For me? It's Regibug
>>56817527for me it's regiflesh and his 200 attack
Fuck regitrunk is so good
bird type regi when?
>>56817527Some of these don't make sense like the flying one when they're supposed to be creatures from before time itself just like Arceus yet they reference mankind.
for me it's regitube
>>56817527Regiground is pretty cool
Regighost should unironically just be a bed sheet ghost with regi dot eyes
>>56818105I want to jump on top of it
>>56817527If we get a psychic type regi, he should be unironically named Regignosi
>>56817527If Regirock is made up of actual rocks, Regice made up of ice from the ice age, and Registeel made up of alien metal, does that mean Regigains would be made of pokemon flesh? Human flesh?
>>56818105>>56820172>draw a regi made with oreo cookiesfanartists were a mistake.
>>56817554He actually looks like a real design.Although personally I like Regitoxic
>>56818085Only regigas is a giant, the rest are golems built by him
>>56817527Why do these remind me so much of the aliens from Ben 10
>>56817527Regiwater would be awesome if it looked like this.
>>56817527>no regiwater that's a crummy pail of water