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Korrina Age Soon edition


We have:
>Full SVN repositories for Platinum, HGSS, BW, and B2W2, which includes source code and full commit history
>Shitloads of design documents, beta Pokemon, concept art, music, and other such things from Gen 1 to Gen 6 (but mainly Gen 3 to Gen 6)
>XY and ORAS source code & assets, staff documents, concept art, dev videos and XY prototype builds
>Legends: Arceus proof of concept protos and mid-production overview PDF
>LGPE source code
>BDSP debug builds
>USUM git repo
>Pokemon Bank source code and builds
>Anime production art up to BW
>Source logos, manuals, boxart and promo PDFs for select mainline Pokemon games up to BW and ORAS
>Miscellaneous stuff like digitized scans of GF Magazine, anime art, TCG art, data on Detective Pikachu and Pokemon GO QA builds, etc.
>Codenames for past and future games (e.g. "Titan" = S/V)

Non-Pokemon leaks:
>An unreleased and nearly finished SNES remake of Mendel Palace/Quinty
>Two incomplete DS games developed by Game Freak; one of them involves insects, and the other is titled "Present Party"
>Localization, sheet music, and other development documents for Drill Dozer
>An unreleased DS conversion of an unreleased port of Yoshi to the SNES
>Some HarmoKnight stuff

The amount of data here is immense and even more is still on the way, so please be patient.
People are rummaging through the files as we speak.
Post filepaths/sources for leaked content or be forever deemed fake.

LATEST LEAKS: Parts 22-23 of sango_project
WHAT'S NEXT?: The rest of sangopart4/sango_project, followed by the XY repo


>Files: https://rentry.org/freakleak
>Torrents: https://rentry.org/gfteratorrent

Make a new thread if we hit image limit or reach page 10.
Previous: >>56722965
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First post for genwars are cringe
I fucking hate that proto Lillie bitch.
Post more Korrina.
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Is the actual finished PL:A game worth playing or is it shit
>No Brock
Its shit, I'm afraid.
Reply with your prediction for what will inevitably ruin this thread
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Next XY leaks be like:
People being unable to ignore low-quality posts.
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Here is a good luck lass to make the thread better
genwars, again
It's been the most consistent thread-ruiner because people can't help themselves when it comes to replying to yawnfag
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>koffing restrictions that no one adapted to means gen 9 can have problems
>common jokes and statements that criticized galar previously means generation 9 can have problems
>an absence of help from mario and zelda teams means G9 can have problems
>TPC not prioritizing game freak and erasing creatures inc. from credits means the 9th gen can have problems
>new faces assigned to crucial roles of game development means the 9th generation can have problems
>the word presents is used for their directs! do you have enough braincells to see the difference in terminology?!
>stop looking at what they're advertising to you as a possible purchase! you have to buy the game to experience a different product!
>sun and moon being released before the switch means gen IX can have problems
>changeable deadlines they set but refused to change means generation IX can have bad textures
>changeable deadlines they set but refused to change means the IXth gen can have a framerate below 20
>no one could fix the games in time because everyone was assigned to making a patch that broke the game more so leak players wouldn't share content of 1.0
>retailers bidding non-stop on dlc pre-order bonuses means the IXth generation can have problems
>pokemon requires no changes because game freak's first game was not for the switch
>pokemon requires no changes because the games are rated E for early childhood wait sniff sniff what's that OH MY ARCEUS CARDBOARD IS BACK IN STOCK SORRY I KNOCKED YOUR CART OVER MA'AM I NEEEEED THAT CARDBOARD!!!!!!!
LGBT freaks shitting up everything
Holy fuck, are we actually going to get all the XY design docs too?

Problem is most of the designs are mid as well. I guess Viola and Malva would be nice, maybe Drasna...
Someone should post Korrina's pose from the anime before she Mega Evolves where she does a bunch of kicks and has her open crotch right in front of the camera.

I've been away for the last 2 days, someone mind explaining the following:

1. Is the 300GB 29-part thing everyone's waiting on entirely Gen 6 stuff? Or is it just ORAS, or just XY?

2. Is the Rentry still being updated and does it have all the existing stuff?

3. Has TCRF been documenting all the findings in these threads?

4. Is there any chance there will still be new stuff found for the older games (mainly Gen 4-5?) We still lack Cynthia's age as well as any of the design notes for the Gen V MCs.

Is the goal to eventually have the entire set of leaked files for everything available for everyone to download? Hope so.
What are girl armpits like?
Three options.

Totally rank and gross.

Sweaty as hell but still somehow delicious and a bit salty.

Sweet as honey.
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Almost there Kalosbros!

>Is the 300GB 29-part thing everyone's waiting on entirely Gen 6 stuff?
Technically it's ORAS but there's strong evidence that it'll also contain XY as well.

>Is there any chance there will still be new stuff found for the older games (mainly Gen 4-5?) We still lack Cynthia's age as well as any of the design notes for the Gen V MCs.
I don't think anyone knows anything about that yet but I wouldn't count on it. The other questions you probably can figure out yourself for the better.
Only ORAS but it contains the full XY code within it, afaik, dunno, maybe, yes.
/g/ tourist here. Are these the only archives with nice concept art, extras, storyboards, etc? I don't really care much about compiling or modding the games.
sangopart1.tar.gz .ac
If there are more, is there a collection of all of them?
I mean, if you want a likely breakdown of all the girls:

Rank and Gross: Kris, Lyra, Gloria
Deliciously Salty: Green, Leaf, May, Hilda, Selene
Sweet as Honey: Elaine, Dawn, Rosa, Serena

The more sporty/outdoorsy girls (May/Hilda/Selene) have to lean a bit more to category 2. Less sporty and more fancy girls end up in 3.

Green and Elaine is actually probably between 2 and 3
It's pretty fun desu, obviously unpolished in a lot of areas as per usual with GF, but it's a bit refreshing compared to something like SV
Still the most fun I've had with the games since BW2
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>/g/ tourist
>doesn't care about the technical side of the games
Somehow that doesn't surprise me
Oh by the way Juliana is in 2.

Especially when she's in that Blueberry Academy jumpsuit.
wait, have we not been able to look at the shit in sango4 because it's split and needs to be concatenated?
(2 would also have Korrina, Skyla, Zinnia, Bea, Nessa)
>not having a disgusting hairy bush
HaveSomeFun__RandomFromBoxEnt.7z contains a load of art
XY-Staff.7z has a bunch of XY art
sangopart3.tar includes some extra ORAS concept art in the sango_field folder and alternate versions of the ORAS interior/exterior concepts, though it's a huuuge folder and the vast majority of it is technical source data/docs
Yes, anon. That is what has happened. And it's 300 gigabytes in size.
so cute
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Actual scene from the XY anime. Just another reason that entire series was peak. Imagine what they would have done if given the girls from Galar or Alola.
What is in the sango files, anyone know?
Oh, and don't ignore 梁瀬のひきつぎ資料.7z either, it too has a load of artwork
Mind saying where you downloaded them from so I can get them too?
source code for oras. also seems to go back to the start of xy but we won't know 100% for sure until we have all parts. The reason it's 300GB is because it seems to have like every revision of the converted assets.
Pokegirl hygiene talk is based and what I live for
The discussion was about armpits, not pubes.
Just woke up, what part of the dump are we at now. 22 and 23?
Anon, I want to tickle Coral until she cries, but what does this have to do with leaks?
Puffy Korrina Pussy made for Pokemon cock
He doesn't need a reason. I'm glad we have a good ritualpost.
I'm retarded.
Still, Hilda would have hairy armpits too.
She's doing this in a battle against XY Ash so she's basically presenting to him (kind of like saying "get past my Mega Lucario and come and get this pussy"). He does, by the way, but since he's already got Serena and she's bustier I guess he didn't need to go for it.

And the only other time we see her do it is against Ash again in Journeys.
Yeah I saw that, but I moreso meant if there were the usual fags hiding links and we're further along than the gofiles. But I guess we're not.
Link is in the OP, ctrl+f rentry. There are magnet and gofile links. I would never download these, of course.
Nope, she officially has totally clean, sexy armpits (of course she would with her having them out all the time in a tanktop).

I've got official art here to prove it to. Enjoy the thought of licking them even smoother.
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Anything cool in the last 8 or so hours?
Still can't get over how Hilbert looks like a killer here. It's sick.
Faggots trying to shit up everything up with their degenerate fetish shit, me or some other tard who's on the right side of the fence will inevitably bring up DEI again in disdain, Yawnfag will get his sharty buddies to come here, a new big found is dug up and tourists will come flocking back at full force, but obviously the real doom of the thread will be when we run out of interesting stuff to leak out, it would be nice if had some drawfags or something making art of some of the leaked stuff on occasion like we had a few threads back, it would at least gives us something nice to look at.
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>last threads have been nothing but tardposting

Great "leaks" guys
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I wonder if there'll be concept for the trainer classes considering they're all drawn instead sprited in this generation.
When game data and ideas of the past leak, it benefits pretty much everyone except executives. Concept art and game planning from old games is a good teaching tool for beginner game devs and people who are inspired. And artists are exempt from leaking the stuff themselves.

When future games leak, no one is truly happy with it. Executives panic, artists are upset that their work shown isn’t a finished product, Fans aren’t happy that they got spoiled, And people who are happy only get about a days worth of autistic dopamine and then it subsides. Leaving a wet fart on the game before it was intended to release.
Korrina just lets herself get fucked by any challenger?
>When future games leak, no one is truly happy with it.
Nah I'm pretty happy when future stuff leaks.
Just Ash. He was the 100th trainer she beat in a row before earning the right to Mega Evolve her Lucario, and even in base he demolished Pikachu.

Then he Mega Evolved and demolished Pikachu again after going nuts.

Pikachu beat him in the eventual gym battle. So she's only ever given the option to Ash to fuck her.

Serena was there though so it never happened either time.
>And people who are happy only get about a days worth of autistic dopamine and then it subsides. Leaving a wet fart on the game before it was intended to release.
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Hahaha.... Gen 7 leaks...... hahahahaha.....
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So this was basically the outcome.
Yeah for how long though.
Nah, I get pretty happy about it all the way up to release. Maybe stop pushing your own autistic mindset onto other people.
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Never Ever
>Fans aren’t happy that they got spoiled
Speak for yourself
Lucky still... I wish I got to fuck Korrina after beating and getting her badge.
I love when games leak. It makes me forget about every other game. I speculate and wait for datamining to discuss that for days on end.

Splatoon 3 leaks were amazing and I played that game for two years straight. They left so much code and assets from the full game in the preview demo.
Was so good they had to reuse this in Journeys.
Sango_Project P24 and P25 are up.

P24: https://gofile.io/d/eD13yF
P25: https://gofile.io/d/lEfhB8
I miss the Courtney stink fetish greentexts
Just more 6-7 hours.... don't slow down leaker please........
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I think they need to be friends, not enemies.
I will certainly be asleep when the last part is uploaded. Someone else is gonna have to step up to the plate instead of being a parasite. I'll try to grab the next one at least though.
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Where are the Lillie leaks
I love how they had her say this while showing off her pussy since it both implies she's telling Ash to get his dick hard (bursting with life) and bragging that her womb is super fertile (also bursting with life).

Basically screams "get me pregnant now"
We're so close to the finish line.
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How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?!
I don’t want it to be over bros
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>Go to sleep for 3 hours
>4 parts of sango_project just dropped
Welp, time to extract them and bust out the ol' reliable script to see what's added in any commits in these parts.
If the leaker were to share info on Gen 10, can we only have him say what the region and starters look like? Those are the only things that will interest me.
We already know the region is going to be a gaggle of islands, as for starters I think he'd be a fag and wouldn't even draw up mspaint sketches.
Itd be real funny if he only gave the jap names of the starters
And they're place holder names like "little bird"

>We already know
We have a pretty good idea
He will leak them. Imagine having the power to leak pokemon starters to the world. If he has them, they will leak.
Use cat sangopart4.tar.gz.* instead of manually inputting the filenames bro
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He should give us silhouettes so we fill in the blanks, like that one time they did it in gen 5
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I wish he would tell us stuff that we're going to know by the next Presents like if the protagonists are going to be Calem and Serena again or the starters. Maybe not the starters since people would go too crazy about it but simple stuff that could be reasonably expected anyway.
sauce now
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Honestly this was a really good way of approaching it. It sure got the community engaged, if nothing else.
Ah the classic.
They were the fucking best man, I still remember smugleaf.
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By the way, while I was sleeping, someone did a check using that script to look at parts 22 and 23, and apparently they found the earliest commits (1-1000), and commit 5 is the earliest one to add anything, which is all tech demo shit, basically confirming sango_project is built on top of the entire source history of xy_project lol
based and thanks
Np, yw :^).
Hey, remember when I said I'd celebrate the day that they included the previous game's source tree in the repository?
holy shit
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how exactly are they gonna get through the password protected shit
especially since it's probably in japanese
Talk about a romhack
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>password protected
>in japanese
Just when I think southern kalos is dead, the theory we've all had about the source code gets definitively proven true.
The passwords we've seen so far have all been cracked and are all gibberish.
you can input japanese letters for passwords you fuckwit
Bruteforcing archives becomes exponentially difficult after a dozen or so characters in the password.
God bless Game Freak and their cheeto lock security, giving all their archives an 8-character password.

"Just kidding, here's the passwords for the whole hayabusa dev timeline"
from mr gfo
If we were to persuade the leaker into giving out info for Gen 10, how about we have him only reveal the silhouettes of the starters?

not in freakleak myself but the file doesnt even need you to download it
you should fight in his defense like the tard from the last thread about how telling people to kill themselves is heccin' bad
then he'll give you a special sticker and one whole free request

no but seriously either the fags just edging people for attention or he's not going to dump anything, you'd have a better chance of trying to hack him and getting his location to take the drives yourself

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