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>W-what?? No way I lost, you must have cheated. No badge for you
How do you respond without sounding mad?
Marry me.
I grope her ass in retaliation.
All of her pokemon are fainted.
Mine aren't
I take it with force.
>Hide obvious coom bait thread which purpose is to intentionally evade filters.
>he uses filters
>her attempt at a "cool pose" is just showing off her stinky butt to the world
kek what an embarrassing bitch
If you actually made decent threads that didn't revolve around you being degenerate about cartoon characters then I wouldn't have to use them.
Make better topics, that involve actual discussions.
We're discussing that scene from HGSS when she doesn't give you the badge. Have a good day
I don't want the badge. I demand sex.
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All Johto women are bitches
she NEEDS to stomp on my balls
>*Rapes her
Not a bitch, I'd argue the opposite with how much she cares about Amphy
A little bit of a bitch, lets her emotions get the better of her but you can easily snap her out of it. Seriously unprofessional, but Clair is a whole other fucking level to the point where Whitney is just a minor infraction in comparison.
Whitney's tantrum lasted for a few boxes of dialogue and that's it.
Jasmine saved lives while you went on an errand
Clair was the only one who doesn't have an excuse and she skirts most of that from her fanbase because hot Dragon specialists can get away with literal murder and get a pass. Just ask Zinnia.
Mating press.
>noooo you can't do that you stupid coo-
She makes you waste time grabbing that medicine for her instead of just taking Amphy to the fucking pokecenter.
I report her to league authorities and then quietly seethe when nothing happens due to nepotism.

At least I didn’t sound mad.
>ill give you a salamance if you give me my badge
The game makes it very obvious that the center wouldn't be able to do shit.
The guy providing you the medicine states how it is so potent he doesn't usually give it out.
Remember when Lance was voiced by Joey from Yugioh?
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Wait for her cousin to correct her.
I think Clair needs a hug. She seems like someone who has a lot of internal issues and no one to vent for feel comfortable with sharing them to.
Raping her, she has no Pokemon left after all.
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I agree
The world doesn't know nor revolve around your filters
In fact pokegirl posters would probably prefer you not to be in this thread
The world also doesn't revolve around you being horny over cartoon girls. But you and others act like it does, and think you're entitled to force your degenerate obsessions on people who don't want to see or hear it.
Otherwise OP would've said "Clair thread" instead of shitty bait and not mentioning her name, because they want people like me to see it, then cry when I tell them to shut the fuck up.
>because they want people like me to see it
Again, the world doesn't revolve around your filters. People don't know what is contained have in your filters, and will not change their behavior according to them anyway.
You willingly entered a thread that you define as bait for something you don't like, and chose to expose yourself to its entire contents instead of actually hiding it and moving on.
Almost everyone else here outside of you and me will just hide this dialogue, get free bumps for their thread and keep doing what they do. But maybe it's what you actually want to happen in the end.
Last reply from me. You know that I'm right even if you shout the opposite.
girl butts don't stink
He's mad at that one
You people flood the board from top to bottom with "X makes me horny" threads. You also constantly derail topics into fetish garbage about literally anything. You guys take every single possibility to enforce your degeneracy to everyone whether they like it or not, so I'm going to tell you what you're doing and you should at least try to lose your virginity to a real woman instead of spamming this mentally ill shit.
The fact you're saying OP shouldn't accommodate for people who are sick of this shit and want to have a fucking conversation means I shouldn't accommodate either.
Real women are boring*

Except the very rare male-brained ones
Ferocious animalistic breeding with Clair, since she loves dragons so much.
I sniff her butthole
did clair really show up in the anime like that?
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I respond by tactically raping her (it's supereffective)
You've never even tried, or were rejected over and over for your horrible personality and hygiene. Work on those and maybe you won't find the need to masturbate to cartoon character all day.
I just push her into the lava, like I did to the other trainers in her Gym.
>or were rejected over and over for your horrible personality and hygiene.
bluepillers are so cute
>Except the very rare male-brained ones
they don't exist and don't let yourself be tricked into believing otherwise
You certainly aren't, which is why you fap to cartoons.
Do I have to contact the Pokemon League for your misconduct, Clair? I won our battle fair and square and I know Lance personally. So unless you want him riding your ass over being a sore loser and denying me what I rightfully won, I suggest you turn that Rising Badge and that TM over and then get out of my fucking face.
Fuck her slutty armpits
>Oh my SCIENCE, men expressing heterosexual feelings in their free time? That is SCANDALOUS
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Bold words for someone within face-fucking range.
I love Clair so fucking much
It's virgins loudly being degenerate about cartoon characters.
I love fucking Clair so much
Whats so bad about being a virgin?
Really It's odd that the guy complaining about the Claire Thread is in the Claire thread. Calling everybody virgins instead of perhaps participating and being happy about Claire as a character. Or discussing the character and her Pokémon. Really Claire from Pokémon gold and Silver is an older character, so there's not that much to really discuss about her. And therefore it is more than likely that her threads will just be about finding her very attractive and other people finding her attractive. I for one am having fun posting all these images of her.
I'll speak of my personal experience against Claire. When I was a kid and fighting her for the first time. I actually found her team quite difficult as I had no ice types or a good concept of a team. Regardless all of her dragonbreath attacks that would paralyze me and her kingdra would usually finish me off. I ended up having to brute force it with a Wigglytough who clutched up and spammed the strength move to finally defeat her after some healing it using items and sacrificing my other pokemon to her kingdra. Its quite amusing i always thought when wigglytough would end up becoming fairy type way later. Probably would've made a easier time.
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People just want a reason to get mad at something, anything.
In any case, I've still grown fond of the other Johto girls but Clair is always fun to me. She'd be fun to... well, have fun with. Clair would be a fun Tsundere to fluster and spend time with.
After defeating her, it was pretty amusing as well that she would tell you to go to the dragon den. Because I made a fucking beeline for it. After I had lost her a bunch of times I ended up exploring blackthorn City a lot, I would go and like talk around town and surf around her gym. Finding think it was magikarp around her gym and the little door there. So it was always pretty obvious that they wanted you to have an excuse to go to that dragon den and so It felt good after you actually beat her, you get to have that little cherry on top of finally getting in there.
Let my Pokemon out and tell them that she thinks we cheated and let them handle it.
Clairs gym is rather hardcore as well. Its got a buncha lava everywhere so you'd think it would be hot as hell in there. And shes got pretty fun fodder npcs to fight.
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They do exist and they're kind of terrifying to run into
I can understand the lava but what's with the Strength boulders? That must be a hassle for the gym trainers.
They got dragons. Makes you think the dragons could just surf or fly the lava?
Be degenerate if you want, just don't shove it down the throats of people not interested. If he didn't intentionally evade filters there you could all be losers in peace.
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>but its ok if i shove my whining about the degenerate thread i clicked on and didnt just hide when i saw it because i wanted to talk about my epic filter that has the name of every pokegirl and pokeboy in it on the vp board of 4chan that talks about pokemon. I want every thread to not be waifufagging because im not a degenerate. Btw i do the same thing in every thread that evaded my epic filter.
Ok so why? Whats your endgoal to be annoying? Why dont you just hide the thread? I have a filter myself thats mainly buzzwords like dei and nigger and i dont go out my way to complain in threads that managed to evade my filters because im not a attention seeking whore.
Fpbp, thread ended hours ago dunno why ppl are still replying
>Whats your endgoal to be annoying?
No, but the fact you want 50 or 60 threads about being horny in the catalog at once, with some evading filters intentionally and frequent derailing, that's the kind of annoying you're endorsing.
you are stupid
>decent threads
where do you think you are?
>The other thread died
>I must make one immediately to circlejerk with my fellow retards
If you and the other Johtoddlers want to circlejerk about your flopped bitches, join a discord.
>flopped bitches
Cool song title
Do you think that she wear anything under that bodysuit or there's only bare skin directly under it?
Sad how the coom threads are probably the only good ones left (sans turbo shit ones like Cynthia's and Pokegoddess)
I'd say nothing, go gather every big league member including Lance, and then walk back into the gym asking for a rematch for the badge.
>Cynthia's and Pokegoddess
Those are the very best ones, especially Cynthia
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Embarrass her, don't know how though.
Call her cute and she'll melt away instantly.
She'd have to be real first though.
Impregnate her.
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Get on my knees and apologise
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Stop bullying Clair

Stop sexualizing Clair
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But she cute when angry...
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why do johto gym leaders act like that?
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>Sad how the coom threads are probably the only good ones left.
Idiot cumbrain.
Couldn't they have just made getting the dragon thing first before battling her as some sort of condition for the fight?
The way they did it made her kind of a cunt.
Why would anyone care about what you want?

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