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Samurott haters have officially hung themselves.
Unovabros......what the FUCK is that?!?!?
Damn I guess this cements the idea that everyone who says samurott should be bipedal is wrong, and really bald.
I think you mean lovers
This looks painful for samurott
it's unnatural
Sagie ain’t finna like this one
She's forcing that poor Samurott to keep walking on twos, it looks so forced
That looks like pure unfiltered ass.
>proves that samurott doesnt work bipedal
yawnie ongoing week long meltie is just gonna go on forever at this point
but he's right
why is it so slow?
>can't even walk properly
>had to awkwardly shuffle
>"th-the haters lost"
KEK sagefag in fucking shambles
It’s a slowed walk at 8fps. Await more animations.
sup sagie
>screen recording
>shit quality
dumb zoomer
Woah, cool it with the mass replying, sagefag
>why is it bad
>but here it’s using them
>but here it’s standing up
>but here it’s walking
>okay, here’s a gif of it clearly able to walk while holding its swords
Tighten your noose already.
kek the level your seethe is off the charts sagefag

this design is officially a failure and we should've gotten the snail instead
How’s it a failure? Also that snail was never a fucking starter like your fanfic likes to suggest.
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enough about your penis, tripfag
Oh no no no....sagiesisters....
Hold on a fucking minute.

Is that the "multiplayer online Splatoon-like project" we heard about?
Wouldn't it make more sense for Samurott to "sit" like an actual sea lion, similar to Primarina? Both quadrupedal and bipedal look really uncomfortable for him.
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always remember the guide, bros
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the idle animation is quadrupedal
Total sagefag humiliation
retarded faggot X

i used to think this was a false flag to make yawnie look retarded but he actually thinks this
that thing would stumble around even worse lmao look at how small its legs are
Why they designed Samurott like that?
i can't believe all of this it's real
it was a first draft that they couldn't revise because they were rushing the game
he said samurott, not XY
Yes, where you’re riding mons attacking simultaneously. As for how that’s relevant to OP, he’s banking on more animations showing it do what the game was meant for.
Normally I’d say yes for other mons, but they clearly changed so much of Samurott’s anatomy from just being that of a Sea Lion’s it’s obvious he’s better on land than one while still being aquatic. Sea Lions have fucking jello limbs where they can only waddle forward when on land, while Samurott can sprint like a grizzly at worst. He has joints akin to terrestrials.
Hahaha i don't really know
Exactly, XY was actually polished
That's so fucking funny
Yeah they polished it so hard they didn’t finish an entire portion of the game and opted to ship without it, which is unprecedented in the franchise.
hey sabor :^)
you'll never know who leaked the discord logs, im still in btw
More like a Samurott hater designed this. Samurott sanctuaries would be needed to rehabilitate those that were rescued from this
B. T. F. O.
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>literally Reverse Movie Incineroar
>still has the awful paraplegic proportions
>"s-see? bipedal babs b-btfo!"
>they didn’t finish an entire portion
They did though
Wait a minute. Samurott is 1.5 metres tall.

Or that is an Alpha... Or the trainers are HOBBITS.
What wrong with the proportions?
Then show me where they finished making Southern Kalos.
Can you guys laugh/make fun of samurott while leaving genwar shit out of this? thanks
every pokemon in this game is giant, probably to be able to ride them
Good. Now I wanna mount a giant Meowscarada.
It looks so retarded KEK
How does it run?
Sagefag has to deflect to Kalos because it’s the only way he knows to distract attention from Samurott being shit KEK
>says Samurott is shit with no basis
>is given example of actual shit
Simple question: What’s wrong with Samurott?
>no basis
As a Samurott hater, no, this completely justifies everything I've said in this board. Look at the poor thing, it can't even walk!
What’s wrong with that? Are you unable to string together a sentence? Everyone your opinion already, that it “looks bad because I say so”. Now elaborate and explain your position or you don’t have one.
looks nice with 8x speed
>make paraplegic walk
>"lol why does it look so bad"
Why are Samurott faggots so fucking retarded?
This is like saying Incineroar can't be on fours because of that stupid movie's animator drew a running table
>paraplegic but I won't say how
>Incineroar can be on all fours, just the animation is retarded
Same can be true here. In both cases, the animations sucks but demonstrates that the mon can do it.
This looks like a fucking WEG
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>yes it does, here's an example
>okay here it is standing
>okay here it is walking
>okay here it is walking on two legs
yeah, i'm thinking samurott won
You're not helping your case Samurottranny.
This. This, so much this.
How hard are you crying over your favorite shitmon being bullied, sagefag? Be honest.
>still no criticism
Everyone's waiting for you for years anon. Also, that anon and I have been accused as "sagefag" separately. Why are you so desperate?
>still can't actually say what's wrong with the animation
>T. Smashed and slammed lover
>ad hominem because he STILL is unable to actually say anything's wrong with the animation
There's nothing wrong with it if you like it smashed and slammed
>this is your brain on deflection when you can't say anything wrong
Waiting for an actually stated problem with the animation.
I agree with this, but like..
..you're being a prick, anon.
ofc the water starter designed to walk on all fours struggles walking upright, it's a, no, THE quadrupedal water starter.
There's nothing wrong if you like it smashed and slammed tho
>it looks bad because it just looks bad lol
Waiting for an actual stated problem with the animation.
The Unova starters are so fuckinh bad holey shit
>>it looks bad because it just looks bad
i said it looks smashed and slammed though what's wrong with that?
>bad because bad
everyone still waiting
>I said a thing I have yet to remotely prove or explain
Still waiting for an actually stated problem with the animation. Anyone can say what you said to anything.
you can feel the desperation
You don't like it smashed and slammed or what?
How is it smashed or slammed?
That’s exactly what you do with Kalos, sagefag.
>shifts back to genwarring
People actually criticize XY with criticisms that refer to aspects of it. These criticisms of Samurott are literally just "IT'S BAD BECAUSE I SAY THAT I LOOK BAD". Not every argument is created equal. Now stop deflecting to shitty genwars.
People actually criticize Samurott with criticisms that refer to aspects of it. These criticisms of XY are literally just "IT'S BAD BECAUSE I SAY THAT I LOOK BAD". Not every argument is created equal. Now stop deflecting to shitty genwars.
because he walks bending his arms at the sides of his body rather than bending them straight? just like a smashed and slammed
>People actually criticize Samurott with criticisms that refer to aspects of it
Yet not a single of these are present in this thread, while XY threads actually talk about the game's flaws without saying "it's bad because I don't like it" like you seemingly do with Samurott.
try quoting real criticism of Samurott anywhere on here
lol yawnie just cried to his cordie mod friend
>Yet not a single of these are present in this thread,
Yes, because we’ve gone over the flaws dozens of times with you sagefag, and you’ve embarrassed yourself so many times that no one takes you seriously anymore. Meanwhile you’ve never made an actual criticism of XY.
Funny how samurott is the only starter to have a schizo fanbase every single time it gets criticized you never see this kind of autism with any other starter
>he walks bending his arms at the sides of his body
That's because he's holding the swords. I'm still waiting for the issue.
This shit looks fucking hideous, what part of it salvages the design?
parroting is an admission of defeat
>That's because he's holding the swords.
And it makes walk smashed and slammed
>we’ve gone over the flaws dozens of times with you
Nope, it's always shit like this thread, greentexting a gif saying "they're defending THIS lmao" while never elaborating the actual issue. Meanwhile, XY gets heaps of criticism and you pretend they don't exist just because you went, one by one for over ten years, and said "this doesn't count" over and over and responding last in some cases means the criticisms somehow doesn't exist. I invite you to make a criticism of Samurott to test my ability to answer it and see if it's real. I also invite you to risk making a XY thread like you previously love to do and see if you can really say that it's flawless.
>This shit looks fucking hideous for....some reason
You already explained it
Where? Those things are completely unrelated. Holding swords makes something smashed? This is what I mean when you should actually explain criticisms instead of flinging them around hoping they stick.
>Where? Those things are completely unrelated.
How so?
>fucked-up dogshit anatomy that looks nothing like the original concept art is suddenly good
>don't call it off-model though or else you're discord
>inb4 "y-yawnfag!"
sealshitters never learn
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imagine the mating press
>Samurott is so dogshit, it singlehandledly caused a promising game to be cancelled
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It's on you to somehow explain how holding swords = smashed
>dogshit anatomy
it has the anatomy of a terrestrial animal like a bear. What's wrong with this?
>looks nothing like the original concept
This isn't inherently a bad thing and actually makes the design better in this case. If it had floppy limbs like an actual sea lion it would move around on land worse
>off model
Not pointing fingers, but none of the proportions are different exactly so it's not off model. unless you can point to something I'm missing.
Nope, it's always shit like this thread, greentexting a gif saying "they're defending THIS lmao" while never elaborating the actual issue. Meanwhile, XY gets heaps of criticism and you pretend they don't exist just because you went, one by one for over ten years, and said "this doesn't count" over and over and responding last in some cases means the criticisms somehow doesn't exist. I invite you to make a criticism of Samurott to test my ability to answer it and see if it's real. I also invite you to risk making a XY thread like you previously love to do and see if you can really say that it's flawless.

See what I mean when I say I'm asking for the criticisms but they fail to actually come in? I know they exist but not in the thing's anatomy.
literally nobody likes samurotten kek
How are these two things completely unrelated tho?
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Stop replying to the schizo
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>not a single kalosmon
this hurts
Charizard the kalos starter is right here
How do I uncancel this?
It's on you to explain how one causes the other somehow.
Kalos starter doe be
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>Sealfag hyped and jumping the gun, thinking this would make people reconsider Samurott as cool
>Opposite fucking effect
I shiggy diggy
>these two things completely unrelated
>Doesn't explain how
Sure it appeared in kalos, but it's from Kanto.
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>Obligatory fucking Charizard
Where it is said it's native from kanto?
it's on you to explain how one causes the other somehow. You haven't even defined "smashed and slammed" in a design and what makes something fit that definition. Now you took a random action (holding swords) and assumed it equals it somehow without explaining how. Waiting for your autistic justification, retard.
>it's on you to explain how one causes the other somehow.
You're the one who made the claim though
I didn't say that. I said the mon is from Kanto because it was introduced in a Kanto game and is therefore in the Kanto roster of new mons at the time. That's what people mean when they say (region)mon.
>I have a glandular problem!
>I didn't say that.
You said the two things are completely unrelated yet refuse to explain how makes me think you don't actually have the answer yourself
No, you said he was "smashed and slammed". All I did was ask how. You said it was because of how his arms are, which are due to sword holding. You said that makes him "smashed and slammed". I asked how. Stop being retarded.
>Multiple Grass starters
>Multiple Water starters
>Only Charizard
>The two things are completely unrelated
>Never elaborates
You don't have the answer got it
Anon I think you're confusing two lines of responses ITT and now I know you're behind both shitposts. One is you not realizing what people mean when they say (region)mon as being a regions roster of new mons introduced for that region. The other is about you claiming holding swords = "smashed and slammed" without explaining how. I'm still waiting for your justification on both.
That's why they canned it. Too few "fire chads".
I never said that. I asked you to elaborate how they ARE related, which was your original claim and you never did it. If you think holding swords = smashed you're retarded. That's why you can't offer any logical connection besides word games and side stepping away from explaining your ridiculous claim.
>The two things are completely unrelated
>Never explains how
>Shitposting in three different threads at the same time
Don't reply to "Him"
to be fair it would be difficult to implement them
Typhlosion has literal fire on its back where you would ride, Cinderace and Infernape are midgets, Blaziken and Incineroar wouldn't be able to do their fighting styles and the only way Delphox would work is if it carried you with psychic powers. That just leaves you with Emboar.
I never said that. I asked you to elaborate how they ARE related, which was your original claim and you never did it. If you think holding swords = smashed you're retarded. That's why you can't offer any logical connection besides word games and side stepping away from explaining your ridiculous claim.
modern charizard fags are pretty bad despite getting pandered to constantly
incineroar fans are massive dicks too
The schizophrenia surrounding people who hate anything Unova-related must be studied.
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I like Unova, i just think the seal is a waste of a water starter
I just like what I like, I'm not sure why weirdos are so hellbent on making sure everyone else thinks the exact same way.
why would they do that, he looks terrible here
Based, now just speed it up. Can't wait for him to run in an anime battle against Meowscarada.
so you are saying, all the shilling of the choice of a bipedal evolving into a quadruped by all the samurott stans.
no, they are not the dumbasses with the objective wrong opinion, and they had it planned for him to be bipedal. just to backtrack to a worse design
you think you won but you just showed how retarded you reall are.
keep coping
speak english please
Dude this should have been how he looked from the start and I would have maimed him no cap. To bad it’s for that splatoon garbage.
Let’s be grateful this slop was canceled. Outside of bipedal Samurot and Garchomp ride animation the game looks bad. Too western.
keep arresting
keep embarrassing yourself sagie
speak hebrew then, scholomo.
keep being pregnant, george.
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Quadruped-haters, we're losing allies.....
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Wait Hatterene was supposed to be ridable?

How the fuck are you supposed to ride a Hatterene?
Probably her hat's appendage holding you just like Electivire.
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So many broken bucks in this thread and all because of a single Pokémon.
Good. I'm tired of Samurott haters mad that it's not some cringe furry OC.
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updated for 2024
I like Unova but Samurott is a shit design.
Emboar is cooler than Samurott, the only reason it got so much shit was because it was the third Fire Fighting starter in a row.
He always look terrible
Gave me a lel
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Needs a cute trainer to lean on
Everyone thinks it has the best shiny of the starters, quit playing victim.
Is Rhyperior in?
Rip yawnbitch
It walks like a fat trucker that just shit his pants.
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better version
now this is actually off model and furry art
>bad because I say it's bad
It walks like a swordsman pokemon with a human on its head.
every single design here is good except devianott and dragapult
I'm having an identity crisis /vp/
It walks like a bad spore creature.
You can't convince me that it could chase down a target while being bipedal.
The legs would have to be twice as long and the hips wider, for it to practically be a biped.
It sucks dick.
Damn, he's huge.
>The schizo is still shitposting
>bad spore creature
>you can't convince me
It easily could if no one was on its fucking head for god's sake. Oh yeah, and if it put away its swords into their sleeves it'd be even faster. Every mon has a walking and running animation, you guys are just seething that only the walking one was leaked.
>legs would have to be twice as long and the hips wider
Now this is a very interesting take, as I think this leak shows its legs and hips already slightly more in the direction you're describing compared to when it's posing quadrupedally. They're already pretty big. Fucking Incineroar has thinner, smaller, shorter legs with no waist to speak of yet it works fine. It's just an animation issue at this point, with Samurott's legs needing to face forward when he runs instead of walks, which it does when sprinting (but not walking) quadrupedally.
Chespinfags took their loss gracefully by comparison.
>No Rhyperior
Of course it was gonna be cancelled.
Which is pretty pathetic honestly
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I would ride a Emboar.
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It actually looks even more dogshit than usual here. I’m impressed.
>”swordsman” pokemon
>it waddles on stubby legs like it’s about to fall over
why do you retards keep including the retarded OC?
Look at him go!
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The fuck are you guys inventing now?

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