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>you and your fav pokemon share the same gender
i don't want to fuck my favorite and i'm not a fag
The knight and the dragon, white angel and black demon, it is obvious that Diantha was the complement to Cynthia, but why did she fail?
diantha looked like lisa simpson
that's what everybody at my high school called her when the game came out
>but why did she fail?
No screentime in the game, just one measly appearance where she does nothing, therefore thought as useless since all the Flare stuff is going on and she does absolutely nothing.
Fight is piss-easy so she's thought as a pushover.
Anime made her job to the frog which further cemented people's impression of her being weak.
Questionable details in her design such as the weird wings and Lisa Simpsons hair.
Anon would YOU want to deal with a female Arcanine when she goes in heat?
On second thought don't fucking answer that
Cynthia's Lucario is specifically male, explaining how she takes care of *that*.
her Togekiss is also male, explaining where the Togepi egg comes from
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b but muh lady liberty reference
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You've seen those videos where zookeepers use a disguise to inseminate endangered animals or fake mares/cows/sows to get a Stallion/Bull/Boar to donate sperm, these are methods to trick the animal's instincts, well that's what the fake Lucario sensors are for.

He doesn't see a human, but a female of his species.
he's my bro
Diantha's weakest point was her ace pokemon
A champion who's partner is from a foreign region simply isn't a real champion
All other parts of her, hee horrid design, her weak fight, her lack of presence, could be forgiven if she had something other than Gardevoir
Imagine Cynthia giving birth to a Riolu!
Well she would lay an egg and that egg would then hatch into a Riolu
Pokemon use eggs like a Saiyan birthing pod, it's to hold the baby in a cradle until it's strong enough to fight. We should assume that even a pokemon born from a human would still be in an egg
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This is canon to a degree, wild Bouffalant don't attack someone with an afro recognizing them as part of their herd.
Gardevoir is a Kalos pokemon just like Charizard is from Galar
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It wouldn't be the first time that a Pokemon isn't actually native to its debut region, A.Raticate, Exeggutor, Copperajah, Arcanine.

In-universe that could explain the French touch in Gardevoir and Charizard being the "Dragon" of the English/Scottish tales.
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I am heavily misogynistic
Hmm, but he still takes her commands in battle, so he still perceives her as his trainer all the same. Perhaps those are usually used for that purpose, but I think Cynthia's Lucario likes her for her humanity as well..
It's Gen 2 and he needs to be male to have a usable Attack stat.
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Don't humanize Anon, that's a big mistake by Trainers and zookeepers, Lucario simply acts on its instincts seeing her as the Alpha of the pack, that's why it follows her orders, as has been seen with other wild and feral Pokemon.
Because they intentionally sabotaged her by making her team weaker than those of regular trainers, down to the IVs themselves. They were also trying to force the meme of “endgame boss uses both fossils” which didn’t even make sense when N did it, because only Steven was a mineral otaku.

>No screentime in the game, just one measly appearance where she does nothing, therefore thought as useless since all the Flare stuff is going on and she does absolutely nothing.
This is unironically the same amount of relevance Cynthia had in vanilla DP, so this point is more a strike against Kalos in general for never having an updated version to add to the story.
>Anime made her job to the frog which further cemented people's impression of her being weak.
This didn’t happen, though. Ash fought her as a training session to get Greninja to control itself, and it used up all of its power to knock Gardevoir over for two seconds, destroying a single shadow ball that had been spammed through the training session.
>Questionable details in her design such as the weird wings and Lisa Simpsons hair.
It’s really the hair, honestly. Not sure what they were thinking making it a bunch of spikes, instead of something more elegant; BW2 Iris was basically dressed like a goddess and princess at once but her shape language was much stronger.
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>Not sure what they were thinking making it a bunch of spikes
Diantha's hair is a reference to another anime character, the problem is it looks terrible in the sugimori art style
bros before hos
This further emphasizes that Gardevoir is French and Cynthia is Russian.

Maetel along with Koshka and Natasha by author Matsumoto are based on a Russian girl Lara Antipova from the novel Doctor Zhibago by Boris Pasternak.
>Diantha is so forgettable that anon literally just called her Gardevoir instead
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nta but Gardevoir is based on the same character as Diantha, so maybe Gardevoir is meant to be french
And don't forget that awful grey hair, she looks old, and then she wears clothes that a teen would wear. It's a discordant and disappointing design. She doesn't have the air of a champion.
Diantha’s ace is Mega Gardevoir
>This didn’t happen, though. Ash fought her as a training session to get Greninja to control itself, and it used up all of its power to knock Gardevoir over for two seconds, destroying a single shadow ball that had been spammed through the training session.
The impression she left was negative because the previous champions were untouchable and immaculate, but then comes Diantha and her ace eats the floor, although you can't blame her either because she had XY Gary Stu Ash and his shonen frog in front of her.
>It’s really the hair, honestly.
The hairstyle, the hair color, the strange wings, the lower part of the dress, her adult appearance and her youthful clothes, the thin uncovered legs. Diantha is not worthy.
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she only looked old in her official art, she was fine in the anime
Diantha is the best female champ, love her
Shitty design that is both unmemorable and overdesigned. "Lisa Simpson" is not a word you want to hear next to an unironic design
Zero plot relevance, with negligence on her part making her look even more weak and useless
Meme worthy team of shitmons, one of the easiest champs of all time with a team fucking Twitch Plays Pokemon facerolled
Blamd as fuck in the anime, jobbed to the frog
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I knew
>This is unironically the same amount of relevance Cynthia had in vanilla DP
Even on DP Cynthia appeared more than Diantha.
And you want me to be honest? After BW and even Platinum people started to get higher expectations in regards of character writing. You can tell that starting with BW even GF started to put more thought into the characters. Like, just look at the difference in detail on the character proposals of DP with those of BW and XY. It's night and day.
Diantha failed to met the modern more advanced standards.
>so this point is more a strike against Kalos in general for never having an updated version to add to the story.
Well yeah why do you think there's so much butthurt over no Z?
>and it used up all of its power to knock Gardevoir over for two seconds,
And that's all it takes for people to consider it jobbing. Remember that powerscalers are fucking retarded.
But also keep in mind that until then Champions and even the E4 were all considered and shown to be untouchable fucking monsters. Diantha was the first one to be shown to be bleed, and coupling than with her less than stellar game reputation...

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