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My wife Shauntal is busty!
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she's cute!
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Our* wife, conrade!
I think I preferred when I thought her hair was shorter.
I want to watch tv with her
What will you watch with her?
W-what kind of things was she writing about?
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The lasagnacat 1 hour pipestrip video.
Fucking excellent choice
literally who?
My wife, that's who.
>and then it turned out she was Arceus, Aus herself the creator God, and she told the man her husband. . . .
>chipmunk teeth
You x her fanfic
That's a BIG neck pillow!
My goddess!
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Marrying Shauntal!
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I really hope Dena stops shilling bortnova characters
What would they talk about?
Shauntal would probably want to learn about UBs from Wicke so she can be inspired to write a novel about them.
I always feel like Shauntal has an expertise in horror, so using the UBs can inspire her to write some otherworldly encounter.
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Horror novel about Blacephalon, perhaps?
I was thinking of Nihilego but that works too, it's already pretty abstract and out of this world. Ghost too so it might fascinate Shauntal even more.
Shauntal is struck with a bolt of inspiration! I wonder what novels she's written.
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Probably some dangerous stuff for herself, hoping nobody finds out!
With the info we got recently, it's humorous to imagine those private novels being pure Pokesmut. That aside, I can imagine them being pure edgy romance novels.
They're SI fanfics of Shauntal x You
meganekko pokemon trainers are peak.
Is she aware of the 4th wall?
I don't think so, but it's a lingering small and tiny thought that Shauntal has about you. Her curiosity is intruiged.
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Probably spends so time with ghosts that she's gain a sixth sense, you know?
and ugly!
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It is her natural habitat. After spending so much time with her ghosts she decides to enact her own horror novels, breaking the fourth wall to catch you off-guard.
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Sounds pretty eerie and cool!
Would you be scared, or will you indulge Shauntal?
Are there other things you would like to do with Shauntal?
I might be unsettled a bit, but will indulge her regardless. Not really used to paranormal stuff, you know? I would probably like to spend time with her. Go on a date, listen to her gush about her passion, etc.
I'm sure you'll be safe from the other horrors around her. She might be very eccentric but she will do no harm! And cute stuff! Asking Shauntal out on a date might catch her all flustered that you're asking her out. It's very sudden and not something she'd expect. Any idea where you'd like to take her out to?
Well, she's a "stay indoor" person so she probably won't fancy going out to public places for a date. Maybe, we could have the date at home and we could grab some takeout and watch something. Tho, I fear that it might be considered "low effort" on my part.
That is a good point but there's always that thrill of trying something new. Not to pressure her of course, but it is something to think about when it comes to taking her out. You don't even have to take her in public places. Somewhere quiet and private or even something that can stir some inspiration for her is enough to make it a success.
A date at home sounds very comfy. It's only low-effort if you make it that way. Maybe make dinner for her and enjoying it over the table or when you're watching something together.
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Anyone play d&d with her?
You make a good point. Maybe, I could take her to a nice restaurant, where there's little noise, follow by a nice nighttime stroll. But a fancy home date wouldn't be so bad. The only thing is that I'm not confident with my cooking, so idk if she would like my dish.
What's this?
Now that's a plan! Fine dining and listening to Shauntal's many brainstorming sessions before taking her out to a nighttime stroll. Hope no Ghost Pokemon come out to spook you. You would always start small if you wish to cook for her, I'm sure Shauntal will appreciate the sentiment you've done for her. Maybe she's not great at cooking either, but idk if you think of her as a good cook.
Thanks! I'm sure whatever ghost type we encounter might be her friend, probably trying to spook me as a prank lol. But if it isn't, she's more than capable of protecting me since she's a Elite Four member. And I'm more than willing to learn how to cook well for her to enjoy in return.

Pokegirl vn with shauntal
Oh now you just given me the image of a nighttime stroll with Shauntal on a park as her Chandelure acts as the lights haha. It would be very mean of her if her Ghost type were to prank you out of nowhere, probably her very own Chandelure. And I'm sure you'd want to protect her too, huh anon? Be a strong trainer for her enough to be the champion even! What dish would you like to make for her first?
That would give me a spook, but I wouldn't mind, lol. Chandelure being there does help with romantic mood I going for. And yeah, I do want protect her as well. Maybe, I'll challenge her to a pokemon battle from time to time, to help me grow as a trainer of course. As for the dish, I'm not sure what cuisines there are in Unova. I'll probably try my hand at making a curry dish or something.
Maybe you can make the first move, but gently walking with her is already bliss for you. Now that's a goal to strive for. I'm not sure if you're a starting trainer or you've have some experience, but with an Elite Four member right beside you, that would push you to new heights. You'd collect badges as a means of trying to be a suitable trainer to her level, and why you aim to be a champion. And curry sounds simple enough I feel. And she might like it too, she'll always be eager to try out anything you make!
I intend to maybe give her a kiss goodnight if things go well. As a trainer, I imagine myself to be pretty strong with fully evolved pokemon. But I'm not sure if I'm Elite Four level of strong. Either way, it'll be a joy to get to know her through battling as well.
Very smooth. Walk her home safely too after the date. Do you have a planned party of Pokemon that you imagine yourself with? In any case, Shauntal would gladly accept your challenge. Just as you get to know her through battling, Shauntal wants to learn the same as you. She wants to see what kind of person and Trainer you are. Any battle is a moment to gain experience.
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Why does she look so much like Matori?
As someone originating from the very end of D/P seasons, who came first?
Evil twin sister, perhaps?
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Since we're in Unova, I would likely have this kind of team, since this was my BW revisit team. I'd imagine we have something in common with our Golurks.
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Pretty based team. With a Ghost type I can see Shauntal already has her interest on your Golurk to see how hers can compare. Win or lose, it'll be a fun battle and a wonderful experience for you two to have.
It's late for me but I hope we talk again, anon. it was really fun chatting with you!
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Thanks! And it was fun chatting with you, too. It's late for me as well. So maybe if thread remains alive until then, see ya!
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she's neat
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shauntal naked
We know Marshall
Shauntal is a CUTE DORK
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This is scandalous! i didnt consent!
That’s what she finds hot about it
And that's why she keeps it private! so you don't find out!
>tfw you find her stash of erotic literature
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I hate shuantal.
Mean :(
stupid dork trying to look sexy
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What's Shauntal doing?
It's towers worth of erotic literature. She's written a lot of it!
Whiting out.
for fuck sake, it will take a while to read it out
You might have to read it outloud. Shauntal insists so you can express the passion she's put into the eroticism.
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would she have inspiration to write smut after a makeout session?
You might have to give her a lot of "inspirations"
I see, i just dont want her to think about her books after screwing her brains off, if she picks up a pen not even 10 minutes later then i need to go harder on her until she is too sore to move
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How confident are you in your skills, anon? She can always multitask but if you were to go harder on her she may put more focus into your "battling" that you're giving her. Maybe give her some loving kisses too!
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If she can multitask then i am doing it wrong! i want her total attention!

Even if i have to work extra hard to earn it
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>Cropped porn
And how will you earn her full attention, anon? what will you do to make sure Shauntal is clouded with nothing but thoughts of pleasure and you?
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You know, the usual mushy stuff, i aint very good at describing it yet i am pretty sure she will be feel wanted and loved
I think simply holding her hand would be enough to make her lose her composure. She's always writing romance but never actually experienced it, among other things too! Giving her that first instance of hand holding or cuddling together would make her melt.
she needs to experience the actual thing so she can write with more accuracy!
No it isn't.
See, that's the spirit! It's probably your first time too, anon. That just means it'll be a special moment that needs to be captured and Shauntal will be there to document it. After your first kiss and everything! Those sparks will fly, have no fear!
>Shauntal will be there to document it.
Cute and lewd
It's literally a webm of Houndoom rawdogging Shauntal. No need to lie not to get banned retard, the mods here barely do their job anyway so chances are high you won't even get banned for it
Hey, she's gotta note every single detail in the session! Even if she might get lost by your warmth and pure love along the way!
wtf no it isn't SCHIZO.
wowie, that will sell like hot cakes. . .assuming she publishes it
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Would you want her to release it to the public? Every Trainer in Unova reading and hearing of your romantic adventures with a famous Trainer who shall not be named?
How does it feel to be born retarded and being unable to check porn site to verify?
Stop lewdposting you porn addled tranny, this isn't /e/ for fuck sake
I mean,its her book, who am i to tell her what she can or cannot do? if she wants to publish it i wouldn't stop her
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I'm not clicking that -_-
You are apart of the book, so you also have a say in it too! After all, you are with Shauntal, so you can be there to assist her in any way possible.
Why is it impossible for this board to hold a thread about a female character without it devolving into coomers spamming lewds and retards talking about how they want to fuck her. Jesus fucking christ, not even /r9k/ (the incel board) is that depraved
Coomer art dumps are one thing but dudes ERPing is just rock bottom. Though to be fair OP started this thread by talking about her bust.
Why don't you post wholesome Shauntal pics to counteract the lewdposting, then?
when you put it like that it makes sense in certain way
Anyway, what relationship do you think Shauntal has with Cynthia and Caitlin?
Don't worry, I'll stop lewdposting, though some images might be lewd generally due to Shauntal being so attractive.
I thought it was fairly simple. It'd be pretty cute too to watch over her as she's busy writing and you're there to assure her to take breaks or be moral support.
mentally adjusted hex maniac
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sex maniac
What a nerd.
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A smug nerd.
Okay that's a pretty good smug. Wonder what she's so smug about.
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About the battle she won against you while she was busy taking notes for her novel.
having SEX with ANON the CHAMPION
Yes, sex, something you and the other porn addled retards from this board will never experience
I hope the battle isn't included within those notes. It might be very embarrassing...
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I'm sure she's not going to specify who was trainer that lost to her in her novel. It's just for inspiration's sake. She's just smug because it's her little victory, that's all.
That only makes me worry even more, especially if other trainers were to have a suspicion. She better make it look good at least! And since I lost, I'll have to give her money as payment.
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The other trainers would understand, given she's a Elite Four member. She's no easy customer to beat. You might have to worry about the possibly ghosts that hang around in her chambers, but it's no biggie. I'm sure she'll be happy to use the prize money to help buy fund her writing career.
>You might have to worry about the possibly ghosts that hang around in her chambers, but it's no biggie.
I love Ghost Pokemon so I'd welcome them with open arms, even if they have tricky intentions. If her novels are as scary as her battling and Pokemon, it'd be overwhelming, but I'd gladly support her beyond just the prize money.
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Some of her novels are probably horror stories but they could also be romantic, adventure or mystery stories. Either way, it's worth the support since she's a renown author and her stories are probably really good. I would support her as well.
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She's a master of all genres, it only makes sense. I suppose I assume she writes only horror due to her type preference. Romantic and mystery stories would be a thrill to read out of her. It'd be cute to know if she ever has any experiences from her romance or even the many mysteries she came across.
>I would support her as well.
Would you give her all your support? For as much as she writes, she's probably doesn't take care of herself very well if she's too engrossed.
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Absolutely! If she needs someone to rely on, I'm here for her. As for her romance novels, she might only have others' experiences as a reference. But I happy to give her that experience as well.
That's cute. With Shauntal hanging around Cynthia and Caitlin they might not be the best to hear from. I always have the feeling Cynthia either knows nothing about romance or is particularly hard to get through with her status and all. Caitlin is always sleeping but her butler might have a tale or two. Maybe for one of her romance novels she might ask a curious trainer like you about your experiences in love. Cute! What experiences would you like to show to her?
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Well, I would like to show her what it's like to have a partner to rely on, other than pokemon of course, and to share each other's affection for one another. I'll admit that I'm also inexperienced at this, so it'll be our first time experience. We can learn about each other as we go along.
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Gruntify your shauntal
Aw, that's very sweet. Shauntal would want to hear passionate flames but starting one with her might take her back a bit before eventually accepting the idea. What will you do first? Hold her hand or go straight for a kiss?
>We can learn about each other as we go along.
You better be ready for that interview, cause she has a lot and I do mean a lot of questions she would like to ask you.
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She'll fit right in with the dubious purple hair duo.
So, is she straight?
Courtney and Jupiter fuck shotas.
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Me and her could have a chat to get to know each other and then, I'll hold her hand and take her on a stroll along the routes. At the end, I'll probably try to lean towards her with a kiss, but I'm a bit shy with these things and I don't don't to scare her off. As for that interview, I may get exhausted with all of the questions but I'll do my best for Shauntal!
One day you'll gather the courage to kiss her after a stroll all over Unova. Holding her hand is already wonderful enough as is, same with staring into her lovely purple eyes. And don't think you're getting one, cause after she's exhausted all the questions she has about you, now would be your turn to interview Shauntal. It's not one-way interview. Maybe a long date perhaps? Is there anything you'd want to ask her?
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Thanks for believing in me! I hope Shauntal reacts well to that kiss when it happens. I won't try to make it too sudden on my part. And I agree, just getting to spend time with Shauntal is wonderful enough for me and such a rare opportunity, too! As for my question, let's see.... I would ask her what inspired her to become a novelist.
Just like in her novels, maybe it's best to let fate decide when you might strike a kiss, be it on her lips or on her cheek. It would be more fitting after an evening stroll on a route in Unova. She's probably never had a break at all, let alone a date with a special boy due to her role as Elite Four and her hobby taking up her precious time.
>As for my question, let's see.... I would ask her what inspired her to become a novelist.
That's a good opener for a first question, and her answer would be quite a long journey. It might even take up the whole day if you can listen to every detail.
I am def a porn addict yeah, but I'm trying to work on it.
You're right! She probably seem like she needs someone to enjoy passing the time with before going back to her usual routine. I sure hope that the she has the time of her life while we're on this stroll. Might even stop by a stand to buy us some Casteliacones while we're on this romantic date. And I'm willing to listen to her story, even if it takes up a whole day.
Everyone needs a break, and Shauntal is most definitely deserving of one. She still is new to the world, and I'm sure in your journey you've come across a lot of places that you would want to show Shauntal! Are there any places in Unova or elsewhere that you would love to show her?
I think I would like to take her to Icirrus City and the nearby locations there. It's a comfy place and has lore pieces there like the Dragonspiral Tower and the Moor of Icirrus. It would be a good spot to get Shauntal invested while also laying down a romantic vibe with the lakes, trees and such.
Oh, that's pretty unique for an outing. You can take her to the Dragonspiral Tower and tell her of the rich history of it or what was within it as you two explore the insides. As for setting down the romantic vibe and scenery, I think you wouldn't have to do much, just keep being yourself and Shauntal would naturally grow interested in you. Maybe you can catch a couple of Pokemon for her if she requests.

Have you ever thought about traveling around with Shauntal together in all the regions?
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Yeah, I can show her where the legendary dragon she once encountered in her fight with N came from. Then, I can take her to the Moors and set a picnic there and enjoy a nice lunch from all that walking around, you know? If there's any pokemon she wants, I'll try to catch it and give it to her as a gift. As for your question, I would travel with her but I'm not sure if Shauntal would be up for it herself. At best, I might convince her to visit Kalos sometime, but only after we advance far into our relationship.
A picnic after the little history lesson sounds good. What lunch will you pack for you and Shauntal?
>I would travel with her but I'm not sure if Shauntal would be up for it herself. At best, I might convince her to visit Kalos sometime, but only after we advance far into our relationship.
I feel like traveling around gives Shauntal an excuse to seek out and experience all the things say, Kalos, would have to offer. Should she ever feel herself entering writer's block or if there's ever a place in Kalos you think might give her more ideas flowing, tell her about it. Sometimes a second voice might convince her. And since you suggested Kalos, I'm sure you've had some romantic intentions, huh?
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I think I'll have some club sandwiches with chips, cupcakes and drinks. Of course, I'm planning on sharing with Shauntal and her pokemon. And good advice! I'll convince her to go. Maybe, she can learn about the lore of the region over there. I didn't think about the romantic implications but now that you mentioned it, it could be a good romance getaway spot for us.
A light meal, and how thoughtful a trainer you are! I'm sure her Chandelure would love the food. Even more if you made it. Hm, now that I think about it, would any of your Pokemon bond with Shauntal's?
As for the lore and the scenery, you can always start at the heart of Kalos that is Luminose City, taking her around day or night around the lively city. It would give her some familiarity with Castelia.
>I didn't think about the romantic implications but now that you mentioned it, it could be a good romance getaway spot for us.
How cute. I'm not too familiar with Kalos but I'm sure you have some towns and spots in mind that would make for a good romantic spot for you and Shauntal to spend more time together.
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Sorry, I'm back! Anyway, I'm sure my Golurk will bond with Shauntal's Golurk as well as her other ghost type pokemon. And as for our trip to Kalos, since I was born and raised in Unova, it might be my first time traveling through another region like Kalos as well as her. Still, it would be fun time for the both of us!
Pokemon of the same species do tend to hit it off really well. I've always like thinking about the Pokemon I have bonding with another Trainer's.
Ah, same for you too? It'd probably be tense I imagine, traveling to a whole new place with different cultures and different people and Pokemon, but that only means more fun for you and Shauntal to have. Since you'd be at Luminose City, there's always staying down at the hotel to get yourself situated and rest before exploring the city the next day. And that's not to mention the night of cuddling you two might have.
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Yeah, I imagine that there's a language barrier between Unova and Kalos, so it might be trouble for me. But maybe, Shauntal's bilingual? Idk. Maybe, we'll get a Rotom phone to help translate for us if necessary. But yeah, the adventure will fun and romantic for the both of us! There might be alot things that Shauntal and I would want to see in Lumiose City alone, since it's so big! And staying at a nice hotel at nighting, cuddling...Woah! Spicy stuff!
I'm sure one of you would have a Rotom phone to give you the translation, but if you were to travel often, you could use that as a means of learning new languages. Kanto, Sinnoh, Kalos, anything. Shauntal would also be skilled a bit in new languages
>There might be alot things that Shauntal and I would want to see in Lumiose City alone, since it's so big!
Anything that come to mind, trainer? From what I recall Kalos has the many boutiques for you and Shauntal to try out many new clothes, or the restaurants for you to taste the Kalos cuisines. And of course, returning back to the hotel after a long day of fun and sightseeing. And hand holding under the sheets.
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Always funny to me that we got these two as Elites back to back. Really like all of the alternate outfits going around here (and the Masters Halloween garb).
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I'm curious about the boutiques and what outfits they got. If I want to impress, I gotta look my best, right? But there's also many delicious fancy restaurants around for us to go to. I would love to take out Shauntal to a fancy treat in her fancy dress! And going back to hotel to do something romantic and spicy, like cuddling and handholding, would be the cherry on top!
You do. You'll spent countless hours trying to find the perfect outfit that'll impress Shauntal. And hey, maybe Shauntal herself might suggest something for you or express interest towards an accessory that's captured her.
Whatever restaurant you choose to dine in eventually, you'll have to learn of Kalos culture as you'll have to battle the Waiters as you wait for your meal. Maybe it can be a fun little Double Battle where Shauntal can join in, and you can use this opportunity to bond more with her and execute strong battle tactics.
Sleeping with Shauntal and cuddling tight with her! The dreams between you two might be linked or shared and you will have a fun morning to discuss.
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They look like siblings.
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>"... And then the Drifblim began to -"
Wow! Your wife looks like my wife!
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Grape wife
She has a pen stuck inbetwee nher breasts...
Shauntal and Hex are my favorite because they remind me of my ex
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I know this artist.
File: 89462079_p1.png (773 KB, 5850x7608)
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773 KB PNG
File: 82856668_p1.jpg (948 KB, 1600x1500)
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948 KB JPG
File: canvas(883).png (900 KB, 832x1216)
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900 KB PNG

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