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>Canonically a groomer
>/vp/ defends this
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what do you expect?
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She groomed Elio?
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No, she married someone young enough to be her son
Is Lusamine a groomer too?
>/vp/edophiles defend other groomers
Many such cases
nobody cares about that ugly hag except cucks
She invited lots of trainers over to her place so I bet she's groomed a lot.
What kind of things does she make them do?
Lots of things. Acts like their mother, albeit overprotective. Touches them all over and teaching them many things...
Watches them pee?
Right in front of her.
Would she let me watch her pee?
Only if you're 14 or under.
Would she pee herself for me?
Get a fucking private message going you faggots
words used to mean something
Use a filter you retard.
>Filter all coomer thread
>Only 5 threads left on the catalog
Sure anon, what a great idea
What is it with zoomies and freaking out over harmless agegaps
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I know that this is just some low effort bait thread but since now's as good of a time as any to say this, a belief I've had for a few years now is that I earnestly believe that even if you make an all-adult cast, the people screaming that literally everything is pedophilia would just pivot around and start screeching about "age gaps" instead.
Don't know if anyone here has any infamous fanbase examples of this, but it's something that I just expect to happen.
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you know wicke is probably much younger in the actual finished game right
pic related (wicke around the time of mohn's disappearance)
>fictional people being treated like real people while real people are treated like they're NPCs
>wicke dressed like a grunt
>faba doesn't look like a jew
would be cool to have a legends game were we meet them like this.
Women tend to let themselves go hard the moment they get married
you comment this on a picture with a years married lusamine
She let herself go emotionally
>no, it's not okay for a 40 year old to date a 20 year old, that's grooming
>no, it's not okay for a 45 year old to date a 25 year old, that's grooming, even if both parties consent
>yes, it's completely okay for a 50 year old to date a 30 year old, that's a healthy relationship between two consenting adults
Half your age + 7. That's the (acceptable by society) limit.
Nice picture
This is just proof that puritans have no place on this board or in this franchise. Go back to crying that pokemon is satanic like the pearl-clutching karen you are.
No, the acceptable by society limit is the legal age for marriage. What a bunch of retarded faggots on social media, be it twitter or 4chan or reddit or whatever else, say is irrelevant to the letter of the law.
Half your age plus 7 had been around for decades well before the internet
Just because something is legal doesn't make it acceptable.


This is what you sound like. Very suspect.
>What a bunch of retarded faggots on social media, be it twitter or 4chan or reddit or whatever else, say is irrelevant to the letter of the law.
I mean, you aren't wrong. What people says has no relevance at the end of the day, but these ideals were obvious, back in the old days.... of 2004. Back when everyone still had some semblance of self awareness.
Imagine if you had a daughter and she began dating a 43 year old man when she was 20. You'd be horrified right?

That's what Wicke did to a boy.
Not necesarily. With that big gap, is obviously he is only for the money. The boy is a squatter.
You say that like it's a bad thing. If my mom looked like this you bet your ass I'd be rawdoggin her
Hey just like my wife
Don't lie on /vp/
Some of you mfers need to be put on watch lists
When people like >>56821369 feel comfortable posting you know there's a problem
>daughter gets hitched to some rich old fart
based, she's gonna be fucking loaded when he croaks. you go, girl.
Considering she is the "mother" type character, I'll just say >>56820218. The boy who tied the knot with her is the luckiest SOB in Alola, after Lana's mom's husband.
Chris hansen is needed in Alola so bad
>female groomer
The hottest shit ever, I would give anything to get groomed by a woman again
watch me fuck your mom gayboy lmao
Yes, harmless. Her husband is an adult man.
>filter coomer threads
>still several up because they evade filters with creative titles
Its more like this
>I'm gay
>she thinks coomers are straight
>I'm totally straight
And her husband is 20 years younger than her. Convenient you left that detail out. Curious.
And why is that a problem when he is an adult?
Nobody ITT is actually being serious about the age gap. They're just trying to be funny. No need to engage with them so seriously.
As a Wicke lover since SM first arrived when I was 21, this leak has been very validating and boner-inducing
She will be a granny by the time he is middle aged though
It's not funny though.
Welcome to /vp/ :(
Yeah she was in the wrong. She should have groomed ME
And? If she didn't force him into it and they are both happy, what's the issue in that?
>but it's illegal and creepy
Go arrest animals then, we are the only species stupid enough to put rules on everything to help with issues and then have said rules fuck us over, creating more issues, because of stupid idiots like you who can't understand nuances and that these rules are human-made and aren't perfect. She is not known to be going around middle schoolers trying to kidnap/rape them, she just married a younger dude who she feels a deep connection and love. These two situations aren't the same : one is obviously problematic, the other is just an exceptionnal . And I never fucking played or care about SM or that character, but seeing such ignorance, thinking morality above all else is a good thing when morality is subjective? Fuck that. Or then go kill trannys and gays, morality said so back in the days.
>He thinks that if you are not a porn addicted incel that means you are homosexual
Do cumskulls really?
>Implying coomers are more welcomed here
This is a children's franchise. Check yourself.
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>because she married late, she has no children
>younger dude
So someone who isn't mentally and physically mature enough to consent?
>finding women attractive bad
Then a 6 year old can date a 10 year old, and a 10 year old can date a 12 year old
I'll fuck you and your mom
I'll make you kiss
>ywn be wicke's special little 20 years younger than her hubby
Yeah. But at that age I doubt they want to be boyfriend and girlfriend. They would prefer to be friends.
If this weren't an anonymous imageboard you would probably be reported for posting something advocating for illegal relationships
Then people shouldn't be fucking crying about Wicke's husband being "groomed", I don't care how close to 30 years old 28 is, that's still in your 20s.

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