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Why isn't anyone drawing Ash and his adult adventures with women that want his dick all the time? Harem comedy, anyone?
What do you get out of that weirdo
>Stealthy request thread
/Vp/ tries to stay Halal
Because that is a scenario so unrealistic nobody actually thinks about it
Cause Ash is a faggot.
Asexual garbage who pegged his Pikachu stays that way.
Ash is literally an unfuckable retard
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Pikachu is this now. Same VA that's the joke.
Ash is married to human Pikachu.
Last time I checked she didn't have any boobs
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I find it cute how the Japanese handle that shipping, with Sango being a reincarnation of Ash's Pikachu and longing for those days in little flashbacks that she doesn't fully understand, they depress her because it hurts to remember, but part of her doesn't want to forget.

Bittersweet and tragic, the perfect combination.
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my niggas...
... I can't read.
>Pegged a male Pikachu
>Durrrr female haha
Fucking hell you subhumans have shitter mental gymnastics than Serenasperms
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Because it's kind of hard to see Ash as a harem protagonist when the kid has been completely asexual and aromantic for over three decades.
there's always the maturation type of story, where Ash tastes for the first time a sexual advance followed by increasingly intense encounters as he parses and goes about his sexuality.
Every child is bound to grow up, a way or another.
>Maturation in a story that never matured him in that regard
Just stop talking you retarded piece of shit.
>because it wasn't done before it won't be done in the future,with a complete different tone, goals and story progression.
based retard.
But what you want HAS been done. In Electric Tale of Pikachu, Ash displays a normal interest in women as expected of a boy entering puberty and even has sex with Misty
Japanese fanon, I kneel…
You are aware that Sango is a girl, right?

The cycle of reincarnation is not something you choose.
>One artist makes a reincarnation fanfic
Someone paid that same fag to do more of it. Aside from reincarnation shit being one of the laziest cliche in modern stories, you fuckers are cocksucking a crackpairing that is the textbook definition of forced.
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>"you look like Ash ketchum?
uoh artwork ToT
it's kinda joyous to know that, even if Ash would retire from pursuing league titles, he'd still be out there helping people, discovering new stuff and embracing adventure with his pokemon. It's a burning passion that can drive a man his whole life, giving him happiness and purpose.
that's actually so cute wtf. Japs win yet again
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It's a more positive take than just marrying him into a relationship with zero chemistry and giving him a child with no charisma.
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Because that faggot only likes Pikabussy. get it through your thick skull
That's a nice design for older Ash, very 90s
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She could never forget, she even caught a Glalie just to emulate that feeling of sleeping on her trainer's head in her past life.
That's actually kinda cute
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Here's how Sango got the idea for her stupid alias, I love that the artists still remember the first season
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The difference is that there was Daisy Oak and she was the driving force of Ash's story, that's right, in that manga Ash only wanted to be a champion to fuck his hot neighbor.
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based 10 years old child.
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She's waaaaaaaaaay to good for Assh
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Sorry, but I was unable to deliver the sauce on time.
I originally picked it up as a request in Mudae bot on Discord, and found the source using saucenao.com, but it seems that Imgur has deleted it during their lewd purge: http://imgur.com/a/syzRs .
I tried toying with the Wayback Machine, but it preserved little. It might still be on mangadex.org though.
cute af
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Best route
It does make sense, I think his final episode was about him going full hobo instead of being a professional battler
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Leon was a showman, but Ash would be the guy who would meet you in the subway, but you would come to the conclusion that it must only be someone similar, a world champion would never travel in something so mundane.
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>Asshfags doing basically anything but answering OP's question
Don't you have a male Pikachu in the Bathtub to rail?
This, I give Waifufags shit but at least they try to deliver an answer even if it's just a shitpost in the end, but those hobo-bootlickers have the shittiest attention span ever.
Don't you have a thread to samefag so you can pretend people give a shit about your flop?
Impidimp isn't what you would call a flop and there wasn't a thread about him, aren't you projecting a bit too much?
Shoko... You use 4chan...
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Imagine this is how Liko and Roy meeting Ash.
ngl, extremely based
>get to a train station/lobby of a Pokecenter
>they approach this regular guy just minding his own business to ask for directions/help with something, and he gladly goes out of his way to do his best to help and teach them pro tips about the world of pokémon, all with infecting enthusiasm
>dangerous thing happens, like a strong pokemon attacks, the stranger doesn't even hesitate to help. He even ends up helping the strong pokemon who was merely pissed off a thorn was stuck in his ass or something, like that Salamence episode
>they share good food and stories before parting ways
>the entire episode they have no idea it's Ash Ketchum, and just get to know it way later when Ash randomly appears and other, experienced trainers recognize him immediately.
Wishful thinking, but sounds fun.
If Ash regained his original personality then he will mention himself as a super strong trainer but he will say it in such a boastful way that nobody will take him seriously.
that'd be funny, but I prefer the thought he'd mostly talk all the cool and weird pokemon he's met, the friends he made along the way and praise Rock's cooking to no fucking end.
Even better, Liko compares Ash to Friede after seeing his Charizard only for Charizard to use Flamethrower on Ash.
Charizard doesn't hate Ash's guts anymore though
It would be more fun with Nemona going on an adventure with him, treating him like a sidekick, Ash just playing along due to traveling without Pokemon or leaving them in a hotel (Pikachu was kidnapped for the thousandth time), when they say goodbye Larry appears mentioning that that boy is the current world champion, leaving Nemona crying because she lost her chance at a legendary battle.
Larry being the only one in Paldea who knows who Ash is is perfect
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According to Japan, it's not gay if your bro turns into a cute girl.
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>Ash is the Tony Hawk of Pokemon
i can dig it
This, Ash is a fag
no, but he's still sassy.
>Guys what if new characters see the same reaction from years ago
Praise Masuda that the anime isn't handled by you uninspired faggots. Touch grass
Don't worry anon, I'm sure the 2026 anime won't be a flop. I hope it's a reboot with RBG and they never use those horrible OCs again, only canon characters from the classic games.
That is a mindfuck of a headcanon, lol.
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i tried to google "Ash ketchum adult comics" to see more of this and it was a huge fucking mistake
kek, grown up/aged up work better.
Some of us want Ash to pick a romance (mine's Serena, commatme bruh).
Some of us just want Ash to be happy in his own way through the thrill of his journey.
And some of us are just too damn lazy to write our own fanfictions.
>not using something like this as the OP image
where is goh?
seething on the backyard.
Why do Americans always draw adults with longer hair? Ash would be keeping that shit cut.
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longer hair is often used to represent a free spirit and yearn for the wild.
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I didn't know Ken Sugimori was American.
>so unrealistic
He’s the strongest trainer in the world.
He will get pussy off that alone
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>The man child has long girly hair
My point stands.
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Ash's one true love!
>Sudden passive aggressive forcing of shippingfaggotry despite the Pikachu scene
My fellow homos, there's no need to play ignorance.
tbf he’s from Murrica: the region.

There were many random girls attracted to him throughout the series. Even a Frontier Brain, of all things. As a World Champion, he would attract even more.
But it still uses Flamethrower on Ash to show its love.
There's a severe lack of Grown up Ash x USUM Anabel.
>i wonder what anabel is up to after all this time
>she's still pining for ash right? she's been waiting for him all this time r-right?
Holy Based
It's an immortal thing, you wouldn't understand.
Bold of you assuming ash cares about look
>he's been waiting for him all this time r-right?
Anime Anabel, yes
>but muh game
Different continuity, pal. Even PR is possible since the bastard is now a canon planeswalker.
That's right, now your video game waifus are not safe
"usum anabel"
"it's anime anabel actually"
"ash can cross universes anyway"
they're in the same game now and anabel still doesn't give a shit kek
wasnt he only allowed to talk to gatchashit ocs and red
his music and achievements got purged from the game too even the game wants to forget he exists
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because the age of consent in the pokemon world is like 11 no woman is going to want adult ashes dick hed be an old hag in a sea of young fertile shotas
>his mom
Why are haremfags obsessed with incest? Are they inbred?
How is our boy Ash anyway?
doing his stuff, adventuring still, being the chosen one for the hundredth time and mostly enjoying himself. The usual.
Ash schizos truly are on another level of insane
Based Ship
yep they restricted his ass kek and now that his anime is over that's probably all he's going to get
You mean Kousaka Jun's PM Gals?
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Waiting for Geeta's turn

Penny? She can look
Holy keyed.
Ash is so fucking dogshit
Don't you have a thread to protect?
I failed to protect /rheg/ :^(.
Isnt he like 10 wth?
>"I'm twelve. But I've been twelve for a long time"
Unironically would make for a fun couple. their personalities compliment eachother a lot, sad we never got more.
Lol, wasn't he getting his balls crushed by her the entire ultra beast arc? I dont hate the ship but she is topping the fuck out of him
Pretty its just one autist doing stuff for that ship, don't get me wrong she has my respect as the lone warrior she is
i faintly remember her teasing him and trying to keep him safe by taking the brunt of the alien shit since he has no pokemon, nothing really about ball busting him. apparently they're just vacationing together in usum for some reason
Is that a shoop? cause it looks like they ripped the model straight from sv instead of recreating it to master's artstyle
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That's their actual model, Paldea characters are just that ugly
Larry has dealt with the paperwork that follows this retard from Kanto,.he's glad Ash didnt meet with Nemona.

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