknown if the password works. I will be checking shortly.

It's older tcg arts from what other anons have said.
Only HD card art we have is exclusively from 2004-2008, and only for a few select artists, primarily those who worked for Game Freak.
Only older stuff, including Holon.
Having Battle Frontier for Pt is better than both games not having at all, although lighthouse map is kinda a loss
Win some lose some something something
Older sets only from DP and RSE era
Didn't he say it'd take up to a month? Seems to be progressing way faster than that
>I don't wish that on my worst enemy.
I wish I could tell you more, but this has derailed enough and quite frankly I know one of them is here. Rest assured I tried my best, and stubbornness from their end created more problems. They are so fucking lucky they arent breached every single day. They dont even use 2FA on anything they do.

As for pokemon shit, may someone drop documentation on compiling each of these code drops so that it's not lost when that discord gets nuked because it would be very handy.
At the very least it'd be worth noting down appropriate sdk ranges, setups to compile, etc. I know to many programmers they just get it or edit it to make it work with what they got but the fact this isn't logged anywhere other than their heads isn't doing anyone favors
Only if you're an idiot and don't use an adblocker
If you look at some of Sinnoh's documentation, you can see that a number of ideas they were working on did finally appear around Kalos. There were supposed to be more touchscreen minigames, StreetPass-like functionality, even a Pokémon Bank. Sinnoh was a big deal for being the Pokémon game that connected the world through online play, a full expansion of Crystal's nationwide online functionality in Japan. XY went further and all games were released worldwide simultaneously while online play was made as seamless as possible. As someone who really likes Sinnoh, I always had the impression that Kalos was supposed to be that kind of game. Gen IV itself was more of a spiritual successor to Gen II because it was about upping the scale of the previous Gen and building upon it. Meanwhile, Gen III and V had more of a soft reboot approach more like Gen I.

I've only only ever gone up to the second badge in X. I'm sure there's more to it that I would like, but I remember the game feeling bloated, like there wasn't proper pacing mechanically. It all just felt shoved in there without the balance needed to make it feel right.
Ugh it upsets me how they only ever reference Ohmori's Hoenn in Pokémon media these days. I hope they move away from it if we ever revisit Hoenn :(
He found a McDonald’s with faster internet.
It's kinda weird to me I didn't get the open world meme, maybe I have the wrong idea but I thought britian has alot of open wilderness, fields and forests, and such would be moreso the focus then any urban enviroments and little routes. it's clear they wanted to with the open area but maybe they weren't ready yet. Fuck they still weren't ready with SV.
He has upgraded from internet straight out of Desert Storm, to internet from Donatesko or wherever the liquid cancer is these days
what new thing has been leaked?
to clarify I basically britain as being an irl unreal "hire that man" field, but it has a blue filter over everything
It should be possible to rip the assets, they probably won't be directly compatible, but someone should be able to create tools to convert them.
Pokemon Vaginal And Anal Versions
ur mom
i need leaks of pokeboys
the leaker stops being a pussy and uploads Z-A if he actually has it
I have adblocker and this was the first time I heard about this. I lol’d when I read that guy’s comment.
I've the all two parts
Same as you. Really like Sinnoh. Kalos always felt like missed potential. I finished the game and enjoyed it at the time, but that's mainly because of the online. Replayed it 4 years ago and it was just ok imo. It did deserve refinement in a 3rd version imo but it's never gonna get that. Legends is the second best thing it could get I guess. I do personally really want them to revisit Hoenn or Johto some time soon though. Both regions feel kinda neglected to me in Pokémon media in the past 10 or so years.
Surprisingly, he's been pumping out 10 gigs roughly every half an hour to an hour now. I think, anyways. Too lazy to go check all the recent gofiles.
I forgot Kalos had rollerskates
No we don't have a lot of open wilderness, quite the opposite. Only Wales and Scotland really have that. Like 97% of the UK is owned property
They would have been 90+% into development before they dealt with that. South Kalos was cut before they made massive headway. Sword and Shield would have been too far in development to make cuts that massive. There would absolutely still be issues caused by Covid. As an example, Xenoblade 2 lost its UI/UX designer sometime in the last year of development, and the game was missing a ton of polish in that area. It was still completely playable, but there were obvious fixes that could have been done.
It just needed every Pokemon in it for me, I was there for the battles which it gave me plenty off, online/tourneys/pve tourneys and raids the fucks i give about story or fucking characters is -0
literally the worst shit of the game
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Any news on Lilligant mid evo?
Can confirm, 2b9N5]fMU[ is still the password.
No that's not handled by GF, only a little handful of card art has been found in the files (can't recall where) and that's only for GF made cards
>to clarify I basically britain as being an irl unreal "hire that man" field
That's just most of rural northern europe.
The fact you aren't allowed to unequip them is unforgivable.
I just want a normal movement option on the analogue input (circle pad). The d-pad is there for grid movement, and so much shit is difficult to operate when you're slipping all over the place with the rollerskates and not grid-aligned.

Like, thank fuck Sun/Moon dropped the grid aspect altogether.
The Wild Area was literally Game Freak's way of showing the things they could do with a console like the Switch. I bet they thought they could pull off something bigl ike it but unfortunately Game Freak is Game Freak and the Wild Area sucked ass and it ran like ass too.
The only region with a locomotion tool that isn't a bike at that. Though it has a bike and rides in certain places too.
Just use bike retardbro. ORAS has a way better "analog" movement than SM too.
>The only region with a locomotion tool that isn't a bike at that
Alola? Hisui? Paldea?
Technically ORAS had soaring I guess?
I think no one cares since we can't run them
I think its important to remember that while not strictly postgame, RS had secret bases, contests, etc, to function as so called "infinite content", little things to work at or enter a new pokemon in or whatever outside of the pure battle loop.
The battle tower was also considerably more challenging than the one in SwSh, where you get to dynamax but the opponents don't.
I think while many people refer to strictly "postgame" as in events that are after the credits, I think its much more fair to compare games in terms of "long-term content", and while SwSh DOES have online battles (though this is mostly a difference if you had no friends in RS days) and raids, these all were mostly just about battling, so the variety of activities was much lower.
Pokémons are not tools.
They are for me and my grand schemes.
Dude, I'm complaining that they take away your good on-foot movement when you receive the skates.
Changing to the bike does not fix that.
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OK, Giovanni.
If you equip the Dowsing Machine (you get it just before the bike), your circle pad will become a regular directional movement again. In every place that Dowsing Machine is not allowed, Skates are not allowed either so you'll return to your regular movement anyway.
Thankfully, mods will fix that
All you're offering are inconvenient workarounds, and not a solution to the fact that you get robbed of regular movement in outdoor places.
Soaring although goofy was incredibly soulful, I'm actually glad they put that in the game it's type of thing I would've imagined actually happening as a child
>inconvenient workarounds
>press Y + direction outside buildings

Yeah, whatever. Nothing like having to hold B through the entire game because they removed autorun.
We couldn't get that cool bug tank or the flamingo but somehow this piece of shit was accepted into XY
pureesu undaasutando, no cuuru monsutaasu ebaa ageen
At least RSE Maxie and Archie were in USUM... and the Frontier Brains in Masters...
Klefki's cute, get mad over ugly shit like the drag queen Pokmon
But I loved annoying people with Prankster...
Fuck you, I like it.
We were indeed robbed with the flamingo after knowing the mess that is Flamigo.
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blame ken for being a dickweed, imagine being an artist who made a sick pokemon design and he hands you back his rendition where he makes it gay as fuck
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Tie between this and Maractus for the worst pokemon ever conceived
Maractus is CUTE
Maractus is cute fuck you
Truly what the great Pokémon War was started over, 3000 years ago.
What's your problem with Maractus, you bastard?
I love Maractus though.
How the fuck do you compare Maractus to that piece of shit.
the klefkiblade wars...
Something about Maractus attracts weird Twitter Newgrounds art esque gooners and I dislike it. I said it. Ugly ass cactus
As fun as 3d moemon would be, I want Anthros. We need sexy Anthros so bad
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>we lost the flamingo to this
I agree. RS basegame is a better experience qualitatively I have no question, but yes RS also does have probably more interesting things just to do overall than SWSH. I also considered SWSH’s online aspect, as it is one of its good aspects.
I miss secret bases.
kys fag
Aromapiss I can understand disliking, but Maractus?
Not even Lickilicky, Quilladin or Ambipom, but Maractus?
I don't hate his design but dynamax adventures made me hate that piece of shit cacturne wannabe.
>retard NPC chooses him
>boss is Groudon
>can't use water moves because the stupid cactus has water absorb for some retarded reason
to be fair he has a point with the luxray example, by introducing more cute like features to it's badass design it just feels more like a pokemon. it's like reverse gapmoe effect, or something. like pokemon were orginally designed around the limitations of having it's silhouette fit into a tiny square with a few pixels so all the important features needed to be big and squashed together, it kinda give it an unspoken design language.
you can edit your save to disable them
News flash, almost every Pokemon attracts weirdo coomers, get used to it
you have to go back, zoomer
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*Storm Drain
Point still stands
so sango files are still needing uploading right?

this is where people suspect more xy project files are?

no one has found the 3000 lines of dialog cut yet?

anymore burger lore?
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>that image
at least something actually attractive like gardevoir
I know but I like my type of gooners versus those that draw Twitter circle art
You are in luck because anthro would be much easier to model because you literally use the sculpt tools to thicken/add tits to the existing models. Moemon need brand new models entirely. Case in point someone singlehandedly added like 60+ cocks to all the male Pokemon in Sword and Shield.
I’m no Maractus fan but this thing is worse. I can’t even think of a mon to compare it to off the top of my head. Maybe Pinchurchin just because it’s just worse Pyukumuku wannabe one gen later.
>Case in point someone singlehandedly added like 60+ cocks to all the male Pokemon in Sword and Shield.
what the fuck
People need to stop blaming this quote for every design changed/removed from beta.
idea: XY mod where you fuck trainers you beat and blacking out means you have to be fucked by the trainer you lose to
it perfectly applies to nearly every cut/watered down design from XY though
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>no Z-A Mega leaks aside from Zygarde/Zeraora because leaker is a retard
Another 5 months of Flygon beggers. Fucking perfect.
What even is this thing?
Quilladin is a good shout actually, but Chestnaught redeems it, and now that I think about it I would say Quaquavel. I am never using that thing.
Ambipom I can deal with.
XY pokefucker mod when
Maractus is the most forgettable mon, even more than fineon and lumineon, doesn't look bad, just unremarkable.
marveling at how dumb this post is
Plague doctor stripper, allegedly smells of something.
Never, romhackers don't want to go to jail for using assets stolen in a data breach
Confirmation Bias
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hey atleast it's parallel exclusive trade evo marshmallow dog wasn't that bad
Different taste, I'm fine with water peacock Blaziken. But glad to see people coming to their senses about Chesnaught.
I'd kick this thing so hard like you wouldn't believe
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Needs special scripting and tools that we don't have yet. If XY source is complete it will be a few years before we get a PC port that will let us attempt that.
If the leaker has the source code for Gen 10, would he know what the region looks like?
I can beg for mega dusknoir instead if you'd like
Don't bully him he's made of cotton candy
Just because you can make something doesn't mean you should,
What, so you can show it to your dead granny?
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I honestly don't know what's worse between the last two water starters they're both pretty fucking disgusting
>no base HP increase
Even if you get it, it'll suck ass. I apologize.
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Slurpuff is cute, same with Alcremie. No I do not want to fuck them.
Primarina was also shit too, but I expect to jumped by pokefuckers for saying this
luxray is actually perfect, I hate hoes who dont like him. shame his attack pool and stats are so fucked, but his design is one of my faves. I just think hes neat.
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that's a weird way of saying Throh and Sawk
>Mega Dusknoir
>it still has worse Def/Sp.Def than Eviolite Dusclops
What would fix Throh and Sawk? I basically see them as gen 5s shitty attempt at hitmons.
Anything on why Gen 5 was left unfinished?
>gen 5
begone yawn
Are there gonna be 500 replies to that?
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I would be in favor of it purely for the lulz factor
I do not like the gen 8 starters but I had to choose one and went with Intelleon personally. Cinderace is fine I guess but just not really for me.
This is exactly what I was thinking but I didn’t say it
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>You can't make Pokémon too co-
yea i think it's a really cool thing to see desu past week has been pretty fun
would've been even cooler if they kept the yin-yang symbol on the back of its head
They just moved to its front. Look at the shape of the bang and the horn in the left
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>Z-A leaks
>Mega Aromatisse
ignorance is bliss
>Flygonfags on suicide watch
3d moemon is likely how ancient pokemon actually would have looked like.
Hey with a good design it could be redeemed, they just need to lean into the right aspects, plague doctor instead of gay fat bird.
honestly knowing we'd be getting some gen 6 megas would actually be a good thing, every other gen had the common sense to let some of the new mons partake in the gimmick meanwhile kalos is too busy gagging on charizard cock to give any of its new mons a mega
Are they're any good redesigns out there?
that's a cursed thought
Since nobody brought it up, and I know the "joke" has been done to death but Garbodor is a fucking dogshit design. People can bitch about Muk all day but it's a classic RPG sludge monster, Koffing and Weezing are not good designs in all fairness despite their theming making sense, but I am so sick of people pretending that some gen 1 mons being bad is a justifier for this shit even existing.
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Get CHADrizards name out your fuckin mouth.
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Presented without comment.
you mean blessed
Barboach is unironically the worst mon.
>not qwilfish
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>all pokemon were originally humans
>they slowly went feral and animalistic over time
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its too cool, sorry *raughs*
The thing with Garbodor for me is at least it is owning its ugliness.
Charizard if he mewed
I am truly in the minority on thinking it's actually a fairly decent design for what it is.
Trubbish isn't great though, I much prefer Garbodor over it.
Right is more fuckable
right is better, feels like the perfect cross between mew and and mewtwo, as if it was a natural creation as opposed to an abomination of human fuckery.
>They make a pokemon region based on an amalgmation of mainland america, with new york being the main geographical inspiration
>a literal trash pokemon is made
What did they mean by this?
It’s just forgettable. Not an atrocity. Anyway I thought you were gonna say Barbanacle. For some reason he carries his ugly dumb design well enough for me to not be in the worst of all time category.
Qwilfish is a cool shitmon
wider hips, narrower shoulders, more effeminate face and softer skin overall. I'm fine with this but Mewtwo X should have taken more from the concept art to compensate.
Hopefully people will realize the concept art is meant to be distilled into designs that actually fit.
These are no different than the Hoenn mon concept art. It's actually amazing that Cacturne stayed as unchanged as it did, versus spider "Metagross" and whatever Clamperl was.
>more like original embryo cat = looks less powerful
>more like a human made bioweapon = looks more powerful
more like they need to simplify the designs for the an*me
You can't fix a design that shitty with a Mega, an evolution that adopts aspects of the design and builds upon it would be far better, Megas are also temporary so they don't fix already bad designs.
I don't even dislike the idea of a garbage Pokemon since I'm one of the few people that finds Muk and Grimer endearing but I think they could have done so much better.
>south kalos
>cut July 15, 2012
>look in my files
>I was playing minecraft at that time
blessed that the inbetween state had a chance to exist
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yzard is ugly
Fair enough, the slimmer and more aerodynamic design is pretty cool, it does improve upon the design but Charizard already looks pretty cool, I'm pretty sad Giga Chadzard got scrapped, wished that was what Zard X looked like.
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We now have commits numbered 1000-2000. Earliest commits so far.
I know what you’re saying but I feel like it has been done. I know he’s a shillmon but Greninja is cool whether people like it or not and could have easily been like one of those scrapped XY designs.
Bitch please, left actually looks like something that evolved from Mewtwo and respects more of the original Mewtwo's traits than the right design, which looks horrifically oversimplifed, anorexically thin and has weirdly elongated sausage digits for whatever reason. When the final Mega Mewtwo was revealed the entire fucking internet thought it was stupid at the time. Hell, that awful first impression is probably the biggest reason as to why Mega Evolutions still have so many detractors to this day.
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i wish the leaker would leak gen 10's gimmick at least. i'm thinking its gonna be something like sun and moon having z moves + megas again
wouldn't the very first oras commit just be XY, but with the title changed?
kalosperms are gonna be glad that the oras svn was leaked in its entirety.
the oras code repo (sango_project) is literally built on top of xy's, including *all* commit history from xy
well ideally the first commit would be like a hello world sample from the SDK
How the fuck does mega mewtwo even work with the lore implications, I though the mega stones had existed for ages and predate the creation of mewtwo. I feel like they should've made the mega's work for both mew and mewtwo to justify it.
that's not how the real gamedev world works
every game is build on top of the previous one
based modder!
I laughed.
It doesn't make sense, Mega Stones were created as a byproduct of the Ultimate Weapon firing. I think it would've been cool if it was actually "Mewnite" that allowed BOTH Mew and Mewtwo to Mega Evolve (because the latter is it's clone and all that) but instead we get two Megas for the same mon because shilling what's more popular takes precedent over doing what makes sense.
IIRC it's implied that mega stones can basically be created using a fucktonne of energy, so if you want you're answer mewtwo simply made him own mega stone in his goon cave simply because he's that much of a fucking chad and he can
There's no lore information about how the Mega Stones are made other than "they're modified Evolution stones by the Ultimate Weapon ray" and "A meteorite that Rayquaza once ate". We don't know why the Mega Stones are tied to certain Pokémon. I don't think they ever explained why exclusive Z-Moves exist for random stuff like Mew or Snorlax either.
What would a good justification for new Mega Stones to be found outside of Kalos?
Any new about ORAS source code?
This is stuff from the anime but Diancie created her own Mega Stone in the movie
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maybe the ultimate weapon was built out of meteorites, and those existed on earth for a long time
mass produced by an evil team
Tourists sneaking them out.
Personally I would change Mega Charizard X to something grounded like Roaring Moon.
That concept design is extremely bulky. Stupid tubes everywhere, weird neck growth and rather ugly overall. I know what the neck thing is a heat chamber or whatever, but you can do that and keep a smooth neck.
The Mewtwo is basically final, the change boils down to putting the tail where the head growth is. Else, it's a very smooth and logical translation from concept to actualization.
I will say though, Mega Mewtwo Y has the Delphox problem of looking better in Sugimori's art than it looks in-game.
I think Steven mentions something like that in ORAS. Origins (OVA that aired with XY launch) had the Charizardite being exported from Kalos. I don't know if LGPE mentions anything.
>megastones have a little dna spiral in them
He hyper compressed his own cum didn't he?
In ORAS it's literally just a retcon given Sycamore outright states that Mega Evolution has only been observed in Kalos and ORAS takes place BEFORE XY given AZ's mention would imply he was still wandering when he came around which wouldn't make sense after he reunited with Floette.
In SM they're literally just imported, you can onyl find them from a single vendor next to the Battle Tree
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>Change 38840 on 2020/09/28 18:57:04 by hayabusa_ci_admin@hayabusa_ci_admin_hayabusa_ec2-004_hayabusa-resource-ConvSubmitPublic
>user:setoguchi_kei ヌシウインディ追加。メガシンカ、ツンベアーを対象外に変更
>Change 38896 on 2020/09/28 21:08:11 by hayabusa_ci_admin@hayabusa_ci_admin_hayabusa_ec2-000_hayabusa-resource-ConvSubmitPublic
>user:setoguchi_kei ヌシRウインディ追加、メガシンカ、ツンベアー削除対応

why are there mentions of megas in the changelog of the 202009 build of Hayabusa tho
what could they be testing with them
You can just pretend that firing the ultimate weapon again in X/Y created a few new stones
They could write a plot about an evil team artificially creating them but killing mons en mass, but that would be kino and force them to rise the rating so it's a no go.
We had a sprite of Mega Lucario in one of the Brock screenshots. I wouldn't put past them to test Mega Stones in PLA since Z-A should be planned around the same period.
time travel shenanigans could work
They're basically made using alot of energy / life force so just add in a regional lore event that spawned mega evolution stones
Retcon it existing only inKalos, it's a stupid and limiting anyway.
Emerald/BW2. Feels good that these games are as perfect as they could be.
Sounds like something Cipher would do.
They should've made Diancie the creator of Mega Stones in general. Considering Diancie's ability to make gems, the appearance of the Anistar Sundial and its role in finding Mega Stones, Diancie making her own Mega Stone in the movie, and the fact that Diancie is the only Kalos Pokemon to have a Mega, I always thought things made more sense this way. It would've given Diancie more of a purpose than just being a moe princess and more interesting than the throwaway explanation that Mega Stones just happened to be rocks irradiated by the Ultimate Weapon.
he posted more links btw
Mega Evolution only in Kalos is basically the same as Steel/Fairy type being newly discovered despite being there since 150 years or whatever lore about eggs. It's meant for the player.
then post them faggot
Good luck getting retards trying to understand that.
Who is he and where is he posting them?
>has only been observed
To be fair, everything discovered/observed is at the time of game's release, because of course you can't reference what's not yet revealed or created
Who knows if it's to avoid spoiling what's next, but I tend to just dismiss that writing because it's dating the games
Replaying X/Y though, I did notice that Megas are this "new unknown concepts" in early towns, while it's society-integrated in the later ones
Honestly, I can't think of a single more jarring story point pre-Switch
just change them to killing to draining pokemon of their life force until their comatose or hell even shadow pokemon and throw in some bullshit about anti life energy, with anti-life shadow pokemon slowly spreading and threatening the stability of our universe.
I’ve been following the leaks since the beginning, but I’m unsure about something... Did we end up getting anything from Gen 1 or Gen 2, or Spaceworld Gen2?
Oh I agree on that Charizard X beta. I wasn’t the anon who used that one as an example, though given a rework I think it could have been cool.
Man I remember when everyone thought Spritzee would evolve into a plague doctor
Good times
>Gen V was the last time Mythicals actually impacted the lore and weren't just promotional shit to make you pick up the game after you've put it down months ago

Where did the soul go? What's literally the point of the Kalos mythicals other than being used as gameplay excuses like Hoopa's assholes that exist to shit out Legendaries without needing to think about where things logically go. I don't even know any mythicals after Zeraora, like why does it even exist? What does it do? What makes it on par with Mew other than it's not available in the actual game itself?

Fuck it
Give me a simple answer please:
Iis there any difference between sango part 1.aa, sango part 1.ab and sango part 1.ac?
Is sango_doc unchanged in all three of these mega folders?
>Gen V was the last time Mythicals actually impacted the lore
Literally none of the Gen V Mythicals were lore important dipshit. Having a backstory isn't tantamount to narrative impact.
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no way
I see that more dev descriptions for varios mons were found, some for gen 6. Hopefully there’ll be an easy place to find them all compiled soon, probably TCRF. Besides that, anything else interesting?
nah, i wont answer technologically illiterate retards. fuck you
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BW, not a lot, I feel like N's characterization definitely feels like it took a toll, other than that maybe the Excavalier we didnt get
TCRF documentation is already slowing down
? Maractus is adorable, Aromatisse I genuinely cant tell what its meant to be
I bet soon it'll be considered rude to even consider what a game could've been before it was released, or what was removed, or basically anything they don't want you to know.
>freakleak rentry STILL not updated
what the fuck is taking this guy so long
Do you not understand what a multipart archive is? Are you underage?
they never finished the diamond and pearl shit either
8 hours of sleep, 8 hours of work, please undestand.
Garbodor is fine, Its also meant to be Hedorah, Pokemon had a weird thing with Kaijus in Gen V (Hydreigon and Volcarona too)
Only Meloetta didn't have a worthwhile backstory, Genesect was a Plasma creation and Keldeo is tied to the Swords of Furbait

Explain what the fuck Volcanion is or does
just search gofile in this thread and previous ones, but yeah
retard needs to update his shit
They added the doc on BW gym leaders just now. It'll take a while before they add XY stuff.
jews are canon
Aromatisse has a ton of inspirations like plague doctors, cancan dancers, flamingos and rich wealthy ladies, the issue is literally none of these were handled correctly.
Further abstraction. The most humanoid Hitmon is the least popular.
So we know when the leaker sleeps. We won't get anything else for 8-ish more hours.
>none of the Gen V Mythicals were lore important dipshit
Swords of Justice join the one they deem the Hero, Keldeo is much like the Hero as it is an apprentice with much to learn and the most potential of the bunch, hence the Resolute form.
Victini has a whole quest with ties to Plasma in which they wanted its power for their plan, its a symbol of victory.
Genesect is a fossil modified into a machine, another Team Plasma plan that was scrapped. Its got lore relevant to the region itself by being the oldest fossil known to mankind in-universe.
Meloetta doesnt have a backstory and doesnt need to. BW are games that heavily feature music in everything that you do in that game, Meloetta is just a symbol of the BW experience in general.
You got to wait for tcrf to get to it. I’m seriously considering getting an account and pitching in. I’ve been downloading all this shit and unless it’s doc stuff it’s kind of wasting away haha.
did we get anything in the documents about why the fuck zinnia had that whismur????
iPhones don’t get viruses
oh youre fucking hilarous if you think thats true. just wait til you learn how bad this shit gets
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Centro is cooked
good riddance
Oh mistah centuru.......waki waki.....
fucking deserved for grifting this shit
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Volcanion would have been relevant if Southern Kalos were added to the game. All of its ingame lore (not the dex entry) in Kalos mentions that it blew up a mountain range, creating Southern Kalos in the process where the Southern Kalos people worshipped it.

It’s also apparently responsible for the fog in that one Sinnoh route, according to ORAS. So for what that’s worth it made you use defog when you were a kid.
>nigger deletes images voluntarily
>faces zero repercussions
Not the result I was hoping for.
>It’s also apparently responsible for the fog in that one Sinnoh route, according to ORAS
Hope he gets lynched. Not so immune to legal recourse now, huh, fucker?
They're compressed as hell on Twitter. I'm not downloading shit from there
is everything backed up? download everything
Leaker said if centro was down he would leak ZA and Titan
Fairy Type is newly discovered too and then suddenly lol it always existed.
Hope he takes the fall for the leaker instead kek
>no one's posted the new files
Fucking go back to twitter dumbass. Centro was posting shit from HERE.
I wish the leaker could at least tell us what Gaia’s region looks like.
Once again, you are tying the concept of "having lore" to "being important". The Swords of Justice do dick fuck all in the story so Keldeo does dick fuck all by way of being related to them. Victini doesn't impact Plasma's plot, Genesect doesn't impact Plasma's plot, Meloetta has literally nothing to do with fucking anything at all.
Mythicals having any actual story ties to the region they're in is very fucking rare overall, hell, NONE of the Mythicals in the first 4 gens have ANYTHING to do with their region's grander plots aside from Mew and Arceus. Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys, and the parade of mythics in Gen 4 could not exist at all and literally nothing of value would be lost narratively. This isn't me defending the Mythicals post Gen 6 having nothing by way of lore barring Pecharunt, but don't inflate the importance of what came before
Why? Is that really cause to activate the dead man switch?
Now do Khu
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Was there anything of note found from the past few dumps?
D E E P E S T L O R E.
can we extract the files from these? I've never done Switch stuff
>Once again, you are tying the concept of "having lore" to "being important
The Swords of Justice literally chose Nate as the hero though, thats why they showed up before him and Colress says this much.
Could you play the games?
>Hurr these plans Team Plasma had as backup dont count because I dont want it to COUNT
Youre so desperate.
Makes sense, Lysandre talks about it in Masters
"Indeed. This Pokémon is called Volcanion."
"It possesses the power to blow a mountain away with a steam explosion and level the ground so people can live there."
"I hear that in some regions it is worshiped as a nation-building Pokémon."
"Volcanion's power can be used for more than just moving mountains."
"It could blow up towns and transform the world."
"*chuckle* I'm just talking about possibilities."
"I found beauty in Volcanion's existence."


"The reason I find it beautiful is because of how it chooses to exist."
"Volcanion possesses massive power, but instead of brandishing it, it chooses to hide itself within the steam..."
"I do not plan to monopolize Volcanion's power for my own ideals."
"But if any foolish human appears and tries to pollute this world with filth..."
"Volcanion and I shall come out of the steam and pass judgment."
"It would be nice if everyone in this world could be as purehearted as you are."
"Then I could cast aside my doubts."


"Here in the mountains, far from the prying eyes of others, I am preparing for the time that will inevitably come..."
"Together here with Volcanion."
"Volcanion expels steam from the arms on its back."
"It's said that Volcanion caused a steam explosion that created plains where people now live..."
"Volcanion is a Pokémon that possesses tremendous power—so much so that it's spoken of in legends as a "nation-building Pokémon.""
"And so, I am thinking of using that power for the sake of the world."
"Power is not supposed to be used for selfish ends. It's to be used for the sake of the world."
"I want to wipe this world clean and make an even better world."
Celebi has an entire forest and shrine dedicated to it
when the guys with the SMGs show up (this happened with the HL2 leaker), I hope he acts threateningly towards them so they full-auto magdump him
Would be funny if TPC is going after him thinking he's the hacker.
He better go through with it.
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No, he just wanted centro dead

"Do you know about mechanisms that make use of steam power?"
"Steam has been used as a source of power since long ago. One example of that would be the Geothermal Power Plant in Alola."
"Without such mechanisms, I find it unlikely human civilization would have developed to the extent it has..."
If spoken to again
"Energy is needed to produce steam."
"To create this energy, something else must be sacrificed."
"There is even less time remaining for us than you think..."

The part above is presumably what SwSh has recycled as part of its plot, more energy related themes with the whole energy and aliens stuff.
>The Swords of Justice literally chose Nate as the hero though
They debuted in BW1, not 2. If you want to play that game though, them christening Nate is meaningless because none of the other MCs barring Alola's have had any chosen one bullshit happen to them before they went on to dismantle the evil teams of their region and become champion.
>>Hurr these plans Team Plasma had as backup dont count
No, because the dissolution and subsequent need to restructure after Ghetsis got his ass kicked and N left was so thorough that they lacked the means to execute them anyhow. If these were so important, they should've been relevant in BW2 after the need to execute a backup plan actually presented itself
Yeah, but it has no ties to Ho-Oh or Lugia and wasn't relevant to what TR was doing at all. If it just outright didn't exist the rest of GS/HGSS would play out the exact same
Show discord message.
>They debuted in BW1, not 2. If you want to play that game though, them christening Nate is meaningless because none of the other MCs barring Alola's have had any chosen one bullshit happen to them before they went on to dismantle the evil teams of their region and become champion.
I dont get your point with this. Nate is also not the only chosen one, Ethan is too as of HGSS.
>No, because the dissolution and subsequent need to restructure after Ghetsis got his ass kicked and N left was so thorough that they lacked the means to execute them anyhow. If these were so important, they should've been relevant in BW2 after the need to execute a backup plan actually presented itself
The Victini plan was occuring as Plasma were raiding the Volcarona temple. The Genesect plan was also an ongoing project and didnt lack the means to execute either. Gathering power was very much all part of Plasma's plans overall.
>I dont get your point with this.
Them choosing Nate as the hero is meaningless because the very structure of Pokemon dictates that the MC go on to achieve greatness regardless of the whims of a legendary or not. Them doing quite literally did not affect the story in any way, shape, or form-if a plot point could be removed and not compromise the rest of the narrative, it is irrelevant by definition.
>The Victini plan was occuring as Plasma were raiding the Volcarona temple. The Genesect plan was also an ongoing project and didnt lack the means to execute either.
Yet neither of them came to fruition ultimately, not even in BW2 where they would've actually been helpful in their goal to take over the region by force.
>But Hilbert caught them!
Mythical events being canon is dubious at best since they don't count for Pokedex completion, saying he caught them is an assumption.
get fucked
>Them choosing Nate as the hero is meaningless because the very structure of Pokemon dictates that the MC go on to achieve greatness regardless of the whims of a legendary or not.
They were lending him power to achieve such greatness, because Unova itself was at peril.
>Yet neither of them came to fruition ultimately, not even in BW2 where they would've actually been helpful in their goal to take over the region by force.
Specifically because those plans were halted in BW.
>Mythical events being canon is dubious at best since they don't count for Pokedex completion, saying he caught them is an assumption.
Its regardless canon that those plans were halted.
Maractus is cute you fucking heathen
You say mid-evo but what if Lilligant is the mid-evo repurposed as the final one, like Raichu was with Gorochu.
Strange how no one else received words from GF/TPC, only him. It's more likely than you think that they might believe he is the leaker for now, everything on Youtube or Twitter or Reddit uses him as the main source after all.
Lol I think it's fucking hilarious that you rage over a spanish leak acc on twitter of all places
hi Centro, sorry about your account

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