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the fuck is that thing?!!?
this might be the worst day of yawnie's life
Quadrupedaltards in shambles
>looks fucking retarded and awkward
god why couldn’t we have gotten the snail instead
BW was fucking rushed
>Has to stand up to use both swords at the same time
So what was the point of making it quadrupedal anyway? why they couldn't just let it stand like this all the time?
Who the fuck is yawnfag. I’ve hearing people bring him up here for a while recently and I can only assume he’s some boogeyman at this point
>inb4 newfag
>inb4 lurk moar
Been here over a decade now
>Who the fuck is yawnfag.
idk people say yawnfag in every single thread for different reasons
basically a massive troll who strawmans and shitposts his way through nearly every game thread and always takes the opposite stance to whatever /vp/ thinks
gen 5 kino as always
>T. masuda
newfag, lurk moar
>that powerful stance
>those bulging ABS
Samurottbros, we finally won!
So this is confirmation Game Freak realized that Samurott’s retarded design doesn’t work as a biped, kek
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Damn, bipedal samurott is such a bad idea, no wonder the guy that keeps posting his fakemon kept getting laughed at.
I want to Low Kick him and watch him topple over
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might be the campaignshitter guy
>Samurott can't get it going!
The snail knight is just a prototype Chesnaught atp
>here's your """""bipedal""""" pokemon bro
does yawnie have schizophrenia, his thoughts are totally jumbled and seem to follow no order
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Looks like animal cruelty
new moar
half-boogeyman but definitely real
If you ever see a post talking about how the "right" way to play the game is to only level up your starter (whilst simultaneously saying that the games are too easy), usually with a screenshot of said overleveled starter in battle, it's him.
why didn't they just have her ride on samurotts back? can't it just hold one sword instead of two?
jesus christ...
Can someone speed this up, I wanna see how that looks
it is the campaignshitter guy
Just put this damn thing out of its misery
>make a clearly quadruped starter
>make it bipedal
>act surprised when it looks like shit
Failtroll with a massive hateboner for Gen 5. Between three bullets, and the constant XY robberies, he's been on a downward spiral. Expect to see this constantly posted until he finally grows up.
but sammurott still look like shit on all four tho
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why does he walk like a duck lmao
>Cowboy walk
He is a god damn samurai. How they fuck that up?
Actual shitposter autist who makes a bunch of genwur threads daily and spends most of his sad days lurking various threads, ready to pounce on anyone who compliments gen V or shits on the 3D games.
No idea why he hasn’t been perma banned yet.
>hrgn, little steppy..
>hn, little steppy...
>uh, little steppy...
>c'mon samurott, don't fucking drop me
Yawnfag and his discord orbiters completely and utterly BTFO, eternally
If you see a post about frostbite it's yawnfag or one of his worshippers from discord.
>permabans in cuatrochan
Wonder if the 15min hammer is going to strike here too. It even hit /vg/, and taht's upposed to be a fast board.
>whole board filled with twitter tourists is laughing at it
more like (You) lost lmao, you better hope this shitstorm doesn't go viral
>samefagging to pretend the animation's bad
>he doesnt look like shit anymore
really makes you think
>"Stand on two legs they said... you'll look cooler they said..."
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>Favorite fire type starter is getting the Not Like Us treatment
>Favorite water type starter is getting bullied for having the shittiest walk in the franchise
>Favorite grass type starter is constantly one upped by Incineroar
your fault for being a plafag
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at least your grass starter got off the ground
Typhlosion bros... we're not the starter laughing stock anymore..
here's the official list of yawnfag calling cards
>calling people "sagefag" or "sagie"
>"Glad you agree"
>double-spaced line-by-line greentext responses
>deflecting to unova whenever kalos is criticized
>deflecting kanto pandering complaints by saying having starters and gyms is kanto pandering
>dismissing kanto pandering complaints as "being mad pokemon are in a pokemon game"
>dismissing bloated dex complaints as "being mad pokemon are in a pokemon game"
>dismissing complaints about kalos being forgettable by just saying "i remember it" and/or pretending threads are made constantly to seethe about it
>claiming gen 6 hate didn't start until after dexit
>defending party-wide exp. share
>claiming old games are easier while playing with only an overleveled starter
>claiming USUM are the only difficult pokemon games
>saying gen 5 was the start of casualization because you get a lucky egg
>claiming gens 4 and 5 are 3D
>calling people "campaignshitters"
>insisting ice type is balanced and anyone who disagrees is just staring at type charts instead of "playing the game"
>bitching about sinnoh's encounter tables
>bitching about samurott being quadrupedal and having swords
>claiming gen 5's sprites are shit because they aren't as high-res as gen 4's backsprites
>"how do i farm berries in gen 5?" and variations
>posting any of the following images:
>>the one comparing hoenn's underwater maps to the marine tube
>>the one with cerulean cave and virizion on route 11, or virizion on route 11 on its own
>>the one ostensibly showing how gen 5's sprites would look "if gamefreak wasn't retarded"
>>anything with an overleveled starter
>>the one comparing gens 5 and 6 except the descriptions are swapped
>>the medal guy saying "Whether you know it or not, I'll explain it to you anyway!"
>>that one really shitty samurott redesign
oh yeah, also
>dismissing the PWT as "lazy nostalgia pandering" and saying it's shit because it doesn't have streaks
It walks on 4 legs, we have seen this, it stands in two legs for fighting and it leaps to slash.
We have known this for as long as Samurott existed and Yawnfag is still SEETHING about it.
>saying gen 5 was the start of casualization
That’s True tho and the unlimited tm’s prove it
Why the hell this beta for a mobile game looks BETTER THAN SV??
it's a switch game, not a mobile game
My point is still the same.
He walks just like me when I shit my pants
>high quality animations were actually kept from us
>why is a quadruped that's not meant to be bipedal walking in a way it's not supposed to?
Nigger half of this is just general complaints. The Samurott thing in particular is egregious as fuck, people shit on it all the time.
Did I say this or not? Let me check
He’s got a person riding his fucking head, I feel like the reason why it looks so awkward and slow is because going full-sprint would make the person fall off.
if he's going full-sprint he's probably going to be on all-fours
that's his combat stance
What was GF thinking making this piece of shit that I refuse to call Pokémon?
is a acronym of "you will never be a woman"
When you have diarrhea and fart a little too much
No surprise there, unovan samurott is also one of the fattest starters and holding two fuck-huge lanceswords while walking here.
>slimmer than every water starter before him, with subsequents all being gay shit
You okay?
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Everybody I dislike is secretly the same person
>It even hit /vg/, and taht's upposed to be a fast board.
It also didn't do anything, by the way. I'm in a general infested with bots and the cooldown timer didn't stop them at all. Not even slow them down.
Thank you so much
weighs more than Feraligatr tho
Using the ACfag tactic i see
>people shit on it all the time
translation for
>Yawnfag brings it up all the time whenever XY is criticized for cutting off half of the game
>yawnie so cooked he pretends he's someone else
Three bullets lil buddy
>deflects to weight
Muscle weighs more than fat

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