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Ko Re Mi Edition

Previous Thread:

>still buying physical
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>still grading cards
scalpersisters not like this....
>the auction is up to £465
>still buying vintage
>European release
Holy fucking shit finally
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>still buying western
Get fucked market fags
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I received a new birb in the mail today
>Better quality
>Boxes all have 3 guaranteed art pulls and are half the price (edited)

Fuck, wish I had gotten onto the JP train sooner. It mogs NA so much its a joke
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>the one card that mogs PSA
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>still buying modern
You get this at a prerelease?
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nah, no prerelease in my area
is this coveted? pulled it randomly
yes going for £30 atm
Yeah, I think either the #3 or #4 of its set.
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Another pretty lady for the waifu binder
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>briar considering doing the blue meth
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Are any of these too expensive?
usd chad I kneel
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Been a very long time since I pulled something worthwhile. Forgot what it feels like.
Prices are in CAD. Please someone let me know if anything in here is overpriced, I am poor.
where are you buying from? I use tcgplayer and trollandtoad for my price references
>but troll...
yeah I know
>lumineon v for 7.50
Holy kek
Not that anon, but it's ackshually $5.42 in anon's screenshot (he said it's Canadian dollars)
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SO why did they grade it in the first place?
because it's 1 of 1
why do you think?

it's to test whether PSA really looks at cards
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Pulled this earlier today. I know it's not the most valuable card of the set but I'm still glad i got it.
Nice ass pull anon, this card is my personal chase for the set. How I can snag it or Hydreigon in the couple boxes i ordered.
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What do you think the price will go down to?
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I'm gunna stick to JPN modern cards so I can spend more on vintage.
This card really didn't appeal to me at all. I know a lot of you like it, but I just don't get why. Sure, it's a cool "cardified" scene from the game, but still.
Maybe it's just me but PSA has always seemed like a scam
It's not just you
because the ingame shy, cool and collected jasmine is absolutely hogging down on a sammich
That product is 12 packs so maybe 75 bucks?
If you mean 151 prices in general, can't really say. It depends on how hard they reprint this last wave. If it's just a normal reprint like with that CZ lugia box it won't affect much of anything.
JP-pill me, anon. Booster Boxes all have 3 art pulls guaranteed?
Posted in wrong thread earlier:

My wife collects Pokemon cards. She's pretty autistic about it, just collects the ones that are shiny, full art, or "special" in some way such as EX/GX/Mega etc, anything with a Rule Box pretty much. She buys a lot of them, so I'm left with a metric shit ton of bulk pokemon cards that she doesn't give a shit about, I'd like to make some money off them if I could.

Are there any "normal" cards--not full art, not shiny, not anything with a Rule Box--that are worth money online in recent sets? She's been collecting them for at least 5 years or so. Is there some resource that would give me a list of ones to look out for? I know 99% of it is worthless junk, I don't want to spend hours searching the value of every Pidgey or Weedle or whatever the fuck in all these thousands of cards.

Should I bother doing this, or just sell it as bulk cards for a cheap price?
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I have a feeding kink
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yes it's literally written on the box
So each booster box has 1 SR, 3 art cards, 4 exs and an ace spec? Damn, might have to pick one up
What does the community think of surging sparks?
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Some competitively viable cards such as Iono and Earthen vessel have seen a price surge to a couple bucks worth but they usually get reprinted fast. Earthen vessel (paradox rift) is still 3 bucks I believe, if you have a shitton of them you can dump them at your LGS they'll probably buy it half off. If you don't already follow the competitive meta is not worth dumpster diving in your bulk imo, what I do just to be safe is to trash everything except trainer/item cards because the actual pokemon commons rarely shoot up in value.
the SR is either one of those cg fullarts or it can be an SAR
yeah jap boxes are extremely based
the downside(?) is that they are much cheaper resale due to being easier to pull
Best set since 151
if i get pulls = goated
if i get fuck all = shit set, worse than fusion strike
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I like it because it gave me a lot of fullarts of niche pokemon I like, and the set has le pikachu chase so anything else I want will be cheap.Better than the last couple sets for sure
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Rate my trade offer for penis cat
If you store cards in matte sleeves you are literally hitler
Nice. You going to grade and sell?
Looks like it'll have good resale vale, so I'm going to buy a bunc sealed
Didn't the auction get to 500$ yesterday? I'd keep the penis cat honestly
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I like it, very few stinkers for me
hopefully stopped giving archaludon art spots, it's had 2 recently now
Bruxish is sexo fish not cringe
I dig Mesprit despite it just floating in the air
love my jungle scyther, bends and all
She would bite your dick off, that's not sexo.
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Do the English versions have gold borders?
same holo style but not on the border which is LAME
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nope unfortunately
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no fucking way I'd trade the penis cat for a couple waifu cards and dumbass hat pika.
Do you guys ever buy multiple copies for your collection? I bought multiple of a full art but it's because I need it for a deck. I was thinking of doing the same for a different card though i don't know how I would organize it in a binder or if there's even a point to getting 4 or even 2 copies.
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I know the ex cards in these have the retarded star holos all over the card, but are the V and radiant cards from these different from the ones you'd pull in packs at all?
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I usually talk myself out of it, but when I see a really cute or kino card, I think about getting 9 copies to fill a page.
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nice pull. I wish they made a Kyogre FA to match it.

you're asking me to check the price history on several cards. if you would use TCG Player to shop for cards, you could easily see the price history on every card's page like pic related. pic is price history for Lumineon V.

but more importantly, don't buy waifus or boosters. ever. you're too poor to be a degenerate, anon. also, before buying any card, look for the JPN version to see if it is cheaper. sometimes JPN cards are way cheaper than NA cards.
If the card is <$5 I pretty much always get additional copies if the seller has more. Can't be arsed to buy from multiple sellers though, shipping makes cheap cards twice as expensive.
Thanks anon, I'll keep all this in mind.
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what the fuck
FUCK I've been outbid
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I hope someone from /tcc/ buys this card
KEK WTF hahahaha. No fucking way PSA blundered that hard... it has to be a fake...r-right bros??
I'll be buying a few Durant art rares when they come out.
Surging Sparks is the 8th set of SV already, there's only 4 more sets in the SV block after this. We're either getting a gen 10 announcement soon or they are going to do what they did back in gen 4 and make small blocks for spin off games.
Hopefully the latter
we're getting rocket's, trainer's, 30th, and possible 151-like johto set, surely with regular sets in between, that should keep us covered
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>want to get in the collecting side of the game
>many common cards have superior art over the rare ones, but they are tiny as fuck, imposible to appreciate in detail
>rare cards aren't only rare, you may get fucked pulling an ugly 3d model scam, and all the expansion are full of these
>to complete a set you need holo versions of normal cards (wtf?)
>around 1000$ to complete a set out of 3 /4 sets a year
as a consumer, how can you possibly justify this?
get a good job
the expensive card isn't even the worst part, it just doesn't seem worth it
That's a you thing.
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I'm going to hit you
chud they are going to make multiple Z-A blocks after SV
What SV promos do you think are going to be worth a damn come 5-10 years from now?
well look at the swsh or sm promos
very few of the non-staff or worlds promos are really worth anything
>see a pokemon card machine next to the gumball machines at the entrance to the grocery
>hey, I have some loose quarters, I'll give it a shot
>buy three cards
>open the first, speed energy
>open the second, double turbo energy
>open the third, fusion strike energy
yeah I'm not doing that ever again
It's pretty obvious that the Pokemon Center ETB promos will be. Dunno why people aren't stocking up on them now.
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oooh he's nice
kino art
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Does Pokémon have something equivalent to YGOpro, dueling book or dueling nexus?
Since Fairy Type set the precedent of a temporary color why not make more temporary colors for fun? Like seperate ground and rock from fighting, or ghost from psychic or poison from dark for two years then go back?
because it's a card game and that would be retarded
I don't think its an error. I think the guy grading it got a chuckle out of it and said "aw why not, here's an 8 you cheeky bastard". I would if I was grading it. too bad the owner when straight to selling it instead of keeping it as a W greedy fuck
Yeah, I assume this was the case
my 'what the fuck' was at the 5k bid lol
TCG Pocket soon
That's equivalent to Duel Links. I want out of the skinner box bro!
I'm going to guess no. I have this but I don't have the radiant or V from a pack to compare. Radiant has the diamond pattern and the V has the regular diagonal holo.
they're the same as you'd get in a pack
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Holy shit that comparison convinced me to be a JP collector now. Plus, I can actually afford a Neo genesis master set now.

Are there any more exmaples of better holos like that one?
It really went for the cute side this time!
Only literal babies play this "TCG", pokemon cards are for appreciating the art and making money by speculating on them.
But its fun!

(When battling with non meta decks w friends, tournaments are stupid).
>"aw why not"
because it makes PSA look like incompetent retards, which they are
>too bad the owner when straight to selling it
It was over a year ago.
how to collect
1. go to pokellector
2. go to a set thats like a year old.
3. select a chase card from that set that is a year old.
4. go on ebay. everyone by now has forgotten about cards that are 1 year old. they are too busy chasing the dragon when new set releases.
5. cards are always overpriced and overprinted. listings get stagnant and sellers get desperate, chase cards go for bottom dollar, and thats the perfect time to purchase anything as a collector.
if you are buying right on release, you're competing with people with bigger banks and better connections. just know where you are on the food chain.
ive been doing this for almost a decade and i spend way less and have a bigger collection than most people here that started in the past 4 years.
i never can understand the reasoning why people need to flex buying a brand new 40 dollar card when i pick it up for 10 bucks a year later.
dont be one of those redditors, if you are not actually playing the game, then whats the rush?
its only like 1/1000 cards that gets released that only goes up in value that you may need to buy ASAP.
I want to have it now
all the cool kids have a 151 zard
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>just know where you are on the food chain.
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>common cards have superior art, but they are tiny as fuck
it's the same as it ever was.
>you may get fucked pulling
boosters are for degens. buy singles.
>complete a set
that's an autistic meme. just buy good cards.

>it just doesn't seem worth it
it's not, if you have bad taste.
>the guy grading it got a chuckle out of it and said "aw why not, here's an 8 you cheeky bastard"
It's a marked card and should have the "MK" designation. Stop coping
which card. Post it you little cunt
Hope it's the latter, SV era has been good. Had way more fun collecting versus SwSh and SM.
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Mail day. Got some OP stuff and also finished my old Neo sets for my birthday
Any UK fags have any alternatives to ebay for selling off my PSA graded collection?
Havent really been able to buy graded stuff i want for reasonable prices since the logan paul incident, prices never really recovered since then.
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damn those are nice. happy birthday, anon.
>as a consumer, how can you possibly justify this?
I literally just buy shit I like, plus the very occasional boosters for funsies
also some of my favorite cards in my collection are "worthless" commons and uncommons
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Does anyone here know how to buy Chinese pokemon stuff? I wanted to buy pic related but you obviously can't order it directly from the chinese pokemon center, and the usual proxies exclusively handle japanese stuff.
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It's Magikarp
There are Chinese proxies. If they work for Taobao, may work with others.
lol the text on that looks like the text on modern counterfeit cards
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this card is sexy
it's also dirt cheap, go buy one
>buying japanese
ching chong for you too
I don't care, I rather eat shit than buying japanese. I refuse to buy things I don't understand
Only issue is one is English and the other is some ancient mew rune shit nobody can read besides warlocks and gypsys.
If consumers stopped buying NA cards all together, Nintendo would be forced to increase the quality of their cards to not lose money. Reminder YOU are the problem
Partially true, they had to start pumping these things out because of scalping being such a large accepted thing in NA. If they started making less with better quality scalpers would just own the market. You'd never see cards in stores. You'd either have to pay the fat scalper or fight for a pre-order online. Japan doesn't have this problem. Covid and Logan Paul are pretty big reasons it became so mainstream and accepted to scalp kids products because a few adults are interested in it too. I'm just happy I didn't have to deal with this shit as a kid. We had the best cards while Japan had the cheaper looking shit with the ugly back art.
It's unironically better because who cares about TCG mechanics, the focus is on the art
>I buy cards in the highest rarity to read their text
any other super copes to dispense?
Which if any of these are worth buying and actually opening packs?

Which of these are worth buying just to collect the elite trainer box itself?
Elite trainer boxes are garbage for opennig packs. Just pick the one with the art you like the most.
Anyone here also collect hanafuda?

Can’t tell you how fucking pumped I am to have gotten these two today

I’m considering opening one of them to sleeve it and put it in my binder but I might just keep both closed

Next one I gotta get is the gundam I think there’s also a neon genesis one hanafuda I already have spirited away and Mario
Also there’s a Pokémon hanafuda that I’ll never be able to buy but oh well if any rich people here want to add that to their collection
>I rather eat shit than buying japanese.
That is what you already do
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The only "invest-worthy" set in the SV block is 151. If you're looking for a set that's just a joy to open, open Crown Zenith. Among those,
>do NOT buy (horrifically bad pull rates)
battle styles
shrouded fable
>do NOT buy (the set is just hot garbage)
shining fates
pokemon go
darkness ablaze
Rest is alright. the twilight masquerade, stellar crown and surging spark boxes also have a promo card (pic related is stellar crowns) if you're into that.
Everytime I stop by 711 I buy a Pokémon pack they have on display and add it to a giant box of loose packs I have squirreled away over the years

Probably have over 150 packs from random sets

Is shining fates that bad? Singles for it are on sale for $37 for 10 packs on cardshop online. It's a decent price for English cards and Shiny Star V boxes are pretty over priced now.
Post pic
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If by "singles" you mean "literally one single card", yeah lol
So getting those brilliant stars packs to crack for 4.68US$ along with the promo card definitely isn't worth it?
Packs would be worth opening if you got them for 1$ each. Anything more is turning your money into less money.
I mean boosters
Wouldn't those boosters be the leftovers of booster boxes left over after all the rare cards were pulled from the box, though?
Possibly but shining fates doesn't have booster boxes
Then wouldn't they be the packs left over from ETBs after pulling the packs with rare cards?
I don't think booster boxes and bundles are seeded
Gambling is never "worth it". You do it knowing you're losing money on it for fun.
TCG boxes and etbs do not have guaranteed pulls, so while you could do that in theory it's not really a thing in practice. Japanese boosters, however...
>Gambling is never "worth it".
It can be, mathematically, but otherwise correct.
Mathematically but not in practice. You need to sell all of these products at those prices to realize the profit. That takes time, and postage. Not to mention you have to actually sell those commons for those prices. Most people won't buy commons at the listed TCGp price and will only be able to offload them at bulk-pricing.
Excluding commons and similar, if a pack dropped to $4/each for example, it still might be worth it.
I bought a Lost Origins ETB today. Noticed a price hike. Should I open it or keep it sealed?

I think Lost Origins and 151 are both sets that are going up in prices exponentially right now....
special sets don't get booster box displays
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GO! Might just be one of the worst sets ever made. You know things are shit when the best card in the set is only $20 despite being a full art of a gen 1 shillmon like Mewtwo.
Is there a Chinese Pokémon Center online? If so, I can't find it.
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I will never forgive TPC for not releasing my husband full art in English , only with the caked in rainbow variant
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Found a booster bundle of 151 at the grocery store today
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based based
Surging sparks already?
aree you a casual? everyone who isn't a casual already have them
what are some good invoost meme cards
I already filled my drawers with booster boxes so I would prefer some single cards
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>calling people casuals while posting English cards
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the average pocket player look like this?
Link to that post?
It's the ugly stamp everywhere that ruins it
>aree you a casual
I fell out of collecting for a while didn't know about the print quality difference between NA/JP. Taking a break was bad enough, but now it's even harder to catch up...
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return when
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that's a promo, doesn't count
I am pretty much caught up with my collection goals right now, current Jap set included. Should I get myself a copy of Mew and Gardevoir from the Jap shiny set last year? I am not too crazy about them but they are visually striking. I wonder when the SV era ends, when do the new games come out?

>captcha is NAPALM, lol
Went to surging sparks prerelease today, pull rates seem to be much better. Ace specs in particular are extremely common.
>I got lucky once and now rates are much better bro trust me
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It does for the masterset
no, retard, everyone had good pulls.
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Just buy literally any Charizard
can't stop big dargon
>200+ dollaridoos
dang, sick pull
prize pack eeveelutions, pikas and zards
Buying these
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Pulled or bought?
In either case, very nice
pulled, 2 sea and sky boxes. really the only worthwhile pull, secret pikachu too though.
They're fake. There is no rainbow Venusaur vmax, only Charizard
Why are the SV 151 boxes and boosters the most "collection" worthy?
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Why do people insist on being retarded ITT?
It's weird. I love the shiny mon in the set the ditto gimmick was cute. The stamp just made the set feel almost bootleg.
I just like to be able to be able to read the cards without needing a priest's help.
Congrats, I got absolutley no hits in my LCS's prerelease.
damn, nice
I'd put this in my binder if I gave two shits about B&W but alas
Repoastan from the /tcg/ playing general:

>It's my first time seriously getting into the card collecting scene for TCG. Here are my purchases so far.
>>2 Stellar Crown ETB's
>>2 Twilight Masquerade ETB's
>>1 Temporal Forces ETB
>>1 Pokemon 151 Ultra Premium Collection
>>1 Surging Sparks BB (pre ordered)
>>Total Cost = $515
>My intention is to just hold on to these for a few years while slowly building my collection over time. Where would you recommend I start to build a decent deck of OG Pokemon / collect and don't rip? Should I rip some of these boxes to get a deck going?
Forgive me for fucking up the meme arrows.

It's my first time seriously getting into the card collecting scene for TCG. Here are my purchases so far.
>2 Stellar Crown ETB's
>2 Twilight Masquerade ETB's
>1 Temporal Forces ETB
>1 Pokemon 151 Ultra Premium Collection
>1 Surging Sparks BB (pre ordered)
>Total Cost = $515
My intention is to just hold on to these for a few years while slowly building my collection over time. Where would you recommend I start to build a decent deck of OG Pokemon? Should I rip some of these boxes to get a deck going?
hoarders and slabheads to the gas chambers
if you're serious about learning to play and want to win get the zard deck coming out soon
ETBs suck to pull enough for a deck, unless you want to build a fun casual deck
start by checking LGS for people with binders, and also the store's binder. If you're looking for anything specific, get in touch with or join groups from players and collectors in your area and ask around
Otherwise ebay tcgplayer and other sites online should work just fine, just be sure to get as much as you can from the same seller to avoid high costs
I'm honestly just collecting and holding for the long term, but I'm not against learning how to play either if the game is fun. I might be better off buying singles for cards I think look cool or to slowly complete a set.
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Impressive. Very nice. Let's see Paul Allen's Jolteon...
>gold counter gain from pre-release
I know I should be happy considering it's a gold card and technically the rarest thing, but I don't really care for golds...
Pulled this, love ampharos but goddamn the art is ugly
Reddit post from a year ago, I wouldn't take it too seriously.
probably wouldn't be so shit if it wasn't zoomed in so damn much
the worst bad cards are the ones with potential
Could be worse, could be 5ban
not gonna lie, i prefer this one
>probably wouldn't be so shit if it wasn't zoomed in so damn much
Wonder what they were smoking with the retarded HGSS era mugshots >>56745150
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the prime era was cool.
>Umbreon is literally just an eye
They don't call it 'Blacky' for nothing anon
I don't care what others say, I really love Prime cards. I think EX were a step up for sure but they really felt powerful, even though looking at their attacks now they pale in comparsion to ex
I hate V cards with a passion.
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Is there a pull rate for SAR? I imagine SAR and UR is gonna take that SR slot on some boxes.
Because from the boxes I pull, I usually get around 2 SR per box, and although I like the AR cards, some of the ones I want the most are SAR.
I want new keldeo cards
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Random question can I make a meta Jynx deck? Any help.
also meta? no
fun? maybe
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Oh thank you! My apologies for posting in the wrong thread. I’ll go to that one. Thanks again. Feel free to delete my previous post.
Too bad you will never lose yours
poison ditto
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Don't know why, but I can't stand Keldeo. Might be because it looks like something from MLP.
That's a steel type
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his timing was unfortunate, and his hate underserved
A girl i use to date in high school really liked it. It was sort of our Pokémon. Always used it in jokes between us and we both had one on our teams. Good times.
Yeah, that and it was retarded in the Swords of Justice movie.
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say that to his face
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look at how happy he is , he deserves 10 secret rare cards
>heil poketler
care to explain what mercury is?
Its a decently popular event mon, I can see it getting a SAR either this gen or next.
A planet
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if GF doesn't rob us, we will get the paradox keldeo we deserved in ZA
why would za get paradoxes you delusional fuck
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because we are still in gen 9 and I want more paradox mons.
because Keldeo got robbed of the musketeers quartet
because kalos is based on france so it's so don't fucking ignore keldeo
because Paldea is near kalos anyways
The biggest argument against this is the beasts dont have 4th member to compliment. Closest they have is Ho-oh, but thats a box Legend with its own counterpart in Lugia.
Would we get dinosaur Ho-oh in scarlet?
Ho-Oh relantionship with the beasts isn't as strong as Keldeo with the musketeers. It's the same reason why nobody expected Lugia to get a Galar form with the three birds. But I guess it can happen
Just do a paradox Volcanion. Counter part to Keldeo in the sense it's a mythical and it's a Gen 6 Pokemon so it works for Kalos region. A dino Volcanion could be pretty cool.
mercury is liquid metal.
It's based on gallium, actually.
They could do Ho-oh and Lugia then Keldeo could have been paired with a robot Kyurem. Robot Kyurem could look like a kix of black and white Kyurem with the fractional Violet robot look. The lore could be like someone trying to recreate the original dragon with robotics. Robot Keldo could have been made by the same person after Kyurem went on a rampage.
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>the card store clerk doesn't know pokemon so both of you take 10 minutes
I don't give a shit about Keldeo but they better fucking not, it's bad enough with that other mons they have already retroactively ruined.
Do you know any good card artists who are good at making fake cards? I need to commission someone to make a smug pepe card in this style.
It's not always liquid
Volcanion already practically is a future paradox pokemon of itself.
Are there any registeel cards that depict her doing the Nazi salute?
Since this is the general that cares about Imakuni cards, figured I'd link these here.
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I hate e-reader cards being expensive
Which ones?
Ordered a jap booster box of spark and stellar
And no, I’m not opening them
Some of my pikachus
I’ll never afford the Mario ones but oh well
Aquapolis and Skyridge holos
I ordered an English box of Stellar, Sparks, and Masq. Why go for the Jap ones?
That's some very nice pikas my man
really love the boat Yokohama's Pikachu, have you also got the submarine one?
Weird that the nonfunctioning cards would be the expensive ones.
I try to collect each one of each language just for my own personal autism
151 Set Check;
>EB Games Stamp Charmander
>GameStop Stamp Charmander
>Cosmos Holo Charmander
>Reverse Cosmos Holo Charmander
>Pokémon Center Stamp Squirtle
>Reverse Cosmos Holo Squirtle
>Scarlet & Violet 151 Stamp Bulbasaur
>Reverse Cosmos Holo Bulbasaur
>Pokemon Together Stamp Pikachu
>Reverse Cosmos Holo Pikachu
>Pokémon Together Stamp Eevee
>Cosmos Holo Electabuzz
>Cosmos Holo Abra
>Cosmos Holo Kadabra
>Non-Holo Ditto
>Non-Holo Vileplume
>Cosmos Holo League Stamp Dodrio
>League Stamp Mew ex
>Reverse Holo Professor Program Stamp Voltorb
>Reverse Cosmos Holo Professor Program Stamp Voltorb
Removed From Japanese 151
>Snorlax Illustration Rare
>Snorlax Illustration Rare Pokémon Center Stamp
>Mewtwo Illustration Rare
>Mew ex Special Illustration Rare
151 Product Promos
>Zapdos ex
>Alakazam ex
Unfortunately I do not
Gunna get it eventually though
>HD cosmos holofoil
Full Art Lusamine Boss's Orders. Why doesn't it exist yet?
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no, but fiverr has some custom card makers. save my oc pic and send it to an artist on fiverr. see if they can work with it and finish it. it still needs filler text for the bottom half that you will need to come up with on your own.
I don't have photoshop so I couldn't add that sparkle in his eye that he needs. also that pepe was from google. if I was smart enough to come up with filler text for it, I'd pay the commission myself.
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presentation is important for my collection. I'm thinking about getting a shadow box to display a card and decorate with objects that vibe with the card. anyone put much thought into displaying their cards? I remember one anon from /x/ had a nice Flaaffy FA displayed around some stones that was very comfy looking. wish I kept that pic for inspo.
Yeah but those are kinda wonky, somewhere stuck between error and unintentional.
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I bought this for 12
Tell me I'm a good boy
Why does Zeraora keep getting full arts
I may just buy a chink version if Alola friends.
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it will never be the original one
They entirely intended to swap out manufacturing whenever they wanted, collectors be damned.
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Because everyone loves Zeracutie

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