>Japanese reaction to SV
>>56748391>give it back>posts a brown nigger
>>56748391>>56748397Got any other sources or is just going to be this site that's not even region restricted?
>>56748391>>56748397Now post twitter, I bet they were defending it
>>56748391There's going to be at least one of these types of threads every week, isn't there?
>>56748391>lewd "hag" (over 18) = woke
>>56748391i dont get it, why should we care
>>56748463Try daily
>>56748471because we are weebs and we really care what nips think about everything>thing:|>thing, heckin nipponerino:O
>>56748463Something something humiliation ritual?
>>56748463You deserve it for liking DEI slopmon.
>>56748391What's wrong with short-haired girls?
>>56748391So you going to post all of them, or just cherrypicked examples to suit your narrative like everyone else?
>>56748463The most funny is that OP is a fucking retard that thinks some japs are on his side when every "woke" character is actually popular in nipland and virtually nothing else.Imagine sucking off the japs while they actually like the so called "DEI characters".
>>56748539Precisely. I'm very shocked by how immensely popular Rika is, and I'm not complaining in the slightest. Even Penny gets a lot of fanart.
>>56748503Culture war brainrot deems it to be a tranny/lesbian dogwhistle.
>>56748391They are hypocrites. It was enough that some artists put big tits on Penny for them to shut up.
>>56748414>Mallow>bro** ni**erShe is closer to a tanned Hawaiian or Okinawan.
is penny the one they're calling a homo-shota
>>56748463It's election season in Burgerland
>>56748676Penny shouldn't even have big tits. Her tits are cute and small.
DEI apologists entire defense is appeal to popularity now lol.
>>56748391post the screenshots where the ""based"" nips praise Rahian, you cringe spammer.
>>56748397>>56748391Aren't websites like this basically the equivalent of 4chan to Japan. Yes I know 2chan exists but point is it's a similar demographic. It'd be like posting a screencap from this place and calling it the western reaction
>>56748391>The correct reaction to SVFTFYCute diversities like Mallow are okay because she's fucking cute. Ugly ones aren't okay because they're ugly. It's as simple as that.
>>56748463Just ignore the /pol/schizo
>>56748539>Women like effeminate menWhat? No way :o
Looks more like the japanese version of /vp/'s reaction, rather than Japan as a whole no harm. You can tell, because it's the same incel opinions on the thing as on here, while Pokémon continues to gouge Japan dry of their hard-earned overall leaving no doubt as to what exact typ[e of poster you're promoting there.Buy an ad next time.
>>56748539Thats cause she looks like an average korean male anon
>>56748539Wait, it’s a woman?
>OP has to bump his own flamewar thread to stay relevant KEK!
>>56752076Not even OP, but OK.
>>56748391I hope Gamefreak employees have to ride the subway and get to experience this again and again.