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Drawfriends edition

Previous Thread: >>56763990

This is a thread aimed at self insertion fantasies of female humans with male pokemon. Established human characters are permitted but are not the focus. Keep it reasonably pokeyume and on topic. No yuri/yaoi.

Typhlosion Abduction: https://janitorai.com/characters/04e5cf75-da09-4f93-aa4f-605fbc443274_character-hisuian-typhlosion
Shy Muk: https://janitorai.com/characters/9acb6bb2-5746-4757-81a8-e3a7ced9f9b4_character-muk
Suicune Adventures: https://janitorai.com/characters/20d143a7-74ec-4561-8918-6d85b4894068_character-suicune

>Other Threads:
Gay Husbandos: https://boards.4chan.org/vp/#s=mpomh
Yuri Waifus: Make a thread!
Pokemon Waifus: https://boards.4chan.org/vp/#s=hmofp
Human Husbandos: https://boards.4chan.org/vp/#s=Husbando
Human Waifus: No general, just search for the trainer name

-Thread Questions- (answer whichever you like)

For yumes:
>Does your husbandomon have a pokeball or is it a wild pokemon?
(Which ball is it if yes? Would you put pokeball stickers on it if yes?)
>If you were to compete in a contest with you husbandomon which category would you enter?
>What does your ideal day look like with your mon?
>Do you know his move set? What's his go to attack?

For everyone:
>If you were to have half Pokemon/half human children together would you send them to school or just raise them at home?
>Do you think the regions differ in their treatment of pokephilia? How do you imagine pokephiles live in "your" region or town?

For monster inserters:
>If you were transformed into a Pokemon would you want to keep "human responsibilities" like going to work?
>Would you want to still wear clothes as a Pokemon?
>Do you have an idea of your own move set as a Pokemon? What's your go to attack?
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how accurate is this
(you can ignore the guys if you don't care)
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>Gay Husbandos: https://boards.4chan.org/vp/#s=mpomh
I do know you be a fat man newfag twitter tranny here for the leaks pretending to be a heckin wacky woman pokefucker , but you can be typing this as >>>/vp/mpomh <--- It looks cleaner to my eyes
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Thread activities:
We are currently making a collaborative drawing and you might wanna add your husbandomon to it if you haven't!

(The dudes can also do this if they want with their favorite monster they insert into+a human girl)

Draw yourself and your husbandomon on a picnic.
(No matter if you can draw or not)
Draw yourself and your husbandomon fishing.
(No matter if you can draw or not)

You may also write text about it if you prefer.
>may when she has Blaziken
Only gripe
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Anchor post for original art.
Reply to this post if you drew something yourself.
that's why she's in "mostly fucks humans" instead of "exclusively fucks humans"
Yeah but why ANY humans when you have chadchiken hubbu?
the tier list is more like a spectrum of preferences
you can prefer humans but still go monogamous with your chicken husband
im drawing the goth girl from my old meme for the thread cause why the hell not. she looks like she fucks gengar.
Everyone loves Gengar, but Haunter is where it's at. Ethereal ghost hand shenanigans
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Would you let a jellyfish inside your head?
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true. underappreciated idea.
>imagine if ghost pokemon could make your womb see through somehow
yeah i stole that line of thought but whatever

also holy fug im tired. its time for bed. .
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nah man, gastly's where it's at
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last post before i go bed. this is the expanded updated canvas. use this if youd like to add more mons to it.

have a good night everyone.
Kris is totally banging Suicune though
On a scale of "Who's a good boy?"
To "The Gaslight Gang"
Where are you? For the record, Kaktus' work is pretty good if you want me to shill somebody who has historically posted on this board.
Also, it's been a while since I posted this old ass archive from pre-SM, so here it is again if you want something that might not be anywhere else
Man that archive is nice to have around just for the fact that it's ordered and contains old tumblr stuff. Really wish there was something similar for new entries.
The 'scene' is really not organised enough.
I can see why—for most of us it would be the equivalent of social suicide if our proclivities were revealed.
>Draw yourself and your husbandomon fishing
What clothes work for this? Jeans and flannel? Two-piece swimsuit?
I usually don't draw humans, and my own wardrobe is mostly graphic tees and khaki pants, so I'm a bit out of my wheelhouse.
To clarify just in case, I'm asking for human clothing. The pokemon will probably be naked.
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You could always go for the semi-comical fishing waders
Well I meant organised in internet spaces. I didn't expect you to start declaring your pokephilia in public lol
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Took 'em long enough
Yeah, I know. I'm always paranoid that my accounts can and will be tracked back to me.
what if there was a booru for the original art in this thread

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