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Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be creative, be spooky, just leave your ERPing at the door.

>/tog/ archives

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

>I don't know how to make a character!
Brainstorming ideas and dice rolls [NEWBIE-FRIENDLY CREATION TABLES WITHIN]:

>I don't know how to draw!
Picrew links, Sprite-making programs and resources, and AI-generated content:

>I want to learn how to draw!
Drawing tutorials and Drawing Program Downloads:

>Recent Works:

Ctrl-Hmn-Del: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N3q0FgbtGiKEFdlxJf2VTTv9Worra_IdresRR0B0cvo/edit?usp=sharing

Tales Of The Dragon Whisperer Chapter 1 (First Draft): https://files.catbox.moe/nzhytq.pdf

David welcomes you to the Battle Frontier:

Gilded Platinum (Live Document): https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ-nOYYjxC_pJ1h03frpZgCDbtlMp94oYRB43MrhMsu7sYL_dBT-ypbrrr16CIS-i_RfMgCtkwRvj98/pub

Luke's PTU Character Compendium:

Luke's PTU Resource Megapaste Collection (indev):

PTU Resource: Luke's Gym Leader Cindy:

PTU Encounter: A Murder of Mining Mobsters
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>Koa's Interview
>Responses to Koa's Interview
Ivy: https://pastebin.com/Qtqzih2N
David: https://mega.nz/file/SctESZwK#yqw9Y45OLUvZfRfeR8Ni95JeTSaG02liWqwdIhuJHLg
Luke: https://pastebin.com/vyBBbbyW
Bibi: https://files.catbox.moe/rh01rz.pdf
Nyx: https://files.catbox.moe/xxz1ts.pdf
Emily: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M-AO6udWt89ivBsVPEt6ElzvRZ3js3l5HEhb4_S4fyQ/edit?usp=sharing

>Luke's Interview
>Responses to Luke's Interview
Silas: https://pastebin.com/Zphs0wza
Alto: https://files.catbox.moe/tgbhmz.pdf

>Alex's interview
>Responses to Alex's Interview
Luke's response
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>Previous Thread: >>56765973

>SPOOKY question: What's the meanest prank your OC has ever played on someone?

>SPOOKY task: Draw your OC fleeing from a scary Pokemon.
I take up too much of the recent works section. I should probably chill.
Knew I was forgetting something.

Read /tog/'s FIRST OFFICIAL MANGA HERE: https://files.catbox.moe/cgb1ad.pdf
Some crimes can never be forgiven.
OP, let's make those recent works a separate post if the list gets too long.

>Responses to Koa's Interview
Cassie (See, Dragon?): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wiuz7SX68R1fyhBpXDbDgHwPkCGzY2Iv/view?usp=sharing

>Responses to Luke's Interview
Phos (How Hard Can It Be?): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QjpymDS78gfo7ab2AhzX4Ku9QpCMkjJI/view?usp=sharing
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The Spooktacular Halloween Art Dump starts now:
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The second Community Booster Pack starts NOW!

Take Pokémon to the next level: the Xth Level!
With LV.X cards, gain new abilities and attacks to turn the tides of battle in your favour!
MEGA Pokémon also return as LV.X cards!

>Use https://pokecardmaker.net/creator to create your cards.

>Access the recently-expanded Schizo Resource Pack here for backgrounds provided by the Archivist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15yLgfXZUNxehHv79cBMEk5M8dueHg_9e?usp=sharing

>Edit your background/card style with https://www5.lunapic.com/editor/

>Submit your cards here: https://forms.gle/rinJ5WeXFW25GQva7

Submissions end December 11th, all rules and resources included in form link!

>You can read about them and how they work here: https://files.catbox.moe/0vg83h.png
>Mega Pokémon will be reintroduced as LV.X cards also, be sure to place the following rulebox on the left just under the image border: https://files.catbox.moe/h63wnz.png
>Example of a regular LV.X card: https://files.catbox.moe/1bz70x.png
>Example of a MEGA LV.X card: https://files.catbox.moe/pj4cms.png
>To create a LV.X card, select the Sword/Shield Base Set type, and under Subtype select LV.X
>Look at existing LV.X cards here: https://pkmncards.com/level/x/
>HP limit is 210.
>Replace the SV1 tag in the bottom left with TOG2

Don't be afraid to post any cards you're happy with here too for the thread to look at.
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>Alex TQ: Draw your OC doing the Carmine Rage Face


The Dossier (Eons In Flux Bonus) Re-Release: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rqR-Aj1eCxo-BNt2zUNZBTHfKW99uQJx/view?usp=sharing

The Follow-Up (Eons In Flux Bonus, Serperiority Complex Redux): https://qu.ax/vYKEe.pdf
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Carmine's in the anime now? Awesome.
>Eons In Flux Bonus
Reader Advisory: THIS IS FAN MATERIAL, The original author did not contribute to or commission these works.
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for future's sake, only the compendium link needs to be posted, all the PTU stuff is in there.
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Still can't believe I somehow missed this when it was first posted.
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Sorry, not the compendium, the megapaste. It's got all my stuff. I wanted to consolidate it all so I'm not taking up too much space.
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Sh,sh,shshsh,sh... calm. Breathe deep in the pumpkin spice and relax.
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Once I've uploaded the Grym and Circe remixes later today, I'm gonna be gone for about 3 weeks or so. I'll still be reviewing cards as they come in, and I'll definitely be back before the deadline.
Holy smokes, that long? Well, enjoy your time off.
Any chance we can push the deadline back? November's shaping up to be a busy month for me as I prepare to finish EiF.
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Did I overlook something SPOOKY? Yeah, probably. Use it as an excuse to post it here.
Sure. When would you like it pushed to?
Which pokemon (female) would do grappling or BJJ with their trainer?
We don't do that here.
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What are your intentions in making pokemon OCs? I'm trying to come up with one for OCxCanon content but I feel like it's really self-indulgent...
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Dang Miko balled out some gambling money on some doc martins. Looking boss getting some autumn training done in the forest.
Forgot he had an umbreon.
It's all about creating the Pokemon experience and storyline you'll never get to play, read, or watch.
Just do whatever and bee yourself Okubro.
How about extending it through to the end of December? Another two weeks should give me time to cram in as much end-of-the-year drawing practice as possible.
>intentions in making pokemon OCs
Fun, mostly. Writing and drawing practice, personally. Either recreating the feeling of playing through the games, expanding upon the setting in ways the games/manga/anime overlooks or doesn't have time to focus on, or providing commentary on the franchise and its state.
>I feel like it's really self-indulgent
Correct! And that's okay. You should ask yourself what you want to achieve with this content. Being able to have a specific endgoal in mind to work backwards from will help you structure your thoughts into a more cohesive idea.
Sure. December 30th work?
Also, goodnight.
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Night crew can have a little preview. As a treat.
That's perfect, thanks.
I'm heading out too. Let's have never-ending nightmares, /tog/.
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happy halloween and happy birthday bibi+brendoom, dressed her up as a vampire for the occasion. also, these should be creepy enough to repost i think
haha sorry for the super unceremonious drop. i was in a mega rush, basically opened up my laptop, hit post and then had to head out again
i'm really happy you had a good time with it!
new phos art is a sight for my sore eyes, love the shading you did on the pants and jacket, got me trying to emulate that shinyness, very expressive posing too!!!
sheeesh the human body may be 60% water but miko's 100% drip. the composition is sport on as always and the placement of his pokemon really shows off how great you are at making the most of all the space available on a canvas/mastery over managing foreground and background elements. that jacket's to die for too
happy to see adeline again! she looks really cute in that outfit. wishiwashi is a fun "off theme but still on theme" sort of pick, i adore these teams.
>What's the backstory here?
bibi's one of my ocs, back when i first made her all i really wanted was to redesign juliana since her and florian look boring as fuck to me, but she ended up developing a personality of her own over time. i stick close to the canon events of sv, but one big exception i make is that the koraidon 1v1 during the climax starts with her getting attacked directly. she lives of course, but it's a huge blow to her confidence (read: arrogance and hero complex). my comic just goes over a what if scenario where the main sv crew make an even worse trip down there while directly parodying a dark gag manga i like called sayonara zetsubou sensei
everyone's just here for a good time mostly! it's not wrong to do things that make you happy anon. i've drawn ocxcanon and haven't gotten laughed off the board if that's any consolation
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it's late as balls and i have to sleep but as soon as i have the time i'll be reading and sharing my thoughts!
[spoiler[good to know google translate didn't give me a bunch of nonsense[/spoiler]
FRANCO TOO? eif fans stay winning
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Trying to decide on how I should draw my OC. What do you think?

Yes that's a Golurk.
i like 2, but if it's something you're willing to do, try combining it with 3 so that we can see the whole gang
No matter which option I'm going with I'm inserting the rest of the gang by the side, or maybe the top and bottom. They'll all be there.
Why is someone reposting my AIslop? Especially when I've posted other, better autumn prompts than that one.
I just do it to get a character and storyline out there to people cause at this point publicly writing even just her Pokemon AU stuff is the only real progress to make at this point on my end. Whether it gets me known at all remains to be seen since this is just some containment board on a mongolian basket weaving forum but frankly it's not like there are any better places to post my fic chapters at this point. Everywhere else is pozzed with alphabet cult freaks or just straight up Poke-fuckers like the old /tog/ was. Some people will obviously silently scoff at OCxCanon, some are fine with it. Depends on if you let the intrusive schizo thoughts about the former get to you or not.
Is cute slop
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THIS IS SO COOL now I'm picturing Bibi trying to put the eyeliner on Koa while he's super confused, that'd be hilarious

Your manga was beautiful! Sorry if that small addendum counted as a mild spoiler to some people. I, too, was spooked at first. I hope you enjoy my story after SO LONG AAAAA
Yeah but they posted one of the less cute ones (in my opinion anyway)
I liked the eyes best in that one.
Personally I don't like the eyes of the one the anon reposted. This one's eyes are better imo, in terms of shape. >>56814988
Jesus Christ, anon.
1, now please delete that file.
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Happy Halloween one and all!
Hope you're all having a great day and will have an even better night.
Also, enjoy the autumn for me, because it's summer where I live.

Squally G is great. But me being me, the "G" sends my mind straight to this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt1Ph5tG3XA

>Battle Tomb
When I first talked about it, I wasn't sure about the name, but when you put it like that, I guess I'll keep this name.

None. I'm just very, deeply frustrated with GF and TPC for not realizing Pokémon's true potential, and since they'll never give me the sense of wonder and adventure I seek out of this franchise, I look for fan content instead. These OC threads are specially nice, witnessing people creating their own characters and developing their adventures is something really really cool.
Then, all the fun rubbed off on me or something and I decided to make my own little guy too, tho my severe laziness will prevent me to do or think anything too elaborate.
tldr: I like seeing people being creative with this franchise.

>I'm trying
Like others said, just go for it.
And before you realise it, you may end up with a .doc with the word count on the thousands about the adventures of your OC.
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Well either one works, we've seen chars that rode in both manners, and I often find myself alternating between either one.
But based on the character archetype (really actually just the bodytype itself) I'd be inclined towards 2. Try see if maybe Golurk holding his hands cupped will do you better than in >>56814903 , or maybe look at SnK for reference as well if that doesn't look right.
Either way the other anon is right, put something on her
I actually haven't deleted anything in a long while and forgot how deleting works, so I ended up actually deleting it.

Ah well.
It's all good, anon. In the future, I would recommend using catbox to link files portraying nudity so there's no risk of getting jannies involved.
Both poses were fine, but the more open posture of the first pose allows the viewer to get a better look at the character's clothes (she will be wearing clothes, right?!) and whatever characterization those clothes can infer. If this is going to be a promo for the character and her team, it makes sense to use the more open posture.
Of all the versions you could post, it had to be a nude one. I think this thread might not be for you.
Now, now, they deleted it. It's not uncommon to use nude models or figures at the start of a drawing in order to get the bones right.
I know one of the actual TCG illustrators draws all the pokegirls in their panties before doing the clothes. Goes so far as to give them all unique styles too.
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>/v/ has Pumpkin Hill stickied
Today's going to be a spooktacular day.
And all the shitstain newfags and tourists are malding about it. Which is a good thing, anything that pisses them off is good.
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They did the same thing with Rainbow Unicorn Attack, I genuinely cannot comprehend what their major malfunction is. Is reddit just mad about old internet culture? Does the idea of having fun threaten the JIDF demoralization campaign?
I just don't get it.
WAIT, hold on. Is it because they're all mobile users and can't actually participate? Is that what's going on here? Fucking sour grapes?
Oh hey, two ships passing in the night. Now I just need to hope Miko anon comes back too.
I'm sure you're relieved to have that big project behind you now.
I know I will be.
>very expressive posing too!!!
You flatter me. I realize this will be one of the last few occasions where I'll be obligated to draw Phos and Franco, so I wanted to really go above and beyond. I'll still be drawing these two for a while I'm sure, but you know what I mean.
Is reddit just mad about old internet culture? Does the idea of having fun threaten the JIDF demoralization campaign?
Yes and Yes.
Reddit soiboys hate older nerd culture, as evidenced by how much they want it utterly abolished from the gaming industry much like the slacktivists do. And leftoids unironically think laughter and working out are far-right behaviors.
>I forgot to put the arrow
Bro just highlight the text before clicking on the post number.
You're not some kind of... mobile-user, are you?
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Not even gonna answer that question. Kill yourself. Now. For making that accusation of me at all.
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Is it a Galaxy or an Android?
Neither. It's a laptop you swine.
Alright, HAPPY HALLOWEEN folks.
As promised, here are the remixes of Circe and Grym's themes.
>Circe: Black Roses (Vinyl Mix)

>Grym: Let Go (Acoustic Mix)
This somewhat chilling acoustic version of Grym's theme should provide a shiver or two.

I'll be back by early December, if you guys could do the honors of posting the booster posts on each thread until then.
See ya in a few weeks or so, lads.
I gotcha, beaux. Send a postcard whenever you can.
These sound great. Have a great time!
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The new TCG game doesn’t have Kommo-o, but I got this guy. I have the other Mewtwo EX too. I still haven’t pulled a Dragonite, though.

How are you guys doing, if you’ve tried it at all?
Is it just a TCG gacha game? I think I'd rather gamble for something physical to admire, but Grymanon's card project has actually been a godsend for teaching me about how the TCG actually works.
I'll put it on my to-do list.
It’s a TCG gacha, but to my knowledge none of the cards in this game are from actual packs. They all seem original. That or maybe they’ll sell the packs physically later I dunno, but there’s a pretty good quick battle simulator. I’d compare it to Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel
Ahhhh, gacha.
I mean, gotcha. I figured it was just an online version of the tabletop game. Unfortunately I have had maybe all of ten hours of free time this year so it will have to wait until after I have no chance of competing against the pay whales.
C'est la vie.
Yeah, I just happen to have very good gacha luck for some reason. Wouldn’t recommend it to everyone.

I could draw a Koa card sometime maybe
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Barely made it within the spookday deadline, expect to finish it by 2027
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Never in doubt. Deadlines are really just guidelines anyway.
>I could draw a Koa card sometime maybe
Yeah, it'd be great to have another pen chipping in, it's an opportunity to practice drawing some of your favorite mons.
>Bibi Review
Well, Bibi, you were right, it would be good for you to do some proofreading. You have a funny way of describing things, "canine bearing grin" is an interesting way of describing Bibi's smile and I do think that it's accurate to compare her to a chihuahua, and it's also funny how you describe a 4X weak to Fairy Pokemon as having things in common with them. Maybe there's something I'm missing, but Bibi to me speaks in a sort of "country" way, despite being from Paldea. She's the kind of character that I both want to hug the shit out of and beat the shit out of. You do a good job of characterizing her as annoying with her run-on manner of speech and I also like the way that you got Koa to "Challenge" Bibi.
Nyx and Rina are interesting despite being yuri. Rina speaks in a... sophisticated manner? It seems like you were trying to make her seem "mysterious" in conjunction with her monotone voice and dubious origins while also having a humorous side with the "5 star hotel" line. I don't actually mind the constant "..." on Nyx's part and I'm assuming that's done with the intent of making her seem uncertain, which is done well enough. The tone shift between sappy romance and The Trial is interesting. I find it funny how just the question of why she was attempting to do the trial caused her to string her words together. Don't take that out when proofreading. I think it would be funny if she did that more often. You seem to really like Pokemon metaphors/analogies. I like the cliffhanger quotes as well.
I don't actually read manga so the thing you made was actually kind of my introduction to it. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't have to get used to reading from the left. The cover page is really funny as a result of being left open to interpretation. You did a good job of making Bibi's personality show manga-wise, especially in the "I'm In Despair" panel. I still don't get it but that's probably not the intent anyway. Good Stuff, was worth the wait.
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on this spooky day, a certain hero appeared to bring forth the rightful justice...
And to commemorate it, I can answer up to three questions regarding him, feel free to ask anything!
I'll start with a fun fact: When i first posted his (re?)design, I was expecting people to treat him as a wannabe champion and, overall, a joke character without any big role to perform, it was pretty surprising to see that basically the opposite happened
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Hope everyone's feeling spooky-dooky. Time to play catch-up halloween ediditon.

Miko's seasonal outfits always end up looking like a remix of his base design so I figured I'd try out something a little different for him.
>Forgot he had an umbreon.
I don't feature the Pokemon he keeps with his grandpa in Johto enough so I wanted to include some here. Ecruteak has some autumnal lookin forests to ball out in right?

I hope I didn't make you wait too long <3
You're really pumping these out one after the other and they're coming out so good too. Keep up the great work anon, may you never experience burn out :)

Holy shit bibi-anon you never really miss do you? This was so perfect. The kumeta koji inspo really shone through and you got so much packed into just 15 pages. This is the best treat this halloween. also rip bibi ;( (and happy birthday to her as well!)
And these outfits? Pure peak.

2 for sure

Have a great time, we'll be listening to your music until then <3

So happy to see more Adeline content! Both her gym and rematch teams are full of immense character and flavor, absolutely love it.
>Three questions
While he fights him a lot, does Brendoom consider Grym a friend of sorts?
How close is he with his sister? He must be a nice brother if she doesn't mind taking care of him a lot
What happened to Venomoth?

Lucky Miko, got all the chocolate coins.
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Oh shit. Thanks to your unceremonious posting, I almost missed it (yes, I'm choosing to blame you instead of myself for having no time to read the entire thread).
Gotta say, it was very Zetsubou-sensei indeed, and the meta references in the typical wall of examples had me acting the [tsukomi] thinking "you're not supposed to say those!".

Also, since you said your parody would reference manga only stuff, I actually tried to start the manga to see if I could get far enough to get said reference(s), and. . . did you just spoil me the ending?
Well, I'm sure the actual ending has more to it than that considering the afterword, and to be honest, it'll probably take so long for me to get to the end that I'll probably forget about it.

Either way, it was great, thank you for such cool Halloween gift (for the thread).
Could you get a glimpse of how it is to be a serialized mangaka?

Got over a hundred trickertreaters this year (I hand out the full-sized bars), how'd you guys do?
>I hope I didn't make you wait too long
I'm just glad you're here. I pride myself in seeing every single post, so I was pretty distraught when your midnight post somehow slipped past my notice. Won't happen again, probably.
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>Bibi Review
I don't know how about Instantlergram or Rugrattattas. "Forged In Hellfire" sounds like the name of a cookie cutter deathcore band like Shadow of Intent or Brand of Sacrifice, it's a perfect band name for someone pretending to be extreme but really just obsessed with kayfabe. Alto continually and shamelessly dropping Cid Kagenou tier lines never fails to get me and the nail polish was also funny. Is there a reason how he got this way? I think there's potential for a running gag of him continuously trying to justify his feminine tastes. Bibi continues to be super huggable and punchable. I'm still waiting to see more of Alto in a crop top. And the others as well too.
>Koa Review
Admittedly, a bit cliche, but I liked it a lot. Like the other guy said, you should probably proofread it once you get the cover art done. Personally, I think you should change all of the "Dragon/Fighting Type" to "Dragon and Fighting Type" or just "the Dragon". I also should warn you, on the second page you forgot to put spaces between the paragraphs starting with "Rushing", "Ma", "It's", and "Go". IIRC, dashes between words do not have a space between them.
I struggle to envision a boat home shaped like a Gyrados, as well as a Kommo-o with a shit-eating grin, but it's a cool concept. Koa's manner of speech is interesting and pretty well developed, he's very clearly 14 years old with strict parents, unironically saying "heck", and I don't take issue with the dialogue-heaviness, it's expected for an exposition and I don't really care how long a build-up is as long as it's worth it. The tour guide scene was my favorite and the "pet dragon" comment was hilarious as well as the "Darumaka droppings". "Z-Noodles" are cringeworthy but very Alolan. I think you could have extended Hemlock's speech a bit it might also be too early to have Tapu Fini falling ill but I'm looking forward to the more action-focused Chapter 2
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>question one
Brendoom's judgement is hazy and he doesn't deem anyone as truly evil, so while he does sabotage Grym's plans on weekly occasions, he also invites him over to the volleyball match literally next day, picrel is him barging into Xavions apartment uninvited for similar reasons
>question 2
Natty arguably cherishes her brother way more than one might think, Brendoom's love and appreciation are primitive and don't usually go deeper than "they're part of the family and i love my family, so i love them by default", in fact unlike him, she is well aware about what happened next question related
Brendoom doesn't remember his childhood. Strangely enough, his only memory of the past is his mother's favorite color was purple
...brendoom and grym are enemies?
More like "accidental rivals". You see, people were talking about a "mean trainer", and Brendoom went to see who this meanie was.
He saw Grym having a fight, and his team was so scary and powerful, Brendoom though "he has scary pokémon, so he must be evil!"
There are more dangerous criminals than the edge master, but Brendoom is too much of a hothead to realize it.
I thought you were talking about the goth girl lol
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Here’s my Grass-type Gym Leader, Woodrow. Gives you the Lumber Badge.
I can see the differences. In fact, I made the mistake as well.

>Grim: from Grim Darkwood, edgeman extraordinaire
>Grym: from Grym, the cutie patootie goth girl that deserves all the pancakes she can eat

That's not a badge, that's an axe!
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You're quite new here so I'm going to fill you in.
First of all, it's Grim, like the word, not Grym. Now for the actual lore
In January 2023, after Hirocima and Niggasaki killed the first /tog/ in December of 2022, two threads emerged from the rubble. The first was Kayda, which was a coomer thread, kind of like the fetishmon thread but centered around type specialists, revolving around Kayda, a redhead with exaggeratedly large breasts, who, depending on who you ask, was created to make fun of new Dragon types such as Hydrapple and Archaludon that weren't "dragon" enough, or was created to satirize people who criticized Dragon types that weren't "dragon" enough.
The second thread that emerged was Edgyverse, a thread centered around making fun of the OCs made by popular Twitter artist Nyantcha AKA ThiccWithAQ AKA 00_Homura for his Zirca region. He is notorious for being a giga coomer nigger who pretended to be a woman and was doxxed a while ago on /vp/ (not posting it). The thread made fun of the Zirca OCs, in particular Champion Vos Xavion and Poison E4 Dorado Guerrero for being outrageously edgy to the point of being blatantly out of place in the Pokemon setting, like Alexander Heriot x10. There was also another OC named Grim Darkwood which was created by a 25 year old Colombian man who watched too much shonen, somehow managing to create a character that was even more unironically edgy than the Zirca stuff. Contrary to what some people believe, Grim is not a parody OC, he is 100% serious, and is also not related to Zirca at all; his creator was just aping Nyantcha. An unknown anon created two phases for his special snowflake Mega Tyranitar with multiple abilities and STAB versions of other Pokemon's signature moves. Brendoom was also created around this time as a counter to the raw edginess of Edgyverse. Anna and Hasumi also emerged around this time. Edgyverse and Kayda both died off due to becoming stale, /tog/ is reborn, the rest is history.
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It is important to know that 1. Grim's creator never intended for Thanatos to have multiple phases, and its only known move is Stone Edge and its ability is just Sand Stream, and 2. Grim is really not that hard to beat, Alex solos him easily, Bibi solos him assuming she brings all of her Ubers/OU Pokemon, Franco arguably solos him just with Annihilape and Iron Valiant, Tesoro COULD solo him, Koa also once tried to argue that Mo-o can solo him with this set.
It's still Halloween somewhere.

finally finished the spooky story.
Hey, thanks for the review. I wrote it with a very spaced out schedule and I might’ve missed a few things. I might draw what Koa’s boat home is actually like sometime if you have a hard time imagining it. Also, Z-Noodles are from the games. I didn’t make those up. I’m just sticking to the games. I also have that “running out of words to describe a character/ Pokémon by something other than their name” problem, I’ll do my best to not do that next time.
October 30th and 31st: Halloween
November 1st and 2nd: Día de Muertos

As long as I can party with good music, costumes, and lots of candy, I say let the ghosts stay! Some tunes to keep the vibe.

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Halloween buzzer beater.
He got lots of candy.
Lucky Volbeat

Emily's not really all that involved with Halloween and kinda just roams around at night watching others doing Halloween things.

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