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Can we have a comfy thread for Leaf and Green

No mentoins of you know who allowed
Love me some LP
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Whose on your FRLG Team, /vp/ros?
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She's cute
Red's wife!!
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Didn't you know who turn out to be a troll anyway?
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God damn, those fucking tree trunks for legs. She probably has cankles too
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Leaf sexo
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Ok, I've seen the light. I lover her now...

There's some variance, but I always have a core five of Grass/Flying/Ground/Electric/Water, and then the last slot is usually a wildcard. And obviously on the rare occasion I play FireRed instead swap Victreebel for Vileplume, remove Sandslash, and replace Persian with Primeape. Most commonly though, the team ends up being:

He's still retarded
Whenever I replay a Pokémon game I always try to use Pokémon I've never used before, minus the Starter so I'm thinking my next FireRed playthrough will be
very smackable
It's that skirt and loose sock combo that really sticks to me.
Is there any art of Leaf with a ponytail?
Interesting variety of power levels here. Farfetch'd post instant-critical days is always an interesting choice.
Is there a booru of all these concept arts of the protags and characters?
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Yes, not for the current leaks mind you, but collections of the past settei.
Booru.org, try to find all of the Pokémon Boorus, there are many duplicates of them there.
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I’m on one Discord server with him, it’s like that ‘I was merely pretending to be retarded’ mene. Almost ruined the character for me.
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Source? Not getting anything through reverse search
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Character face icons which used to be available on pokesho.com done by Soara/Pokémoa, made for the usage on another websites.
I’ve collected a lot of them from all sort of different websites lol.
Thank you so much anon!
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I love Leaf along with her bubbly, retarded personality!
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It's okay to like Leaf again?
Always has been
Taking a bath with Leaf
What do her armpits smell like
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>do not use/repost my work
Anon how could you? >:(
Leaf's so erotic
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Her skirt is as short as Dawn's but because she wasn't in the anime and got cut from the Switch remakes nobody cares
Which is a shame cause she's very fuckable
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Leaf is sexier/cuter than Dawn
We know, but people ain't ready for that talk yet.
What if she had a mini-arc in the Battle Frontier anime like Lyra had in Diamond and Pearl anime?
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We thought similarly Anon: >>56765355 .
Remember that guy who married a girl who was a Leaf RLRP? Then it turned out to be the same guy who bought a bunch of Rosalina Amiibo out of spite. Shit was wacky.
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You posted Red in drag.
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She was never liked.
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The only 2 guaranteed slots are:
Favorite starter, bar none. Can't see going through Kanto without it.
>Electric type
Usually Jolteon, Raichu for flavor sometimes. I love Magneton, but I usually leave it for other games.

After that I'll take a flier
>Pidgeot, Dodrio or Dragonite
A Ground type
>Sandlash, Nidoking, Rhydon, Golem
A Water
>Lapras, Poliwrath, Starmie, Azumarill, Dewgong if I have to
and the last slot depends on what I need most, like a Fire (Magmar, Rapidash, Ninetales), a Psychic (Alazakam, Slowbro freeing up the Water slot, Jynx)
>AI trash
She deserves better.


You make a Sevii Islands getaway with a Trainer Tower tie-in if you really wanted to. I don't remember if the anime arc had a particular time limit the crew needed to stick to.
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The best kind of BO.
Is anyone else surprised that genwunners are more over Misty than her?
t. Not actually one, more of a nostalgiaf*g
She didn’t exist in gen 1 outside of the adventures manga and some jp only side material. Misty meanwhile is actually in the games and a main character in the anime which was everywhere.
? Leaf is from gen 3, why would genwunners care about her? They like gen 1, not Kanto.
Oh yeah he's MarioThePulmber. Pretty sure he use to post on here.
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No fucking way that sperg is still here, I thought he would have killed himself by now

Used to be in a discord with him for mastersex and he'd sperg out at least once a week
Does anyone have the beta sketch of the lass trainer that Green was based on?
This: >>>>56771062 ?
I’ve seen some anons here claim that the design for the girl partnered with Squirtle is based on a scrapped design for a lass trainer. I’ve never seen the lass design so I’m curious how it looks.
Meant for >>56777064
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I have a kink for long, straight brown hair untied, and it surprises me how she's the only pokégirl like that which I can think of.
Well, though I consider that Jasmine has that same appeal too, even if hers isn't really untied.


the last two will eventually be replaced by Sneasel and Misdreavus.
Leaf's and Green's Bulbapedia page have a full colored Gen 1 comic with her in the trivia section
That comic was released 11 months after the Sugimori art of her, Red and Blue appeared on the strategy guide.
I’m just curious because anons here as well as Bulbapedia’s manga Green page claim that Green and Leaf were based on the beta female player character for gen 1 and a lass design. The design for the player character for Capsule Monster looked way different from Green and I can’t find the lass sketch.
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It could honestly have been a "design" in its most basic form, like a drawing on a napkin or even just the idea of a girl in a black dress.
Also I think Green is the best Pokemon character
It’s her and movie Mewtwo for me
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A lot of out of the way stuff, nice.

Oh, curious why.

For something like early Pokemon, where characters are ultimately functions and the boundaries of concepts and hard, decided video game material were blurry (not to mention things coming and going in game dev itself), I could just see the girl in the mono-color dress passing as a promo thing. She wouldn't be the only design in that early artwork to go unused.
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>merely pretending
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Doing my first playthrough of a pokemon game in maybe 15 years?
I collect any pokemon that is certifiably adorable
Comfy, I would love to be there with Leaf

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