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My son was ground-typed today. It started when I saw him drawing this picture today. The drawing did not include popular Pokemon, like Sylveon or Goodra, which piqued my curiosity. I questioned my son on this decision but he ranted about how even if Masuda forcibly injected him with 6 million kg of estrogen, he would not be gay enough to like those Pokemon! I was outraged because not only was what he said homophobic, but he was being rude towards video games I liked. He argued some more, and it culminated in him wishing that everyone who bought Sword or Shield would identify as a corpse! This is why I decided to ground-type my son today. What would you have done?
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>Hey this post isn't written in the way it normally is
The way I normally word these posts has been added to the spam filter. I kept changing words around and this is what finally worked. So I think this is going to be the format of these posts for awhile now.
Sex with Delcatty
schizo thread
kill all shizos and normal shitmon bitch type delcatty
Have you tried using greek letters here and there to bypass it, Delcattyden?
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I use Cyrillic ones personally.
I don’t want to make it too hard to search this stuff on the archive
as long as "my son" or "son drawing" is there somewhere in the text, there won't be a problem
How is this Halloween related?
Hitmonchan turned into a ghost-type
Trannies are horrifying
>Gender ideology
Another common Delcatty chad W.
>Defeating your own strawmen is a W
Yeah, for pathetic schizos maybe
Yes, something you will never experience even with girls that aren't Delcatty
Too late there, incel brownie
Trans people are like less than 2% of the population, why are you so obsessed with them?
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That's two too many
>intentionally evading spam/post filters
oh no! the horror! too spooky even for Halloween!
Hitler needs a Smeragle and Rotom-Heat
Smeragle is actually a good artist though
I love your comics, they're like a silver lining on this board
>implying Deltranny isn't a tranny
Delcattyden is my wife
i wish i could make love to muslim delcatty
>most heterosexual /vpol/ poster
Imagine your kid is groomed and decides to chop his dick out and starts schizoing out, how would you feel?
But my kid wasn't groomed and he didn't decide to chop his dick off and he didn't starting schizoing out.
So is Hitmonchan both trans and black coded?
You're missing the point, we are upset that parents have to deal with their own children trooning out and becoming schizos because the twitterfags kept grooming him. There's a reason as to why people stopped telling others to be careful on the Internet when the trannies started becoming more and more prevalent online
Why are you so defensive over xhem
NTA, I think he's referencing the "but I did have breakfast this morning" guy. Not sure why, he might think it's funny. It's not.
Nice trips btw
It was funny, you’re just upset he was mocking the rightouds who invent scenarios to get mad at kek
Nah, it wasn't funny, the guy he was replying to didn't even get it because of how overtly long it was, and it didn't fit the context. Terrible attempt.
I have a confession. I've spent years on /b/, watching it wither and die, descend into nothing.

Compared to there, this board is full of life. This post is better than anything I've seen on /b/ in the past fucking year. /vp/ has a strong heartbeat while ./b/ has flat lined.

I don't know why I'm telling you this. It's just nice to see that the decay hasn't spread to the entire website.
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My son was ground-typed today. It started when I saw him drawing this picture. The drawing did not include a popular Pokemon, like Yamper or Calyrex, which piqued my curiosity. I questioned my son on this decision but he ranted about Masuda started destroying Pokemon with these terrible designs all because he accidentally broke a beer bottle inside his anus! I told him his accusation was unfounded and lacked any credible citation whatsoever. He doubled down by proclaiming that GameFreak is ran by the archons who want to steal our souls so we can be turned into mindless consumer regis! I told him if he keeps talking like that then I am going to consider putting him on medication. He said he was Based and Delcatty-pilled and he could do whatever he wanted. This is why I decided to ground-type my son today.
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Can't say I have ever used /b/ but it is demoralizing to see so many boards decay over the years. This has been a very strong motivating factor for doing what I do.
It was you he was explaining it to, and even if it was a little verbose the point was brought home kek
There’s no tranny cabal out to get you. Meds now
Imagine attempting to samefag this bad and not expecting to get called out for it KEK

no one is browsing veepee thinking “wow this Muslim sChIzO sure is reviving the board!”
I got so much second hand embarrassment from you
You tried to say female in the same post didn't you?
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But wait, there’s more!
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hijra_(South_Asia) (also Pakistan, apparently named after Islamic hijra/hegira of Profit MO)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genital_modification_and_mutilation#Emasculation (also available under https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nullo )
Ignoring the obvious fact that mutilating boys’ (and girls’ in many cases) genitals is exactly what trans+ ideologists want, your desert cult is at least partially into that Delcatty Anon.
Bloody hell, is there a religion more groomed and cyanpilled than that of the Muslamic infidels?
t. Heathen Anon
God I wanna be balls deep inside Delcatty
Porn should not be there to be honest.
He's not a muslim you retarf, he likes islam because the core followers are bigot who hate jewish/transgender folk
stay strong delcattychad
how the fuck is delcattyfag NOT racist towards muslims? is it a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" type deal?
you people are too dumb to understand Delcattyden's irony
>turns his favorite Pokémon into a Muslim because he hates them so much
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i still find it crazy that people take these comics seriously when he's directly quoting I AM SILLY
Satire is just a cover for sincere beliefs.
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See: Church of the SubGenius.
Trolling for decades, once Drumpfie came to power the façade was over.
What if we kissed in the delcatty thread? Haha.. just kidding!
Haha so funny! Kys
Trump doesn't count, the feds were playing the MKUltra activation codes in the news broadcasts for that one.

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