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I’m sick of the stupid fucking memes being spread by the retards on Social Media, I wish only the worst for them and their stupid sped loved ones. They deserve to by raped, beaten, and lynched, or maybe not since those nigger faggots will just make jokes about that too.
Cornered pedophile seething his last seethe before he puts a bullet into his own brain
The Coon above me is secretly a pedophile that’s projecting. He needs to be hanged like the filthy niggers from the past.
Calm down there Epstein
The more you get mad about it, the more people will continue making jokes about it, because you getting mad makes it funny.
Just stop getting mad. That's all Typhlosionfags have to do. There's a reason Vaporeonfags STILL can't escape the copypasta's shadow, and that's because they STILL get mad about it.
I ain’t no Jeffrey Epstein you stupid fucking dick bag, I am tired of all the jokes, they beat the horse to death, and they should be beaten to death with a baseball bat, but first they should get raped, I will be willing to do it if necessary. By the way Epstein didn’t kill himself!
> "the pedos do not claim this fucking clown."
this is the message I was told to deliver.
that'll be 2€
I hate all these faggots and trannies on Twitter sho say this stuff, they deserve to be locked in a prison with their pedo friends. I try blocking the, but that isn’t enough to deal with all the stupid gooning furfags who love those stupid niggers and apes.
I needed to vent, because I know that using Social Media would summon all the Gooners and Band Kids, this is a reason we need child labor, bullying, and child abuse.
The stupid jokes weren’t funny even back then, the stupid Jews, the retarded faggots, and the trannies are all doing this shit to deflect from their own crimes. The niggers joined along because they are slaves and do what they are told (which is what they should do).
The jokes are NOT funny, it’s propaganda being spread by the Jews and Zionists so they can focus on stealing and killing. As well as backstabbing their allies for their own benefit.
You must be a low tier pedo to be forced to deliver a message on behalf of your friends anon
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Imagine bragging about being a pedo, that’s exactly what I hate about these minorities who come into our country illegally.
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>yep, that's my king
It'll never stop being funny
It hasn't even been a week, and I'm already done with this joke.

It's one thing to have your Pokemon brandished as a tame sexual joke like Vaporeon, but pedophilia is an extremely serious matter that is traumatic for many who are or have been victims, and people are taking this way too far. There are already hundreds of thousands of posts on Twitter about it.

They're also brandishing ALL Typhlosions as sex offenders, both Hisuian AND Johtonian. Instead of just the one outlier who actually did the act. Which makes this all so much worse.

Pokemon used to be a safe place for me. It gave me comfort as an autistic child dealing with a fuckload of bullying and neglect. Pokemon made me feel good. Pokemon Gold and Silver were my absolute favorite games growing up, and Typhlosion was my favorite starter of the three. I wanted a Gen 2 anime SO BADLY, and when I saw Pokemon Chronicles do a 3-episode special with Ethan (Jimmy) and Typhlosion, i fucking lost my shit. I couldn't believe my eyes. Typhlosion and Ethan were on the TV screen and not just on my Game Boy.

But because of something that was created quietly by one of the devs which was never supposed to see the light of day and isn't even part of the canon got leaked to the public, I'm now going to have to hear that my favorite Pokemon is a fucking sex offender.

I'm never going to hear the fucking end of it. I'm genuinely in tears knowing that my favorite Pokemon is now going to be compared to the likes of actual fucking monsters that exist in our plane of existence.

After over 25 long years of playing this franchise, I'm so fucking close to just giving up and never coming back. This is actually so fucked up that you are all making jokes about all this.
Both Kendrick Lamar and Drake are stupid niggers, and our world would be better off without them.
I agree, most of the niggers here don’t understand, it’s a good thing they’re anonymous otherwise I would have them offer by now.
it's a copy pasta tard
Schizo thread?
What is? Elaborate you retard.
NAH I’m just stating facts, I’m not sorry if you black bucks don’t understand.
That thing you replied to
Take this you fucking GatrNigger, your starter eats little black niggers, I should call them Feraligatr bait! https://x.com/roltas01/status/1846638683371270538?s=61
It's a fucking cartoon. Let it go
Your waifu is a cartoon, fuck off.
I don't have a waifu, because I'm not autistic
I will when people let go of this stupid meme, I will drop them off cliffs if I have to.
Yes you are, you’re on a 4Chan thread about Pokèmon…
What does autism have to do with this? You’re the autist here if anything. I know you jerk off to cartoons because no one would want that shrimp dick of yours, I will fuck your mother and give her a son she’s actually proud of.
typedos when you're a normal person
Calm down, look at what you're saying. You aren't being a good person either.
Unfortunately Typhlosion is tainted, you can't change that, but you can change how you respond to it, the best you can do is ignore, do not engage with them.
Also don't be racist.
>They deserve to by raped
god i want to be raped by typhlosion
I’m a normal person who lost their cool.
It’s so hard to ignore them, they were being racist, so I became racist to “fight back” besides it’s the norm on here to be a shitty person.
One of the few good comments on here, most people are being dumb as shit.
>lost his cool on a website where you can take as long as you want before responding
you're just a tard
>sperging out over a cartoon animal which doesn't exist being "lynched"
>calling it a rapist and a pedophile is not okay but wishing for other people to get beaten and raped is
there used to be a time when social outcasts and losers knew their place
Say the full word, (RETARD’ I would have at least a little respect for you if you did.
Don't freak out over a cartoon badgers reputation
Buddy, you know what site you’re on?
I’m not “freaking out” I’m pissed off, there’s a difference.
Don't get pissed off about a cartoon badgers reputation either.
>there used to be a time when social outcasts and losers knew their place
if only those people went to such place instead of staying here on 4chan
For the record, I like said “Cartoon Badger”, this is the same thing that someone would say about their favorite whatever. What is your point?
sex with typhlosion
Fuck the person who wrote that “story” and the fucktards who leaked that shit.
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My point is who cares? Why is this making you spiral? How little do you have going on in your life that a cartoon characters sanctity being defiled is turning you into the joker baby.
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Because I am sick of it, I don’t need to justify my anger.
why are you angry about it? do you have the emotional maturity of a child? You know you have to be 18 to post here, yeah?
You need to log off for awhile and get some air
>They deserve to by raped
Like Typhlosion raped that girl?
I am actually above the age of 18
It wasn’t rape but I get your point, I think they do deserve it, that sounds harsh but it’s just the way it is.
>claims he's not autistic
>claims he's an adult
>despite this is "pissed" about frankly milquetoast jokes about a shitmon in a fictional game series.

Something's not adding up here, buddy.
I don’t DO math, but I can calculate that you get approximately 0 bitches.
At least you admit they are bland, that is a start.
KYS those are SCRAPPED MYTHS not even canon you have no media literacy that's why you feel annoyed when people disprove you.
It was consensual at the time, but only after the Typhlosion messed with her head to remove all her thoughts of leaving, which still seems like kidnapping and rape to me.
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Yeah, a lot of the tards making their unfunny jokes don’t seem to know that, and if they don’t they will still be so passive aggressive about it.
T-Diddy is cooked. It's done. Find a new pokemon to like. He's never shaking that reputation.
dude's bad at math too
yeah they're bland but they piss of retards like you that's why their funny. It's not the jokes that are funny, it's the reactions. No one is being coy about this, you guys are just retarded.
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It’s based on an old Japanese myth, that thing you described is a common trope.
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*pissed off*
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You were saying?
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Typhlosion is the GREATEST Pokémon, and the relentless bullying it faces is absolutely TEARING ME APART! Every time someone mocks it, I feel like they’re STABBING ME IN THE GUT! I HATE those ignorant people for their cruelty; they have NO IDEA how MAGNIFICENT Typhlosion is! It’s not just a Pokémon—it’s a SYMBOL of POWER and LOYALTY, and their INSULTS make me question my own worth! Why do I care so much? I LOATHE myself for feeling this way, spiraling into SELF-LOATHING as I watch them TEAR DOWN something I LOVE! Their LAUGHTER feels like a DIRECT ATTACK, driving me MAD! I want to SCREAM at them that they’re COMPLETELY MISSING THE POINT! It’s INFURIATING, and I can’t help but DESPISE those who can’t appreciate Typhlosion’s BRILLIANCE!
One of the few based people in this entire thread
hey that's my typhlosion copy pasta :D
I’m taking that, thank you very much! :)
>makes up fake snowfall story despite consulting English to Language translation professionals.
>Ignores Typhlosion brainwashing girl into forgetting her family and home when she asks to return. Or how he introduces himself under the diguise of a human to trick her.
>Ignores her being reffered to with the japanese word for "Girl" even after she gives birth and flees into the wilderness with her abomination.
>Ignores her being too short to reach the higher branches.
>Post by LatinX ESL who has not posted the full translation instead just narrating a rwcontextualized story of their own.
Yep. Typhlosion is a pedophile rapist.
English to Japanese*
All of that is moot since he addressed it in the thread, learn to read please.

With the divine power of a god we will cleanse this earth of all gooners and band kids, they shall witness divine justice!
We’d always pick Totodile at school, but there was this one kid who was just… weird. He always had peanut butter smeared all over his face and smelled like a block of cheese. No matter what, he was all about Cyndaquil, like it was the coolest thing ever. Our parents warned us to stay away from him, and honestly, we didn’t need much convincing. Eventually, he just up and moved to another school, and I don’t think anyone missed him.
Cool now write me a story about peanut butter.
Yeah he addresses that he got the introduction of the story wrong despite consulting english to japanese translation professionals then doesnt correct the omission of details like brainwashing. Instead of posting his translation he tries justifying the story by saying jap myths had rape like that. How is that supposed to prove the myth isnt about diddling?
Also, “Girl” doesn’t mean she’s underage.
It wasn’t omissioned, besides there was no explicit sexual activity.
I remember that kid didn't he talk a bit faster than others and quietly practiced what he was going to say before he said it. What a weird guy.
all pedos btw
How do you think the halfbreed (or quarterbreed since typhlosions are half human) abomination was created?
Yeah damn, we must've went to the same school! Maybe yours was before/after.
You’re a pedo then
I'm thankful for the leaks because they have both pedos and zoophiles fighting to get first place in a race to the bottom
I can't believe there are people actually upset by this meme, I just can't lol.
“Everyone is stupid except me” ahh comment.
It tends to get annoying fast
yeah but that's the funny part that it annoys people
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“Funny” is being generous…
upsetting people is funny tho. Autistic people don't get it
So I guess people with common sense are “autistic” now?
You're right, there's a lot of bad people around here...
Maybe you should take a break from the Pokémon fandom for a while if it's making you feel that bad.
people who are easily upset over material, unimportant things are indeed autistic.
Cry harder, troon. Real gamers LOVE TRADphlosion. You'll never be able to have fun without the television's permission
I’m not even trans…
People who post unfunny jokes as nauseam are also autistic.
No being mean is peak male behaviour.
Yeah, beta male behavior.
you might as well be


No bullying is alpha
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get on anon
What is that supposed to mean?
Correct, bullying is bad.
Also it’s get *in*
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All the people who disagree with me
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I kneel....
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It's hilarious that there was somehow assault involved with him
cyndaquil was my jhoto starter
it was very cute
typhlosion was disppointing
it wasn't as cool as charizard
no dual typing at all
just fire

i played again with totodile
totodile is also cute
tough crocmew looks stupid
feralighter is suprisngly fun to use
but nothing to write home about
jhoto has 3 water hms

chikorita is my favourite jhoto starter
she (yes she) is seriously underated
i took her to smogon and won a few battles with her just to show she could
...well i used bayleaf actually, more durability than meganium when using a certain hel item

show new typhlosion in tcg
i like the typing but not the aestetic
helped me win a few battles
pity the idea of him fucking kids was scrapped
please give me yous
I meant that maybe it's better for you to take a break from the fandom, since you don't like the "jokes"
Nice photoshop, I bet that took you 5 minutes.
I can’t because they are literally everywhere!
Meganium is racist? Well Meganium is the words Johto starter, so I guess they must be jealous or something.
I meant to type “worst”
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say it louder for the 'phlosions in the back
Great reply, bad art.
Now that I think about it, that's true.. I'm seeing these kind of posts even from non-related pages and people.
That sucks... I guess you have to try your best to not engage with them, or else they could make you feel even worse, especially around here... Hang in there anon...
I’m seriously thinking of ending it all, I’m not joking here.
Stopped reading there.
>sperging out over a cartoon animal which doesn't exist being "lynched"
Not wanting a character you like to be permanently ruined by be associated with the pedophilia, especially in an era guilt but association, and even looney tunes characters are getting erased seems reasonable
>calling it a rapist and a pedophile is not okay
It’s not
>but wishing for other people to get beaten and raped is
Normies wish others to get beaten and raped for no reason.
That's going too far, it's not worth it. Don't you have anyone you trust irl to vent? If anything, professional help is always an option.
People will spam Typhlosion "jokes" for the next days, but hopefully they'll stop spamming once they get bored, I mean, people don't spam the Vaporeon copypasta non-stop anymore, maybe the same thing will happen to Typhlosion... I don't know, only time will tell.
Typhlosion is never beating the allegations. "Mistranslation" my ass. I have the cut lore docs on my computer right now and found the Typhlosion one. AI chatbots can be flawed and mistranslate because of machine translation, but you can give AI chatbots proper context and corrections for Japanese translation so it will translate correctly. The Typhlosion in the unreleased mythological lore document is still a gaslighting pedo rapist. He also got slain for his crimes. Sure, it was never supposed to be in the game. Sure, it's like a folktale. But the details of the leaked lore is confirmed. Typhlosion bros will never be able to back out of this ever again. No one will be able to look at Typhlosion or Slaking the same way ever again. Every Typhlosion will have to prove they don't plan on doing anything sexually to human girls. They will never recover from the reputational destruction.
>Gatr rap
>Meganium get
Typedos never recovered from these
Falseflag thread, real Typhlosion fans are in /pokeyume/ fingerblasting to the leaks
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>typhlosion will forever be associated with fucking human females
god, he better be
Normally I stear clear of pokefucking, but Hisuian Typhlosion just has an ara ara vibe that I can't ignore.
Unless your method of ending it all is to blow yourself up at Game Freak headquarters and take every single employee in the company down with you. with you, it would literally accomplish nothing.
And even then, I would advise against doing that. Not because I give a shit another game freak, i really don’t it if everyone one of those faggots dropped dead right now I wouldn’t care. But ending your life over this would just mean they won.

Either cut every single Pokémon out of your life except Typhlosion. Or Just move on to another Franchise. Game freak is the only company who despises some of its fans so match as to permanent force those fans into pariah status by misrepresenting their favorite character as the worst type of criminal purely out is spite. Digimon wouldn’t pull this crap
A sorry sap that uses misinformation to save his precious pokemon's reputation.
One of the only people in the pokemon fanbase with brains since he refuses to take half asses translations at face value and goes out of his way to correct misinformation to save the reputation of an unfairly slandered Pokemon that gen alpha is trying to cancel out of spite. Which he shouldn't have to do anyway because the story the pokemon is getting canceled over is a non-canon myth that was rejected.
All you needed to add is “everyone clapped” at the end to make it that much more condescending and douchey.
How come you’re actually being reasonable while everyone else is just acting like a witty asshole.
I don’t want to do that but I feel like I have to just to get my point across, I hate the person that the internet wants me to be, I’m not actually like this IRL. But the internet is all about being witty assholes to each other so you ca get the last word in.
The original story was misinformation anyway, your point?
I agree with you, I can’t even fulfill the threats I make on here, it’s all for shock value and dramatic effect.
typhlosion is popular so much more people care about slander on its name. there are also plenty of those who are jealous of it so they perpetuate the slender, resulting in shitstorm

truth is, one rotten apple does not spoil the orchard, even if this apple did also have a worm in it (it didn't)
They don’t even care
I’m glad there are still some people with common sense who don’t jump on hate bandwagons.
I'm disappointed because of this, people would rather torment the OP even more than try to help. Sad.
You owe Typhlosion your moist bussy
I consent to him wrecking my bussy
Well this is fucking 4Chan, what did you expect?
>typhlosion enjoyers are STILL lying about the translation and seething over jokes
At least we can enjoy things.
If it was any other site OP would've been banned for his unhinged autism.

OP literally said people deserve to be raped and lynched over cartoon badger jokes
Jokes pretty much created by the same people who created the badger...
I only said that for dramatic effect, I didn’t mean any of it, I was just frustrated.
Whatever helps you sleep at night
I wasn’t losing sleep over this.
Yeah, I know... That's why I barely browse 4chan nowadays. I'm only here when I'm feeling lonely or something, but I will never browse the generals of my favorite franchise again to be honest.
4Chan is why social media needs moderation.
>If it was any other site OP would've been banned
That's true, but some sites let people appeal to bans too, so maybe there could be a chance for him to come back, because just like OP said, he was only frustrated because of the "jokes". Anyone can make mistakes, right? We're all humans.
If this was any competently site the "people" spamming "typedo" memes to such an extreme would be banned.

they're basically saying people who like a cartoon badger are pedo's by association and deserve to be killed and skinned alive over something that cartoon badger didn't even do
OP's unhinged autism was pretty much created by the people trying to cancel the badger .
They made me this way, they are to blame to this…
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this is the cat king
he is from the ghibli/disny movie 'the cat returns'
he kidnap a teenage girl, turned her into a cat and wanted to make her into a bride

that means that all cat people are pedophile furries
4chan is what happens when people let out steam after too much moderation
the worst posters on 4chan came from other sites where they can only show their good side and then the use 4chan as stress relief instead of being themselves.
Is this satire?
my bad
disny had nothing to do with this movie

the movie is adventure
Hey, that sounds like me! If I'm one of the worst, then why doesn't anyone pay attention to my shitposting :(
Probably because you didn’t drop slurs like I did.
If you wanted moderation like that you should check out this site you’ve probably heard of - Reddit. Go back.
That’s what I do. I’m actually a really nice person IRL - I just come here to be mean and release my hatred.
Reddit is looking a LOT better right now…
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>Wah wah, my favorite popular starter pokemon has a silly sex joke attached to it, now! How else will I enjoy my shillmon and it's hundreds of merch, anime/game appearances and fan content?!
Here's Typhlosion fans experiencing a fraction of the pain unpopular pokemon enjoyers feel on a daily basis.
Same here
It involves a fucking crime dude…
Oh my frick dude people don’t joke about fricking crime… is this like your first time on here? This whole website is a bullying contest it always has been? Haven’t you noticed that the first reply to basically everything is an anon shitting on the OP?
At least you’re self aware…
Most people are bro. That’s the whole idea. I’ll be mask off and say that the only reason I’m perpetuating the Typhlosion memes is that it’s funny to annoy people. It annoys me in turn that people are upset by a fiction characters reputation being ruined (which won’t happen) and that they don’t have enough mental fortitude to ignore it. It annoys me that people are SO invested in the material world (in this case a fictional video game) that they’re genuinely thinking of hurting themselves over this?! Like grow up guys. It’s a fucking video game. I hate to say this but if you’re upset by this shit, you need to work on yourself and get hobbies actual hobbies, like touch grass lmao.
>It involves a fucking crime dude…
The charges, officer?
The charges were dropped, officer…
So it’s just a cycle of people getting annoyed at each other?
The entire site is a LARP, don’t take anyone seriously - ever.
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being the luckiest typhlosion in the universe and not being me
nah tard
Yeah, I was LARPing as a 4Chan user at first.
I envy you…
Okay B-Tard…
I’ve been larping as many things for many years. I started as an /x/ poster though so maybe I’m just used to making shit up.
t. Genious
typhlosion is a pedo rapist and nothing you say can change my mind.
So you’re calling me a genius?
I don’t think you would listen to reason anyway…
It’s like talking to a fucking brick wall…
T Diddy: *rapes you hard*
Yep, Typhlobros are rapists.
My favorite starters would never.
Get new material…
Just put the fries in the bag bro
T: nah suck my cock now bitch *hits you*
I miss reddit…
Women won
Typh cock confirmed for superior.
then literally go back
Honestly if someone told me their favourite Pokemon was Typhlosion I’d tell my little bro and sis to steer clear of that person…
Honestly if someone told me they’d judge someone for having Typhlosion (or any Pokémon) as their favorite Pokémon, I’d tell my little bro and sis to steer clear of that person since that person is of extremely low intelligence and easily swayed by hearsay and lies, the most dangerous type of person you can encounter
You don’t have a little bro or sis, stop lying…
You sir have my respect!
For real bro, typedos be everywhere these days
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Don’t most people have younger siblings?
Not everyone
They weren’t false translations, it’s basically the same thing when translated correctly
I’d say there’s more people with younger siblings because middle childs exist and
Yes it was, and even IF what you are saying is true (which it probably isn’t) it doesn’t matter anyway because it’s non-canon.
the cope
A lot of these posters do seem like neglected middle children.
Doesn’t matter typedos are typedos forever now. The damage is done. Justice for Hypno.
Nuh Uh
What does Hypno have to do with this? Hypno literally kidnapped a girl in a game, this is just projecting.
OP remember, this thread is filled with bad people, try your best to not let them get on you. And also try your best to not let the "jokes" everywhere to get on you too, I know it sucks, but you can only try to change how you respond to these kind of people and hope the spam will stop. If worse comes to worse, try to take a break from the Pokémon fandom, you'll still see these "jokes", but hopefully the spam will not be THAT bad since you'll be away from the Pokémon fandom.
It's okay to like Typhlosion, sure it will suck with people spamming, but hopefully they'll stop the spam someday once they get bored.
If you're really feeling hopeless, it's okay to ask for help, but don't do that here. Look for people you trust.
And don't try anything stupid with your life, it's not worth it. Professional help is always around, don't be ashamed to try it.
I'm going now, goodbye and I wish the best for you.
I’m actually the Giga-Chad in that video in case you didn’t know.
There are comments like these, and others just say “Cope” the internet really was a mistake huh?
>coping again
I will NEVER stop making typhlosion “jokes” for as long as I live. Predators deserve to be put down.
You are the joke then :)
If you engage in good faith on the internet you literally have negative IQ in my mind. We’re not in a Grecian Amphitheatre.
Nah it’s just the truth, most of the people here can’t handle the absolute TRUTH I’m spitting here, they are the ones coping.
I would retort to your comment in a distasteful way, but to jest I shall speak in a refined manner such as this, my immature involuntarily celibate fellow.
Yup, slaKINGS can’t stop winning.
I’ve had sex before, that’s why I’m not upset by a children’s character being labeled as a criminal - I have brains.
SlaKING and TyGOATsion
"stfu", but on fancy refined english

May I humbly request that you cease the activity of actively expressing and communicating yourself through verbal means, as It is getting quite unbearable for me and other people around you, and I advise you to do this as I believe it is the best thing you can do right now.
Oh, I forgot something, if you still would like to use 4chan after all, you can try using 4chan X filters, they can help filtering words and pics you don't want to see.
Some people can still bypass the image filters somethings though, and they will not help with the spam outside 4chan. Maybe there's something like that for your other social medias too, I know you can mute words on Twitter/X.
How do those work?
No. I will continue to label Typedos when I see them until a Chris Hansen-esque film is made on the subject and a majority of people know of the crimes.
I usually just block people…
Bro I don’t think Chris Hansen even does shit anymore.
It's not that hard, you can just download the app online, there's a guide for everything there
4chan X can do a lot of things, but about filtering... You basically can type the words you don't want to see according to how the app teaches you, not only words too, you can also type phrases, paragraphs...
You can filter images by their filename, file size, image dimensions, image MD5... MD5 usually is the best option.
Try to read the app guide and you'll be fine. Don't tell people around here you're using filters though.
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The typhlosion jokes stopped being funny 3 days after the leaks, with the exception of the hypno variety

Whoever typedos decided to have autismic meltdowns and constantly repost misinfo without even reading the supposed translation that exonerates them

I hope you giant faggots never live this meme down.
You had me, then you lost me…
For the record I did read the text that I repost.
Are you talking about this?
THey will never live the meme down either way, T-Diddy is eternal. Post it every day and when one of them whines post it twice as often
>actually having a half-breed pokebaby is an allegory for changing your mind about how good badger cock tastes, there was no vaginal penetration
>the villagers were just making fun of her for being a furry, there is no babby
>typhlosion erasing her memory is not rapey because this yokai badger in the original myth wasnt rapey
>this shoujo that acts like a shoujo is likely 25 years old
>typhlosion just sheltered a powerful and independent adult woman during a blizzard, nothing weird happened
>oh wait shit I just misread "getting kinda late" as "there is a fucking blizzard going on" oopsie haha but everything else is correct.
People like you make me wish this stupid website had a block button…
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Ive been looking for typhlosion fags like you getting mad, desperately coping that their fave mon is a pedo. You're suffering is my strength
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Coping hard, I see.
>lost their cool
Lo.. lo... LOOOOOL
Pathetic. Pic related someone commented on yt where she thinks H. Ty look like he got a secret. Haha my sides. I cannot. Not H.Ty, more like HenTy
anon please stop making fun of the disabled
I'd let her have me personally.
Why does Typhlosion make people seethe so much?
It’s a Pokémon that had an oddly large fanbase almost large enough popular despite practically never being shilled. NPCs can’t cope with the shillmon status quo possibly being disturbed so they’ve been looking for an excuse to tear it down for nearly a decade.

Thats also why Gatrtards and the one meganiumfag are acting up so much. Bitterness that people liked Typhlosion more than those two combined.
At least Blasitose/Venusuarfans have the excuse that nothing could compete with the overbearing meteor of CHARIZARD. Typhlosion didn’t even show up in the fucking anime and people still liked it more.
Remember when people on 4chan who got unironically mad were ridiculed instead of it being the norm
Granted this is a special situation but the point remains, tourists killed the site and all that remains is them and literal schizos
The internet was literally made for calling out retards
Those blasted Furries, they Pollute everything they watch
cope typedo
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Same, I've seen people over on Twitter who have Typhlosion characters complaining about being DMed jokes about them being a child abductor
That's what makes it funny. Dumb fucks with no media literacy, or ability to find the leaked files themselves make shit jokes and cope like "IT WAS DITTO" and get upset about its canon status because they don't understand the purpose of these documents

The sheer amount of literal children and mentally challenged adults getting in a tizz about this is comedy gold. Likewise with grifter content creators who are pedalling the same shit, because they're reading Twitter posts by Centro
Typhlosion is based.
based on a pedo rapist, yes
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Turn 360 degrees and walk your faggot ass out of this thread
If Typhlosion is condemned that doesn't somehow exonerate Hypno anon, it just puts Typhlosion in the same category
>deserve to be raped
Average Typhlosion response

Jesus Christ touch grass you fucking autist. Big Typhlosion Cock is funny
>unironic angry response to copypasta
>I know it sucks
Yeah Typhlosion sucks, booty or tits we will never know
Not enough memes about it.
>its all Feraligatr/Meganiumfags
they literally dont exist
and the only fire starter with a smaller fanbase is fuecoco

the meds, please take them
>messed with her head to remove all her thoughts of leavin-
It's pretty blatantly just people LARPing as Meganium and Feraligatr fans to stir up shit.
Holy shit, what kind of fucking cope is this?
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God, I love how poorly so many Typhlosion images have aged, it brings a warm smile to my face.
>God, I love how poorly so many Typhlosion images fans put their heart and souls into are completely ruined because Game Freak are perverts who hate Typhlosion and its fans so much they let some rando slander by portraying it as a ooc rapist in a smut fic that Game Freak was to lazy to delate and too stupid to prevent it form getting leaked. That's what Typhlosion fan deserve for... liking a Pokemon,,, and making art to express that like... .

get a hobby
You mean aged well? You just know she's fucking him.
Coping for what? No one actually reading the lore that was leaked?
God damn tourists. It's 2016 all over again.
You know what, you're right, clearly, the majority of typhlosioniggers didn't whine about Charizard and shat on the other gen 2 starters every chance they got, those were just outliers, weirdos who don't represent the average fan of Typhlosion, right?
Nah, you had this coming.
>didn't whine about Charizard
everyone whines about Charizard, Shit Venusuar/Blaistiosefags bitch far more about Charizard than Typhosionfans ever did, despite getting nearly everything game freak's golden calf does, where's their rape pasta?
>and shat on the other gen 2 starters every chance they got,
not really,
> those were just outliers, weirdos who don't represent the average fan of Typhlosion, right?
T.Diddy will suffer for his fans making fun of based Charizard
Jesse what the hell are you talking about
>making jokes about the leaks is called grifting
>accurate translation bad, spic's headcanon good!
Meganium was right. We must exterminate the Typhlosion nation before they manage to weaponize their endless autism reserves.
>a Pokémon that had an oddly large fanbase almost large enough popular despite practically never being shilled
Starters are already shillmons but Cyndaquil got picked to be a starter again in legends, it's popular but that's definitely not in spite of not being a planned shillmon the way something like Chandelure was initially.
>gen alpha is trying to cancel out of spite.
This is the funny thing
Why would anyone have spite against the worst fire starter?
T Diddy is such a shitmon that people just want him to go away forever and not have to think of him again
And that was true even before this
>Autists are STILL mindbroken over their cartoon badger being a rapist in the minds of the series creators
Holy shit you fucks haven't moved on?
Everyone with any decency just dropped Typhlosion and found a new favorite mon. Only the freaks and perverts are defending him at this point.
it's over for you fucking perverts
She’s talking out of her ass, just making up lies to justify her bad behavior and unwarranted Typhlosion hate. ignore her

> Starters are already shillmons
Not really. The only shilling a starter gets is being amount the first Pokémon shown, being used a reps for their region, and an almost guaranteed spot in your team. If they get anything else: powerful buffs, additional forms, disproportionate merch and cards, prominence in the anime, getting to fully evolve, appearance in spin-offs, that counts as shilling. And the Johto starter got far less than any other set of starters. typhlosion didn’t even get appear in the Johto season.
>Cyndaquil got picked to be a starter again in legend
Yes, this makes Cyndaquil some level of Shillmon now, but before then Game Freak barely acknowledged the thing’s existence. Which is why retards are so jealous, they see Typhlosion climbing up the ranks and it make them seethe.
I have never once been jealous of Typhlosion in any capacity
I have never once been of the mindset that shilling is a zero sum game, and that a shill for one pokemon must come out of the pocket of another
I have never actually wanted my favorites to be shilled, and have certainly never gotten upset over the amount of shilling my favorites get.

I think you're fucking mental
He rapes kids but I think thats based.
maybe not you, and personally I don't give too much of shit about how much. honestly Typh getting a regional was more than enough for me, I was fed. Admittedly would have liked a few more buffs thrown to the original but like, most pokemon are shitmons in the grand scheme so realy who cares.. If not for the rape pasta I would have no beef with Game Freak

However, that doesn't chance the fact that the vast majority of pokemon fansare petty as fuck and do believe that shilling is a zero sum game, and seethe to an unhealthy degree whenever a Pokemon they deem "not worthy" gets any sort of love at all, Frogfans were foaming at the mouth when Oshawott got chosen to be a starter for PLA, and some Zardfags actually think Meowth gets too much attention, you can't make this shit up. Most Pokefags have have no real lives, nor any desire to improve themselves so they all they do if seethe, deflect, and tear others down.
>The only shilling a starter gets is being amount the first Pokémon shown, being used a reps for their region, and an almost guaranteed spot in your team
So starters are given disproportionately more exposure than other Pokemon, i.e. shilling.
>additional forms
Like Hisuian Typhlosian?
>disproportionate merch and cards
There are more starter plushies on the Pokemon Center website than there are for any region that isn't KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
>And the Johto starter got far less than any other set of starters
They're still starters that get starter shilling. Do you really expect me to think the shillmon that gets slightly less shilling than the other shillmon is just as mistreated and forgotten as Seviper?
>before then Game Freak barely acknowledged the thing’s existence
Except for every time they rolled all the starters out to shill them, while Pokemon that actually aren't shillmons get ignored. Ironically despite your claims that Typhlosion is "hated" because it's not a shillmon, you're also only defending the honor of the popular starter for two regions and not any of the non-shillmons who had myths in the leaks like Slaking or Octillery.
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heres more. if Shion only knows
>He hasn't seen the images
Average retard doesn't know when to let a joke go
I know exactly when to let a joke go, timing is everything in comedy.
This one hasn't run its course quite yet, though.
Yep. Typhlosion is a pedophile rapist.
He rapes pedophiles?
>He rapes pedophiles
No, he is a pedophile being raped in prison
Kek I love seeing autists angrily sperg out. What an entertaining thread.
Get rekt boyo
>Wah wah, my favorite popular starter pokemon has a crime attached to it, solely because a game freak employees hated it so much they wrote it ooc for a rape fic. Now we’re the ones getting death threats and oedo accusations even though game freak are the perfect
Shut up retards. And don’t pretend you ever cared about any “unpopular” Pokémon or you’d be making thread about them instead of attacking Typhlosion fans for having a reason to be angry

>anime appearances
Name 5, apparently its such a shillmon and gets so many it should be easy for you to to
I love this image. I don't know why, but I imagine some Human Fucker Club that the girls are all a part of vocally, and then they learn about Typhlosion and Octillery (who tried to keep it a secret) and they just can't help themselves. Funniest shit.
I'd smash all of em. I could care less about folklore and all that bullshit, I'm too horny to even care
I just purified a shiny male shadow Quilava and need a name for him that means light and brings to mind its positive connotations to perfectly represents him as a shiny, purified, fire pokemon. If he were female I'd name him Lumina which perfectly captures the connotations I desire. I can't name him Sol which would be a good masculine alternative because the Espeon already took that name. I can't name him Light because it has chuuni faggot connotations thanks to Death Note. Thoughts?
What a glorious thread
>Name 5
1. Jimmy's Typhlosion
2. Mr. Moore's Typhlosion
3. "The Power of Us" Typhlosion
4. "Gotta Rule the School" Typhlosion
5. "Battling in the Freezing Raid!" Typhlosion
I've been thinking and I've narrowed it down to Halo or Aura. Also if I name a gen 3 Slaking something like Rape Ape how far would the nickname get before transfer censors hit?
I think Halo works better, as is sounds more masculine.
I think Gen 5 is when it censor starts

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