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>Ruins Regigigas entire life
>Seals Giratina away (probably was innocent)
>Kidnaps kid and transports to another world and tells kid to catch every pokemon
>kid completes task and meets Arceus whom starts fighting kid viciously
>transported Ingo for some reason and ruins his life
>All his battle themes and the flute are creepy sounding
>HGSS event was also creepy
Women are crazy.
Simple as.
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People keep forgetting she's a woman and it upsets her.
Please understand.
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Regigigas winning would have created a likely static world devoid of much good. Giratina is evil - just look at it. Rei was needed to stop Volo from fucking up creation entirely. Rei chose to use the flute. Ingo.. I don't know, he shouldn't have done whatever he did. Probably evil things. The flute is cool. HGSS event was cool.

Arceus was entirely right and correct in Her decisions. I wouldn't question it too much. Calling God eerie and creepy and suggesting She is flawed never leads to anything good.
LA """lore""" is such a Joke it would fit right in with the scrapped fanfics
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>SUGEEE Regigigas-san, that fight sure was great! I'm going to make sure all of my descendants and/or creations have an inherent need for combat so they can feel like that for all of time!
>Now, get those continents in place! You gotta be even STRONGER for our next fight
>Now I'm going to put a curse on you and trap you underground for 10000 years too so you can train even harder for next time!
>Huh? Vengeance for your brothers? You're going to destroy all of reality and then me? You're gonna defy me for all of eternity and beyond?
>WAKU WAKU Regi-san, you're makin' me excited!
Do you think her husband that music on a flute while they were together?
To her it'd be a nostalgic tune of elder days, before time and space.
I lover her so so much bros.
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Nobody is ever going to take Arceus seriously again because of the leaked lore of Arceus fucking a human. If you ever liked Arceus for any reason other than coomer shit - sorry to say that you'll never be able to discuss it properly again.
That's just what women do
>Arceus said to catch all the pokemon
>Game Freak removes pokemon
Is modern Game Freak literally anti Arceus and herectic?
>Seals Giratina away (probably was innocent)
Someone tell me what her son did to deserve this
>>Seals Giratina away (probably was innocent)
I don't think arceus had anything to do with this, the dark titan is more associated with Dialga and Palkia
Tina is a crazy bitch that wishes for the destruction of everything but that's because Arceus is a crazy bitch that made her that way intentionally.
Giratina is an actual schizo pokemon. Arceus was right about it being agressive. It isn't evil in nature though, just very chaotic.
I don't want to fix her, I want to feed her macarons
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tfw no tina gf
You guys don't know that! She's just a little quirky, blame her other siblings
>Dialga - the cool brother
>Palkia - the cute sister
>Giratina - the shizo goth sister that has been locked in her room by her siblings
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Now that everyone is talking about giratina what do you think about this moment? PLA might not be Platinum but this was really cool.
>Hex Maniac
Cogita and her late husband were busy people.
It was cool, made me gasp a little

Requesting an Arceus themed version of the Queen Marika bimbo walking gif.
Regigigas was banished and nerfed forever
Regis are sealed away in completely different regions
Giratina was banished to a different plane of reality
Darkrai banished to an island, and Cresselia was made to cancel out his powers

Hmm, is Arceus a righteous or cruel god...?
>Regigigas was banished and nerfed forever
If this guy gets a mega all hell will break lose, just look at how good he is already when you give him a weezing
Darkrai has nothing to do with arceus though. As far as i know it brings people nightmares so it isolate itself from humans because of that.
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>putting non-legendary/mythicals as important figures in your creation mythos
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the cut lore is faggy and I'm happy it will never ever be canon no matter how many porn addicted furfags like the thought of Arceus being a woman
>inb4 le hecking seething memerino
put a bullet in your mouth
Do you prefer non‐binary legends?
nah you are speaking truth anon, also
>Lore in question were a few rapey gruesome folk tales
>no actual world building, ecology, or proper mythos refining the details about the creation of reality
its worse then just being degenerate, its empty vapid non-sense that adds nothing, like most of what Game Freak makes for "lore"
I appreciate your pressing need for contrarianism, you're so valid sister
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>do I prefer some schizo babble that only gay retards believe to be real added to my escapist pokemon games
what do you think you cum drinker? no, now fuck off
>has cute fangs
Show me Giratina's fangs you fucking poser
>your a sameposting contrarian for thinking Fujoshi rape fanfics are low effort trash
anon, please neck at your earliest convenience
>implying i implied anything about samefaggotry
now that's not so true bestie
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>used sister instead of sisters
you arent that clever anon
I never gave a flying shit about arceus until recently, the whole pokemon World now makes sense and adds a while new level of depth while also being extremely remiscent of human history god myths.
Much better than
>"I mysteriously le stand here while a random ass flute plays, now cya in a other 10 years when I show up for another couple minutes."
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>you didn't put a plural form in your post addressed to two people that they're going to each read individually
>you're clearly calling me a samefag
No, anon, I was only calling you a contrarian faggot, which you are
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This sounds like arceus cult shit.
We see giratina being chill more often than not, even canonically took cyrus and then just chilled with him on its fucked up world thats perfect for both autists
how is it contrarian fag, use your big girl(boy) words. what is contrarian about thinking that fleshlight octillery and Slackoth torture rape baby are shitty stories?
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>everyone else finds this lore shit interesting but guess what, i don't and i need everyone to know it
>i'm not a contrarian though btw
Does being called out hurt that bad? Sorry anon not sorry actually lol
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>people mostly speaking in various places about it being absurd that this shit was even thought of when this shit dropped
anon, what the fuck are you talking about? even if I was somehow out of touch this does little to disprove my point that it is low effort garbage that was right to be cut anyways
We've always vaguely known about all this, thanks to the plate descriptions and the Sinnoh myths, though the information was tucked way.
Kinda but half assed schizo ramblings spread throughout the series with a very thin thread connecting each other and never actually results in anything is kinda shit compared to having a resumed version of the myth that explicitly says x happened but still leaves a ton of room.
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>uuhhhmm ackshully i'm in the majority because i go on reddit
I'm not sure this is really helping your case, but maybe you can just go back there and make us all happy
I’ve always preferred the evolutionist version with Mew being the origin of life in the vein of scientific thought of Tajiri over creationist crap with Arceus Masuda added.
Well, at least it looked like that at first, now I see more parallels to Gnosticism like those Regigigas Anons.
>plebbit, and not just everywhere in general
still have not said anything about how it is "contrarian" fag. what is deep about torturing slackoths? just admit that the only value you see in this shit is that it validates some faggy pokephile fantasy
I just think it's cool and the idea of some almost M-rated takes on the eternal kiddie franchise is novel, makes the idea of a day-to-day life in the pokemon world more interesting when you know for sure weird and bad shit just does happen (or did). The three creation myths were the most interesting to me
Now, your turn to just admit you're a contrarian fun-hating faggot who sees everyone else dissecting the possible implications of a new lore drop and wants it all to stop immediately
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eat shit pokefucker, your furry porn dreams that come from cut pokemon lore will never be canon, no matter how many times you cum
>Giratina is evil - just look at it
Tina isn't evil, she's just destructive so Arceus had to put her in the Distortion World until she was needed again as otherwise she'd just wreck everyone elses toys. After you beat her in PLA she mellows out and decides to protect the world, which is why she stops Cyrus in DPP.
you will always be a tourist
I didn't care about Giratina before but phase 2 made me soi face
At least some aspects of the leaks are referenced in canon (the description on some of the plates, the diagram with Arceus and other legendaries appearing in a cutscene), so there's at least circumstantial evidence that other details like Arceus being female are canon as well. Meanwhile there is no evidence suggesting that Arceus isn't female.
>anti trump commie
>is a sexual degenerate
>>Ruins Regigigas entire life
If he didn't want to fight he shouldn't have started it
>>Seals Giratina away (probably was innocent)
Just look at him he's evil
>>Kidnaps kid and transports to another world and tells kid to catch every pokemon
It was a fun adventure
>>kid completes task and meets Arceus whom starts fighting kid viciously
She got excited and was itching for a fight and you looked strong
>>transported Ingo for some reason and ruins his life
It was his own fault
>All his battle themes and the flute are creepy sounding
>HGSS event was also creepy
By creepy you mean kino
>kid completes task and meets Arceus whom starts fighting kid viciously
That part of the game is a bit funny when you consider it outside of game mechanics.
You finally complete the task set by pokemon-god herself and can finally meet her face to face...and your reward is that she starts beating the everliving shit out of you.
Giratina is sexy. Death to Israel and America.
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Keyed and redbulled.
>Dawn is a commie
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>He still thinks the scrapped concepts and ideas that were leaked a week ago are canon
Arceus is a male, cope cumskulls
yeah dragonite is wind, gyra waves, ttar mountains or something
I can always just discuss it with those who aren't meme loving degenerate man children.
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To make love to your Pokémon is to praise the wisdom and love of Arceus.

Like how Arceus made love with man, to give life to all Pokémon and men, you are giving life and love to Arceus whenever you give love to your Pokémon.
To say otherwise is sacrilege.
To deny love, to deny life, is the way of destruction, the end of life, the way of the lifeless and loveless Titans.
I'm still marrying Lusamine.
Years ago threads predicted this unintentionally >>46827737
False words from a false prophet of a false deity.
Arceus is love, arceus is life.

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