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>that one Pokemon site everyone knew about but never used
I only know it from /vp/ mentions of him as a Pokétuber, but damn I’m really mirin that old school theme, reminds me of Serebii.
Marriland had the only good filtering system back then. Now you can theoretically just use Showdown, though.
Only knew her from her let's plays tbհ
Azure Heights is the one and only answer
It looks so comfy. I checked for magazine scans there during the Gen 5 era before it was released.
https://marriland.com/tools/team-builder/ is useful.
Marriland's main niche was that it leaned more heavily into TCG stuff than the other general Pokemon news sites.
Azure Heights and Veekun were legit back in the day
That shit reminds me of the good old days
Perfect ending lol
The only place I've ever seen Marriland mentioned were in Showderp memes, for some reason I just never came across that website or the youtube channel.
I used the Marriland forums to get Gen 5 and 6 trades for hidden abilities.
We unlocking old memories now. Me and my brothers used psypokes.com which is still on life support surprisingly but seems to have been abandoned during ORAS.
Holy shit you just took me back. I don't think I ever used this, but I did hear about it from a YouTuber with a Feraligatr recolor as an OC who made stories with his Pokémon Fusions in PowerPoint.
I have vague memories from 2007ish of a fan site where it was an old web Pokemon game that you could catch Pokemon on the site and there were variants like shadow or dark ones. I don't think it had battles or real gameplay though. It was both interesting and disappointing.
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I found it. It was Pokemon Crater. And it did have battles but they were more like the Neopets battle arena with no animations. It was very much an old web community game reloading the page every click. It sucked to play so I got bored of it.
Yeah, I remember that shit.
Used to play it all the time in computer class.
IIRC EVERY move did damage, even status moves like Thunder wave or Hypnosis.
Even fucking Splash did damage.
I remember having a Dark Raichu and a Metal Exeggutor.
Good times.
Now THAT's a deep cut, good lord.
it came back
I gotta assume most of the people in this thread are anons who came back for the leaks, because there's no way modern /vp/ is old enough to remember sites like Marriland.
Anyway, speaking of old sites, when was the last time Pokebeach was relevant outside of the TCG? 2013? I think that's the last time they ever got exclusive leak coverage.
Yeah I'm touristing from /v/ for leak season. Is /vp/ really that young?
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/vp/ has always been one of the most consistently underage boards on 4chan. But it's especially bad now when 90% of the board is teenage porn addicts and sharty trolls who through their posts have made it extremely obvious that they weren't on the internet even a decade ago.
I only ever used floatzel.net to download PokeRemixStudio's remixes
Yeah. I was born during late ‘92’s, was very active on this board from 2010~2014, but 3D transition just killed that feel for me.
Mostly came back for Spaceworld leaks and Teraleaks for beta stuff from older games.
My main boards were /int/ ones before /tr/ was created.
I really wanted Showdown back then. I tried to get into this but it's just not at all a good experience.

Even Naruto fans had a more fun site.
Kek, do you remember Naruto-Arena/Soul-Arena too?
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Here's what the variants from that looked like. Just filtered/hue shifted ripped sprites. Shadow is the one with effort put in. Metallic is a bad noise filter. The variants were the rare thing that would draw people to grind the game. I thought the rare collecting was cool but couldn't get into it because of how clunky it was. Reloading a page on the 2007 school library computer isn't exactly fast. They also have stat boosts. +25%HP/ATK/etc.
i've been here since 2010
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More like Pokemon websites you found like 10-15 years ago and barely anyone recognizes

Still wish they had continued until XYZ, I wish we could have see the webmaster's live reaction to Burn Blast
The internet had so much soul 20 years ago.
Jesus Christ, no wonder it feels like I'm talking to retards when I come here.
That number is bound to be inflated and overall unrepresentative of the average age range for /vp/ users with it being during leak season, but there's also way more underages on the internet now than there were even a decade ago.
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I'm probably the only one here who remembers this site. Reality's End. It's inexplicably still up, too.
yes because my family members played the hell out of it

I just watched the anime and played ultimate ninja; never got as into it
Shadow is the only good one
I remember some ancient ass virtual pokemon league you could RP through as a network of affiliated sites. One of them was a "gym" run by a guy larping as a Ho-oh as his gimmick and the champion of the league was a Mewtwo IIRC. it was delicious, early 2000s cringe but I forgot the name and haven't been able to find it for years.
The Dragonfly Cave is still relevant if only for that Pokemon picker game, but I remember when it was a thriving spriting community with tutorials about how to make convincing sprites. Also, it had a hilarious proto-lolcow called Bjarni in the early 00s.

I also remember a site called The Pokemon Palace with Latios and Latias as its mascots that offered early info about gen 3 and DDLs of Japanese Pokemon episodes.

There was also a site dedicated to Pokemon AMVs, where I remember watching one about the baby Lugia arc from Johto set to Popcorn and one about Meowth set to Don't Speak.
just took the "Amnesia Attack" quiz and managed to name 356 Pokémon in 25 minutes, I'm getting old
Not only do I remember Marriland, I used to post on the marriland forums, and I hope one faggot admin/mod in particular that used to act like a pretentious cunt, had no sense of humor, and took their job way too seriously gets aids and dies. iirc his avatar was something from Trigun and his name might have started with a K, but the details are fuzzy. Fuck I hate that nigger either way.
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>Active as of two weeks ago
Why would they be keeping the forum live?
Never forget Marriland released a video about Arceus during the DPPt days, showing off the Azure Flute, claiming he got it from one of his ‘sources’, but didn’t hack or cheat. The Azure Flute was never officially released in DPPt. Screw him.
what the fuck is wrong with whoever made that page
Hi Joe!
I remember using psypokes entirely because it was the only online pokedex that actually included the pokemon's cries, which unfortunately doesn't work anymore since they did it in flash (RIP).

The fact that the website stopped updating after Gen 6 only makes it better these days.
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You now remember Pokegym
would be genuinely bummed to see psypokes go, i liked its gen 1/2 dv calculator
You guys remember Elite 2000? That was the first pokemon site I remember frequenting for info.

>converts to a new site format and gets rid of his Gen 4 walkthroughs
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Pokemon-X guy made it to gym 5. I remember it being up to gym 4 when I first read it 15 years ago.
Back during the peak of pokemon in gen 4-5 when there was a new spin-off game every other month, you could go to all these different sites and each one would have something different to read. Now you don't need any, the franchise is all mobile-shit when it's not the month a new main game comes out.
Back then I'd use these old sites to learn of all the obscure GF bullshit, now I've lived long enough to see Joe steal my contributions to finding out said bullshit multiple times.
The battles were always so boring in this, which made it worse that they took up like 30 comics at a time until they ended.
Oh thanks, I ctrl + F’d the name and didn’t see. That explains it.

Yeah this was my hangout back then lol. Sadly it was deader than dead basically by the time DP were (finally) out but it had already been declining during Gen 3.
>all the Pokemon in the the 3DS games were Mystics all along
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He somehow got a Piplup egg in a 2007 Diamond gameplay.
Was pokecheck ever used for anything other than the old-school DNS spoof poke-genning? I remember it dying early in the 3ds era, right before the 3ds was cracked open and pkhexing more than replaced it.
You mean Manaphy?
No he got some normal egg and a Piplup came out of it.
It was before you could breed eggs in that part of the game. I think it was even before the GTS.
Goddamn I completely forgot about this
i used it more than shitebii
God I bet I still have some stuff from there on one of my carts. Shit was so cash, one of the all time greats. Was just going to make a post about it.
Not really, though the original premise was more "check if this traded mon you got is legit or not" and not "get all the prebuilt mons you could ever possibly need". I remember the chat getting pissy at anyone talking about anything other than rng manip though.
i was making a living dex in gen 3 like 10 years ago and i remember i uploaded some LEGIT pokemon i caught on leafgreen and that shitty website told me they had a fucked up pid or something
Dunno, it worked fine for me. You mightve had a fake cart or something, just speculating. No one ever used it to actually check legitimacy though, so that part couldve just been broken in some cases and no one ever knew.
Actually thinking back, there were a good number of false negatives on otherwise perfectly fine mons, mostly from gen 3.
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Posting some web archive links:
This link lets you see and test some of the old styles for the Pokecommunity forums. Scroll down to see ones with working thumbnails; clicking on one of the themes will actually change the page to use that theme, even through the archive. (though it doesn't always work for all themes)
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A look at the Game Freak homepage from Gens 1 through 4.

Game index pages for Gen 3.
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Old, mostly 2000s Pokemon websites, part 1.
Old, mostly 2000s Pokemon websites, part 2.
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Psypokes looks like it still gets forum posts
you'd get lots of praise for this on /vr/ perhaps
Pokecommunity was my home back in 2001-2005. Loved that place. I can still find my old posts and threads on the board lol. I remember making great friends through PMs there. Wish I could log in to my account but I don't remember the password nor the password to the email I used.
there's a certain old pokemon website i very vaguely remember. there's only 3 things about the site i remember at all. the first is that it had a collection of pokemon crossword puzzles that were very difficult. the second is that there was a fanfic hosted there about human pokemon hybrids, and the last thing i remember is that there was a very lengthy wall of text that would automatically scroll and you would have to sit through the whole thing in order to win some kind of reward. (i have no idea what the nature of the reward was though).
Polfag here, remember any of your regional websites?

For us it'd be Pokémon Valhalla, Pokémon Rulez!, mPokémon, etc.
god I miss the old internet
some of these should be fun to navigate (if they're operational)
Marriland did at least help convince Smogon to consider dropping Kyurem-B into OU for a few gens.
https://virtuadopt.com/ is surprisingly not only still active but also still receiving updates
Weird question, but I'm wondering if you might have come across a website I'm looking for. It was hosted either on something like angelfire, tripod, or Geocities, or was a subdomain of a bigger, unrelated website, and was dedicated to the legendary beasts, but primarily Suicune. Had lots of fanart hosted on it, tiling animated gifs of parts of the Crystal opening, stuff like that. It was very clearly made by an overly ambitious kid at the time.

I've lost hours trying to find that site through the WaybackMachine over the years, I visited it often as a kid even though I don't recall there being anything interactive on it, but it was before YouTube and one of the only places I could find Gen 2 midis, though didn't know how to download them so just let them loop/kept the page open to loop them.
>/vp/ has always been one of the most consistently underage boards on 4chan.
I mean, people did use it at one point; it just died out quick without a real good way to form a community.
Anon, you can trade eggs...
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Remember the old GTS website?
It's also why the site is full of actual pedophiles (And I'm not talking about the ones who just want 2D), lots of opportunities to prey on retarded kids here like that one fujo who constantly talks about the time she molested a kid IRL.
I never went online
Alternatively, underage people were (and still are) predominantly more likely to be phoneposters and/or ignorant of blocking tracking cookies and the like.
honestly really liked it for some reason
I used Marriland for years during the gen 4 era.
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>people who know
surprised it's still up
Was this that fanfic website that was obsessed with calling Tracy fat?
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For me, it's TRsRockin
I remember playing this shit in school but the servers were always struggling so it would take 5 minutes for the page to refresh and move you a single square
I have a signed shirt from marrilland.
Feels weird. it doesnt even fit me anymore
i only knew Marilland from that one daycare animation that made me feel funny things back in the day
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i wonder if a single western person played the official jap online games like pokemon garden before it was shut down
Everyone used Azure Heights for its hardcore genwun analyses.
All I remember about Pokebeach is that the webmaster had his head up his ass.
Found this site while trying to figure out file formats in the RSE docs in the teraleak.
Wayback Machine gives captures all the way back to 2002.
I know I haven't.
Not a general site per say, and I've actually forgotten the URL/name, but I remember coming across gijinkas for the first time on a liveournal (?) Pokemon gijinka RP blog, sometime during gen4. Someone was definitely gijinka Giratina but I'm blanking on the rest.

Probably for the best that I didn't get it for a while and was not pulled into RPing, but I remember liking the art and the cute story going on.
that one is particularly nostalgic for me.
I was obsessed with Team Rocket and it blew my mind to read about all the deep Team Rocket lore that never made it out of Japan.
comfy thread despite the semi-bait OP
I used to love reading everyone's different pages on glitched and other oddities in the older games.
There was another.
was there a single pokemon site where this wasn't the case
Oh, never heard of this before
seems like it'd be comfy to play as a kid despite it just being an online advertisement
Beat me to it. I was highly disappointed that the rest of Marriland's output was not Lucario x Gardevoir shipping animations
God, I remember Valhalla. Used it as a pokemon art depository for my dumb roleplay blog. Spent a fuckton of time on their(?) forums, too. Never heard of the other ones tho
Holy shit I was just thinking about that site. Couldnt remember the name for the life of me. Good times...
I did that back on XIPOG2 forums lol.
The others ones are tad older, Rulez! was their main competitor, mPokémon was my second Pokémon website, it survived for tad longer than I thought.
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I like using Wayback to find old pages. It's comfy
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Did anyone else every go on the APCC? It must have been 20 years or more ago that I frequented it and at this point I don't have any memories of browsing the site, just that it existed

No, but he was extra bad.
Neat idea.
Holy fuck, core memory unlocked
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Those were the fucking days, spending all day battling while chatting with your bros on MSN. All those soulful icons and ability to set custom music too. NetBattle was peak.
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I know pic related was a relatively well-known, if not necessarily popular, website, but man in retrospect the forums were basically just fifteen regulars when I was around back in 2009, and even now it looks like they haven't gained much traction. 3300 users ever, versus PokeCommunity at 750,000. As a kid I always felt turned off by PokeCommunity/Pokebeach because those big forums were too huge to ever make more than a couple memorable acquaintances. Or at least they were when I was 12 and thought I needed to be on Pokemon forums regularly


TRSRockin was my jam when I was too young to join forums, the bootleg sections kept me entertained for hours
How about this?

Here: >>56775976 .
I did, not at the height of it's popularity or anything but it was certainly active when I played. My Japanese was pretty basic at the time so I missed quite a few things, and because there was pretty much 0 information about it on English websites I wasn't sure if it was official or fanmade at first. I remember finding it really cool and would just wander around looking at all the sprite work for ages.
That certainly sounds interesting.

I wonder if someone ripped their sprites.
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I miss kino sprite comics
Sad Smackjeeves had to die
I remember some old site with Death Matches or something?
which was just sprite comics with text transcripts
Back in the day, the US Pokemon website used to link to Viz because they publish the manga
Viz would link to Anime turnpike/anipike
Anipike was a link aggegate for every anime fandom and websites.
Including hentai.
And that's how Pokemon got me into hentai at age 10.
Pokemon lake?
That video actually disappeared for years, I remember watching it many times trying to follow his exact steps
Looking at this just makes me feel intense depression over never getting to see this past of the internet that I only ever saw in fragments when I was younger, yes I'm not 30, sorry for killing the vibe in the thread, but I was born close enough to the cut-off point of complete brainrot, and I feel like I was robbed of more childhood memories that I could've experienced at the time
I would trade everything to go back to when I was young but not completely braindead so I could browse all of these sites while they were active and full of life. Even if it means going back to a shitty xp dell that struggled to open mozilla
you belong in youtube comments
I don't, fuck you. I just want to go back.
They had a missingno fanfic that I really liked
I never owned DS pokemon cart so this is how I transfered my pokemon on my R4 flashcart
Appreciate that you're even able to view any of these sites at all before they inevitably cease to exist regardless of archival.
I used to stay up many late nights talking with idiots in xat chatrooms. Good times.
I used to use Marriland, wow this takes me back, surprised he stuck around so long but seems he finally stopped updating the site last year. RIP
Shit the music really took me back at the start, we really can't ever go back can we
That was Aquablade11, good times
Been here since 2012
I cannot deny if I was underage or not back then, but I have been terminally online for too long and used all of the sites ITT
Nostalgiacore... and I'm a fucking zoomer. It's just going to get worse from here, no?
are there any good still active pokemon forums?
Anyone know an old MMO Pokemon game (not PokeMMO) which had the gen 3 art and only Kanto/Hoenn regions available with some insane encounter rates where it took you like an hour to find a Magnemite in the Kanto Power Plant? I remember sinking hundreds of hours into that shit as a teen, managed to assemble a decent team before losing interest and never touching it again.
Veekun's pokedex was amazing if you wanted to just find any pokemon that learns a specific combination of moves. I don't think there's any other website with this specific function.
It's actually still online but hasn't been updated beyond gen 7.
That would be Pokemon World Online. Disgusting p2w system on a buggy FREG rip without which the grind was atrocious like you mentioned. Thankfully it's dead now. PokeMMO is so much better, just play that.
I still use it. It's the best way to find the best mon with just the right stats and typing.
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Much appreciated, Anon! Need to create a similar list for my own country.
Thought of including TRsRockin.com here as well?
Now available under: https://www.trsrockin.xyz/ (originally archived under http://catfish.it.cx/trsrockin/trsrockin.com/index.html ) .
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Even today there's a lot of these pokemon "mmorpg" sites that navigate like neopets. My favorite thing about them is how they always seem to have have these "special" pokemon variants that are just caked in gfx
picrel from Pokemon Dusk Reborn
Bumping because there's too much cancer on the front page
I used to use his team builder back in the day but that's about it. For news, we already had Serebii, PokeJungle and PokeBeach. Still watched his YouTube videos though.
Go back.
Was this the placwe where the webmaster/someone prominent on its forums had a sprawling fanfiction that involved fused pokemon? I vaguely remember legendary trio fusion sprites [with the kanto birds and the johto beasts at least] and its what came to mind seeing the paradox gerbil illustration in Scarlet, lmao

Also i remember being fascinated by them having so many differet color/layout options for their site. Probably nothing in the scheme of it but I miss that shit so much these days
It used to publish a newspaper-like report with a different mon every single day, I do remember that. It was early gen 4 and I was 12 but there were pokemon I had never seen and I remember learning of Sneazel's existence from that.
>Sad Smackjeeves had to die
Jesus fuck that takes me back.
I remember one of them had Dratini fakes, idk if it was specifically Pokémon Meteor or TPPC though.
Wish they instead used less mainstream Pokémon like Marin or Zapmolcuno lol. In the same vein as the original game devs did with Lugia.
It used to have the gba roms at one point or was it a similar site with the same look and colors that tried to pass as marriland.
does anyone remember this web browser pokemon game
it was sort of like pokemon crater but much more simple, there wasn't a map, you just walked around and caught wild pokemon
you could find and collect pokemon sprites from different generations and finding a gen1 or gen2 sprite was rare and sought after
i can't remember the name but it was only around for a few years i think
Same, same.
i did some searching and found it was called Vdex Project
I still use the team builder, it's nice that you can select the game's generation.
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I know Black Adventures is relatively new compared to most of the stuff already posted, but it still gives me good memories

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