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>Megas good
>Regionals/Convergent good
>Z moves bad
>Dynamax bad
>Terra bad


>Megas bad
>Regionals bad
>Z moves good
>Dynamax bad
>Terra good

is it really just storyfags vs compfags?
They're all shit
Mega evolution's story is non-existing and/or half-baked tho
go to bed yawnie
I like all of them except dynamax. I've kind of gone sour on regional variants as well, but convergents are a nice replacement for them.
>not including triple battles or gems along with thé other regional gimmick
Yup, genwar thread
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Why are you posting a retarded schizotheory instead of fingering your own asshole?
I hate all of them except regionals
megas and regionals are good. I am person A
Mechanically Terra is interesting but aesthetically it's hideous. Z-Moves are not very exciting but at least the Pokemon look the same. Mega and Dynamax are shit both mechanically and aesthetically.

Regional variants are a different concept to those other ones and like cross gen evos it's only good the first gen they are introduced. You can see the quality of designs drops dramatically because they used the good designs first.
>Megas bad
>Regionals/Convergent good
>Z moves bad
>Dynamax ok
>Terra ok
>You can see the quality of designs drops dramatically because they used the good designs first.
You say that but alola had some of the more plain and uncreative redesigns compared to the other gens.
personally i despise dynamax conceptually, and dont like tera either. not sure where i stand on regionals, kinda 50/50. the alolan geodude line, both meowth lines, and a few of the paradoxes suck donkey balls but other than them regionals are either inoffensive or strictly better than the original
megas and z moves are fine. i'd have rathered some megas just be evoultions though, since now the ones that made certain shitmons good have been lost to time, and now the shitmons are back to being shit
though i will say mewtwo x and zard x made me wanna mail a pipe bomb to gamefreak hq, and that wasnt even the worst thing they did with gen 6
This is my opinion also you must actually play the games.
they're all good
What do you consider a creative regional variant?
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/qa/ lost, sharty
All are good,

Except Dynamax, it's shit and unbalanced
The only good post
Megas were kino I don't get why they cause this much seething
The correct answer is
>megas good
>reguonals good
>z moves mid
>dynamax bad
>terra good
Mega were and still are nugen garbage
I adore (good) story and a focus on adventure in my Pokémon games but I
>strongly dislike megas
>dont mind regionals
>don't like Z moves
>don't like Dynamax
>Like teras if they move away from the crystal shit
Z moves, dynamax, and Terra could have been good with better execution.

You know what? /vp
Megas too
Okay grandpa let's get you to bed
Megas as a mechanic are pretty solid, even if a lot of the designs could use some work.
>even if a lot of the designs could use some work.
With a retcon to make sure none of them ever existed
Imagine the good timeline where
>Mega shartvolutionevolution never existed
>Z muttoves never existed
>Dynashit never existed
>Terashart never existed
>Pokemon just got normal buffs over the years
>More cross-gen evolutions
>Chandelure still has shadow tag
>single player
awful, just add more stuff
bring your own or die, can't counter it with item shenanigans
endless GF cockgobbling of "ruin my bro with a hideous mega" also "my favorite gimmick is not a gimmick"

Mega is just another lame gimmick with the most annoying fanbase.
i literally only care about gen 2, 3 and 4
Yawnfag loves megas though
/thread, only valid take
Megas were ass, I'll never understand why people like them past the kinda cool designs for a few of them like Beedrill or Pidgeot
It's literally the other way round. A good chunk of the designs are good hut mechanically it's unfair as well as running kinda counter to what makes a battle system good
>A good chunk of the designs are goo-
i stopped reading there because i remembered mega aerodactyl eugh
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Gigachadizard is better than both
Megas are mostly liked by Smogon players who treated them like extra, normal Pokemon spread throughout the tiers. But they made the actual game miserable; it wasn’t possible to counter all of the OP megas with a single team, so if you played online you were using a OP mega or getting fucked
Every Mega or Regional form is a new reimagining of a classic character.

The rest are bland because they tried to give every mon in the game the exact same gimmick.
>Megafags coping yet again in the thread
came here to say this
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>Diantha says mega only happens in kalos when it's in alola, hoenn and KANTOOO too
>Sycamore says they're made by the ultimate weapon BUT THEN retconned in ORAS by being meteorites from space (Especially the one rayquaza eats to mega evolve)
>Supposed to be the "Evolution beyond evolution" but single/dual stages can also mega evolve because... ???
>Does mega evolution need a "Bond" to be controlled or it hurts the pokemon? gamefreak make up your mind
>According to the first concept art for the creation of mega evolution it has no connection to it's own region and it's just a soulless selling point to make people buy the games
>Literally NO ONE in the games know shit about mega evolution
>Mega has no genuine connection with kalos lore
Yet another proof that mega evolutionfags don't think about it and never do they just droll when charizard changes color
My stance is
> Megas are pointless
> Crossgen Evolutions based
> Regionals are good
> ZMoves Lame
> ZStatus Moves Interesting
> Dynamax balanced but boring
> Tera neat
They’re all bad. Any pokemon or form with over 720 bst should never have existed. Regional variants are just an excuse to reuse old designs.

seethe harder ywnbawie
Megas were the beginning of the downfall. Gen 6 onwards got progressively worse due to these asinine new mechanics.
>is it really just storyfags vs compfags?
Yes. Megas and Z moves are super fun and cool in the single player game. They sucked in competitive and greatly restricted team building. Dynamax and Tera were boring in single player, but were really balanced in competitive. This is why PLZA is the perfect compromise. We get Megas back without needing to worry about running exclusively CHALK and the one-off Mega Salamence.
only right answer
definitely one of the worst ones but there's others.
They are all bad, but at least some of them are usable by every Pokémon, which is better than locking stuff for just a few.
I like the idea of Megas but hate the execution
For me it's
>Megas shit
sounds dumb and what's even the point, just have it be a new evolution
>Regionals great
Best thing Sun/Moon added, aside from a bunch of tropical lolis
>Z-Moves good
I know I'm a minority on this, I thought they were fine. I liked the idea of striking a goofy pose to power up your pokemon's moves, made it feel like you were working together
>Dynamax good
Better than megas at least, I'd rather my pokemon become a kaiju than some half-assed digimon, plus it added some interesting dynamics to combat
>Terra ambivalent
I haven't played the newest games so I don't have an opinion on this, My instincts tells me it's shit just from how ugly it looks.
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I like all of them.
>Wish the XY gyms had Megas not just Korina
>wish we got waaay more regional/convergent mons in each gen
>no complaints regarding Z moves or Dynamax
>wish gym leaders didn't Terra their one coverage mon into their ace type, effectively not changing the fact that the damn game is a steamroll

Don't care how any of these things fare in comp.
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Regionals are just an outright good feature and have created a ton of cool designs especially the Galar and Hisui regionals. Something like Galar Corsola works so much better because it's an alt version of Corsola, it'd be a lot more boring if it was just an entirely new coral Pokemon. I don't like the "convergents" as much, I think Toedscruel is kind of funny but the general concept just doesn't really make any sense and is also nothing like real convergent evolution.

Megas were a fun feature but I'm glad they were removed for a few games, they were overcentralizing and it's nice to not have them as a permanent fixture of the meta. I'm also happy to see them return for ZA and Gen 10.

Dynamax was cool aesthetically and I love a lot of the G-max designs but it is by far the worst of any of these mechanically. Just absurdly broken and not very fun to play with either.

Z-moves are nearly as bad as Dynamax but don't even have the aesthetics to save them. I liked Kommo-o's move and that's pretty much it, I hope they never return.

Tera is just fine, it's at least better balanced than Z-moves were but the STAB boost is just super unnecessary, also Stellar was extremely pointless. I enjoyed my time with the mechanic but I'm happy to see it go.

In general I really don't understand why /vp/ gets so assmad about mechanics being rotated in and out. Other games do this kind of shit all the time e.g. different seasons in Fortnite. The game would be very stale if we just kept Megas forever and it would get extremely bloated if we just had all the mechanics at once e.g. Nat Dex.
>Yes. Megas and Z moves are super fun and cool in the single player game. They sucked in competitive and greatly restricted team building. Dynamax and Tera were boring in single player, but were really balanced in competitive.
Total opposite in my experience. Megas and Z-moves were horrible for single player, there were hardly any AI trainers who used them so they were just a massive, totally unnecessary power boost for the player meaning either you never used them and they may as well have not existed or you did use them and ruined all the challenge. Dynamax in comparison being restricted only to gyms and other setpiece battles made it feel more special and balanced and Tera mostly just gives you new options rather than more power so it was more fun to play with (though I wish it wasn't such a pain to change Tera types).
Good because it's a fun mechanic. Compfags eat shit.
Okay since it's a nice spin on existing 'mons, but it makes using one form of a pokemon difficult from the original since Game Freak is stupid and region-locks the original forms to have the new forms override them. (i.e.; Pikachu exclusively evolving into Alolan Raichu in S/M/US/UM)
They're mid. The unique moves that certain 'mons had were great, but otherwise it was just kinda there.
A grade lower than Megas, but only gets a bad rap because it replaced Megas and Z-moves entirely - doubly so with Gigantimax forms.
Fun, but going forward as a mechanic, the writing was on the wall that it wasn't going to stay.
Mechanically it's in the middle of the road between Dyna/Gigant and Z-moves. Visually, it's actually dogshit, and easily one of the worst visual ways they could depict the type the 'mons take. The crystaline form would have been enough, with a few other added particle effects to differentiate certain types (i.e.; normal and flying, ghost and dark, etc.), but instead they added those ridiculous """hats""" that only contrarians say are good.

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