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Welcome to /wfg/! your thread to communicate with other trainers.

This is the thread for all your Trading, Battling, Raiding and Camping needs!
Missing a version exclusive?
Want try that team you are building?
Maybe need a Pokemon or two to fill your Pokedex?
Wanna do a Giveaway?
Need a carry for a difficult Raid?
Feel like doing a BBQ with other trainers?
Say no more!

Please try to not offer clones or modified Pokémon, or at least warn about them and no "hacked/injected" Pokemon please!
Have fun Anon, and be excellent to each other!

>Now Challenge hard to find pokemon has ended

>Prepare for Tricks and Treats from Gengar! Coming soon! October 27-31, 2024

>Mass Outbreaks for Ghost type Pokemon coming soon October 27-31, 2024

>Complete the S&V pokedexes using native pokemon to get shiny Meloetta from home

>Ranked Battles Season 23 Is Under Way!
Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet Ranked Battles Season 23 has begun!
Running Until Thursday October 31, 2024, at 4:59 p.m. PDT.

Regulation Set H Has begun! From August 31, 2024 - January 5, 2025

>Current Mystery Gifts
>Mythical Pecha Berry Gift
(No code - Receive via the Internet)
>Neo-Kitakami Case for Rotom Phone
D0T1STPARTNER. (November 30 2024 - 23:59UTC)
TEAMSTAR (31st Oct, 2024 - 06:59 PT)
>Chest-Form Gimmighoul
SEEY0U1NPALDEA (30th Nov, 2024 - 06:59 PT)
>Terastal Cap
WEARTERASTALCAP (30th Nov, 2024 - 06:59 PT)
>Expert Belt
SUPEREFFECT1VE (28th Feb 2025 - 06:59 PT)
>30 Quick Balls
G0TCHAP0KEM0N (28th Feb 2025 - 06:59 PT)
Y0AS0B1B1R1B1R1 (28th Feb 2025 - 06:59 PT)
>Roy's Fuecoco
909TEAMUP06 (January 31, 2025 - 06:59 PT)

>Previously on /wfg/
Now the question is should I recreate /shg/? or leave it as it is for now?
Maybe on weekend it can stay longer than 10 posts
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Maybe leave it until the weekend? I think the leaks are winding down.
Probably until weekend no?
As it used to be.
I wouldn't mind a permanent merge, really.
Fair enough, It was strong enough to become it's own gen after it was brought back but it ran low on steam after a while but I guess it will be delegated back to weekends going forward then.

Also I find this genuinely funny. The idea of in universe pokemon memes/shitposting is funny to me.
stupid idea
Shiny hunt is for shiny mons.
Wi-Fi General is for playing with our friends.
I see.
My idea was more on the line of turning this into a more alive, broader "game discussion general" where people participate in more than one subject, instead of having 2 threads that can barely survive on their own.
Well they both usually pop off when there's actual releases.
There hasn't been anything for a year so it's to be expected.

Once ZA releases both will be active again and you suddenly have an overlap and too much activity, hence why they're not in the same thread to begin with.
That is true, yeah.
If it makes you feel any better I don't mind I'm not totally against it as I see it as a temp thing but I understand how the other anons feel and they do have a good point.
It's also better to keep shiny hunting as a smaller thing as there's a smaller autistic crowd willing to do that.
As someone that's been in those for a long time, it's nice and good to see people hunts, how long it takes them, see the same 1-2 threads over the weekend, etc, all that would be lost on a now much more faster "general" type of thread.
It would also stop being wi-fi general and it would start being "pokemon general"
This is hilarious because old wfg was 80% breeding/shinies
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Wait until the leaks and memes die down. Seems like it's starting to, but I'd wait a little longer. With that said, here's a clown I found a couple weeks ago.
Congrats. ball?
Beast. The dark blue part matches the shiny and it's a UB, so it seemed right.
Nice clown disco ball thing anon, I too need to hunt the beasts in Alola soon before something happens to bank.
Anybody up for some BBQs tonight?
I was just about to ask that. Have to unlock those damn biome upgrades.
I'm free for the next 6 or so hours.
I'll probably join too. Just wait a minute or two when you post a lobby and I'll try to be there.
Cool, gonna grab something to eat and will be here in 30 minutes or so
Here, pass is BYFWTJ
Ok I'm here now if you're still around.
Are we rehosting?
We can, let's finish these dittos first and I'll rehost, just 2 left
Anyone have a regenerator galarian slowpoke?
Finally finished that, rehosting now, code is 6GXGF3
No but I have a bunch of ability patches and a few slowpokes.
Well it's no problem i just wanted my breed rejects to have the HA but i can get a patch
I'm going to scram after this next gold quest. I need to get to sleep soon.
Thanks for letting me join a while lads.
Sounds good, we got a lot done, thanks for joining
gj guys, thanks for the hosts.
>Playing VC Crystal to complete a living dex with GB origin mark for Gen 2
>On one of my other 3DS playing Gold to send starters to Crystal then erase said Gold file for another starter
>Find a shiny Spinarak in one of those Gold runs
>It was just before they give you Poke Balls
Welp, there goes my shiny Celebi luck I guess
No no no, see, you used the shiny luck from that one Gold file. Your shiny luck on the Crystal file is intact.
Thanks for the encouragement, may your shiny luck increase this week anon
Is she worse than Charizard?
How do you fuckers manage to post shit on the wrong board?
tuna pokemon when
Isn’t that Veluza?
Veluza is a merluza
Oh it’s a different fish that I have never heard of and I guess only spaniards like
>has never heard of hake
State of american education
I’m on the west coast so we have a lot of tilapia and salmon instead
Hey that's what I'm going for (too but I gotta hunt something else while hunting this because beast balls are so expensive to get.)
Hunting the clown in USUM is a pain because you'll need to have full boxes if you also want to SR for a shiny Type:Null later on.
where the fuck is the shiny general ... ?
well i guess i can ask here as well
i got two shiny wattrel in my last hunt, so im ready to part with one

also, is there a BP union circle here? i need to do some for the last snackworth legendary candies i guess? what a shitty system ...
>because you'll need to have full boxes if you also want to SR for a shiny Type:Null later on.
I beg your pardon? Do you mean I'll have to complete the dex to get type null?
Technically, you don't need to.

What's happening is that there is an unskippable event right in front of the route where you encounter clown/stakakakakakataka.
It's handing out Type:0 and a bunch of other shit with an amount of dialogue.
Only way to skip that is literally having no room to receive it.
So full party and all boxes filled.
That way, you can receive Type:0 at a time of your choosing later on in Aether land.
OOOHHH I get it now, that seems dumb but thank you for explaining anon.
BP's tend to happen later on in the day around here but what are you looking for that wattrel? I have a bagon and a larvitar if you want one of those?
I can join in later tonight
I love that dumb bird.
I love my SV frens
My green Espeon says you're alright.
Based green espeon enjoyer
I have multiple because every time I find a shiny eevee my first instinct is to evolve to espeon
Carbuncle (Espeon) (F) @ Covert Cloak
Ability: Magic Bounce
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 116 HP / 252 Def / 140 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psyshock
- Draining Kiss
- Calm Mind
- Reflect

It's totally immune to bullshit.
>Carbuncle (Espeon) (F
Based name choice.
>HOME maintenance scheduled for the 29th.
Anything but the SwSh dex reward
SwSh isn't even that bad imo
Pretty much every trade Evo spawns in the wild so it's just a matter of date skipping for specific weather
And the weather RNG is tied to the console date so you just look it up and skip to whatever day you need
I think the only trade Evo not in the wild is porygon and you can just transfer that to Legends Arceus to evolve
One can hope, but I sort of doubt they’re going to encourage people to go back to games they’ve moved on from.
I searched the entire vp catalog for vgc shit and there is absolutely nothing this is such a shithole
Why anon? are you looking to do some WI-FI battles or something?
>go back to games they’ve moved on from
They haven't moved on from HOME.
If you mean older main series titles, then their VGC scene heavily disagrees with you. You needed both SwSh and PLA to be competitive in the past 2 years.
Not a good idea to out yourself as a newfag.
That seems a bit of a disingenuous comparison. You can’t compare GF incentivizing playing EOS games themselves to a metagame doing the same with no real input from GF.
Anyone have an Aolan Vulpix they'd be willing to trade for?
I can give you one via HOME
What game or home?
I own Violet but Home works as well and is probably easier.
ok, let me add you
Ok well the othet guy seems to have it for you but post if it doesn’t work out
sent, my IGN is Wynn, this is my FC TMUESPNRJUVN, and dont worry, give me anything for it
Ignoring how the games have always been designed from the get go to go back to past titles, GF incentivizes you to play past titles all the time though via HOME. You literally get rewarded for having Pokemon from very old titles.
Maybe it’s just me, but I view being rewarded for having played or purchased something in the past as different than being rewarded for actively going back to do something or purchase something.
no probs bro, have fun
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Anyone wanna farm some BP?
I'll join you.
I'll join for a while too.
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Let me get my switch then and set this up.
Luv muh Shitendo Shitch.
Alright fuggit. I made a lobby.
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I'm sorry my fucking docking station isnt working anymore, I wanted to play on my second monitor but either my cable is fucked or the station is fucked...
Don't sweat it lad.
We've got 3/4 in here >>56773073 if anyone else is around.
yeah i guess my cable is fucked, it worked fine last week ... gotta see if there is another USB-C around
I'll go ahead and start. If anyone else is lurking and wants to join, just post and we can start up again.
so im unsure how friend BBQs work, do we gotta stay together for progress to count or just go wild?
Just go do any of them on the list. Stuff you do will count for everyone else's quests so you can even do other players' quests.
Apparently its neither my cable nor the docking station but my fucking power outlet ...
Also the hint I got is a pure water type? Dunno
Had to be the fucking sandwich.
We gotta get together for it I assume?
Look for the green Espeon portrait on the map. I've got a table already. Right now I'm just looking for an easy 4 star recipe.
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man the game runs like turbo ass in online mode
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I guess this is what we do? I never fuck with this gay shit.
I've got 4x burgers and 4x cream cheese if you guys have the mustard.
Man I dunno whats going on
Lol this is fucking pathetic. I'm laughing my ass off at this piece of shit.
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How did this shit pass quality assurance at Gamefreak
I'll figure out a way to do it solo I guess.
I don't know what's going on...
I'll just dump my herbs mysticas fuck it.

Apparently all 3 have to do it or it doesn't count.
Fucking japs and their co-op shit.
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Quality game
Look at that beautiful piece of shit. Next time let's make a big fucking pyramid of burgers.
Whoever decided on this "sneak up on wild pokeyman!!!" shit needs to be executed in public.
man my switch is really struggling it took like 3 minutes to spawn other pokemon in the costal biome besides grimer
How old is your Shitch?
pretty old, its the smash bros special edition so like 6 years
I see. Mine's the Sploon 2 special, but I don't really play it for long at a time.
I never beat Sploon 2 either FYI.
Wow lol thats awesome
>Rock Electric
Geodude or Graveler in the Canyon.
they are electric? i thought they are rock steel
Alola Snackbar has Galvanized as his ability. He's THE prime Jihad mon. Also I can't find anything but fucking Scizor in the canyon so I'm going to look for a shiny lol.
well the sandwich turned out to be steel right?
good luck
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>sandwich again
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Anyone still doing BBQs?
I'm about to quit. These sandwiches are fucking retarded.
yeah we're 3 over here
We try one more time. Then rehost.
Just bring 1 hamburger each I bring 2.
Send code if you are rehosting, I need to grind some legendary treats
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you should be able to reroll the gold quests to be eight
Alright lets rehost this then so we can suffer even more on sandwiches
Alright, but someone else host this time.
Fuck yeah, I love pain
Get in here lads.
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ill grab a snack real quick while the group assembles
Based Espeon enjoyer is back
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my backpacks still fucked
You want to help squash this 4 star raid?
The raids would be more fun if they weren't timed. Some other failure condition would be preferable, such as killing all players X amount of times each.
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Oh yeah, can one of you guys with Violet version of the game spawn a Shieldon for me over here?
I'm still missing that little lad.
The fuck is that pokemon's cry?
Vullaby or the bigger one whose name escapes me. In the savannah region, the vulture mons.
"Diapered Pokemon"
i think its bird thingy in the savanna i forgot the english name
Nice ear, I was nowhere near close
I got a different hint lol.
But I do autistically know every mon's cry up to Alola's generation.
One of these days I will finish resetting eggs and be able to grill
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Ah shit. Here we go again.
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Sandwich time
Hambagah >>56773297
Uh ok. It just kicked me out of the sandwich session. What the fuck ever.
That is one clipped fucking sandwhich
we fucked up
1 hamba 1 cheese 2 mustard per person
everyone just 1 hamburger, 1 cream cheese, 2 mustard
Fess up, who put all that shit and the herba
Wow we actually made a sandwich that looks good.
Herba is a shortcut for 4star if you somehow have a lot.
Also we should get those steel shinies now.
Nice fucking sando, gotta bounce after the next group quest
Yeah. I'm also out after the next one.
Also don't reroll the red egg quests I have some mystery eggs I can hatch quickly. But I guess it's too late now
>3 pickles + vinegar = sour sandwich
if i had to eat this id get depression on the spot
If you're that desperate for the flavor, just drink the vinegar straight from the bottle.
There we go, great job everybody, tasty sandwiches were made tonight
Well that was fun. Even constructing that abomination of bread, meat, and herbs. Good night lads.
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good haul, 16k bp i can finally get those last upgrade and finish up my pokedex
I can finally invite everyone to my room
Who would have thought. I guess the sandwich minigame is so horrible it rounds back to being funny.
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Its just so frustrating you can't do anything but laugh at it or else you get an aneurysm.
Can't find the sword dog version of this.
Speed ran through pokemon scarlet in 8ish hours to shiny hunt version exclusives but realized i need herba mysticas and havent unlocked 6 star raids yet. Do I need to unlock 6 star raids or is there any way to join 6 stars in union circle or bum shiny sandwhiches off of someone here?
5* also give herba mystica
Let me go look for some of those then
good luck, you can also just hit up random terra battles for those herbs
its a gamble though
Can't you still join with a code?
first 4 raids i went to on my map are 4 and below haha..

dunno, wanna test it out?
Just go and unlock 5* and 6* raids then bro, it shouldnt take long.
Just go try it out with a twitch channel’s raid
there used to be twitch streams that spammed them, they might still be around. how I got my shiny coin chest
>have pokemon with poison heal ability
I hate this fucking game, let me turn this retarded shit off
kinda funny they overlooked this
brought it because my balltism hit hard with Fezandipiti who has roost and kept poisoning my false swiper and it was annoying as fuck. I hate that free gibs so much, I hate that you have to spam shitty items to lower affection to turn it back off
Gengar being 5* basically means we don't have to prep at all right, it'll just be a low level and we can spam them with anything for candies?
Yeah, a level 100 Gholdengo spamming Shadow Balls should be enough or set up a couple Nasty Plots and then Shadow Ball for a OHKO bypassing tera shield and the other intruding messages
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Day 3 million for shiny Xerneas
>new code distribution
>china only
>let’s go
Why china only? Also I think you can just get a friend to buy it for you.
Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee just released there. It’s a Meltan, so who cares, but it’s funny.
>Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee just released there
huh. Really? why now?
Pokemon GO isn't banned in China right? Cool thing about this distro is it comes in Cherish Ball with a LGPE origin mark
Does any Psychic-type special attacker with Psyshock actually beat Chansey? It seems like all of them get 3HKOd by Seismic Toss and can't get a 3HKO themselves.
Espeon will 4 hit Chansey with Psyshock assuming Chansey has full defense investment and Eviolite. At +1 Sp. Atk, 3 hit is guaranteed kill.
Consider also using Shell Bell on some of your hard hitting mons, it goes a lot further than you might think, especially if you are already packing a life steal on them too.
When I ask for something that "beats" Chansey, I mean something that beats it with no tactical advantages. A special Psychic attacker that Chansey can't check even coming in after a KO. Chansey will kill Espeon first in a 1v1.
>216 SpA Mewtwo-Mega-Y Psystrike vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 288-340 (40.9 - 48.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
>Chansey Seismic Toss vs. 0 HP Mewtwo-Mega-Y: 100-100 (28.3 - 28.3%) -- guaranteed 4HKO

>When I ask for something that "beats" Chansey,
Technically, you're were asking
>Does any Psychic-type special attacker with Psyshock actually beat Chansey?
If you have issues dealing with the lucky egg, have you considered just gently knocking?
Shell Bell counters any kind of Seismic Toss chickenshit. Chansey's HP stat is so retardedly large that you'll be getting ~200+ HP back every time you attack it.
But then you are actually running Shell Bell instead of something more useful
Luv muh gimmicks.
Splatfest took everyone again, I can't blame them honestly.
Anyone wanna help with 2 trade evos in SwSh?
I can boot up my copy. trade code 1457 1475
Just need one trade evo now.
SORRY i was looking at art. how many you got?
that was the last one for now.
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glad to help, if you need any more I'll be on all night
thanks bro

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