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>Tripfags continue their trek through EoE's postgame's shit maps, bosses, and cutscenes
>The strongest "pokemon" in the game gets btfo'd for being a manlet despite it's 20k base stat total
>Ose beats base empyrean's postgame story
>Jagi btfo's Blitz the copium supplier
>John vpposter is going through a regikino romhack

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.

>How do I join?
Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images.


>Fangame Bingo Card Generator

>Edge of Eternity mod for Empyrean
So Apollo turns into a generic dictator-type antagonist? Eh
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seeing the mind crush solarock struggle put a smile on my face
Great art though
I don't get it.
I think its just that his characters resemble the anime dandadan visually?
wowzers, I assume this is based on Don Quixote, or on another Spanish folklore piece?
Should probably get him a pair of glasses because they look nothing alike
>umm this anime I like has a boy and a girl...wait a second my game has a boy and a girl! DUDE...
At least we know (one of the) anime(s) he's stealing from in v14
Eh, it doesn't seem too interesting to me and it's a beta, which doesn't leave a lot to do.
Since this game was made by a Spaniard it goes full on Dragonball Z later.
Alright...attempt 2...haha...
I think Dandadan is the new "peak" now that JJK's finished. From what I've seen, reborncord trannies are flocking to it
Can't wait for Jan and Ayrei to copy it, haha
thanks bros. coral is a little short, 4 gyms, but it's a nice time
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>Suddenly there's a fuckload of npcs making really long and pointless remarks about thought, religion, politics, points of view, reddit tier "muh thinking" rants
>This npc looks exactly like the (not) Muslims from Empire
I'll consider it, I'm just not too big into gen 1 or 2 romhacks.
what about this one? just looking at "top emerald romhacks" and found this

it's going to be hard to top
70% of JJK's appeal was gojo and all his epic nigger HYPE moments and the fact that zoomers all wanted to get fucked by him, dandadan doesn't really have anything of its own like that
hahahaha....uhh, i think orevald is probably the last person to play that kek, those games are pretty fucking bad
maybe could try out dreams or something?
sorry, just trying to find an emerald hack that isn't emerald but hard/gen 9/nuzlock/doubles/etc.
might as well do the rita quest. i would love to know how the game expects you to figure the start of that one out on your own

based shofu bringing back proper censorship, the kids who have sat through the pokefucker lore and sex scenes need to be protected

yeah. unfortunately, mega power/resolute/nameless/etc. are all very...interesting games, might be worth a multi like we did for v*tron
dreams i know is an original region, so thats something
never mind, didn't realize this fag would just spawn into existence here after shofu. thought you had to go to mesmer town directly afterwards kek

>champion of omura
uh...isn't that blitz? i'm a seasoned rejuv player buddy, i know my victories at pokemon battles don't actually mean anything in the wider narrative
I think I played this one for a bit a long while back, at least the description sounds familiar, it wasn't good from what I recall, very much a featurecreep hack rather than a quality one, I've been trying to find a fangame or something, preferably one I can invest a fair amount of time into since things have been really slow lately.
Willie blasting a hobo's head out in graphic detail is perfectly fine, but holy fricking how dare you say a naughty word!
what the fuck are you talking about retard
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the MC pretends to be gay to get a lead on someone
that thing with blitz wasn't isolated, was it
maybe these? project revival was good gameplay wise but it was a prequel to these
I hate the M*w
Rewards for suffering, I don't feel like stitching together a bigger image to line out paths thoughever
decided to murder this fag for free while i'm here

i forgot i picked these up, if anyone wants to know where the blue and red orbs are, they're at the temple of kum's entrance, in really retarded hidden locations

haha..thank you for your service, at least
can't wait to redo it myself
top tier spritework
chinkbros? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?????
reminds me of when sigmunds starts reciting off some bullshit law so he can continue electroraping kids
wouldn't be a shitty EoE map without some kind of shitty puzzle

also got quash from this dungeon too, glad there's some good rewards in all this EoE content
that was not worth it

kill yourself
it called out to me, there in the mist
as if I always knew it was there
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interesting (((password)))

this mc honestly sucks ass

he's no vanguard or saiph 2 MC who start shitting themselves the minute the main villain walks in but he's significantly gayer

it's a bit of a shame this is one of the few games based enough to let you sexo girls, because he certainly does not deserve it

also goddamnit stop putting your clothes back on you fucking faggot, just because it's cold is no excuse
hey john, i found one

>0 gp level 125 opponents
man it would be really cool for this game to give an idea of what postgame quests you're supposed to tackle in order
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Remember when I said I wouldn't stitch together a bigger image? haha
This time I also put a line over connected dive spots
Still not autistic enough to line out a path from the start to the end thoughever
that looks hideous and i don't know what the implication of it being a fusion with a robot is supposed to mean

>Still not autistic enough
ez enough, i was wondering what the battle background was about for this bitch, i like the fact there's just no real reason
i see how it is. faggot
>found dive
I love diving...
kecleon mafia?
I think I did it right, but it made it too big to post
Finally, after much map autism
Thanks kek
>Whirlpool doesn't retrigger
kek, I'm surprised the modder forgot about that, based for skipping 5 whirlpoolniggers
>3 king's shield procs in a row
At first I assumed it was some kind of special background to show shit like sketch killing smeargle, but the sage backgrounds are normal and do the same shit so idk kek
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That wasn't too bad at least, just had to write shit down
Arbok: second
Mandibuzz: first
Ninetales: second
Hippowdon: first
Krookodile: second
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6/8 done, just need to do past and north
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power outage is a bitch
honestly kinf of breezed past the elite 4 and it's not even because of the pokemon. the movesets are trash. the first member who uses electric types has bubble beam lanturn and quick attack manectric. it takes 2 pokemon to wash these people, the dev really should've thought about allowing bosses to use 2 types
>the final member is a nigga named tryone
>he's the only elite 4 member who doesn't show up to help with team supreme at all
>he uses dark types
video-san.....OBS-SAMA......tasukete....please do not redeem......please do not make me re-record shit because you decided to break....


i really shouldn't care that much, but whatever kek

kinda, just gauntlet autism in general
oh i didn't realize you hadn't done m*wshit yet kek
h-have fun with the waterfall puzzle, hopefully you won't be as retarded as me
GG and GL
reminder heart swap works against past if you don't really want to fight him
say it with me everyone!

>this is the quest that gives the mega ursaring stone
absolutely not worth it, what the fuck? i mean, it's a cool mon and all, but i could have at least gotten more than that
go back to the island to that room
what did she mean by this bros?

i would, i just don't really know how to get back there kek
i assume you have to do this stuff with moira first
no it's just some sailor at the astura city docks
>Celadon Gym is now flying type
>Old man outside gym mentions not wanting to peer in due to fear of being yelled at
Still very much Yellow minus a few moments like this.
not bad, thanks. not sure when i'll be able to use it

idk about this other thing, though, i guess it's just here for dex completion

surprised it's not ghost type, to fit the whole 'erika was supposed to be a ghost trainer' shit
thanks bro, sorry for missing that
thanks bros. and no problem
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I have been enlightened...SmearGODS...I finally see....
Dunno why volc was so hesitant to click the nigger tri attack, since it seems to ignore statboosts(?), or at least deals a fuckton of damage through +6 defenses, but I'm not complaining kek
And that moment came and went. So far, my normal types have been OP while the grass types have been left in the dust.
>Ghost trainer
That would've been more entertaining. Make more changes for more ghost types instead of fucking up the early birds to prevent me having a normal type flier.
gg. what does sound sphere do exactly?
Tbf, you do win the battle even in the cutscene, he just had a contingency plan.
For 5 turns, all non-sound-based damaging moves used by the opponent with 80 or more base power fail. Despite being listed as a special move, it inflicts no damage. Pair it with Godlike and you're basically invincible for 5 turns.
Thanks, from my limited looking through the scripts
>Blocks attacks that have 80+ BP
>Blocks attacks that have 0 BP
>Sound moved are unaffected
It seems to only work on single target moves, spread moves have also gone through in my experience, not sure if it's intentional or not
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>dragonite uses mist on blaziken, kill it
>sent out florges
>empoleon gets free setup, swords dance/aqua ring/agility
>get lucky against evasionfags
very annoying, now to remake my entire team's moves for one sage
i'm just going to start knocking out the sages now

i know i said i'd do it at level 133 but i'm honestly getting kind of tired and there's still plenty of game to go for me to be indulging in pointless masochism

this guy is easy as shit, i don't even think his gimmick barely mattered at all

GG. hopefully the smearGOD can vanquish the snake and the dancing cunt
thanks bro, and gg
Thanks, and yeah, that fag is really easy kek, gg nonetheless
>hopefully the smearGOD can vanquish the snake and the dancing cunt
Here's hoping, haha...
Now to go through this shit again for the ruinshit and the crown
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and that's the champion
this battle was admittedly not that easy. I knew forretress probably had explosion but it still took out drampa, benett was pretty annoying with phantom force and things got hairy with shell smash crustle. but with the power of friendship(priority and gastrodon being great) I am now the king of garbage

ashy 2.0 down. you know, this sidequest would actually be cooler if it were literally just 'rematch all the gyms but they have new effects' not this whatever lame multidimensional doppelganger shit

>ho-oh and groudon lead
>petshop and gyarados on my end
>debuff ho-oh further, take out groudon, spam DD and have draco amplifier palkia put in work by itself
nothing too too bad. a lot harder than the tucker fag

lol k
i know i've said this to basically all of your posts, but the dev really needs to actually play something that's not the main games or something kek, a lot of the mons you get seem ridiculously good
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>empoleon can learn fury attack
>dragonite can learn wrap
start with diancie to setup light screen+trick room, kill accelgor. switch into groudon to die to cinccino skill link hell, have dragonite use wrap to pretty much kill it, throw out morel to cause cinccino to suicide via life orb. throw out empoleon, swords dance once and aqua ring, fury attack for sweep
thanks bros, and gg Lock
i got an amazing team for her

>scyther lead, fini, landorus, shaymin, mimikyu, excadrill
petshop could take out the lead and chunk fini hard enough so gyara could do what it does best, with pdon cleaning it up

both her moltres and salamence are annoying as fuck and she's had more annoying leads

G fucking G on getting them all done
gg, and thanks bro. wish it just let you buy the tea now instead of refighting them
...okay, this is maybe a bit too easy at max level kek, especially with my uberspam
>those ace fight conditions
and that's where I'll stop kek
thanks. i'm sure the 30 tea reward is dogshit too

at least some of them like future or the tormentfag seem ridiculously easy and basically indistinguishable from regular fights
>"I'm not autistic enough to stitch the map together"
>"I'm not autistic enough to line out routes"
Maybe I am autistic enough bros
thanks for making that, I was gonna put off getting the titan's crown

the magnetic lure was truly the greatest invention since sliced bread

also, i would 100% do reborn's dex three times over to watch lin feed her puppy a marshmallow before doing this shit ever again. whoever came up with the idea for 1% encounters, and whoever continues to perpetuate it, kill yourself

...well, at least i can go ACK the sage with the dumb flipflop move BP

was never a question of if, only when, h-haha...
at least, no one else should ever have to suffer that fucking dogshit
thanks guys
>i know i've said this to basically all of your posts, but the dev really needs to actually play something that's not the main games or something kek, a lot of the mons you get seem ridiculously good
the ONLY requirement for whether or not a pokemon is available in the game is if their bst is above or below 475 except for the elemental monkeys, drampa and druddigon. which means regardless of how good they actually are in competitive, pokemon like breloom can be used, I guess except for skarmory or azumarill who are just not obtainable for some reason. and it's not like the dev doesn't know this. the leader of the villainous team literally learns to chill the fuck out by telling him brellom and skarmory are good despite having low base stat totals. it's extremely sufrace level thinking of looking at stats and skimming through smogon tiers which is pretty disappointing considering one of the selling points of the game is "a thought provoking story that questions the labeling of pokemon as "bad""

>fuck kaizonigs
congrats, you can now make any pokemon prankster
great fucking fight faggot

he at least had a magearna and i think a cofagrigus, idk about the rest
most of his shit seemed weak to dark and fire moves, so i assume he's mostly a ghost type fag

yeah it's an interesting idea i guess desu, to base your game solely around the idea of le weak pokemon, but like...there are lots of games that already have this as just one of other selling points (like, you know, reborn kek) instead of the central theme, so if you're going to commit you really need to know what you're talking about
also thanks
well, given how much gyarados keeps a certain few 'people' up at night...
yet another fight where i literally don't even know what the gimmick was. it said 'the critical hit was boosted by the power of the boosts' on her magnezone but then it didn't even have any boosts?

rainbow orb petshop legitimately took out half of her team, then eventually her epic mind crush solrock came out and did the thing, but ran out of pp or something i guess and died to j*stinrpg's home

unfortunately i don't know how really good it is unless it also makes statusshit priority too
Okay, I think I got everything
Lines are color coded
>Red: Main line to storyshit
>Green: Connected by Dive spots
>Orange: Line to the locked area, only do after unlocking the door during the storyshit
>Yellow: Leads to Titan's crown, it's more important than white because it's a unique item
>White: Random shit you likely don't really care about, but marked for people who do care
Really hope I didn't fuck it up at some point kek
No problem kek
g fucking g, and same
>was never a question of if, only when, h-haha...
I'm impressed how much content this game has desu.
I'm pretty sure the majority are only around 65-70% of the way through.
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watch out Typhlobros, you've got competition...
this is probably smearGOD tier cheese, but fuck this abortion of a fight

you probably have a pretty good idea what i did here. did not really feel like box hunting for pokemon that could learn the right moves and also getting them prepared for this nonsense

that's 8/8 done. if i go for the deathless sage reward, it'll probably be on this one, could've gotten it here had i played a bit more carefully

thanks a ton for this, might make the m*w bearable now
and thanks
yeah, we've got about 5-6 'official' quests left, but also plenty of hidden or extra shit that the EoE dev left around
>no levelup moves
>only one move per pokemon
>no damaging moves
>only negative priority moves
simbly ebin. i'm coming back later
kek, and thanks bro
Worked like a charm
gg, I'll probably finish those up when I'm done here
...That's not Mesprit
That wasn't too bad
Now...the other puzzle on the other hand...h-haha...
>titan's crown replaces regigigas's slow start with tinted lens
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>A great sickness brought us to ruin
>We sealed it away but it is too late for us
no medichams were harmed during the making of this volcano - they're all safely living in the depths of the ice cave
>The titan of steel is tempered by eternal fire
>The mark of the colossus will rouse it to action
really hope I get fly soon and don't have to surf all the way back to the starting village
not that it's very far just that I can't remember if I actually need to navigate dive tunnels or not
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I'm assuming fly is either down south or the npc saying something about fog and fly means there isn't a fly hm in this hack
not that the map is very large at all
I'd say the shitty forest route with the tauros and boufalant in reborn is just as big if not bigger
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>A day will come when the danger has passed
>Our colossus will live to see a better world
>still has slow start
gigas can't catch a break
in fact his stats are listed in the fakemon doc because he's the only gen4+ mon in the game, let's see-
>completely unchanged
regular ass default vanilla regigigas
I'm not sure what I expected but that wasn't it
>and it's moveset is completely and utterly walled by any ghost type
how anticlimactic
there's still stuff to the south of the starting village to explore, and there's a battle frontier/cave thing to complete as well
I'll leave that for tomorrow though
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It's over
Solution though most of your problems will likely come form operating the thing rather than finding the solution tbdesu
It was not pleasant learning I forgot to mark down some locked slots (twice), haha...
That's still not mesprit
Thank god I'm done with this shitty area
Neat shiny
stopping here for now. something possessed me to start the trainer tower this late, at floor 65. less annoyed at the number of full teams then I am having to pick up 3 useless items after every battle other then the rare ether
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Also, here's the solution in a more readable format (for me anyway), this made my brain hurt way less than walking back and forth a million times kek
Haha...godspeed tomorrow bro
GG bros.
>you probably have a pretty good idea what i did here. did not really feel like box hunting for pokemon that could learn the right moves and also getting them prepared for this nonsense
You understand why I've been spamming pink blobs now. With so many fights that require specific types of answers, Chansey/Blissey/Clefable/Cresselia tend to be just good enough at muscling through a lot of the dumb garbage in a lot of these fights that it saves me the tedium of running the loop for GP5ing very specific answers I'll use exactly once and never touch again.
They hard counter your restriction too. Expect a lot of Taunt on the "no offensive moves" one and Torment on the "only one move" one and so on...
I'm in agreement. Most of the reason this puzzle is shit isn't the puzzle itself but how awful it is to interface with it. GG.
Bring 6 Smeargles designed to beat 6 ?Marks to clear this faggot. Don't become attached to those Smeargles; if he hits them with Delete Matrix, they permanently get their stats set to 1.
I shamelessly duplicated all the Smeargles for this fight; if he's going to instantly and permanently delete mons, I see no trouble with debugging them in from the aether to fight him.
>Gives you the Delete Matrix TM for beating him
h-haha sure I'll find something without Godlike to hit with that real soon.
You realize the delete move is Data-type and he's retarded, right? Bring a pure Ice type.
I would like to make an announcement:
gg kek
Several of them seem to have Mind Crush too, say nothing of the moves to generally counter Ice Types like Fires of Empyrean and Solar Storm. Evasion focused Smeargle sets seemed like the path of least resistance through this fight.
I mean, I guess you can solve every problem with a Smeargle but I personally hate doing that. Oh well.
kill yourself
Assuming they don't switch out, you could set up on the first one I guess?
You can just lose and fight the "normal" dev battle anyway iirc I probably won't thoughever
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>Fight developer again
>Second team is bird themed
>Strong but ultimately way more reasonable
>Sends out this as his second to last last mon

They switched pretty regularly. I don't recall what exactly prompted it, but it gaslit me into thinking one or more of them were choice scarf'd for a second kek
He has decent counterplay to Smeargle in his second fight and made for an interesting challenge where I had to use my full team to overcome his final few mons. I should've been recording, that was a cool fight. The reward was worth it too. God Palm TM
I suspect I've done everything or at least close to everything I can do now before starting Deshret and there's a few things that seem to be gated behind it according to the postgame card.
I don't see the design of that fight warranting the respect of not smeargling all over it tbdesu.
On paper, this guy is absurd. In practice, he's completely shut down by Godlike. With the exception of some fights like Y*ko or Stochastic 1, not every mon has Godlike baked into their existing ability in 6v6 fights so it probably still has merit to bring Shuckle along and see how it fares.
What does the hive mind think about Pokemon Glazed? It used to be a really big thing
The best fan game ever made, despite its flaws, is Rejuvenation. And I am tired of pretending otherwise.
thanks bro
interesting premise but some parts feel rushed like pikachu rival and the pokemon/dream/real world shit, hm nightmare
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not sure what else to do now. can't find how to continue the pichu quest, I know at least one part of the hide and seek quest takes place in proper deshret, and that baltia quest seems like it continues but don't know where to go for that either.
Oh my Science, this fight looks tough ...

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