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Gen 7 had some planned buffs/nerfs that were scrapped

>Will-o-Wisp being unable to hit Ghosts
>Toxic having 100% accuracy when used by Bug types
>"Dragon Killer", an ability that deals double damage to Dragon types
>Sticky Web now affects Flying and Levitate mons
>Dark type mons being immune to Intimidate (scrapped because it would interfere with Bisharp's Defiant ability)
>Grass moves having 1.5x power under sun

Plus these:

>A Pokemon that's already under the effect of regular poison can be poisoned again to turn it into toxic poison
>Ghost types being immune to Dark Void
>A passive, permanent Liquid Ooze effect for Poison types
>"Fairy History"- Fairy type Soak
>Gravity causes priority moves to lose priority
>Ice types being immune to Icy Wind's speed drop
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>"Dragon Killer", an ability that deals double damage to Dragon types
God I hate the "Type also has weird secondary effect" stuff they're pushing, like ghosts not being trapped, or electric unable to paralyze. Those are abilities. Types should be just for type matchups.

>Sticky Web now affects Flying and Levitate mons
Should've happened
>A Pokemon that's already under the effect of regular poison can be poisoned again to turn it into toxic poison
This could be awkward with the way Bad Poison works, starting put week and becoming stronger
Between that Icy Wind idea and Ice-types already being immune to Sheer Cold, they should really just make Ice immune to Ice. Take the one good defensive matchup they have, and capitalize on that instead of adding a new one.
>Grass moves having 1.5x power under sun
Wpuld have been nice.
>electric unable to paralyze
These at least make sense. Ones like taunt should be reworked into a dark type status effect.
grass is not allowed to be a good type
no, it's a good thing that makes types more special
you don't play the game
Which mon was supposed to have Dragon Killer?
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>>Will-o-Wisp being unable to hit Ghosts
>>Toxic having 100% accuracy when used by Bug types
>>"Dragon Killer", an ability that deals double damage to Dragon types
>>Sticky Web now affects Flying and Levitate mons
eh, probably dumb
>>Dark type mons being immune to Intimidate (scrapped because it would interfere with Bisharp's Defiant ability)
>>Grass moves having 1.5x power under sun
could work
>>A Pokemon that's already under the effect of regular poison can be poisoned again to turn it into toxic poison
>>Ghost types being immune to Dark Void
>>A passive, permanent Liquid Ooze effect for Poison types
>>"Fairy History"- Fairy type Soak
>>Gravity causes priority moves to lose priority
would be cool
>>Ice types being immune to Icy Wind's speed drop
too situational

overall verdict: we wuz not robbed
That one doesn't make sense because of moves like Body Slam. It has nothing to do with electricity.
they should unironically go back to the gen 1 system where statuses cannot be applied by a move that matches the target's type, but everything else is fair game
Eeh... I don't know why a little Teddiursa should be immune to potential spinal damage when my Snorlax Body Slams it.
It could have an explanation like "electric types' peripheral nervous system work differently from other Pokémon which makes them unable to be paralyzed". But it doesn't need that much an explanation, most paralysis moves are from electric types. In fact, most paralysis moves that aren't Electric-type come from early gens, specially Gen 1 so they might simply changed how they believe the status should work and its relationship with Electric types.
>Sticky Web now affects Flying and Levitate mons
Spider webs are primarily known for catching flying insects, and bug type deserves the buff.
>A Pokemon that's already under the effect of regular poison can be poisoned again to turn it into toxic poison
I like it.
>"Fairy History"- Fairy type Soak
No issue with this, Soak leads to lots of interesting interactions.
>Ice types being immune to Icy Wind's speed drop
This would've been a good idea at the time, but Ice has too many buffs now and they definitely don't need any more extra benefits.

>Gravity causes priority moves to lose priority
This seems good on the surface, but the big issue here is it prevents using priority moves as counterplay to fast Hypnosis users under Gravity.

Unnecessary or Weird:
>Grass moves having 1.5x power under sun
Seems like overkill.
>Ghost types being immune to Dark Void
If this is an attempt to make Dark Void Smeargle legal again, it's not worth it.
>"Dragon Killer", an ability that deals double damage to Dragon types
No real issue with this, but I imagine it was scrapped because of the potentially confusing damage calculations for scenarios like a Dragon Killer Pokemon's hitting Dragon/Flying Dragonite with Ice Beam.
>A passive, permanent Liquid Ooze effect for Poison types
They probably thought it'd cause too much annoyance for casual players during playthroughs, most weird interactions only come up during competitive play, but using a draining move on poison types during normal play will come up semi-regularly.
>Toxic having 100% accuracy when used by Bug types
Makes more sense to keep this benefit for Poison Types, and Bug Types need buffs that aren't ones undermined by low defense stats.
Oh and Will-O-Wisp not affecting Ghosts is also bad. Fire Types are already immune.
>but Ice has too many buffs now and they definitely don't need any more extra benefits.
a few resistances wouldn't hurt
Fuck off retard
This is what I don't understand. They clearly know Ice needs help, but they want to do everything EXCEPT let it resist anything besides itself, while continuing to make slow defensive Ice-types. Or Hisuian Avalugg.
>This would've been a good idea at the time,
The only Ice types that would have been helped are the sweepers/wall breakers and those have always been good. The Ice types types trying to be defensive mons would still be cucked
woah, just take it easy man

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