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Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein

und das heißt: Erika!

Heiß von hunderttausend kleinen Bienelein

wird umschwärmt Erika!

denn ihr Herz ist voller Süßigkeit,

zarter Duft entströmt dem Blütenkleid.

Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein

und das heißt: Erika!
In der Heimat wohnt ein kleines Mägdelein

und das heißt: Erika!

Dieses Mädel ist mein treues Schätzelein

und mein Glück, Erika!

Wenn das Heidekraut rot-lila blüht,

singe ich zum Gruß ihr dieses Lied.

Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein

und das heißt: Erika!
In mein'm Kämmerlein blüht auch ein Blümelein

und das heißt: Erika!
This is not ok!
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Ich lachte OP.
The perfect woman
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we still didn't got erika age leaked...
She's not real so it doesn't really matter
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assuming they intended to pair her with the player along rosa and may, then I guess she's around their age
so yeah, ~15 or so
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i love erika
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I wish that more people drew schoolmarm Erika from the manga
LGPE erika is the worst erika
But she is so cute, bobbed and thematically accurate...
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I want her to take me into her garden and blow smoke rings into my face until I pass out in her lap
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Erika is underrated as hell.
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Is Beta Erika alright?
Love her as well
All Erikas are good Erikas
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she's the type of girl that after you nut in her, rolls on the other side and immediately takes a nap
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can corpses pregnant?
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She’s still noteworthy enough that her sprite has been updated in Pokémon Yellow.
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It was fun to redraw.
t. Beginner artist
That song is ok to sing
God I wanna rape her.
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Me on the bottom
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What would be Ghost Specialist Beta Erika backstory and role be like?
How about her team? What would be her Kanto-only Gen 1 team? Both first match and then challenge team? How about her global team including Pokemon from all generations?
What about being the celadon city's grass type gym leader during spring and summer, and then being the lavander town's ghost type gym leader during autumn and winter?
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with her...

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