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Last Time:
>We start getting a taste of EoE autism
>Most tripfags are nearing the end of the maingame, with Wagie entering postgame
>The endgame is still shit, but we've played worse now
>I lag behind due to card and pokedex autism
>John vpposter is nearing the end of Unbreakable kino

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.

>How do I join?
Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images.


>Fangame Bingo Card Generator

>Edge of Eternity mod for Empyrean
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I don't have the energy to finish the main game yet, but I do have time to farm 30 anida plums for this old guy in the new future. got this ink from it, wasn't expecting that.
and then I won off RNG and the ai being retarded and sinking a turn 1 heat wave into my emboar
how anticlimactic
>celebi timetravel plot
crazy stuff
hit the 'end of beta' message but I'm running around cleaning things up

Liberty is so cool
he's my favorite character tied with giganigga

Total Whiteouts: 7 (+1)
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you also get the ability to run up ledges from another old guy in the new future
Got lucky on this kek, I think it totals out to a 1% encounter after all the checks
On another note, the community voting for the game jam is done
>Star in the desert
>Slowpoke shack
That's more in line with what I expected the judge votes to be t b h
Really don't know what's up with slowpoke shack though kek, might end up playing that sometime to see why it ended up being the most viewed game jam (by a wide margin), surely that means it's good, r-right...?
more EoE autism, haha...
I guess I'll preemptively farm those too...
It's a shame the new future is pretty boring.
the idea of the plantation is neat and no encounters on the sea to the prism tower is eerie, but it feels cramped
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>tm in the theater is hyper voice
speaking of TMs, I have two different Thunderbolts (57 and 113)
very odd
There is an island in the area with the prism tower, but good luck getting to it. It's also one of the areas in the game that enforces the banlist.
>didn't get automatically healed by any of the cutscenes and walked in with three and a half pokemon
close one
>gave me the manectite
I really hope this doesn't mean there are just people littered around the previous towns that you have to go and hunt for to get the rest of the mega stones
Good feature
forest guy had the heracrossite, thankfully
apparently roxanne has the aerodactylite somewhere and the only others in the game are the galladite and medichamite
I'll finish the jungle and leave the scavenger hunt for tomorrow
Alright, got muh plums ready, gonna stop for the night, then probably start the great surf backtracking tomorrow
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pushed through and beat the league, oda was the hardest one of the lot. not a full review but other then the big spike in the future the battles seemed less boring overall, even the gauntlets.
>thanks herovoltsy for the first playthrough
damn youtubeshills
Arena #8 has an ice puzzle. Who doesn't heckin love ice puzzles?
wattson is based
Also, Desolation Twitter posted something. Always good news.
Very easy fight. Ice mons are just riddled with common weaknesses.
GG bros. I'm "excited" for what's coming up haha.
GG as well. Are you ready for Opalo's prologue to end?
>GG as well. Are you ready for Opalo's prologue to end
... is what I would say if I didn't get spoiled already by guides that Elite Four is only the halfway point of the game :*>

But, yeah, this game is huge. Since the story picked up the pace, I'd say I'm ready.
Spent a few hours hatching Porygon eggs. No shiny yet unfortunately. I'll get back to it when I want a break from the trainwreck that is the main story again.
I do like Loste's style of spending the first half of the game worldbuilding and establishing lore, but I also understand why a lot of people bounce off it quickly if there's no immediate hook because so many pokemon fangames lack substance through and through so it's easy to assume it's just another generic adventure until the game tips its hand.
>1 hit of +6 Heaven's Strike does 2/3 health
Rayquomi you are not.
yassss transhumanist xisters, it's our time to entomb our souls in steel and copper to stave off our AGP
>Robots in the future say zoom zoom as a catchphrase
This game was accidentally ahead of its time in more than a few ways.
>Even the future has niggers
Wagie wasn't kidding. The shofu glazing is unreal.
Fusion with clovermons is already underway it seems
I have never once used the fanfiction furry mechanic in any possible timeline you daft nigger.
How has this game not caused reborncord to have a meltdown yet? The applicability of this dialogue is clear as day.
Good lord the wrongthink levels are off the charts with this game.
>Immediately try and get groomed and my "egg cracked"
I'm genuinely amazed this game hasn't attracted a raging hate-on from discord trannies over this area's messaging.
>nuspeak equivalent to calling normal people CIS
It just keeps getting better and better kek
>implying they can read
>implying they form their own opinions instead of regurgitating the consensusTM
I really like the inclusion of the Delta Highway. It doesn't go anywhere useful, but it's an excellent worldbuilding setpiece showing familiar areas after the timeskip. I appreciate the effort made to show and not tell about what the future looks like.
That cuts both ways though doesn't it? All it takes is a single one of them to make the connection and the rest of them will download that opinion.
Man, that font's really different from other fangames. It's probably a lot easier on the eyes though
The game largely doing away with trainers in favor of these alternate encounters is alright because the dev stopped giving a fuck about the trainer teams after the 7th badge. I do wish there were more variety in the nu-encounter types though.
Games made in really old versions of essentials like Insurgence and Empyrean are reliant on you installing the pokemon typefonts onto your computer and this is the backup system font if it couldn't find them. I didn't bother given how few games from that era of fangames are worth playing nowadays and there's even some weird text wrapping bugs caused by this font but it's alright once you get used to it.
kek okay. My wish was answered.
>Move that just sets your PP to 0
Empirekeks, our response?
Slakoth-kun immediately making moves on Nova.
Bulk catching the ambipoms here seems like a great way to farm GP for fusion on genderless mons.
I commented on it before, but seeing all these old setpieces stitched together in a new context is really neat, even if the plot itself is mixing DMT and acid.
Another reason to like this game. Shame both are shitmon.
>I do like Loste's style of spending the first half of the game worldbuilding and establishing lore, but I also understand why a lot of people bounce off it quickly if there's no immediate hook because so many pokemon fangames lack substance through and through so it's easy to assume it's just another generic adventure until the game tips its hand.
Exactly, I've also had that assumption for a long time. Really bold decision of a mature developer to not front-load anything.
>The dev just didn't design the desert in the future
>Left and right have invisible walls, everything else is flat and barren
I get the decision to have invisible walls gate off the left side of the canyon road in the west region as it clearly goes off the map, but there's no excuse here especially when there's already an existing desert map to template from and edit.

It's things like that and promoting a few of the lesser used mega evolutions to proper 3rd stages that I really like about Opalo.
In an ideal world, the average fangame and romhack quality would be high enough that more people would be willing to wait for a payoff, but sadly there's a lot of sloppa to wade through that forges such expectations to be accurate most of the time.
I hope Willie gets a happy ending at the end of all this and just isn't getting set up for future tragedy h-haha.
Okay, this fakemon is broken. Only 80 base Special Attack from what I infer, but
1. Bugification ability
2. Boomburst (140 base power special normal move)

Albeit the ability doesnt seem to boost the Normal move by 30% like similar abilities. If it does, I take back my words about it being broken - it would be ultrabroken.
Ah, and its a Bug/Dragon like you may be able to tell

So with STAB, it can spam 210 base power moves and still hold Specs or oO
>Albeit the ability doesnt seem to boost the Normal move by 30% like similar abilities
20% in every gen after 6.
Also yeah, Flygon is one of Eric's favs from what I understand, so it makes sense he gets regional form buff. Bug/Dragon isn't particularly great typing either coupled with a just average statline for a stage 3 mon, so I think it's decently balanced in the grand scheme of things. Bugburst seems absurd until you remember everything and its dog resists it.
As strange as it sounds, this game unintentionally invokes the same kind of surrealism that Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden does in the future arc with a general similar aesthetic as well as the plot being completely and unapologetically schizophrenic.
Everything I said about it being hard to quickly parse what's walkable and what's not in the factory section applies double to this place.
Did you pay Desolation royalties for using their trademarked word?
This is a certified chud game. There's no way this wasn't intentional.
Crow may be useless, but Luxray solo'd this by himself.
>teehee we were just testing you
I hate this trope.
Thanks bros
And GG
Your thoughts overall on unbreakable ties?

>mandatory plvm farming
t-time to figure out how to do that I guess
>five nights at eevee beat out 2 other games
I would feel bad but considering 1 looked like shit and the other one also looked like shit and wasn't even Pokemon, eh...
I would REALLY love to know how Covenant would have done in the community poll
>forced transitions and black BVLLs named BLACK MAMBA
You enjoying your time in the future? And especially this last dungeon?
>You enjoying your time in the future? And especially this last dungeon?
I hated this dungeon significantly less when I realized mapmaker-kun never put trainers on anything but the middle tiles of the 3-tile wide corridors so all of the encounters barring a handful are optional. I wouldn't call it enjoyable as an experience entirely but the pacing is significantly better skipping all the riffraff.
I don't like this bit. This electric fence disables when you enter this section from the south. There's no switch, it simply just does, contrary to every other one prior where you can use the switches and fences to breadcrumb where you have and haven't been so far.

This boss seems like it's either the most free thing ever or cock and ball torture entirely dependent on your party. I don't imagine there to be much middle ground either just because of how it works.
Clever, even if it seems like you didn't really need it
Most of the boss fights in this game can at least be sidestepped with enough Revival Herb spam or something, this is the only one that essentially forces you to engage with the shitty grind/RNG mechanics because you're not allowed to use status or stat drops/raises.
Basically the peak of this game's shit boss design with its own unique quirks like how you can basically only use strong fire types thanks to D*ta's immunity list and it's ice immune item

Like yeah it's not the "hardest" fight, it's not shit in the same way Urmumium CURIE or Cr*wbar are, its not annoying in the same way Mortimer and his PP draining confusion accuracy lowering swamp is, but the actual mechanics involved are more dogshit than either of them
This almost certainly is not the end I bet.

>but the actual mechanics involved are more dogshit than either of them
I agree. DEUS is a gimmick boss and it's a shit gimmick at that.
The biggest redeeming quality is has is utterly fucking over nuzlockeniggers kek.
Arrived at the Opale Pokemon league ... subjectively, I dont feel ready. Half of my shitmon are below 60 because I switched out some recently.
Traced Godlike has some weird shitcode interactions with Wish.
>OHKO on Wiseraph
Of course it hit the 30%, but luckily it didn't matter.
>No final fight on top of the Citadel
>Not even a forced lose impossible fight
The fangame development metagame has truly shifted.
>The biggest redeeming quality is has is utterly fucking over nuzlockeniggers
kek, W.T. himself also his own 100% OHKO move
you'll be fine, it's not really that hard even with lower levels
Most systems observed are binary stars, that's extremely unspecific.
I get they're trying to invoke a very specific symbolism, but there's better ways to do it.
I thought I just got extremely unlucky.
>Atlantis allegory, except in space and with a pinch of annunaki lore thrown in for flavor
While this game is extremely schizophrenic and presents its ideas about as gracefully as a taco bell's bathroom, there's some genuine schizokino to be found in here.
>This many niggers
>Villain is spiritually a kike
I now completely understand why space atlantis fell.
>>>>>>>Complete with jewish blood rites to trick their god
Holy kek
And here I thought I was nearing the end, but I suppose I only got to explore half of the future world so it makes sense.
The best screenshot of the whole playthrough.
Stopping here for now.
and so it begins

i'm thinking how i'll try to tackle this is i'll do deshret early, do up until the end, then do everything else, and finish deshret and the game's true final boss for the best sense of closure

unless you need to actually fight the true final boss to unlock more of the postgame, in which case i'll end shit at b*bel

probably will go through trainer tower first since that seems boring and shitty and i want to prioritize base game postgame first

it doesn't even fail against higher level targets! apparently
doe he is level 150 anyway so what does it even matter
>it doesn't even fail against higher level targets! apparently
What's the intended counterplay to this? Load your team with dark types or mons with the psychic-immune item? Or are you supposed to just accept it's something that happens every turn and DPT race him in the final phase?
Another night of looping...
I'm itching to actually make progress today, so I'll probably just card autism and continue rather than dex autism the day away (again)
Where's the magic bean again? I'm not sure if I've already passed it somewhere
>Filename change
godspeed bro
>unless you need to actually fight the true final boss to unlock more of the postgame, in which case i'll end shit at b*bel
I think you do? I'm pretty sure you need to beat the neutral end to remove the 'deshret mons only' restriction, though White Man would be more familiar with that than me kek, I'm pretty sure I basically stopped right after Deshret
You could just make a backup save before the final boss and load that up when you're finished though
thanks bros
at the four way intersection north of russian town there's an old man who sells it for 5 million
>What's the intended counterplay to this?
That's the neat thing....

I don't know for sure, but I would imagine it probably OHKOs dark types too
Basically just hope Willie and Hessa aren't being Fusion Tag spamming retards

magic bean is in flowery path, from an old man
>I think you do? I'm pretty sure you need to beat the neutral end
ah, sucks
might do the stuff for rainbow W.T., whatever that is don't spoil it, then do deshret, then so on etc.
K-Kuruminha? Awooga!
>tried to go buy it
>right after I just spent all of my money on booster packs
...I may be a tad retarded bros kek
it's understandable, the card autism is brain rotting
*and dex autism, can't leave that out kek
Thanks bros. Godspeed on the future arc RG.
>I don't know for sure, but I would imagine it probably OHKOs dark types too
It never clicked it against Bisharp in my run. Either the AI doesn't think it can or it's actually blocked by psychic immunities.
No actual content is gated behind dex autism aside from the checkmark right?
and this is the haul for 325 packs, some neat shit, but most of it is useless
>Go from 110 left to 3X
Oh shit
Now we can really have fun with the last few...haha.....
Haha...It certainly is...
oh wagie don't start the hide and seek quest yet, I'm almost positive a later part of it makes you go to a deshret location
>Have to wait over 14 fucking minutes to make a post on this board now
I am already beyond fucking livid because one of my retarded relatives destroyed my kiwi plantation that I spent a whole 2 years working on, and now this shit, fuck's sake.
I can't even enjoy the fact Lyssandre's was confirmed to be an übermensch who's a fellow uncle Adolf appreciator and that a good chunk of Kalos just like real France was infested with mutts, hence why he wanted to wipe it all away, I'll try to retake my SoD playthrough when I cool down a bit.
It's just the first post of each IP, it's to prevent schizos that keep changing IPs to ban evade and shitpost
sorry your relative is shit. why is your relative such a cunt
No it's not, for whatever reason I am getting absurdly long cooldowns between each post, I had to wait a whole 10 minutes ago to make this one, do the jannies actually think I'm logging in with my email on a fucking site that's always meant to be anonymous?
Missed this one too, GG.
Thanks bro, it was one of my female relatives who came to visit for 2 days, when I went to rest before my morning work shift yesterday and slept for a bit, the bitch decided to mess on my gardens without permission and she cut my kiwi vines and threw away all the saplings that I spent years learning to cultivate and carefully care away, she came up with a shitty excuse that she was trying to clean weeds but knowing how absolute shit the maternal side of my family is, I wouldn't be shocked she did it on purpose to piss me off.
That is weird, it isn't happening on my end
Hiroshit once again broke the site it seems
And here is another post by me just to check
I wonder if it's related to the leak threads
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Okay, it seems to be working fine this time around, so it's definitely some absolute shitcode on the site's side causing this, I didn't close the tab or anything, FIX YOUR FUCKING SITE.
that's some disgusting behavior, I hope she never returns
>all of this and they keep the flamingo
32 cards left... I noticed I didn't upgrade seel, 31 now
And now to sell shit, h-haha...
Interestingly, I remember White Man having difficulties with the data electivire card, I guess that only happens through debugging it?
I'll probably go grind the cards I can catch now, since there's not that much left
Writing these down to look at later kek
>Regional Mienfoo
The rest I either can't catch yet or I can't catch at all and need to still grind boosters for

Sorry to hear that bro
does toxic still apply in the stopped time?
They didn't even keep the flamingo, they made it even worse
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>Power flickers and I have to wait nearly 12 minutes again to post anything
Oh also.
>Joe Merrick is officially partnered up with Gamefreak
>It's confirmed via the leaks Gamefreak uses Bulbapedia instead of Serebii
Sadly they didn't, the flamingo was meant to be a flamenco dancer and the references to it are pretty well tucked into the design, even the heel at the end of the talon is meant to tap like that of a flamenco dancer, honestly it's a fucking shame we lost it over......siiiiiiiiiigh.........Aromatisse and......fucking Flamigo.......
Though what really hurts me is that we lost the river beetle and cassowary mons.
Thanks bro, hopefully it doesn't take you too long to finish the absurdly autistic card dex.
HOHO.....only one way to find out!
Bartender, hand me an beer.
Finale of the Opalo league. I won, but it was rather hard every time - playing on Set with non-first tier mon "pays off".

Not sure whether I like it how the competition got interrupted by various mini plots, but I'm sure there's a large twist coming at the end anyways
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>Don't post for a bit more than a minute
>Gets forced to wait 10 minutes to post again
I am getting really fucking sick of this shit, I didn't close the tab, I didn't have another tab open on 4chan, nothing and it keeps happening.
Get ready for maximum kino, also GG.
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>Took 40 rockruffs to get a card while spamming card balls
epic, thanks game
>>It's confirmed via the leaks Gamefreak uses Bulbapedia instead of Serebii
M'kay, that's it. We wuz champion of Opalo n' shiet. First attempt without preparation because I got double crit hax.

And yet I'm only at the halfway point of this whole story. I wonder which mons I encounter in the next region - I already had the possibility to catch Shelgon, Gible and the rest of the gang.
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>Name my character after the biggest, fattest croc out there (Gustave)
>Get called a big fat croc in game
I guess that's a way of getting value out of the name.
GG again, second region doesn't have too many unique Pokemon, though it does let you get the starters from any region very early into it, there's also some really kino regionals.

i've been getting distracted a lot, but man this is SLOW
my team admittedly sucks for this, but still

not like there's a tower that's five times as long later, haha..

thanks bro
i'm honestly sure i'm going to accidentally stumble into the deshret shit at some point anyway
i really don't know, i guess we'll have to find out when rg and i are done
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>Second major fight of the game is just RNG rape with status and confusion
OH THE JOY, also, what the fuck is this music?
I-I got turned into a piggy?

Yay, I'm so excited for CHARIZAAAAAAAAAARD (not really). Regionals sound neat, the ones so far are cool
Deshit is the worst part of the game.
>What if we made the player not be able to use their team that's used for the whole game and postgame and instead make them use a bunch of shitmons
At least now I get way more action than before ...
desu I mind the endgame moves/items on random lv. 20 shittiers a lot more than the new team thing
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these sages are assholes, but sage of the future can start with wobbuffett you can setup on, after that just get lucky. 2-3 hours
it turns on vanilla mode for the sages btw
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Back, eh, not the most creative, but it will do.
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My child, you must learn the art of enjoying sand.
Also a thought occurred to me, Terastilization sounds like a pretty neat gimmick for a PMD game.
gg though
thanks bro.
>You have to pay the jewish golem money to open things you own
Missed this, GG.
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thanks bro
>rubs stone nubs so fast sparks fly
>Took like ~25 fishing encounters to get 1 piplup (20% encounter rate btw)
>Get the card first attempt
I'll take it kek
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Thank fuck he hadn't evolved into a Slaking yet, otherwise there would be rape charges too.
>Game actually accounts for the type of your avatar mon
That's cute, I know this game is in early stages and all, but why the fuck didn't they put a singular Grass starter in the roster?
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paid 10 million for the rules, here they are. not my best cropping job but the text is cut off in-game for some of those
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Danke mein stahl freund.
Looking through the resource pack, looks like there's Chespin, Chikorita and Turtwig for grass starters
Looks """fun""", haha...
I'm still trying to figure out what pink thing Comfey is asking for, that and I can't find Alakazam's glasses anywhere.
Weird none of them showed up as choices for me.
Holy mother of autism.
>Need 3 (III) (THREE) cards from shit in the und*rground
It's so fucking over
Thank you for the help Comfey sama
iirc the pink thing's in the first dungeon's rest area somewhere
I don't think I found Alakazam's glasses thoug
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Hrrrrrrrm, SLUT!
Noted, I've been clicking on everything as is Reborn tradition but I didn't find anything, even checked that area twice.
>Things are not that hard so fa-
>Bulky as fuck Dewpider shows up outta nowhere with a Skorupi partner that keeps buffing it via Acupressure
>It's hitting so hard that even Sobble is eating shit from the Water nukes it's throwing
Whiteouts: 1
Why the fuck did they put an extremely overleveled Sandslash that spams planet destroying Magnitudes as one of the first missions in the game?
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>Literally the most effective strategy in the game
I don't know what the experience with other mons is, but Fuecoco is a bit of a jobber.
>Shitty stats that don't particularly invest too hard into anything
>Gets mogged really hard due to being super slow and not hitting very hard
>First few areas are full of Ground and Water types
>Only saving grace is access to a mediocre boosting move and Slack Off
I really wished more fangames adopted the rebornlike lures.
J-just 4 more to go...
>3 of them are 1% encounters
Minccino was deceptively decent in my experience
Even with it jobbing to any normal resist (and to the indeedee boss), it more than makes up for it with helping hand and the quick attack + Quash move it got
Oh my.
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Was going to backtrack for surf-gated TMs and items but after the first couple I've lost intrest
I'll finish up gathering all the fighting/flying mons I can, battle the hoenn leaders, and probably call it there
and this Zapdos is a real bitch
too weak to get down to red safely but strong enough to chunk my guys while I throw pokeballs
>thoughts overall on unbreakable ties
Post was getting long so I put it into a pastebin (and then kept writing more and more, maybe I should start taking notes while playing...):
tl;dr: it's excellent and I love it but as could be expected since it's still in development it could use more polish on some things
I'm sorry to hear that about your plants.
The timer could be an issue with browser cookies being cleared, since there's a new system on vg that makes first-time posters (no pass, no e-mail, no cookies) wait 15 minutes before posting and they might be trying to move it to vp as well
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>You wanted to smash that icy Sneasel pussy didn't you?
Fuecoco is good into longer fights, at least in theory since it does have mediocre bulk and good boosts, but it's a rough start for sure.
Thanks bro, yeah I do use librewolf, which blocks a lot of adds and cookies, I imagine that might be part of the problem.
I ponder whether the regional Klefki from Pokemon Opalo is worth using, but even the Wiki seems to lack a base stat spread. Wat nou?
4 hours on the Litleo treadmill now bros. Send help.
Glad you enjoyed it bro. You deserved the kino after suffering through em*ire.
4 total hours now. It did help to break some of it up before the future arc but damn this is miserable. The payoff better be worth it.
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Just like any good cop movie, romantic troubles are a given.
H-haha......I'm pretty sure dex completion is a requirement of entry rather than something that rewards you directly.
gg, now you can lend your shekels to the (((bank))) and get free money!!
>maybe I should start taking notes while playing...
I've thought about doing that myself, I feel bad when I play a actually good game but can only recall the bad things about it when I'm writing the review kek
You can usually look in the PBS/Pokemon file for spic games
I found that saving, checking and resetting on the first egg is absurdly fast, but it's drawback is that it's a lot more input intensive as opposed to mindlessly going a few loops and then returning to grab the egg
But checking 5 eggs in 25-30 seconds is crazy kek, you just have to be careful not to get too far into the muscle memory and miss it
https://streamable.com/mcqmb2, i don't know what's going on with the audio

>so many OHKO moves
>so much status
>so many wish + protect spammers
>so many toxic + protect spammers
>so many recoveryspamming faggots
>so many defense buffing faggots
>so many u-turning faggots
>so many trainers that use more of the same mon to make you second guess your sanity (and your life)
>so many turn 1 wakeups from hypno's sleep
>so many turn 1 dethaws from godkip's freezes
>so many type nullifiers
>so many wobuffets
>so many times i never flinched with extrasensory or iron head
>so many times i missed 90% accurate moves
>so many times i left opponents with 10% HP
>so many times the data recovery disks refused to heal PP or were healing PP of just my setup moves or whatever gayshit
>so many crit + status + flinches from the opponent on the exact same turn i missed rng on them

i have no idea how white man did pr*sm tower in a day, that shit might take me a week if this is how bad this one was

>the last pokemon in the tower was shedinja before you fight the final boss
it would have been amazing if anyone actually truly got sneeded by that somehow

glad you enjoyed it, i'll read when i'm a little less dead inside
It begins....
I've made a terrible mistake.....
gg bro, really not looking forward to it myself
>i don't know what's going on with the audio
It does that sometimes when the game's on too long (for me anyway), closing and reopening fixes it in my experience
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The AI for this fight is braindead and it's still incredibly dangerous, those fucking Takedowns hurt.
GG and wow, that seems fun.
>I found that saving, checking and resetting on the first egg is absurdly fast, but it's drawback is that it's a lot more input intensive as opposed to mindlessly going a few loops and then returning to grab the egg
That's what I've been doing kek. It's still agonizing.
GG. See what I mean about attrition and variance being the enemy in the tower? Even down to damage ranges. For a chunk of the tower until I leveled to a specific threshold, Scizor could only OHKO the Wobbuffets about half the time on a 1st use Fury Cutter.
>Type Nullifiers
Surprisingly few light and bug ones, but Blazisneed and Gardevoir were basically nonviable sweepers because of them.

The tedium of the tower is soul sucking by the halfway mark too making it very easy to make minor misplays that can snowball into a bigger problem. I ended up splitting it overnight into 2 sessions when I realized I was making a lot of really dumb errors.
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I-is that an assault v-vest with no d-downsides?! AAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
I'm sorry bros, but I've been through enough autism in a few days with this game (at least, for now), and I'm not as hardcore as the rest of you when it comes to breeding and shit.

This is the reward for the Platinum Litleo and the bean. I'm probably just not going to use it, to be fair, unless it's needed for something else.

I've already tested it with Moody Smeargle and it doesn't seem to stop self-inflicted stat drops, sadly, which means...it seems kind of bad. I'm sorry

>closing and reopening fixes it in my experience
weird, I actually closed and reopened it right before I started recording
>Surprisingly few light and bug ones
Yeah, there weren't as many as I'm crying about, but there were just enough dark and heat ones to the point where Typhlosion or my dark types ate shit which meant more time spent healing afterwards or more turn wasting or PP lost, or all three
>making a lot of really dumb errors.
Same. That's what I'm really most afraid of for Pr*sm
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and of course no image, yay

I think it's 'only' 1.2x or 1.3x compared to the AV's 1.5x, but still
My condolences kek
Are you using f12 or esc to reset? f12 is so agonizingly long in comparison, even with the extra second needed to get out of the menus kek
>psystrike can be sketched from mutant kirlia
>machine gun can be sketched from DEUS
>fusion tag can be sketched from the W.T. fight partners

>precipice blades is only on groudon which apparently is in a 'tower that reaches the sky'
yeah i think i'll put that on one hold for now
i have no idea where you're supposed to find groudon normally
w-what happened to the future bros..

also one thing i noticed is that EoE adds in a bunch of new fusions, seems pretty cool
i think i heard demice just cum in his pants

i didn't test it that much, but...yeah......
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Another one to the count of the wiki lying, I decided to explore a bit before the E4 to maybe get something stronger and found the furret fusion stone when the wiki said it was post game only
Well looking at the fusion it seems to be pretty strong so I might replace rapebagder with it, time to trade one mustelid with another
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Oh the Aegislash one is here too
That one seems even more busted
Back, went to water my plants and discovered that by some miracle two kiwi sprouts survived, the issue is kiwis are one of the few plants that have males and females, so depending on my luck I might need to cultivate more, which is a pain, but at least it's something.
That's fair, Empyrean's autism is way too overbearing.
That's still pretty good T B H, makes me wish more fangames did items like this.
I tried to warn you bro.

I kinda like the music though but it's stupidly out of place and comes out of nowhere.
I forgot just how bad animations look in PSDK, every single Ground move except for Magnitude and I'm assuming Earthquake looks like shit being thrown at the Pokemon.
Fair enough, I'm a bit conked due to stress and wine so I forgot. The music isn't that bad to be fair, but it sounds really out of place like you said.
It's like I get what they're going for, he's a bartender/manservant who was also like an ex-criminal whose boss is themed after a mafia don, so funky electroswing because roaring 20s, and there is SOME like, conceptual interplay between it being so jarring with how he clearly has like the completely wrong idea for what's going on and this comes out of nowhere, but still.

That said I'm pretty sure it's just a case of "this was a Game Jam game and he was probably the final boss of the gamejam release so they grabbed the first bombastic, kinda fitting music they could and just rolled with it."
>Joe Merrick is officially partnered up with Gamefreak
>It's confirmed via the leaks Gamefreak uses Bulbapedia instead of Serebii

Got a link? I tried digging through the catalogue but actually finding specific leak shit right now is a pain in the ass.
was beginning to do the plumshit for the old guy in the future and found this motherfucker, please don't drag me into an inescapable sidequest i can't remember the directions for

godspeed bro.
>says something extremely vague
>doesn't repeat himself
fuck you too

he's not the final boss, but yeah i assume they just grabbed something they liked kek
I can sorta see it, but it just doesn't mash well with the whole feel of the game and especially not with the rest of the PMD OST.
I'll try finding it, the issue is 4chan's new shitcode might screw me over agin.
Thanks bro.
oh also for the bulbapedo thing
idk about the 'joe is officially partnered' but i did see something about them using serebii's pokearth, so maybe it's that
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>Oh mistah mericku, istu nothin personaru, butu za gamu was riggedu forum da startu
this is why i didn't want to touch the plvms

>Lysandre was nearly Darth Hitlertine with a God Complex, decended from the younger brother of Jesus
>Mega Jynx prototype that's just her turning into one of those fashion models in a stupid outfit
>Serebii BTFO'd
Amazing, these leaks have truly been just amazing.
simply get lucky bro! you really should've taken the plumpill earlier, and most of your work would already have been done
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I still think of one the funniest developments is that all the Pokefucker shit was directly leading to gen 5 having a character being part Pokemon with N, Ghetsis fucked a Zoroark and went absolutely fucking insane after he realized his waifu was an animal, his original rendition had him be absolutely staunch towards his ideology of separating humans and Pokemon instead of it being a scheme for power, which is all bizarrely really kino.
The Lyssandre stuff is hilarious, he was originally meant to be a blonde German übermensch who got sick of Kalos being infested with mutts.
Mega Jynx wasn't found though, one anon posted a false model from reddit, folks assume Mega Jynx was either so sexy or so absurdly racist that it had to be cut.
It's true, but I did skip the plums, so I did want to at least punish myself a bit for having done so by actually farming out this shit

As far as I can tell, I'm just supposed to wait for normal to mutate to blue to mutate to royal and so on, right? yellow does nothing for me?
The pokefucker shit being even more real than it already was has been pretty magical on multiple levels yeah.

I can't wait to see the shit that percolates into fangames at this point it's going to be wild in the next like 5~ years even without the fact that source code for all these games dropped.
It's finally over. The final boss of the run has fallen.
Yellow is the useless plum, correct.
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you can mock me for protect and toxic stalling if you can beat this without it, I fucking triple dog dare you. this was some advanced level bullshit, it can only be understood by experiencing it yourself, but it's done after 3~ hours and immense levels of luck. the reward is raising your level cap to 150

G fucking G bro. Go enjoy the reward. I hope.
>Yellow is the useless plum,
Ah...would've been so nice if the game told you that, haha...
h-haha, can't wait to join myself..
>amida plvms heal 300 HP
>to get just one fucking seed, i need to basically toxic orb autism every single one separately
yeah based!
also, GG, sorry
thanks bro. I'll tell you now that apparently ice types are immune to data type moves for some reason so you probably want that for Qmarks
Thanks bro.
>Go enjoy the reward. I hope.
I want to see how it interacts with Defiant. If it resets the drop and Defiant still procs afterwards, this is Bisharp kino because it prevents burns too.
G fucking G
>Uber card smearGOD
>plat 5 gp *marks totaling over 8000 bst
I'm surprised it isn't carded DESU i guess thats for the dev battles
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I really hope people take the giants (Regigigas brethren) and all the developments from that story to justify a plot where the big guy finally gets his shit together and goes after Arceus, because there's a lot of kino that could arise from that, granted I imagine of course that the most widespread thing is gonna be extra dosages of Pokefucking from now on, ESPECIALLY on spic fangames.
Nice, is there much left to complete the dex or was it just Litleo left?
Holy shit, I remember some of this fight from when White Man did it, but wowe, that is not fun.
Star of The Desert is making me feel really sorry for Ledians, so many gen 2 shitters got evolutions, but the poor thing alongside Ariados are still stuck being completely worthless.
GG. I don't know what it is, but I'll probably have a hell of a time when I get there since my team relies on brute force.
actually let me try and make a detailed list of what that team is
>smeargle, normal type, fist nullifier+wonder guard. swords dance, calm mind, god palm (fighting, eliminates it's own stat boosts) baton pass
>golden ducklett, heat nullifier I think, gold/flying type, dragon ascent, heaven ascent (can blind you)
>QMarks, ghost type, frost nullifier, freeze bug (ice shard but 100 power), hard drive crash (drops pp of random # of moves), delete matrix (ohko), matrix compression (drops pp of all moves to 1)
>Ho-oh, sacred fire, hurricane, ancient power, recovery disc I think
>Darkrai, deep sleep (psychic type sleep move), mind crush (psychic type ohko, 3 pp I think), dark pulse, thunderbolt
>shuckle, mega evolves, will infatuate on contact, flex (just swords dance), close combat, mega bug bite
I think that's most of it
thanks bros.
I love this corny bastard.
I still kinda maintain that there's no way it's a straight forward thing with Regigigas being just assmad or the like, I feel like it doesn't line up with him being slotted into the cosmology chart where he is and him creating shit.

My money is on him either being a prometheus figure who accidentally/on purpose triggered Arceus's PTSD by making/teaching humans to make the other regis, or humans scraped together giant bits to make him and Arceus just said "yeah okay" and slapped a curse on him to make sure shit wouldn't get out of hand. It fits more cleanly and closes any contradictions between his behavior.
Marathons huh, I guess the devs have a really ambitious vision for this game, kinda of a shame game jam forced them to cut so much.
He is definitely connected to the giants in many ways outside of just names and such, he reacts to the plates in PLA, he carries the neutral plate, a plate that has existed for a long time but was never technically never obtainable because the Normal giant in Regigigas had not been slaying, scholars are still debating where he fits in the cosmology opposed to the llama slut, but he's definitely got something major going for him, another one people are having a massive headache trying to place is Giratina, since Tina wasn't born from Arceus' getting rammed by BHC as far as we know.
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Found it.
>waaaaaaaaaah i live in a dystopian shithole
>give me 30 of the best kind of food!!! because i somehow know you're a time traveler

>in return, i'll just give you some shitty ink

excellent quest writing and design, A+

i tried not to look because i didn't want to be spoiled, but i saw the shitty W.T. OHKO move kek
now time to properly explore this area

>they 'mark' tourists here
how is this place a shithole? this is what needs to happen on this site instead of epic 15 minute blocks that screw over regular users or panopticonning out certain phrases via the spam filter
sorry bout that, shoulda make an image and spoiled it
there's a lot of jokes i could make about this image and i don't know where to start
You guys STILL on this one? How fucking long is it?
not much to say about this boss other than i think this is the first trainer i've fought with level 140+ pokemon. she just used a bunch of robot dogs. even 1000 years in the future white women cyborgs just can't help themselves

embarrassing this is the best fucking reward you can come up with, really? like yes it wasn't hard, but at this point you'd think they could at least be giving out shiny cards everytime

we're probably only at the 'halfway' point when you consider the amount of postgame
I think I'm going to give up on the Porygon at this point. I've been looping for quite a while and no dice. I might've used up all my shiny luck kek.
>Nice, is there much left to complete the dex or was it just Litleo left?
Missed this, but there's a specific sidequest that needs exactly a GP5 male platinum Litleo. It's """fun""".
gg bro
Yeah, you really should've just grinded the plvms instead of debugging the million for the house kek
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what's the porygon for
to be fair, didn't take THAT long once i figured out the yellow plvms were dogshit, though it took too long to realize that kek
Why are female Rapidash like this?
Empyrean is a very long game, Edge of Eternity is extremely fucking autistic and takes ages to even begin as well.
Empyrean is like the perfect mix of some of the most based things we've ever seen in a fangame with the worst fucking things we've ever seen in a fangame.
I swear the song that's playing in the forest sounds like a weird mix of a Dark Souls song mixed with a PMD song.
you guys were right that the new bad future sucks, damn

well, it'll suck even more when i finally get around to doing this
i hate 1% encounters
one down....t-two more to go....
kek, fair enough
We're really going with a "the nations were peaceful until the Fire nation attacked" story here huh? Kinda fitting the big bad in Emboar looks like Ganon.
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>Nuthin personel kid
>an evil time traveling extremely powerful mythical pokemon that aided a madman in his quest to take over the world to help a cosmic creature from beyond the stars

>why would you tho?

>catch rate of 1
>>200/200/150/205/200/100 stats + prism armor + ZA WARUDO
seems a bit strong. i don't think strong enough, so i probably won't use it until i get to anything extremely autistic

haha...i guess i should complete my own tonight
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>Can't bike in this shitgrass
>Can't Sweet scent because......you just can't, okay
it gave you the card, right?
>what's the porygon for
99% accurate choice scarf freezebot. Porygon Z has a silly custom ability.
>Empyrean is like the perfect mix of some of the most based things we've ever seen in a fangame with the worst fucking things we've ever seen in a fangame.
It really is. Review time is going to be a fucking novel at this rate.
Can you get its card? Has anyone seen a legendary's card come out of a booster pack for that matter?
I got a shaymin card, but not any others I don't think
I imagine they unlock at postgame or something
Don't worry, it's probably banned for anything where it'd be useful, haha
I imagine if you can, they unlock at postgame*
it gave me celebi's when I caught the dark one, I really hope it's 100% drop rate since it's the only one
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>Emboar is a greedy chink who destroys everything in his path, extorts other Pokemon and burns everything to the ground
>Suddenly remembers what happened in Australia
That's dangerously based.
Speaking of which, I wonder how the devs other game fares, if it's similar to Empyrean I don't imagine it being very good on the gameplay front I don't imagine it being very good.
I bought 2 scratch-offs at the gas station and didn't get anything. Should've cashed in while the memes were flowing kek.

I've almost got enough plum money for another big round of boosters after setting aside the ones for the quest tho.
I would actually love to see what lessons he took away from Empyrean and what his other games look like at some point. Maybe some point when we're in a slow drought.
>We want to be the essentials replacements
>Our stock move animations are garbage, we won't make an animation editor, you have to program every new animation manually, and we have no plans to improve this
Fuck my brain is a bit screwed.
Speaking of brains.
>Psychic type is that noted for being especially good at reading emotions and thoughts
>Acshtually Psychic types reading minds is le harmful stereotype
I can't help but physically cringe seeing shit like this, this is a Pokemon fangame not twitter, stop trying to virtue signal for fuck's sake.
I might sell some of my TF2 items later and buy it just to see how it is.
The program was made by Fr*nchoids wasn't it? That would explain why PSDK is a complete fucking disaster.
I hate how these overused PMD songs make me think of Rejuvenation.
would it be autistic to buy the game just to leave a review of empyrean
hey guys, remember when clover had a catch rate 1 legend as well, and gave you a ball that was good against grass/fire pokemon in case you used your master ball on other pokemon?

i remember

oh huh cool, didn't realize it was the same as cybereon
and yeah, as bunken said it gives you the card on defeat
Isn't I lovely when you spend some time trying to get some mon and then the lights go out?
I have some schizo theories/headcannons for Giratina, some points might contradic other points but that is because each point is just a possibility
1 - He is some of the negative aspects that Arceus removed from himself and/or the other members of the creation crew, as soon as he was created he was banished
2 - His desire to overthrow his dad was because he was also made from the corpses of giants but some of their lingering hate became part of Gira
3 - His role in creation was to be destruction and/or punishment but something happened that made Arceus banish him, after PLA he now does his job and that is why he takes Cyrus to weirdland so he basically is SMT Luci that had the job of and ultimately became SMT Satan(he has 666 in his design after all)
4 - He wasn't banished for violence, rather he is an avatar of the distortion world, he was angry that he wasn't allowed to interact with the rest of the world or to have a lot of portals to the normal world and lashed out leading to only having like one portal nowadays
5 - Arceus pulled a Zeus and raped Regiggigas to get Giratina
6 - He completely the same as the others he is just a dick and just wasn't mentioned because he was removed from all records after his exile
These might end up a wrong but from what I know these are the main options
So from my experience
>first 3 encounters for the 1% chain are godawful
>4-8 are slightly better
>10-15 are somewhat common
>16+ are fairly common
I imagine at 20/25 it becomes 100% or somewhere close to it
Same kek, I hate how my first thought is 'oh this was used in x in rejuv' rather than 'oh, this is x from mystery dungeon'
I hate how I always mess up my trip when trying to phonepost
most balanced empyrean endgame fakemon

....i am being somewhat literal when i say this.

i will admit, no idea how you get the platinum celebi card kek
from what i've heard anode heart is apparently very similar to this game, even down to the nigger-tier levels of grindshit
but hey, it's at least his own game he gets to sperg out in and make money off of, unlike parasites like jan
Nevermind, I no longer want a Porygon for postgame. I'm going to finish up the main story with my current team, but this is something nice to have in the back pocket for postgame autism.

I have never seen anything like this happen so frequently in a single playthrough of any pokemon game, official or no, in my entire lifetime of playing these games. This is actually surreal.
>No card
Probably not usable until I get that sorted out unfortunately. Hopefully it unlocks during postgame.
>Bidding took all my plum money
h-haha no booster packs for a while.
I don't suppose Blue Orb is legally obtainable in either base game or EoE? It's probably still suboptimal compared to Aqua Amplifier tho, but it's way cooler.

I'm sorry Orevald, I apparently did the jewish chicken swinging ritual except instead of transferring my sins to a chicken, I stole all of your luck for an entire lifetime for some silly platinums in a fangame we're probably only going to play once. Apparently auctions have greatly boosted shiny chances tho so it's not quite as silly as the Ho-oh, but still.

Singles names the Kyogre.

>Commercial game
Oh I thought it was another fangame. Yeah I'd probably give that a pass if it costs money then.
'member when Clover had the catch rate 2 legendary that struggled itself to death in 10 turns? I 'member.
...I think ADESIGN is probably the least enjoyable non-roaming legendary I've ever thrown non-master balls at, but it being obnoxious to catch and making you listen to the start of the meme song resetting for it is part of the joke I guess.
i mean tbf isn't the shit about the scrapped giant lore just that, scrapped lore? and ultimately what they more or less have just given to giratina as of PLA?
holy fucking shit kek
hope the lottery pays off brother.
>'member when Clover had the catch rate 2 legendary that struggled itself to death in 10 turns
yeah, i just used my master ball on it and evacycle kek
>back to litleo plat hunting for 2 hours
>meanwhile on the other side of the fence
congrats you absolute maniac
Thanks bros. Help me name my $44 million shekel boxwarmer.
kek, gg
>Apparently auctions have greatly boosted shiny chances tho so it's not quite as silly as the Ho-oh, but still.
the Legendary tier is actually (main game) full odds kek, not entirely sure how plat works in there though
Yeah, >Wiki, but https://pempyrean.fandom.com/wiki/Auctions
It wasn't fully scrapped take a look at what is written on the engravings part of this page
H-haha.....I sadly know that feeling all too well.
I heard another funny one that one of the Regiants punched Arceus so hard that in some cosmic accident got the llama god pregnant, that or he just punched a piece of Arceus out, another one that was neat and makes sense is that Giratina became irate and tried to take down Arceus because it directly came into contact with the spooky plate, the essence of the Ghost giant, which made her go mad with fury.
Kek, the curse of playing shitty fangames, there's also that one really shitty song that Shitstones plays a lot.
Call Kyogre Abyss.
I likely will play it at some point just to try it out.
also ashime, this mod does not alter platinum chances at all (that's 42/65535, or .06%)
>Victory road trainers spam GP5 shiny minor legends
I no longer feel any shred of guilt using Ho-oh.

I suspect EoE changed some auction mechanics because it's available far more frequently than every 24 hours (seems like 4 or 5?) and I've seen a few shinies (mostly shitmons) pass through but the prices are way higher than what the wiki is reporting.
Unless people went and told lies on the wiki for fun kek.
Will do. I'll try not to forget the next time I'm at a PC.
Is it possible that the auction specifically does it the way Gamefreak implemented the shiny charm or whatever where it rerolls N times? Looks like you're looking at the global shiny rates. Either way, I'm still over expected par as I've seen about 4 times as many regular shinies as I have platinums so far (most of them female Litleos).
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Only the time it looks like, I'd have to drag up base empyrean to see though
Either way though, crazy luck kek
Dark Pulse's animation is so bad that it nearly crashes the game outright every time it's used, PSDK bros......not like this....
Holy shit.
If Kyogre is Tier X, then if I'm understanding this right
>2% for a Tier X mon
>16 rerolls for a shiny
Yeah that's absurdly lucky.

Can you also check what the cooldown on the auction is so I can set a timer for it on regular intervals kek? Seems like it's a few hours just going by feels.
i just posted the global plat rate for your other plats kek

concerning the auction, i'll admit i don't exactly know what i'm looking at here but it looks to be the same as what RG posted above, where it rolls a number between 0 and 65535 and tries to be below 16 to determine shininess for tier_X pokemon (legendaries)

i don't know how shinies and plats are handled separately here, it might actually be that plat legends are actually a little less uncommon than shiny legends in the auction, if plats were their usual .06% chance compared to the .02% here, which would be fucking funny
>Magmar duo do nothing but spamming confusion and nuclear Fire Punches
>Every single boss mon has a reviver seed because fuck you
>Fuecoco gets nothing in terms of coverage besides Snarl and Hex, both of which do shit damage
>Sobble is getting focused hard and doesn't do enough damage against mons with comparatively very large BST
This is fun, very fun.
>the hoenn leaders are all just walking around
I don't even remember what half of them look like...
actually dumping money into the bank sounds like a good idea, though I doubt I'll remember to update it
thanks, and GG
>i just posted the global plat rate for your other plats kek
At the bare minimum, it means the Bisharp, Slugma, and Ho-oh are amazing. There might still be some lurking variables (or shitcode kek) with egg generation that could've affected the Scyther. Either way, that's pretty incredible this has happened all in one run.
>to be below 16
That's a bitshift left operator. It looks like it's randomizing the pokemon's PID repeatedly until it either finds a shiny or goes through the maximum number of rerolls for the tier. So basically a variable-length shiny charm implementation for auction house generated mons.
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if you get some chicken wings from the plantation for ashen in the new future you get the draco stone, which might be the strongest thing by far out of anything I have
thanks bro
>Sobbie gets knocked out
>Revive it with a revive seed
*Scyther and Wisblind
Anyway, to move on with the postgame content


If you head back to Zirconium Factory (the volcano at Roarin Plateau) you get to refight the Kike in Black. Remember how this storyline went places with the evil electric factory head? Neither do I

The most notable thing about this guy (besides the GP5 level 150 with platcardshit) is that he apparently imported his battle strategy from Soulstones 1

ah, that's my bad
the funny thing is that that might be the weakest of the fusion stones
>wait for day to turn shaymin to sky form
>okay done put it back into the box
>it turns back to regular form
that's quite annoying, actually
I don't think I could possibly use it if it turns back normal at night time even while it's in your party
uh bro?
your own tempomon??
your tangled feetmon???
>EoE changed this from wonder guard to magic guard
toplel, guess dragonite ekes out a win then

this is gold/ghost, so it'd only be weak to fire, ground, dark, ghost if you're using the basegame version
this is found behind W.T.'s old throne in the bad future, it's in one of the bases, if you or anyone else wants to use it
These are the extra shinyrolls (i think)
I assume Scyther's full odds since it's a static egg, but wisblind could've been increased odds? idk
But yeah, it's crazy how much shit you've gotten kek
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I am beyond fucking livid, I am genuinely fucking mad with this shit, my two party members got confused for nearly half an hour in one of the shittiest fights I've ever seen, even using anti-confusion items didn't help, the fight against the Magmar duo also drained my entire stock of revive seeds and healing items and now I'm out of PP on all my moves too, WHY WOULD FUCKING YOU DESIGN A FIGHT LIKE THIS?! WHY THE FUCK WOULD DO SOMETHING THIS SHITTY?! I CAN'T EVEN FUCKING APPRECIATE THE SOMEWHAT KINO FUCKING MOMENT WITH LEDIAN BECAUSE THIS IS SO FUCKING GENUINELY SHIT, WHY, JUST FUCKING WHY?! Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.............
Some fangames sadly have awful shitcode regarding form changing Pokemon like Zacian/Zamazenta and Shaymin.
I'm calling it a day, fuck that fight, I can't even type properly due to how angry that shit made me, I stocked and prepared myself for the ordeal and that was still the shittiest thing ever.
>next thing on the postgame card is grimm

>ever since getting that draco stone, even unequipped dragonite is suddenly banned from sage fights
fuck off
What does geneSimilarity return as a 'catch' value? That's probably what it used for the scyther if it had no natural parents. Looking at this, the Wisblind had the full 3 shiny rerolls, which certainly helps but it's still crazy on top of all of the other occurrences.
>ah, that's my bad
It's a pretty strange implementation of randomizing the PID fwiw.
>Gliscor casually soloing Brawley's entire team
perhaps Gliscor is a bit strong
poison heal is kind of nutty with how much I get back every turn, seems like it's double or at least 50% more than leftovers
I kind of like pyramidhead honchkrow, that's not a regional but just a shiny right?
I'm not too put off about it, with my luck I'd hit 0 flinches in 10 hits then switch to Mothim and get 5 in a row unboosted
GG btw.
Oh fuck no.
thanks bros
>that's not a regional but just a shiny right?
it is a regional, this is the normal not shit looking form. actually pretty neat
I kind of like the shiny a bit more, reminds me of a paper crane
>deposit draco stone in pc
>dragonite is unbanned
that is some stupid shit
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>running around old cities
>run into a cave in nymph city
I guess I missed this before, whoops
This victory road feels a bit out of place in this game. Not because it's doing anything wrong, but it lacks the same sense of grandiosity that the entire second half of the game's runtime has had in every aspect of its design.
yeah kek uou don't worry about that at all (yet), all you just need to do is find some keys if you want to get through
Can't believe this took longer than eevee's kek
Time for the final boss of card autism (for tonight)
Last time I had to deal with a R*olu, it wasn't very...pleasant, we'll say...let's hope this time's better, haha
It looks like maybe it's 3 rerolls assuming it defaults to 0 of course, I'm too much of a codelet to see from a glance kek
>give up and look up hoenn leader locations
>>>they're in routes and not just cities
killing me here
If it defaults to 0, it gets 3 rerolls. If it defaults to NULL, then it depends on how RPGmaker handles null comparisons kek.
If it leads to the fanfic Regigigas, I'm not too interested unless it's also gating other postgame stuff. I'm struggling to make room for the legendaries on my team as is kek.
Don't do deshret early, you'll be locking yourself out of things.
>i have no idea how white man did pr*sm tower in a day
I did nothing but climb the tower that day. The only reason I made it through was the thread honestly.
what does it lock you out of
Pokefuckers won...

Is there a handy list of things to do before any postgame lockout points available?
>The only reason I made it through was the thread honestly.
That seems to be a common vibe with a lot of the garbage we play through kek
If I remember correctly the champion related quests. Which there's around 3 of.
>Is there a handy list of things to do before any postgame
Nope, the best you've got is my memory and my play through. Thankfully this should be the only lock.
>A normal fucking glaceon card
What's the joke here? That I also got the Glaceon mask in vaguely the same region?
AshGren is shitcoded. It does not modify Water Shuriken to always 3-hit with 25BP
it's over
I never did end up selling all my cards kek, guess I'll do that
>Still made 0 progress today
I guess nearing the end of the card dex is progress, but it doesn't feel like it at the moment kek
10 cards left...
>Ditto (not in the wild)
>Hoothoot (apparently isn't a wild encounter, wtf)
>Sunkern (seems to be in some postgame area? might not be catchable looking at the other shit available there kek)
>Bonsly (Deshret encounter)
>Mantyke (not a wild encounter)
>Darumaka (Deshret encounter)
>Vullaby (Deshret encounter)
>Wimpod (Super rod encounter only)
>Togedemaru (post deshret i think?)
The loop is calling again...haha...
At least I don't need to spend time upgrading shit anymore, unless I try for shiny/plat dex I guess, but lmao
Jobbing faggot.
>Grind the cards, goyim
Do you mean to tell me the Dev reasonably expected the player to beat Rayquomi, DEUS, and WT without cards? Where the fuck was this message before I went into space?
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the catch rate is low too, because why wouldn't it be. hopefully I find what this unlocks tonight
Congrats on reaching 1/3 of the way through that questline.
is it even part of the same quest to find the gas mask?
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never mind, the wiki actually had the location
>Have to PP stall the Ledian's free substitutes because it's faster than a chunk of my team
I love that twist tee bee desu.
>Image limit

Anyone got the thread?
I can do it
Currently it seems like Giratina just kinda "manifested" somehow from Arceus's shadow, or Rayquaza's because, as one anon put it "Rayquaza doesn't seem *that* much more *important* than Groudon or Kyogre but the tone and reverence of some of the legends and shit definitely kind of make Rayquaza out to be Grandma's Special Fucking Boy."

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