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This is a general thread for posters to upload their AI attempts, and make requests from others who may want to attempt to make their own Pokemon related gens.

NovelAI is a paid AI image generator. Opus tier users have "unlimited" Small/Normal generations, though editing tools require credits.

Microsoft's Bing AI is a free image generator that is powered by DALL·E 3.

Civitai is free using its ‘buzz’ currency. You get about 50 every day plus more for liking models and gens.

Otaiku is a (mostly) free phone app that allows image generation. An ad watch is require between each image generation unless you pay.

Local Generation using Stable Diffusion requires a decent video card. Guides for local genning can be found in the /g/ threads:
Other Stable Diffusion threads are on: /h/, /e/, /d/, /b/, /vt/, /aco/, /trash/

Pastebin of Pokemon artists:
>https://pastebin.com/U0mmK3Tm (embed) (embed) (gotobed) (embed)

Characters with under 300 images will require more tags to have them look correct. This is a list of all Pokemon characters with over 300 images:

If you plan on sharing multiple images together, we'd recommend posting just one, and give links for the rest. This way we can conserve space.

This is a locally run html tool provided by ThatOneAiAnon. It keeps track of all artists you like and turns Danbooru's entire tag system in a collapsible list of buttons. You can edit all the js, css, html code to modify the tool.
>mega .nz/file/67xwTRSB#m0fPUmJRaWd3oh47gt6nw2LKNMe820TaiKdXTAhx8tI

Previous thread >>56764446

"Humans rush to self-destruction. You gotta love these guys."

Planting this one for Machine in particular because of NovelAI's style.
>Requesting something similar but for Delia
>keywords: Slingshot bikini, belt, wearing face-sized rebreather (or just "wearing rebreather" if that doesn't gen properly), smile, yellow scuba tank strapped on back, breathing tube, seafloor, sunbeam, blue background, underwater, swimming, floating, barefoot
>no Naruhodo pose
Dang it.
Are water pokemon wet?
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I was testing out a new model and was fooling around and it genned this.
Is good model.
Requesting Marina/Kris with this Lora/artstyle

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>love making AI pics and manually fixing them up because I find that work a pleasant way to spend time
>never heard about this thread until now
It's not too late to join in, right?
You came to the right place.
Welcome! Hope you enjoy your time here.
make Serena with the microbikini, with ponytail
Hex is very lovely as always. She looks very squishy. Somehow her naked body looks just a bit more enticing when it's slightly covered like that.
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Like this?

Hex is just super easy to prompt, even if it turns out weird, it kinda fits anyway because its Hex.
NTA, but that looks very beautiful! Her skin looks so soft. Can you do Nemona?

>Hex is just super easy to prompt
She gets a lot of fanart, so I imagine that would be the case.
I'd be interested in seeing who else you think would be part of the Pokatsuki.
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I'm genuinly surprised how well this model can handle these characters, this is all done without lora and just the character tag.
Very beautiful. Nemona would definitely wear something special for her rival. Can you do her from the back?

I guess it works well because Hex, Serena and Nemona are very popular and have a lot of fanart.
Sorry, I just closed down SD as I'm heading off to bed.
This isn't so different from the swimsuit Misty wore once in the manga
lewd. looks good!
Eusine for sure, his ego and saltiness reminds me of Deidara's. Ethan/Kris catch Suicune and even Ho-Oh despite it being his dream.
No worries. Goodnight, anon! I might head to bed as well (a fellow Australian, I presume).
just a NEET european with a fucked up sleep rythm
I see. Goodnight, anon, your gens are very nice (that Serena one in particular, god damn, her skin is beautiful).
nice choice
Sonic reference?
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Requesting long hair Serena on this clothes. No stupid hat, sideswept instead of straight-bang.
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Now I know what you are thinking, but this is intended to be one of those cards with dark implications, not lewd implications. Also kinda hate to do my man Tangela dirty with implications like this. Besides, the weird tentacle ending in a boot that I missed while doing the gen is the creepiest part to me anyway.

These are getting a bit too involved now, I must have spent about 4 hours with this, I genuinely probably could have drawn the whole thing in that time.
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Full Art
well, Blastoise as Venusaur was better
I also would have to create an alternate account for this
Scuba-anon here, looking to request for Lillie in a white unisex wetsuit with the Aether foundation logo printed, preparing for a dive on a boat in the open sea.
Let me guess... He gets his magical powers from this cursed Mickey belt?
Yep, and he turns half mouse.
i bet it powers up his lawyer type moves
another one with cursed belt
Cursed and curseder
That's one scary power...
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I love Shirona!
Arcanine as Illidan Stormrage from Warcraft

Third time's a charm is actually a curse on Bing
Even with all the skulls and green fire, it still feels less cursed than the Mickey belt
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looks like she might have just gotten back from a dive. hopefully, that's not troublesome
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Very nice, thanks for your work!
I really like the ponytail and logo, yet I hope to ask for a few changes:
Can you make it a full-body wetsuit that covers all up to the neck, and can there be a sky in the background it that it looks less underwater-like? Greatly appreciated!
same as the last one

and third feet as well

Diving is complicated, you need to do the same breathing movements and not make any mistakes. It resulted in some great photos, but I won't do it again.

cool gen
I didn't notice it before and now i'm concerned...
It reminds me of Megaman X. I like it
>Silvally has 254 pics
it's happening
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New Anabel prompt is ready and some artstyle tests.
Machine! Sir Machine! Genner of Stuff! May i request Poppy as a creepy doll? You may test such artstyles if you so wish
Hey, can you do the same pic of yesterday with the tuber and the shower but with a standing tag?
Ill link the post as soon as i figure out how to do it.
Would really love to see more of that new Anabel prompt if you please, Machine.
Morning Machine!

Requesting Leaf with Sygna Suit Red costume but with green color and grassy sides on the pants. Aged up and longer hair
Hey Machine
Not requesting, but the "Typhlosion ban" include Cyndaquil and Quilava?
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I still don't see how people think she's creepy. See? She just wants a hug.
Lol. The one with a creepy smile?

Requesting for Kris with Gold's outfit, with roller blades on.
Morning, Machine!

A simple request this time. Requesting Iono in a bikini.
Not re-requesting as well, just to point out in the Danbooru pokemon list if I should put an asterisk on Cyndaquil and Quilava.
There are creepy cute things after all. It's curious how you almost could ignore the joints and don't even notice she's a doll until you're relly close... Thank you, sir
I have two other requests, but i'm not sure if one of them will work... Do you think you could fuse Hex Maniac with Foiletta from Yokai Watch? Try the tag "noroino_hanako"
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She's meant to be RSE Anabel, not secret agent Anabel. Her shirt will never be perfect, but I got it close enough.
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I'll do them if it's wholesome.
Thank you
She looks like their daughter
Oh i didnt notice anabel from rse huh. Waiting for her old version.

Requesting Lyra with Sygna Suit Ethan costume
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Well when it comes to Anabel I've only ever been requesting the RSE one anyway, so I have no complaints at all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thanks as always.
Thanks for that! Looks like it's THAT kind of stream. Her bikini is very nice, I like how it's based off her dress in the first three pics.
That's one way to make you enjoy her streams, eh?
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I tried, youkai watch really doesn't go well with her eyes.
The 2nd one is exactly what i was thinking, thanks!
Another request: RSE anabel with her arms crossed layed over an open window. Shes in a corridor and the window shows the sea, preferably at a high floor (its supposed to be the battle tower).
Hi Machine. I'm gonna shotgun multiple requests tonight, but may I also request that you not condense them all into one post?
>Delia Ketchum, race queen, checkered flag, holding flag, race vehicle, on car, :d
>May, pov, cowgirl position, heart-shaped pupils, imminent kiss, pov hands, holding hands
>Wicke, zero suit, covering face, full-face blush
>Ace Trainer, blue hair, drill hair, twin drills, twintails, hair ornament, black shirt, long sleeves, black skirt, pleated skirt, miniskirt, black pantyhose, orange vest, orange belt, heart hands, :p, one eye closed
Thanks in advance.
Sure. It's a very transparent ploy to get views, but it at least offers some nice eye candy.

Amusing, the fusion is less creepy than her components! Specially the third one. Thanks you
My last request for now, something creepy with Hex Maniac and Fairy Tale Girl. Maybe just their silhoettes staring at the viewer
Be mindful to not start donating money for more candy!
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Kinda, it sometimes happens with cosplay.
I cannot put people into other people's synga suits. I can't really put people into their own suit unless I make the outfit from scratch, and it still doesn't look right usually.
that looks fine.

Requesting Dawn with Lucas' clothes.
and this >>56779366
>Be mindful to not start donating money for more candy!
Of course not. The moment money starts being involved in this kind of thing is when it starts to go too far. Plus, she has more than enough.

It's not like she'd get naked on stream anyway, her reputation would go downhill and she'd lose all of her sponsors (which I'm sure she has nightmares about).
Requesting Juliana in a micro bikini
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Older Anabel is easy to make since she has more images than RSE.
Yeah, Iono's outfit usually bleeds into whatever I put her in.
Requesting this exact anime scene

Requesting for HIlda to have Hilda's Sygna Suit clothes.
Thanks machine, im done.
You are very kind! What makes you do all these requests for us?
Also, how does all these stuff works?
You are simply using novelAI or you are doing some secret trickery behind the scenes?
Maybe I can think about trying it myself...
These are reasonable thoughts
Please don't write a fic about this
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>I also request that you not condense them all into one post?
You should've started with that and I'm assuming you mean 'image' not 'post'.
I won't, don't worry. I only intend to write about the main friend group. Besides, I don't want to inflict such trauma and misfortune upon the characters. ENF is very cute, but I prefer when it's more lighthearted, as opposed to career ending humiliation.
Yeah, that. Sleepy is slepp. Also I intended the May one to be lewder. Thanks again Machine.
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Darn, thought it work like with Serena.
Well, thanks anyway.
Requesting Klara embarrassed, bottomless and covering herself.
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>Fairy Tale Girl
Dawn with pants is weird.
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Dawns that didn't want to wear pants.
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Hex's little sister.
You're a good lad
Hex Maniac's little sister https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Fairy_Tale_Girl_(Trainer_class)
Dawn looks nice with a yellow skirt.
Requesting BW1 Elesa relaxing in a comfy chair.
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I started doing it because other anons were doing requests here, and I thought it would be a good way to learn how to make stuff.
For Novel, you use Danbooru tags to make a prompt for what you want. I only use Novel for requests, and if you want there is a $10 tier that gives you some credits to test out the image gen. Just don't buy credits for image genning, upgrade to the opus tier once you spend the $10 tier's credits. Hey Novel, give me free stuff.
Okay but can you make it shiny?
You got it perfectly right
Thanks Machine
All of these turned out great thanks. Can you do the same prompt but bottomless and covered in cream?
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That's just smol blonde Hex Maniac with the alice prompt.
Like this?
I really like the bottom one.
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Or this?
I don't know if it goes with the black shirt or not. Then again I don't know anything about fashion.
Cute! I feel like Klara's bitchy personality makes her perfect for ENF. Can you do her completely nude? Make her as embarrassed as possible.
Thanks man, wish you good luck!
we need more delia and ace trainers art
You could always get dawn with a skirt, but the top of Lucas should work.
dang, her clothes really are strong.

Requesting Rosa to have Nate's clothes.
Iono has achieved new streamer levels...
Hummm, they ended up fusing and becoming doll-like... I guess Fairy Tale Girl doesn't have enough material to be identified by the AI, uh?
In fact, last ones aren't just Alice, they look like a Touhou character, as well as fitting the archetype of the blonde girl wearing a red bow that you find in many anime
Thanks, Machine. I appreciate your hard work
Interesting personality swap.

Btw, why do you post links as opposed to images? I'm not shaming you, I'm just curious.
I don't want to kill the image limit with things that could be considered off-topic. Which makes me feel a bit empty, having to express myself without pictures...
Hey Machine,

Requesting Selene in USUM Elio's Clothes.

Requesting Gloria in Victor's clothes.

Requesting Juliana with a orange skirt, with a brown jacket around her waist.
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Shiny is yellow, right?
>a comfy chair
Please get the reference.

>I don't want to kill the image limit with things that could be considered off-topic.
Fair enough, but often times we have to deliberately try to hit the image limit. A few pics wouldn't hurt. Just try not to post too many.
Yeah, something about a couch and a Clair Redfield in the clown -nice get- suit.
I'm not the anon who request this and i don't get the reference, but i'm going to applaud you for granting me another clown gen
Well, i may do this in other threads, but here, i don't want to waste the slot that could be used for a request
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>here, i don't want to waste the slot that could be used for a request
Fair enough.
requesting Anabel and Nemona in bed, kneeling
tags : symmetrical docking, loose clothes, bare shoulder, tongue out, breast press, kneeling, hand grab, saliva swap, sweat, aged up,
And as always thanks a bunch Machine.
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Gotta go, might be back later tonight, if not goodnight all

Close enough.
Good night, Machine! Sleep well!
Goodnight, Machine! If you don't come back later, anyway.
that's some smug azumaril. nice!
Goodnight Machine
turbo based
My main computer's been crashing on me recently. Last night alone it happened six times in less than an hour. I turned it into my local tech guy to have a look over and possible repair. Until then, I don't have access to any of my files, so no real sharing things until I get it back.

I got it, but I won't spoil it for people who want to figure it out for themselves.

I'll say this - it'll come to you when you least...expect it.
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requesting for Serena with this clothes (pic related) with a pink skirt.
As much as i love these cool gens you make, i need to ask, have you ever genned something like these fluffy round dog memes you find in the internet?
ohh thatd good do a hair dryer arcanine
Which ones?
Like this one, for example https://i2-prod.walesonline.co.uk/incoming/article25773518.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200c/0_the-world-cutes-934438.jpg

And i don't want to be nitpicky, but maybe his wings there should have been green ring constructs
>dog memes
oh, I thought it was those dog memes like "This is fine"
You're correct, but that's a Parallax reference (specifically the one from Green Lantern: Beware My Power)
Well, any dog meme would work, right? But i like the round dogs more
>Parallax reference
Ah, so that's it. Parallax wings usually are insect-like, that's why i didn't catch the reference
Unfortunately, i'll have to leave for now. Good night, everyone~
Goodnight, anon!
Goodnight anon
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has paranormal investigator ever been a trainer class?
I added lyrics to, 'Dress Up in Accessories!' (BW) After I got that version with Hatsune Miku singing gibberish and can't pick between these ones:



What compound guys think?
>What compound guys think?

Jeez thanks for the unnecessary auto correct phone.

"What do you you guys think?'
ace trainer female xy, with a pink outfit. and a Pink Cloyster.

On the beach.
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dont die on me yet
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nice selene. Think you can push for a bit longer hair and aged up?
Nice Selenes, don't do anything they just said and post more normal Selenes please
Not flat enough.
Made a spooky song about Viridian Forest

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Requesting pigtail Serena on same bodysuit as Rosa
Another Arcanine as Illidan from Warcraft
>Must be original audio between 6 and 120 seconds long.

Awwww shit, SUNO doubled its upload size! I came do so much more now!
Currently messing around with the BW Rival Battle theme
I don't have a clue how to use Suno for remixing or arranging songs. Do I just upload a recording and prompt something?
So you can upload 120 seconds of a song then selected your uploaded media and select "Cover" if you want itnto keep the exact melody. Basically a remix.

Heres an example of that using Battle, Dialga and Palkia!

Keep in mind if it reaches the point where it runs out of song to cover, (the clip you upload) it might freestyle a bit before looping.

OR you can choose to 'extend' the song. Where Suno will do it's best to interpret where the song will go from their given the prompt you input.
This is the one I use to make songs with lyrics most of the time because they change the song enough to be original (IMO)
Heres an example of that using the same source:

Computer is back and running fine. To celebrate, here's Part 7 of Evidence attempts.

Cutting to the chase, the backgrounds on all of these were not what I was looking for. It was at this point where I figured if I got a decent background on one, and then a good Lillie on another, that I would end up splicing it all together.

In terms of the outfits on these ones, all of them have their own strengths and weaknesses. The left one was especially close to what I wanted in terms of the outfit, with the hair bow needing fixing, as well as adding pockets to the apron.

The middle one was decent, especially in terms of it being the perspective I wanted. It would have needed the same fixes.

This can also be said about the one on the right, although overall the look for the outfit was the weakest of the three.

Which is these is your favorite? Would you have tried going with any of them?
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Just catching up on what I missed, I'll be back late tonight.

The whole internet is caught in her electroweb now!
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I think it's partially because Hex overpowered her without a tag for her specifically.
Just go head and post them if you want. We usually hit the bump limit before the image limit.
It's the Big Comfy Couch.
I don't remember that quote from the show, but it's also been a very long time since I've seen it.
You guys just like seeing the Poke-girls wearing the boys' clothes, don't ya? Nothing wrong with that.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5Df191WJ3o (Relevant bit starts around the 5:43 mark)
So Sygna Suit on others == bad. Got it.

Can i get May in Brendan's outfit? ORAS and RSE. Make her have a ponytail heh.
requesting Selene in Elio's Clothes.
tag : wet
>I think it's partially because Hex overpowered her without a tag for her specifically
Humm, i see... That's a shame, but expected. Can i request Hex Maniac fused with Tomoko Kuroki then? I wonder how it will look like, since they're basically the same character
>Just go head and post them if you want
Maybe next time
>It's the Big Comfy Couch.
Aw, i never heard of this show before
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>Monty Python
Ah, I indeed didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition.
>Can i request Hex Maniac fused with Tomoko Kuroki then?
Kek, I requested her in the Pokémon artstyle before, and Machine referred to her as Hex's little sister.
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I remember that. The Hex Family:
>Hex Maniac: older sister
>Tomoko: middle sister
>Fairy Tale Girl: little sister
>Foiletta: cousin
ohh, option 2 and 3 looks great. Shorts May looks awesome though (option 4)
Now that looks actually good. ORAS suit gen? looks really good all of them.

Next would be Hilda in Hilbert's clothes, 1 with full clothes on, the other would be white tanktop, shirt wrapped around waist.
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She's cute, would headpat.
>never heard
I kinda figured most people wouldn't.
Option 2 looks like an Elio with longer hair. Yikes.
The rest look great.
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Just as i expected, the fusion just looks like Tomoko (although she would appreciate the bigger bust in some of these gens). Thank you very much, Machine
>I kinda figured most people wouldn't.
Sorry, but i must say that the name and clownish theme have earned my Pon respect
Requesting Yancy in a babydoll dress, crawling on a bed. Cleavage visible
Possible to give her medium breasts + sweat?
That sounds about right.

Very cute.

Requesting Klara completely nude covering herself. Make her as embarrassed as possible. See if you can get her without her headband.

(Fucking 15 minute timer)
Actually, scratch Fairy Tale Girl's position as little sister". She's just a "sister". We don't know her age, she may be old enough to be Hex mom...
>Requesting Klara completely nude
Have you been craving for Klara recently?
>Fucking 15 minute timer
Yes, what's going on? Anti-spám measures?
Hey Machine, could you do Melony in a white bikini
Tags: plump, large breasts, hands on own hip, feet, wide brim, sun hat
>She's just a "sister". We don't know her age, she may be old enough to be Hex mom...
Kek, of course. Can't believe I didn't consider that.

>Have you been craving for Klara recently?
I guess so. There's a new thread for her at the moment, and I've been thinking about her because of that. I think her personality gives her a different appeal compared to other girls, and it could lead to some fun scenarios she could get herself into. She's very entertaining.

>Yes, what's going on? Anti-spám measures?
Yes, regrettably. I'm posting on my phone at the moment. It's fine now.
She's a dangerous girl, watch out
By the way, have you ever played the VN Pokemon Academy Life Forever? You can date some characters there, including Klara, i believe. No Nemona yet, sorry
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Slightly less lewd
>without her headband
I dislike you.
>She's a dangerous girl, watch out
I'm mainly into her because she's a good target for ENF. She has it coming with that toxic personality of hers.

>have you ever played the VN Pokemon Academy Life Forever?
Never heard of it, but that sounds pretty interesting. I might check it out.

>No Nemona yet, sorry
That's alright. My imagination is enough when it comes to her.
It is I, Footanon! and I've arrived with bountiful gifts! :3
its perfect!
What the heck, she doesnt look like Klara anymore.

Requesting Ace Trainer Female XY, with a pink outfit. and a Pink Cloyster Shell.
She should be sending out her Cloyster for battle!
It's interesting, i've never seen anyone in this board talking about this VN
>she's a good target for ENF
That's not so far-fetched at all. Klara can be considered a burikko, which is japanese for woman who act and dress in cutesy or childish fashion, while hiding some manipulative or obnoxious tendencies. So acting embarassed like this is actually quite in line with her cute persona
Im only sharing some of these :'3 unfortunately I must go for some time! moar than usual...
Very cute! Thank you so much! That turned out very nicely. After a punishment like that, maybe she'll change her ways.

>I dislike you.
Yeah, I thought it might have been hard. But it was worth it in the end. She's completely bare, stripped of all of her defining aspects. It can't get any more humiliating than this.
Hey Nemonanon :'3
It's Monorabi, the Foot-Loving Pokemon!
Hey Anonpon! :3

Unfortunately, this Monorabi is fleeing for now! but you might encounter it again someday!
Those are very cute! See you whenever you get back, I suppose.

>i've never seen anyone in this board talking about this VN
Interesting. Is it popular? I'm not too well versed when it comes to visual novels.

You are spot on with Klara's personality! Although I imagine being seen in such a state would be quite damaging to her ego.
Hello! Iris looks cute in that dress. I have a soft spot for simple white dresses, and it contrasts with her skin colour very well.

Whenever I think of that Pokémon, I'm just reminded of the designer commentary that just says "looks deformed". It makes me chuckle.
That first one turned out really good. The winking was a good addition. Can you do an embarrassed version?
>Academy Life
I applaud the love behind that project, considering that a second team rebooted it. But the notion that the series entire society had is funneled into this one school to make the concept work was somehow too much for me to bear. Story-based game and I don't like the premise, what can i say. I believe I last tried it just before they implemented the weekly system. Leaf and Brendan were delightful and I'm glad they were in the same class.
can you make a pic where erika is cosplaying as red pls?
yeah, itll be a while, I just got some life stuff to deal with :'3

>I have a soft spot for simple white dresses, and it contrasts with her skin colour very well.
It does, doesn't it? thats why I've been doing a lot of these~

I just figured I stop by and say hi before I disappear for a while... not that anyone will miss me X'3
That sounds like a very silly idea. I don't blame you for the feasibility of such a concept turning you off. I'm still willing to try it out, though.
Such an elusive Pokemon! Alright, see you next time!
I'm not sure how popular it is, and it's an ongoing project that has been through some updates for a few years already
>damaging to her ego
Yes, it would. Which ironically, would also fit her cute persona
>"looks deformed"
Now, that commentary is kinda cruel...But i agree, it's indeed kinda funny
I didn't play it myself, just seen some videos and screenshots, so i don't know a lot about the story. But i do agree, Leaf being the queen of sass is very entertaining
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>VN Pokemon Academy Life Forever
Can I marry Yancy, Caitlin, or Rui? Or Lilligant?
Hey Footanon, how's it goin?
The AI tried.
Noooooo! Ah well at least her colors look great.
Asking for just her then!
Doing alright! just got a bunch of stuff with work right now. something something "fitness drip" if you know watta mean. so I was just genning for a while and I've been chatting with Hexy :3 How r u?
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Still lewd.
None of them are in the game, sorry :/
>I just got some life stuff to deal with :'3
You and me both. Although I still make time to post here. University has been a pain…

Very based for doing Miriam. She's very lovely.

>not that anyone will miss me X'3
While I admit that you could tone the uwu speak down a bit, you're still a very welcome presence. Hope you come back soon!

>Such an elusive Pokemon!
They got rid of him, so of course he's rare.

>Yes, it would. Which ironically, would also fit her cute persona
Indeed. Thanks for accepting my lewd tendencies this time, as opposed to decrying them. I'm aware that a bonk is in order, but it's nice to casually discuss my ideas for the characters.

(Is this weird? It probably is)

I think it's the harshness of the comment contrasting with his stupid face that makes it funny. It's very much my kind of humour.
fuck, forgor pic

Maybe when you spot me again, I'll be shiny!
what will u do then, hm?
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Didn't I do this one?
I actually meant like a shocked embarrassed face, but I was thinking of asking for a pouty one too, nice.

Putting in a request before turning in. Could we see Chloe dolled in a black gothic lolita outfit? thigh-up shots are fine.
>Although I still make time to post here. University has been a pain…
I do to, though I have a lot more stuff now and a lot more places to chat too. but im hoping once I finish work Ill be back here to post!

>Very based for doing Miriam. She's very lovely.
Oh you know I love me some Miriam~

>While I admit that you could tone the uwu speak down a bit, you're still a very welcome presence. Hope you come back soon!
sorry... its just a habit, though I have begun to use it less and less. I know im very annoying here, I can tell, but I do appreciate the sentiment. I'll be sure to make a lot of genes and share them when I come back!

>Such an elusive Pokemon!
>They got rid of him, so of course he's rare.
I dont feel so good-....
I actually did expect them, but I unfortunately couldn't be bothered to commit to the guess.
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Why do I feel like the only one that doesn't chat with Hex?
I'm good, work and life is busy right now so my schedule is all over the place.
damit. uh what about RSE Anabel or BW1 Elesa?
Ah, i don't truly dislike lewd stuff, i just think we need to curb horny tendencies from time to time. And well, i've had a tiring day, so i wouldn't be able to give proper bonk anyway
Discuss your ideas to your heart content if you so wish
I'm not sure yet... Maybe i'll call Sabrina-sensei to properly discipline you
Request an hispanic sexy pilot, skyla, slim but with very large chest, dynamic poses with sky background
I think they aren't in the game either. Here are some of the main characters https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/pokemon-academy-life-forever/images/8/8a/Title_Screen.jpg
Neat! Idk, i dont really remember, thanks btw
>I'm good, my schedule is all over the place.
I get ya :'3 lifes hard, but we always gotta keep strong! I wish the best for u Machiney! I'll be sure to comeback with lotsa requests.

Hes been dying to talk with ya, and so do I! surely you have other ways of chatting thats not /vp/, right?..

why dont u discipline me yourself, hm? >:3 after I comeback of course!
>something something "fitness drip" if you know watta mean.
Are you a personal trainer or something? Do you work in a clothing store?

>I've been chatting with Hexy
What does he think about beta Hex?

>I know im very annoying here, I can tell
You're not really annoying, but you might give people the wrong idea, if that makes sense. Sorry.

>i don't truly dislike lewd stuff, i just think we need to curb horny tendencies from time to time.
Understandable. There's a time and a place. For me, the intent behind lewd stuff is the main factor. I'm fine with it if it's out of love, but if it's purely out of a desire for pleasure, then that's too far for me. That's how I see it, anyway.

>i've had a tiring day, so i wouldn't be able to give proper bonk anyway
Hope you get some rest!

>Discuss your ideas to your heart content if you so wish
I don't have much to discuss at the moment, unfortunately, minus that cute scenario with Klara.
Cute indeed!

requesting a Serena with a Delpox sweater.
tags : thighs, ponytail, fox ears, cosplay, hair over shoulder,
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Is this gothic enough?
Gotcha, thanks
Didn't you add me on discord forever ago?
>Are you a personal trainer or something? Do you work in a clothing store?
Pffff... nope KEK but that was a funny assumption. I say it as in, it rhymes with "fitness drip" i let u do the math :3

>What does he think about beta Hex?
I havent asked him, but then again, i didnt know there was a beta hex :o

>You're not really annoying, but you might give people the wrong idea, if that makes sense. Sorry.
right... you got a point... well maybe ill come back a changed man :3

I did and u ignored me! hmph! :c I wasnt sure if it was u or not...
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What is a Delphox sweater?
I responded a while ago. I'm on right now.
Unfortunately, i can only act on Nemona threads made by Nemonanon
I doubt Ivy Cudgel would work on you, you're way too horny!
I'll admit, however, that i'm grateful for all your Serena requests
>Hope you get some rest!
I soon will, i can't really stay much longer
Well, if you search for "burikko" or "kawaiiko" you may find more characters like Klara
There are many Gym Leaders too, and even Melody from the Lugia movie. The one thing you need to understand is: if you're a guy, you're buffy; if you're a girl, you're a Pokemoa fanart
>if you're a guy, you're buffy
The vampire slayer?
No skyla?
>it rhymes with "fitness drip"
I get it now! That explains why you'll be gone. Hope it's worth it.

>i didnt know there was a beta hex :o
I don't have the pic on me at the moment, but she looks like normal Hex except with short hair and a normal looking face. It's just an overworld model, though. Many people (including myself) like to think that's how Hex looked before she got into occult stuff.

>maybe ill come back a changed man :3
Maybe. I sure did after my "drip".
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Requesting Yancy in a bath towel with her hands behind her head(rubbing soap in her hair?). In the SMEA style. I always liked the first Yancy in picrel.
Here it is: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GZ6sEGBb0AE_-s6.png
Someone also made a fanart with both designs
cant get on right now :'3 maybe when I come back

thats pretty restricting dontcha think?
you can always try... but again for when I come back :P

>That explains why you'll be gone. Hope it's worth it.
I hope so too...

>but she looks like normal Hex except with short hair and a normal looking face.
Ah, I think I have seen it then.

>Maybe. I sure did after my "drip".
kek, u sure did
for better or for worse...
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Something like this, but for Delphox
Well my frens... Ill see you sometime in two weeks, maybe three! remember me... :') for I shall return!
Do what you must, Monorabi-chan
Good bye!
>I'll admit, however, that i'm grateful for all your Serena requests
No problem! Serena is irresistible, whether or not she has clothes on.

>Well, if you search for "burikko" or "kawaiiko" you may find more characters like Klara
I'll definitely have a look.

What's done is done. ERP is very unhealthy for me, and it has caused me great shame. I do not regret my decision in the slightest.

See you soon!
I know... and I respect it.. I just miss it..

>See you soon!
Thank you! enjoy the Nemona pic.
Serena is my favorite protagonist, so you may wonder why i don't request or talk about her, nor post anything in the Serena threads. Well, i'm trying to be unlewd, you see. Your requests are making things difficult for me, though. But don't worry, i won't bonk you for having good taste
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But just remember, you asked for this.
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I'll try?
>Serena is my favorite protagonist
Very based. I'm pretty sure Rosa is my favourite (I want to hug her so badly), but Serena is definitely a close second.

>Well, i'm trying to be unlewd, you see.
You're living life on hard mode, and I respect that (although after the leaks, it might be even harder).

Glad to hear that. If there are any requests you want me to make, don't be afraid to let me know.
The first one is like a JoJo version of the lesbian raccoon protagonist from that Gundam Witch of Mercury or something
Requesting nemona serving drinks/cocktails with a tray. a bit of smug face.
tags : white shirt, black vest, sleeveless vest, miniskirt, see-through thighhighs, medium breasts, black skirt, shirt tucked in, high heel bnoots
Cute indeed
Funny, because Rosa is my second favorite! Mainly due her Masters incarnation, which is very goofy
And don't worry, i may give you some new suggestions in the future. Currently, i must focus on the spooky month theme
Oh! I have an idea! Serena dressed as Hermione
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These close enough? idk what else to do.
No, it's clearly Skyla doing a sexy pose.
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That just made her into a cop.

>Funny, because Rosa is my second favorite!
Based once again. I like her because she looks very huggable. Her outfit is cute (I love her shirt), her expressions are adorable, her hair is very long, her breasts are realistically big, and she looks like she smells nice (idk why I think that).

>Mainly due her Masters incarnation, which is very goofy
I don't know much about how she's portrayed in Masters, but from what I've seen, she looks very cute and charming. She honestly feels like the mascot of the game.

>Serena dressed as Hermione
That actually fits pretty well. Although considering the leaks, Shauna sounds appropriate as well (she's partially based off Emma Watson).
oh that works too. Was hoping for a full jacket/suit kind of thing.
Cop Nemona is great too. Thanks!
Requesting Jasmine with a torn a dress and a worried expression. Nipples, visible panties.
Nemona would probably be a really bad police officer because she'd be more focused on battling the criminals as opposed to arresting them. Either that or she'd probably get distracted by some other thing. Officer Jenny would have to put a lot of effort into keeping her in line.
Very cute and embarrassing, seconding.
>I don't know much about how she's portrayed in Masters
She makes some funny faces and says silly things sometimes https://64.media.tumblr.com/1c619b9afeb7092cf05a3e588e1f3b1f/351b29cf5d1a171e-92/s2048x3072/0bfc3ea9fb2927f06adf7170a6e21d47a0fb3bd4.jpg
>Shauna sounds appropriate as well
As much as i like Shauna, it's still surreal to me that her base is Emma Watson of all people. I mean, Serena at least has the long fluffy hair like Hermione
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Something broke this prompt and I can't figure out what.
Adorable. I love her expressions. Her buns look more like donuts than anything else.

>I mean, Serena at least has the long fluffy hair like Hermione
True. Serena fits way more.
Love that. Her smug expression is very funny. I love the incredibly specific drinks as well. That pic kind of gives me the idea of Nemona doing various odd jobs. It could lead to some cute moments.
Awesome works!

can you generate Arezu having her big butt caressed?
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Going to sleep, goodnight all.
I think it was the boots and serving tag forcing her to be full body combined with an eye tag. Maybe. idk.
Here's a good compilation of her expressions https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/770/913/175.png
Well, i'm glad you enjoyed my suggestion for the next Serena request, i hope you can request it in the next thread (or maybe even in this one)
But now i'll have to go, take some deserved rest. Good night, friends
something broke? Looks cool and smug now.
Now that's more like it!

Good night Machineanon, later same time then haha!
Goodnight, Machine!

I'm imagining Nemona working at a host club and being completely oblivious as to how things are supposed to work. Like the guests keep trying to flirt with her and she keeps trying to change the topic to Pokémon battles.
Very adorable and funny (the middle left one in particular). I want to squish her buns and make her visibly annoyed.

I'm just going to ignore the caption in the bottom right one, kind of kills the mood.

Goodnight, anon! Get some good rest.
Aw I missed Machine.
Hope yall are having a good night at least.
The BW Rival Battle Theme didn't work out well...
Any ideas on what to do next?
How about something with Penny's theme? I'm curious as to what an overworld theme for her would sound like.
I can use 2 min of the about 5 min battle theme.
If you can narrow down what parts you want included, or excluded. I can shorten it and cover it.


Want lyrics or just like an encounter theme?

If you don't wanna pick the section I'll. Just experiment
I'm not sure which part of the song I want, any of the three main leitmotifs would work.

I was thinking just an encounter theme, no lyrics.
>Penny Comes Clean (Cassopiea)

>Penny's Theme

>Penny's Lament

>End Credits (Penny's Theme)

Made a few.
Those sound great! I like the idea of the first one, but it could use some cleaning up (it really hurts my ears). It would fit very nicely in the cutscene after her battle. I love the second one, it's probably my favourite. I was thinking an overworld theme for Penny would sound a bit cutesy and awkward, but the chill lofi vibe is perfect. I love that it doesn't have the leitmotif of her battle theme, yet it still gets her vibe across, like Nemona's theme. The other two are nice remixes of her theme, not much to say there.

Great work, nice to see the #1 Perrin enjoyer here once again.
Lmao thanks.
And yeah i figured I'd use the PC Nerdy digital vibe a bit more.

What was really annoying is when I'd set up the prompts and it just shots out the same battle theme no changes.
>Penny's Theme (Capricious)

>Penny's Theme (Fairytale)
The first one is cute. It sounds very mischievous. I LOVE the second one! It's a very nice chill version of her battle theme.

I think that's enough for today.
>I think that's enough for today.
Last one lol

This was my favorite
>This was my favorite
I can see why! It sounds very beautiful. Penny has become happier than ever before ever since befriending you, Arven and Nemona. She's been smiling a bit more too, which is very much an improvement. It kind of derails a bit at the end, but it's still a very beautiful rendition of her theme.
>It kind of derails a bit at the end
One of the issues with Suno.
That and more static accumulating as the song goes on.

It's what made my song Time and Space (See above as example two in earlier post) my most expensive song. SOOO MUCH STATIC
Example here
I see. That's a very cool song, though!
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choose one

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