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What's the appeal?
It’s kinda cute when she’s uninterested in something or digusted by something
Hair pulling sex from behind.
Ashfag self-inserters claimed her as an anal sex toy for themselves and invented a whole new personality for her to fit that aim.
Early Chloe was based.
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>largely apathetic personality
>school educated
>gold digging whore who aims high
>has a huge booty
>anal sex addict
>probably an absolute animal in bed who gets into hitting and getting spat on while her ass gets fucked
What's not to love?
She is a child and the pedos (who unfortunately make up the majority of the Pokemon fanbase) love that
>We want to school demographic
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>What's the appeal?
She won.
What about Goh?
She’s autistic
Settles for Dawn, but sometimes gets to join Ash in DAPing Chloe.
fucking Dawn and has Sonia whenever he's in Galar
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>She won.
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brown Ashfag self-inserters will fap to anything
/vp/ rewrote her character to make her based
for a second i thought she had unusually large tits
Nope, she's flat as a board. Everything went to her butt.
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Begone Amourcuck, this is a Bloombolt board.
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She's pretty hot
Heard it wasn't worth watching her show just for her though so I never watched it.
It's best to ignore her show and just work with /vp/'s headcanon.
Her ahoge is perfectly shaped to service cocks
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Fucking Mew
What everyone wants from Pokemon---a normal person that doesn't care about Pokemon who has no ambitions or goals and just does things because her friends wants to.
Her goal is getting mating pressed by (Me)
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Ladies please don't fight for the second place
>pic rel
What is this pose?
She's cute, that's it.
Doesn't need much.
The one true canon ship for Ash
Relucant girl with a Squidward attitude is slowly changed by older Pokegirls into a performer slut.
all hail the ahoge
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Huge butt.
>by older Pokegirls
They're the same age.
Ashfags made her asshole their cock sleeve. Meanwhile in Japan, they like NTRing Goh by having Ash fucking her.
Unironically this. Koharu really seems like she has a case of the tisms. And it's honestly a realistic depiction of it.

Out of all the female companions she has the least amount of shipping scenes with Ash.
>Out of all the female companions she has the least amount of shipping scenes with Ash.
True, but Ashfags just invented more of them.
Isn't Goh just as autistic as her? The differences are that Goh's autism stands for a lack of self confidence, gets easily triggered by Gary.
Yes, they both have autism. Hence why they, alongside Ash, were known as the Autism Trio.
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>both have autism
>Hence why they, alongside Ash, were known as the Autism Trio
Imagine the threesomes (all anal).
she had 0 canon appeal or relevance or shipteases, so /vp/ ashfags literally invented some
Based af
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>My money sense is tingling!
>Goh has to wait his turn
Surely he gets a solo chance in Chloe's ass, right? Or is he only allowed to DAP her with Ash?
She cute
She is smart, beautiful, and I'm sure many more qualities, for some reason the world champion ended up choosing her.

I bet it was her confident smile.
I swear, Bloombolters are the most deluded faggots on this board.
>tons of cute pokemon_(species) but redditors thirst after kids instead
>got a warning for posting a pic of "anthro"
>meanwhile jannies are ok with pedos
Buttsecks girl
Koharu’s got a really great butt.
For penetration.
They should make a piggy-bank but it's Chloe naked on all fours with the money slot between her ass-cheeks, and a bored expression on its face. Also when you put money in her, she moans.

that's pretty much her whole character
None, her mother is better
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When she scooted past a potentially dying Ash without a care in the world I knew she was based.
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>What's the appeal?
a hole for mexican Ashfags
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Fucking kek
>anal only Chloe
Seems like a waste, doesn't it? Don't you Ashfags want to impregnate her, not just fuck her shithole?
Human sisters…
His cum will leak out from her ass and impregnate her that way, no vaginal penetration required.
Ashfags are well know for liking shit just look at the character they praise.
cherry flavor
True kek
None, I guess. Many say she is the worst character in the anime.
She is the definition of wasted potential, that's why she is a diamond in the rough for the fandom, you can build from scratch unlike other characters who already closed their arc, she started to take her first step and the series ended.
And /vp/ imposed buttslutiness upon Chloe.
As I said, it was a blank slate, it's not my fault that /vp/ was the one holding the brush at the time.
Better than Japan who also shipped her with Ash, but specifically to NTR Goh.
white bread
School slut
Did she end up doing anything at all during her time in the anime? All I know about her is that her signature mon starting out was yamper but then she got saddled with an Eevee because TPCI can’t stop shilling Eevee into everything
Did they really?
Everything /vp/ says about what nips do or think is fake.
No. The majority of Japs shipped her with Goh. What he meant was that of those who did ship her with Ash, they all only did it to NTR Goh. Wholesome AshxChloe was only a Western thing.
What's with all this "Koharu likes anal" stuff? Why something so specific?
Association with Dawn, the anal girl. There was a PMGals doujin that had Chloe morbidly curious about anal with Ash due to Dawn's love of it, though Chloe only did vaginal with Ash in that doujin. But that doujin, mixed with Chloe having a big butt in some screencaps, mixed with her being easily influenced by Dawn in that doujin, and in the actual episodes they shared, compounded to get Chloefags interested in the idea of Dawn teaching her anal, since another /vp/ trope of Dawn is teaching girls about anal sex. This combination of factors then got repeated over and over in both the Dawn general and in dedicated Chloe threads until it just became set in stone that Chloe was an anal girl too.
Huh, i wasn't expecting such detailed explanation for this headcanon... I guess it makes sense... Thanks for that, anon
Chloefags are degenerate sodomites
You would think that they would know not to repeat the "muh childhood friend" slop after XY. This is somehow even more irrelevant in JN with Koharu
Wtf, i thought Go was gay
Eevee is perceived as girl's mon
To have been "wasted potential," there had to have been potential... bro, that's something Chloe never had.
Dumb last minute addition whore who stole the spotlight from Ash's true wives
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The beginning of the corruption...
Dawn cause her own downfall
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POV: You are Ash.
Or Goh.
She made Dawn a cuckquean lmao
>>has a huge booty
>>anal sex addict
>>probably an absolute animal in bed who gets into hitting and getting spat on while her ass gets fucked
Calm down that's a 12 year old child you are talking about
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akhtually 10
It’s so over Dawnkeks
Come with her for a bit to do what?
>>>anal sex addict
wtf I didn't know she was that waifubased
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Chloe has been systematically trained by the expert herself, Dawn, to use her backdoor for the right reason, and she immediately opened it up for her famous boyfriend.
Anal seggs, what else?
Why so suddenly?
She's low on battery.
You can tell no one actually likes the character when most of the shit people post is made up fanfiction
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I think she's cute.

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