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Please let this be a normal Skyla thread.
With the Edgehog? No way!
LATINA SEXOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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She looks Jewish
WTF? How come Anon?
QRD on why there is a fuckton of art of Skyla (and latinas) with Shadow?
Some mene about him loving Latinas.
After the leaks that's gonna be a hard ask.
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Why are her hands so big.
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Thank God. Fatfags are just as bad as furfags with how annoyingly obtrusive they are,
Big gloves.
With the latinx desperate for representation? No way!
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Maybe don't start a thread explicitly talking about her weight
Gloves for handling large birds. Talons are sharp.
Yeah, stuffing is superior anyways.
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A little pudge never hurt anybody, but damn, I wish fat threads didn’t always devolve into posting hamplanets every time
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Skyla pic with Shadow
Skyla pic with Zoroark
Red hair + middle eastern skin
Only Jews have this phenotype
Example - Christopher Columbus
for choking you with
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>stealth fatfag thread again
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I want her to teach me some dirty Paldean words.
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Skyla has a younger brother btw
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Jews aren’t a race doe
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Makes sense that she's into dark-types...
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Get your goblin fetish out of here, disgusting faggots.
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What age will she become la goblina?
it hasn't started going downhill yet
Never because she’s not latinx
Can someone post Skyla's character sheet?
Thank you
The age old complaint
I agree 1000%
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I meant this kind of character sheet.
But thank you anon, it's interesting
I'm blind, yet I did scroll up..
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Nah she doesn't have one. Sorry anon
Are latinas good for you?
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Made for cuddling white shotas
Those white shotas might suffocate!
Why did I get a warning for posting not sexual art of a pokemon but "safe" horny coom stuff is ok if they're human?

Now let's see the one for Elesa.
>implying that's a bad thing
>search up skyla
>find uterus picture
why is google like this?
she'd be so much hotter if she were obese, dark brown, and spoke nothing but spanish
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You're both weak
Have you seen the kind of damage a bunch of birds can cause with their talons? Pic related is infamous for the kind of damage it can cause with it's talons even to handlers with specialized gloves, imagine what a bird Pokemon is capable of doing.
Her ace is a swan though...
Sorry for finding blobs who weigh 4 tons ugly I guess
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Yes, but she has to handle Unfeazants, Skarmories and I'm frankly surprised the girl doesn't have a Braviary or Mandibuzz on her main team.
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Sex with Skyla
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They are actually cargo pilot gloves, because of cargo maneuvers they are needed.

But I like your idea better, especially if she temporarily uses a Braviary or another bird of prey.
At least its not a typhlosion
Post her beta sprite.
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Like others have said, that's a really cool idea, so I tried doodling it, nothing complex or anything, just thought it would be cool.
cute chick
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Built for helium tanks.
would you fly with her /vp/?
>cargo pilot gloves
They could be both because Skyla's extend to her forearms whereas cargo pilot gloves terminate at the wrist.
Awwwww, it looks pretty good anon.
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goth latina
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Thank you anons, I may just be an amateur now but I'll keep at it.
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Who wouldn't
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Bless you, and anyone who contributes to the Great Skyla Renaissance of 2024.
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Mi amor...
Skyla, age 25
I need sex with Skyla
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shut up Elesa
I want sex with Elesa too.
shut up Clay
Handjobs from Skyla's gloved hands
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Get in line
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She won
I have never needed something more in my entire life
Nursing handjob from Skyla's gloved hands...

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