turn 1 moltres ex in to concede
>Play Hand Scope>No Sabrina/Giovani>End Turn>Opponent draws>Plays Sabrina/Giovani>DEFEAThappens everytime
>>56827087why she so small
OP might be retarded
The flair system is retarded. Need 5 freaking copies of a card just to put sparkles on a card.
>>56827087Bros, this deck feels insane! I have a huge win streak, over 5 in a row, and just beat the Misty Articuno deck! That right after beating two Mewtwo decks!
OP might be basedMISTY SUPREMACY!
>>56827524Using Jewgle Images instead of Bing generally does that to a nigga.
Trading LF illustration rare Pikachu EX have base rarity Arcanine EX
>>56827087You forgot to put /ppg/ in the OP
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YkqrypGO0sspragels posted
Dumbass misty plapper OP
>>56827375Because she is 10 years old.
I need Abras wtf man
>>56829768That's practically a hag by pokeworld standards
>>56827087What is this, lewds for ants?
>actually deleted my account after that failed 10 pack>107 cards laterWow, this already looks better, but I'm not taking my chances and I'll grind another 120 hourglasses to roll on the Charizard pack next. No Ralts, Kirlia or Gardevoir though, so haha...
>>56829777Pokemon has the best hags. Pokemoms are goated.
>>56827087>play shit deck>if I lose i make an excuse about deck being shit>if i win opponent feels extra shitIt’s a win win
when is the optimal time to play a red card?
>>56829830anytime your opponent has more than 3 cards in hand or their bench pokemon suggest they have the evolution in hand
>>56829802It's tough, since the way the ratios work EX cards are more common than regular holos. Getting everything you need might take a few account attempts but I'm rooting for you. Even if the deck isn't the most fun around, the gardevoir line will be future proof and winning is in itself enjoyable.
>>56829802>already bricking himselfFucking retard lmao
>>56829830Exactly turn 1. After that, if your opponent ever has more than 4 cards in hand it means they're bricked and Red Card turns into a mulligan that actually helps them.
This shit is insane, give me a fucking Meowth please
>>56829684 can his ability be used from the bench? it seems like it would counter articuno, poison, and greninja
>>56829773craft them. they're only 35
https://www.pokemonmeta.com/add HIS site to the OP
Got the two of them today from the 2 free packs.What the fuck
>>56829783who is shereverse didnt work
>>56829883Based luck chad
>>56829874Kill yourself
Didn't see the new thread...>>56829904
>>56829915Yeah. Keep getting tickets, since they're adding new items to the shop next week for part 2 of the event.
>>56827087>gameplayis the "card game" portion of this trading card game really fun bros
>>56829933It’s simple but i like it
8694414299482843Add me, I'm restarting and I only need two more Advanced missions.
>crown and 3* mewtwo>full art Sabrina Mewtwo negros, kneel
Is Blastoise worth building a deck for? My mistys never give me insane stacks.
>>56829927Will the ones obtained before the next part count for those missions?
>>56829933It's a lot of fun. Think yugioh speed duels, but with pokemon. 3 prize system, fast games, lots of opportunities for swing games to get hyped or upset over. Very shallow card pool and only like 15 decks to play at the moment. You might have to reroll a few accounts to get a full deck with your freebie pulls because there's no pity system and the crafting option is just objectively trash.
>>56829982>dark energycongrats you beat up some noob with a shit deck
>>56827087Nice image for durants, idiot
>>56829982Based rosario
>>56829857Kek damn
>>56829933Yes, but you have to find your own fun in deckbuilding.
>>56830010GardeWeezTwo is actually a good deck.
>>56829982>dark/psychic on a mewtwo ramp aceThat sounds horrible. Also your metal friend dies to a single mewtwo attack so I'm not sure why you're trying to shill the matchup
>got the rare Meowth off a wonder pickI'M SO HAPPY
>>56830041nice congrats
>>56830037No. It isnt. Strictly worse than normal garde mewtwo
>$5 = 25 gold = ten packsBros... I might spend...
>>56830047Sure, but you get to play Weezing.
>guy rolls 5 energy on Misty turn 1 and puts it on his benched squirtle>proceeds to lose because he never pulls the evolutionsTough luck buddy
>>56830041Hell yeah, meowth friend.
Why the FUCK is Starmie EX in the Charizard packs?!
>>56830057Ooh I forgot about the binder. I'm gonna update mine now!
>>56830060Same reason Erika is in it. Because fuck you.
How do you even get the shiny sparkle shit from dupes to show in game?
Someone post your weezing deck
There's no way the coin has a 50% success chance, it's probably like 30%, it's so fucking ridiculous, misty is a dead weight almost every game. I've done only one turn 1 Blizzard since I started using the deck.Why do people consider that card good again? How is it good if it doesn't do anything?Is it because of the way I throw the coin? I don't know at this point, I'm so fucking mad. Last match I had 2 misties in hand and got 0 from both, you can't make this shit up.I can't wait to stop playing this stupid deck, but I don't have good cards for another one.
>>56830051Don't do it, bro. It's a slippery slide. It seems cheap at first, but you're going to keep "treating yourself" and by the time you realize you'll have spent hundreds of dollars.
Use up all the free packs. Should I stick with it?I got everything I need to build a Mewtwo and Dragonite deck
holy shit
>>56830073You can really do whatever the fuck you want with Weezing. Weezing is super versatile.
Repost! If no one else does it I'll try to make an Excel sheet with friend codes on it but it won't happen until much later in the day.7754398073775440
>>56830086Holy fuck this looks super annoying
>>56830076t. Mathlet
>>56830071You have to apply it in the deck-builder.
>>56830071Go to your cards, the second tab from the left on the bottom bar. Click on a card. Press obtain flair. The amount of cards needed is based on its rarity.
>>56830082You're right but I'm insane. I'll at least get the discounted gold for now.
>>56830086Do you just use fighting energy
>>56830083>two decks online >venu in the back so likely one card away from a 3rdRefilling would be retarded in your position. You got almost everything out of the mewtwo packs you could want
>>56830060>Starmie in the charizard pack>Blastoise in the pikachu pack>Articuno in the mewtwo packWater is just fucked
>>56830087Make a Google served dork
>>56830094I'm completely sure I've had 0s more than half of the time, and I've played a lot.I don't trust apps, I wish I would playing with real cards and dice.
>>56830104Fighting and dark. It's not a problem because these pokemon only need 1 energy. I've gotten energy screwed once in like 40 games with the deck so far.
>>56830112Apps literally have better random than whatever shitty coin you are flipping
>>56830083>no crown >one altDelete it and drop the game. Be happy with you have and don’t reroll
>>56830111Google served? You mean Google sheet? That was the plan. I just call it Excel since it's what I associate it with.
reroll for erika full art or she will cry
>>56830106>>56830124Thanks, I just got five Guards. Could be good for trading
>>56830101>>56830100Thanks bri
>>56830124Not him but crown cards are fucking ugly. TCG always makes the super rare shit lame and the cool shit less rare. I have a crown Charizard and it's fucking useless to me I can't wait to trade this fucker away
>>56830139This but for Sabrina or else she'll subject you to a cock cage.
>>56830134Google survey sorry I am laying down for the night and I am sleepy. You can make a Google survey that wants>player ID>player name>favorite pokegirl>optional fieldAnd if will automatically update a Google sheet people can then use to grab player IDs. I didn't realize people cared otherwise I would have done it
>>56830140Wtf bro give me one
>>56830147pikachu isnt that bad, but i would rather have two illustration than one of each
add me7639694013028624
>>56830147I hope to trade away all my crown rares when trading is implemented.
>>56830140>Could be good for tradingUnderstatement. She is future proof and as time progresses she will hold her value while every other card in the set plummets. I wouldn't be shocked if in a year people were trading gardes for immersion cards
>>56830121And they can also easily be manipulated.
>>56830151Oh I didn't know about that. Thanks for the info! I'll have to mess with that later.
>>56830178So can literally anything. If you are so co confident start logging EVERY coinflip
If I don't turn one Articuno with Misty I scoop. Simple as.
>>56830147Agreed. It sucks that it's just the plain full art render but with a golden background. They look so lame compared to the ones that actually have cool full pictures with detailed backgrounds and especially the immersive ones.
Anyone want to duel? Password: vp
>>56830180Please do all those fields if you end up doing it. Just make all of them optional except player ID/name
>>56830197I'm coming.
The slowpokes are my favorite. Are there any fun slowbro decks, or am I locked into playing fire due to the pulls?
>>56830194Bros... I want to spit roast her with you guys so bad...
what pokemon do you think or has worked well with pidgeot aside kobra
>go first>lose
220 cards later. I got lucky with Zapdos EX from Wonder Trade, but the last two ten rolls were duds, I only got that Machamp EX.Reroll?
>>56830207Current Slowbro seems kinda shitty. Maybe good for soaking up damage with his high HP but 3 energy for 80 attack isn't great.
>>56830084>the Machamp meme is real
>>56830230>Two MewtwoI'd keep it
>>56830216Just Arbok really.Maybe Dragonite if you want to be greedy.Or Hypno + Dugtrio to stall them out and win via decking.
>>56830236Not a single Ralts, Kirlia or Gardevoir, not a single GL card either.
>>56830225what advantage does going first get you anyway? I guess you can use support cards first to fuck up your opponent's setup?
>>56830216I've been thinking about trying it with Weezing. But I don't have the full Pidgey line yet.
The wishlish thing is dumb. Doesnt even notify you when the card is in the wonder pick selections
>>56830244Potentially screwing over your opponent with Red card I guess
Would it be the worst idea to spend points to get Gardevoir if I have pretty much everything else to make a Mewtwo deck?
>>56830244You can Red Card your opponent. And evolve first. Once we get more evos that attack for one energy going first will be better.
up to 227 pack hourglasses
>>56830238oooodragonite sounds fun, but like you said: really greedy and risky>>56830245i have been thinking weezing as wellpoisoning and force switching sounds viable
Do pick the first pack or move them about beforehand?
>>56830238Deckout isn't a wincon
>>56830270Doesn't matter. It's all the same pack. Your result is per-determined from the moment you pressed the summon button.
>>56830260Big basics>evolution for 80% of the lifespan of the tcg
>>56830270I'm 99% sure the contents are chosen the moment you go into the roulette screen. The different packs are an illusion, no matter which booster pack you pick they're all the same.
>>56830257It might be but that's what I did. Spend a few points to get a good deck and then hoard while waiting for better options. In gachas it's always best to hoard resources. And I'm actually wondering if our pack points will be usable on the miniset. If we can then saving for that is likely optimal.
>>56830278>>56830280N-no my schizo tech
Weaknesses shouldn’t apply in pvp its so gay
>>56830257If you plan to keep digging I would say hold off but there is certainly a case for just buying the rest once you can afford it. The only actual idiots are the ones who buy and still can't make the deck yet>bro I will buy them latterEnjoy your triplicate
Is there any way to reset the fucking wonder picks?There has been nothing but GARBAGE in mine for the past two days.
>>56830281It says in the point exchange that when a booster pack availability period ends, the points won't be available for exchange.
>>56830289>t. Mistyplapper69 just got pounded by Lt. CHADrge
Basic and second forms shouldn't get ex versions
>>56830318lmao for all of Gen 5 and 6, all EXs were basics and Stage 2s were literally unplayable
>>56830309Is the miniset replacing the Mewtwo set? I thought they were both going to available until the next set came out.
>>56830216>what pokemon do you think or has worked well with pidgeot aside kobraI'd imagine Hypno, Arbok, Omastar, maybe Aerodactyl
>>56830308Yeah. Get better friends.
>>56830230what the hell are you even aiming for? why are you opening from every booster?
>>56830336Does having friends increase the total number of wonder picks available?I thought it just replaced some of the randoms.
>>56830216I don't think there's been a lot of testing with the line since it's so rare for whatever reason
>>56830197I'm done for now. GG. Pidgeot really screws with my gameplan of stalling.
>>56830351Thanks for the games. Your deck was very interesting.
>>56830329I'm not sure. I can't find a date anywhere for when or even if the packs are leaving anytime soon.
>>56830344Your friends replace some of tge randoms, yes. I don't think it increases your total wonder pick amount tho. Find yourself a whale friend. That's the best way to get good wonder picks. Get as many whale friends as you can.
>>56830356It basically does okay against Pikachu and Mewtwo decks and loses against everything else unless you get real lucky.
>>56830289Have you never played the real TCG? Weakness is a crazy x2 in that.
>>56830372Don't forget Resistances are also a thing.Genuinely unfun to lose a matchup before you even begin because your opponent's doing double damage to you and your 2HKOs turn into 3 or 4HKOs.
>>56830372yes and they released dark charizard to fuck over honest gardy players with kanto slop
>>56827087why does eevee get 4 cards?
>>56830308The best thing you can do to get more wonder picks faster is to just check it constantly. When the timer runs out on one you get a new one, but the timers on the new picks don't start counting down until you've viewed the page. So you autistically have to look at your picks whenever one runs out for maximum efficiency.
>>56830363I don't have the sources myself but the streamers I watch have all said that the release schedule for new cards is going to be something like a new set every three months with a miniset in-between. So we should be getting new cards every 6 weeks.
>>56830262Use them you rat
I wish every single Dragonite player a bad forever of wonder pulls. Fuck off.
>>56830317Porn is bad for you
>>56830375>Pokémon tcg>3HKONever happens
>>56830383Because it's epic
>>56830407That's not porn. They're just wrestling. And Surge is winning.
>>56830393Losing to Dragonite is a genuine skill issue.
>>56827087Which of these should I craft to make a new deck with?
>>56830393I am a pikachu zapdos player and am trans BTW I forgot to note that haha
I haven't played the tcg in over a year and I looked at tops and it's the same exact decks. That's the biggest complaint I have about that game due to no banlist. I hope here it is handled better.
>>56830278>>56830280Proof of this?
>>56830422Star and or hypno
>>56830422Hypno is fun. It's one of the only pokemon on the bench that can really do anything right now.
>>56830431You can get away with lower consistency decks in a simulator since you're not aiming to top. Play whatever jank ass shit your heart desires and embrace your 30% winnrate.
>>56830432they would probably have to disclose it. the odds would change when you open packs if they had different contents.
>>56830407I have read literal thousands if not tens of thousands of doujinshi over my life and 90% of you would call me a normalfag
add me8939825965549692
>>56827087Pikachu gets so much hate but Starmie Ex does just as much damage, more reliably and has higher survivability, and can start attacking just add quickly.
>>56830431The paper TCG doesn't have a banlist? Grim.
add me0299465741144695
>>56830453Wow you're so cool. Not
>>56830450That's what I've been doing. Without ranked there's really no reason to play meta.
>>56830082>$5 bro that's as much as buying a on single pack irl
>>56830457They DO have a banlist but they very rarely ban things in standard. Usually if something is game breaking everyone has to patiently wait 2 years for it to rotate out.
>>56830455The only reason that people dont hate Starmie is because barely anyone has it since you want pieces from multiple packs. Everyone runs Pikachu and Mewtwo because you just pull everything you need out of their packs.
>>56830445butterfree can heal entire team for 20
>>56830450I would probably go back and play my Inteleon deck. The simulator was annoying because everyone played Miraidon because it was free. At least now in this game there is some variety.
>>56830479The game won't give me a second Butterfree.
>>56830432If you close the game during the pack selection animation (as in after you've pressed summon), the content will be automatically gifted to you when you open the game back up. Also there's a skip button when you select the pack. You can just press that and get the cards immediately. The whole thing is just for show.
>>56830484post your butterfree team
>>56830445Magneton + Surge for instant 140 damage from Raichu is fun
>>56830455that is because starmie and water in general is incosistent as fuckyes, starmie does 90 for 2 as wellbut it needs to evolve, and misty is just RNGthis is a top 25 from todays tournament that had 500 playerssee how many pikachu/mewtwo/charizards there are compared to any other deck
>>56830521grim next 3 months of the game
>>56830521>but it needs to evolve, and misty is just RNGAnd pika needs a bench
What is Poke Gold (Paid) for? Is the paid version stronger for time reduction on boosters?
>>56830539finding 3 of ANY electric mons for the bench, which you can include as many as you want in your deck, is easier than finding a specific evolution. Pika also has Zapdos as a backup attacker when you draw low basics.
>>56830521Don't care Misty is queen
>>56830539there is a big gap in consistency there in odds of hittingthe odds of a pikachu hitting 3 bench when running 6-8 basics + 2 pokeballs are a lot higher than a staryu-starmie hitting on parthere is a huge gap in perfomance when it comes to competitive meta when you compare mewtwo, pikachu and charizard with water deckseven marowak and venusaur have a slight edge over it
>>56830540Usually gacha games have a paid and non-paid version of the prime currency and the only difference is the non-paid ones have a cap on how many you can hold.
>>56830534there is a new smaller set (A1a) mid december so we might get cards for a meta shift then or at least an adjustment
they patched the bent pack thing
>>56830540There's going to be better deals that you can only get from the paid gold. It's weird it exists when you get so little free gold though.Like in Masters you can pull a single unit for 300 gems but there is also a special daily pull for 100 paid gems.
they should have taken a note from duel links and started the game without ex mons. that way more cards are viable and the game is slower. i suppose that also doesnt make enough immediate money either.
>>56830540>>56830555There is some fucking awful gacha as well that have paid only banners allowed for certain things. Oh you have summon Crystals? Awesome! The Special 3 year Anniversary banner requires paid crystals, though. Also you need a subscription.
>HOW DO I GUARANTEE THE MEOWTHi dont care if its once ever
My friends list still isn't fullAdd me: 8561464884443170
anyone watching the rng tournament?
>>56830587Event is up for 2 weeks. Just keep doing the free picks and you'll eventually hit it.
>Already got all the ticket rewards>keep pulling more ticketsWish I could trade them in for hourglasses
>>56830601Hoard them for next month
>>56830593>meta shitterya I'm putting you on the list.
>>56830601There is a part 2 of the event that gives more cosmetics.
>>56830611>meta shitterHave you not seen my Garde list? the Weezing tech is the future
Check wonder picks, you MIGHT see something good I just pulled ;)
>>56830634basedi plan to use the same deck once i get my 2 weezings
Is nigmon tcg that fan
>>56830634I'm putting Weezing into all my decks right now and it's a blast.
Is machamp ex good?
>>56830661It's really good at going second because the whole line can attack on curve while still evolving. And that's about it. 120 damage for three energy is ok but it certainly isn't Mewtwo or Charizard numbers.
>>56830634What energy are you using? Just psychic right?
>>56830521Where are the conversion rates? If 90% of the field is playing Pikachu, Mewtwo, or Charizard, this isn't particularly informative.
>>56830690Nope. I'm using the dark energy because Gardevoir offsets the RNG by always pulling phychic. And, I feel like the deck really appreciates the extra damage from Weezings Tackle. I haven't run into a situation yet where getting too much dark has screwed me. The reverse has actually happened. Getting phychic when I want to Tackle sucks.
>>56827087If no one is liking your showcase, it's probably because you have it set to private.
>>56830680It can attack very aggressively, yeah. People don't appreciate the level of tempo you can put out. Going second you keep up with / outpace Pikachu ex's damage, and you can even KO Pika ex before it attacks if you have a Giovanni. And fighting is a great typing, Sandslash, hitmonchan, hitmonlee, some really good cards.
>>56830730Yeah set it to public, I just logged in and there was 5 shop tickets in my box just from showcase likesDon't even have to play the game anymore, just collect passive income
Has anyone calculated how much we get in ship tokens monthly? 5 daily thanks is 150 so we wouldn’t even be able to buy the 6x hourglasses?
>>56830743Make a few binder show cases of meta decks or homebrews and tags them as decks. I've gotten at least a dozen likes from my Weezing hybrid decks today alone.
>only open Mewtwo >Several Mewtwos, other randoms>No Dragonite >No Gardevoir >Most free hourglass gone, will be stuck with passive packs nowMaybe I should reroll
>>56830766I think that's normal. Don't have gardevoir or dragonite either but 3 Mewtwo EX
can't wait for real money trade bros, i'll paypal someone for a gold crown mewtwo
>>56830766Crafting multiple Gardevoir is much less costly than crafting multiple Mewtwo EX
Made a macro to like everyone's showcase every daily reset. Please add me and pay it forward thank you!3759644264284152
>>56830521Some spicy Weezing lists in that tournament.
9016418564560262Tomodachi onegai
>>56827368>playing cards that don't directly help you winIs it really so barren for options that handscope is your best one?Surely even some fossil stall is better?I just don't see many cases where hand knowledge changes your play when fossil beats Sabrina, and potion keeps you out of range of GiovaniSo instead of looking to see if they have answers and then also hopefully having the cards to play around it why not just run more cards that actually progress the game state and play a bit more cautiously if you can afford it.Just my uneducated stance on HamdSxope as a card.Like pokedex"Great I know what your hand/the next 3 cards I will draw are, now if only I could actually do something about it."
datamines are saying next miniset launches on dec 16 then a full set launching on jan29f2pbros its going to be rough to keep up
Finally my deck is playable
>pull 2 full art Wheezing before I pull any regulars>still no koga>still no fucking gardevoirI have full arts and EXs falling out of every orifice but I'm stuck on 2 and 3 diamond cardsand I don't want to craft before we know how trading works either
>>56830838>f2pbros its going to be rough to keep upespecially when the events don't seem to give pack hourglasses.
>>56830534>three completely different Tier 1 decks>different ways to build each of them>rogue decks also top>grimThis is unironically an incredibly healthy meta for a card game. Everyone expected there to be a clear Tier 0 but shit's currently pretty diverse. It's especially nice that all three packs each have a solid deck in them.
>>56830838What's a miniset A new expansion banner that runs concurrently or like one with higher rates for EX or specific cards or
>>56830838>>56830856It's worth noting each set will have its own AI battles, so we'll get hourglasses and tickets from there.Source: the tutorial>>56830866I'm assuming every main set will be ~300 cards divided into three boosters, and mini sets will be, what, 100 cards and only a single booster to pick from?
>>56830866 Probably 25-50 new cards. A normal size is probably 100+? I dont know, speaking out of my ass, just makes sense when thinking about it.
Wait wonderpick really takes 2.5 days to recharge?
>>56830897It's instant if you pay money.
>>56830862Misty Articuno is Tier 0 roughly 2.8% of the time (including the 50/50 for going first, removing that it's 5.59%)Not counting the chance of both pulling Oak and then pulling Misty from said Oak either, or I suppose the chances of doubling up on Misty either. But it should be a bit higher than these numbers.Also if going second it should be around a whopping 13 percent to both have Misty and double heads.Though your opponent has a single turn to potentially put down a fossil or pokeball a new basic.Of course there is the chance too that you don't win from Blizzard Turn 1/ Turn 1 going second, but...
>>56830873>and mini sets will be, what, 100 cards and only a single booster to pick from?I can't see a game this jewish doing single pack sets. the "mini" sets will almost certainly be 2 packs. I'd assume most of them will use box legendaries as the 2 cover cards
>>56830916>Misty Articuno is Tier 0 roughly 2.8% of the timeThat's not what that means or how you use those words.
We hate misty...
>>56830922Well I mean I'm joking but Tier 0 is just a deck that wins Turn 1 before any opponent interaction is it not?It's what it meant in card games I played before, and if you go first draw Misty (guaranteed Articuno from game mechanics) get 3 heads you basically auto win
>>56830935>Well I mean I'm joking but Tier 0 is just a deck that wins Turn 1 before any opponent interaction is it not?No. Tier 0 means it's so much stronger than the next best thing that it completely takes over the meta and becomes the only deck anyone plays. Right now, it's looking more like Pikachu and Mewtwo are both Tier 1. There's no Tier 0 right now.
If I'm just rolling heads then Dugtrio is the strongest card.
Pikachu and Mewtwo both win based on the coinflip. Misty doesn't care about the first coinflip but has to win a second coinflip.
>>56830706about 25% mewtwo, 25% pikachu, 10% charizard, 10% water, 5% marowak 5% venusaur, 5% blaine, 15% rogue decks
Misty should be called at 1 energy. The fact it works on every water type already makes it 10x better than Brock and would still be run in every water deck
>>56829578>beat articuno exGood, it deserves it for looking like the girugamesh meme. >>56830829Combo it with a Red Card. Hilarious.>>56830060Misty's in Pikachu as well. Water enthusiasm isn't good for f2p with Genetic Apex.>>56830083Don't reroll, just be patient with future packs. I rerolled after starting with a Venusaur deck but it's not my thing.>>56830140I hate my luck for being so average.
>>56830935Tier 0 means a deck so powerful that it warps the meta around itself. Misty is inherently held back from this because it's power is based on a coinflip, and with every warer type seemingly balanced around Misty highrolls without winning that coinflip its deck are mediocre.
>>56830963with the top 25 being:10 Pikachu (40%), 6 Mewtwo (24%), 5 Charizard (20%, 1 Water (4%), 1 Marowak (4%), 1 Blaine (4%), 1 Rogue (4%)so pikachu vastly outperformed, charizard outperformedmewtwo, marowak, blaine were on par and water and rogue decks underperformedmaybe in a month you guys will catch up to the meta and stop crying about misty and water decks
>>56830270Use the fast forward button for every screen.
I'm still not convinced about red card.
I’m not schizophrenic but you can hear the packs that have rares in them. Turn the volume up on your phone and it changes on the god packs.
Holy based
>>56831003for me it's always the 3 slot, no matter what
>>56831002>I'm not schizophrenic, but the 0.05% chance pack is talking to me
Misty is Noob trapShit enough to not be run by actual good people but good enough to sometimes randomly job to by a random idiot bringing it.You'll never make it far with Misty, but you can certainly prevent others from doing it.
What deck will realistically powercreep the GODmewtwoex, pokechads? I know nothing about the actual card game
>>56830971Literally the only downside is opportunity cost, whoch currently isn't that much
oh hey that worked out
>>56831032If I add you does that mean I can have a chance at this with wonder trading
>>56831032I want her so bad.
>>56831032Meanwhile I pulled the fancy Erika and have no grass cards to use it
>>56831040Feel free to do so(That Sabrina was Wonder Picked)7375512969721220
>>56830973Speaking of Red Card I swear it's a 50/50 split of whether it ends up actually helping me or not when used against me.A couple game my opponent had 5 cards but it seemed kinda dead so I didn't use it, and in other games they had 4 butbwerent playing much, red carded them and then they started going to town on me.I thunk I'm going to stop running it probably, unless like you say combed with Scope but there are much better 2-card combos out there.
What cards am I looking for when rerolling?
>>56831026Every single pokemon EX in this first set will quickly get powercrept to shit.
>>56831067all the more reason for me to bully people with fossilmonsthanks anon
>>56831073I mean the non-ex will also get powercrept. We are all playing with some dogwater cards right now. Typically only the stuff with useful utility abilities survives through the powercreep cycle of the pokemon tcg. Anything that is an "attacker" will absolutely not see play after a few sets.
>>56827087even if they changed Misty to only give a single energy to a water pokemon it would still be too OP debate me
any useful decks for this fat fuck? got the full art and its kino but he looks SHIT
>>56831094mixed energy is a meme
>>56831067Pokémon powercreep is cringe. They do the stupid meme by releasing new EXs with like 10 more HP than old ones so the threshold changes for a one or two shot.
>>56831067Moltres looks like it could stick around a while. That energy acceleration is too good to ignore.
I hope whenever a Gyarados EX is added that there isn't a Pikachu oppressing the meta
>>56831121>300 hpwhat the fuck is this where the game is going lmfao
>>56831130>where in this game goingin the dumpsteroutside of collecting waifus and using meme decks
Using 1 Misty should give your opponent a Prize
>>56831094The dragonite deck is very fun to play. There is risk and patience needed in building him up but once you unleash him the payoff is so satisfying
>>56831136I often misplay on purpose if I get 3 or more misty coins because it's THAT fuckin' nasty
>>56831091That change would make it stronger on average. The current average should be 1 energy if you take the math to infinite limits, but that means in realistic scenarios it's slightly less than 1. Not to mention that being reliable would instantly make it far more appealing at high levels, where the 50% chance of wasting a supporter doing literally nothing is just not acceptable odds when a tournament is on the line.
>>56831135>outside of collecting waifus and using meme decksYou mean there's other reasons to play this?
>>56831153of course not don't be silly anon
>>56831130No, I imagine they will stick to adding cards purely created for Pocket
>>56830521there's just more people playing Pikachu. If pika didn't counter articuno or starmie you'd see that win against the other decks.
Where is the Johto shillmons at
>>56831171I still believe that even if Pikachu didn't have a type advantage it would still beat out Starmie more times than not simply due to greater consistency
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The real issue with Pikachu is Electrode having a zero cost retreat. He lets you set up an easy sweep. If you open those three you are probably doing 60-90 damage on a full health EX by your second to third turn.
>>56831174Johto is being memory holed because of the Typhlosion scandal.
>>56830990same. I play against my friend and they said pretty much every time my red cards did nothing or helped them.
this fatass is unironically pretty strong, if you go 2nd you can get him running able to attack after 2 turns
>>56831053Same for me. I played against my friend and asked after every match. Usually the red cards do nothing. rarely they slow them down most a little. and a good amount of the time it helps them
I have two Mewtwo EXs but only one Ralts and one Kirlia and no Gardevoirs. Should I reroll? I'm out of pulls.
>>56831174Yeah besides Gen 1 it's interesting how much attention Gen 5 Pokemon are getting in this set. I think because both generations marked a beginning, and that's the theme of this set. Actually as I typed that I realized realistically it's probably more just promotion for the Legends Z-A game.
>>56831241play a poverty deck until you get them from wonderpick or daily packs
>>56831241Have you already received every hourglass from the solo battles and bought the hourglasses from the shop with tickets?
I have 2 alt art Dragonites but only 1 Dratini and no Dragonairs
>>56831257Yeah. Not the monthly though but I'm out of store currency too.
>>56831239One of my favorite moves is "stockpiling good but not amazing cards in the hopes I get red carded into my evos/draw cards"70 percent of the time it works 100 percent of the time.
>>56831204when I draw electrode and pika first turn. I don't even put energy on electrode. I just put it on pika and swap for free.
I honestly don’t know how you powercreep pikachu without making everything >190 hp
>20 packs>articuno ex x2>mewtwo ex x2>gardevoir x1>dragonite x1>still missing misty, sabrina, dragonair and kirliaSad
>>56831241that's why you should have spent your tranny tickets on wonder hour glasses. you could probably craft most of that for cheap and wonder pick garde.
>>56831272well what do you think is gonna happen
>>56831262Do you have the pack points to craft what you're missing? And if not do you have the cards to play a lower tier deck until you do? I played Dragonite until I was able to finish my Mewtwo deck
>>56831266A-all I need is myself and I can do turn 2/3, on average, eight->tails tails
>>56830051You actually made me check, it's pretty cheap wasn't expecting that.
>>56831285No. I have 290 points and I would need 300 for two Gardevoirs, 105 for another Ralts and Kirlia, and 140 for two Sabrinas. I'm not even close.
>>56830051Ten packs is nothing in this game. The gacha rate is abysmal.
>>56830051>spending gold on packsweak, spend that gold on cool coins
>>56831308I'm just going to make a new account on an old phone. The only fun part about this game is rolling anyway. I'll still have my old account on my current phone if I don't get anything better.
>>56831306>tfw accidentally spent a couple of gold on a pack alongside hourglasses
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>>56831317YOU DID WHAT
>>56830110Don't forget Misty in Pika too
>>56831239if you're holding cards in this game it means they're bricks. All the decks in this game spew their hand.
>>56831303At least it's 10 packs, in the other gacha stuff I had the displeasure of playing $5 you can't even roll
>>56831355Hoyo? True but I feel like that's kind of different to this. Like the whole game is just collecting cards to look at. When you pull something in one of those games you get this whole moveable 3d model that you get to level up and customize and play around with. It doesn't feel equivalent. At least to me.
>>56831350Not true, exactly. Red Card is good on turns one and two, since you can shuffle away evolutions. After that, yeah, if your opponent hasn't dumped their hand they're bricked and Red Card will only help them.
>Rare packs are 0.05%>That means it appears every 2000 packsSome people are going to be playing from launch to whenever eos comes and never get one
im gonna start paychadding, i need to...
>>56831381Bro you won't even play this trash in a week. A month tops.
>>56831300just keep wonderpicking and using the free packs youll get those eventually. I just finished my mewtwo ex dex and got my 2nd garde from the free pack today after building from global launch using the bent pack exploit
>>56831381if you're going to really end up spending money on this game is it REALLY worth it to waste the premium currency on packs
>>56831381If you're spending money, you should make other people aware to make adding you more desirable
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>>56831394Probably not but Erika (worst girl, by the way) being the only thing you can purchase right now with gold was a bad move. The Gardevoir pack is smart but at least the choice of THREE gym leaders would be a lot smarter.
>>5683139430 extra packs a month, probably the best (((value))) you could get for below ten bux
>>56831406It's just not satisfying. One measly pack per day doesn't scratch the itch. Especially when the rates are as shit as they are.
Crumpled corners are real4662695568576075
>>56831403I'll gladly wait for Misty or Sabrina if they're gonna make us wait until EOS for non Kanto pandering, but yeah Erika is a bit of a weird choice if you ask me (cute but not that hot)
So when rerolling should I just restart if the 10 roll you can do when you complete the beginner missions is complete shit or should I grind up the advanced missions too? Only really good thing on this account so far is the really cool full art Moltres EX.
Kinda bothered we're not using dice in this game like we do we the real game. A Regi inspired die would go hard as fuck.
Game is so fucking awful, there has got to be a better way to maintain consistency than just reducing the amount of basics in your deck.
>>56827087I got sick of not knowing shit, so I looked up a bunch of shit and made a thing to do statistical math about card pulls.https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mmFA8bHrEOjeH2Vy93qb1nHdkmzq3ihPiy0b2LWY-4w/edit?usp=sharingFeel free to use it, or add it to the general OPs or whatever.Kind of looks like this game is crazy slow advancement once the free timer reducers run out.For a 90% chance to have obtained a specific 1 diamond common on average you'd need to spend 456 hourglasses or wait 19 days.Alternately, you'd need it to show up about 10 times in wonder picks.Building a F2P meta deck in this once all the tutorial freebies are gone would be absolutely torture. It would take like a year or more.
The card pulling is really fun. Everything else is trash. I would rather they just did an offline card pulling simulator. The battle part sucks.
I bet trading restrictions are gonna be like>You have to be level 30 or above to tradeOr else you could just make dummy accounts and trade to your main with after continuous rerolls
>>56831467I hope they add more substance to the battlinglike a ladder or any kind of rewards aside from the likes (that I think you can only get a set amount of per day?)because this really is a pack opening sim with a battler as an afterthought
>>56831488>>56831488dubs and ranked is already datamined, coming soon(tm)
>10-roll>Got absolutely nothing not even a single card I wantedHow the hell
the optimal way of spending the shop tickets would be to buy all current monthly hourglasses, right? then just chip away the cheaper ones, correct?
Any chance of ranked being a 30 card mode? There's a message during the deck building process about a 30 card limit.
>>56831503you're being played by FOMO
>>56831509i think that's just to make deckbuilding easier, if you're having trouble deciding what to cut.>>56831502here's how the hell>>56831464
>>56831503outside of buying the non-monthly ones, i'd just save them until next event/pack comes around. unless you're a paypig, you wont be refilling the trans flags that often anyways
>>56831528then what's the best way to use shop tickets? just saving them up for now?
why dont they have dusting like literally every other card game
>>56831536they do, you just have to have 5 total copies before you can, even though you can only put 2 in a deck, and the dust only redeems for cosmetic upgrades.
>4 kogas>0 sabrinas and mistiesFug
how ex pikachu and zapdos are 1 star retreats is truly beyond me
>>56831553They're lightning fast bro
>>56831372That's higher odds than getting a shiny in the games
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>get red carded, but redraw into something decent>2nd fucking red card to brick my hand while he maximum misty rolls onto articuno
>>56831564Encounters in the games don't take 12 hours or real money.
Chingchong said the bended pack strategy is legit. It's written in moonrunes so now it's confirmed true
>>56831586You get roughly 700 free packs a year and that's not even including the use of hourglasses. It's still really good odds of pulling one before EoS.
>>56831610Why is it always Pokemon that attracts the gullible retards?
>>56831372it's possible to find a godpack in wonder trades though
>>56831610How does this work?
>>56831624it doesn't there's no way devs will code something like this
>>56831624if you rotate the pack, some may have a little bended border at the top right side. It's the new golden calf of Pocket
>>56831627It would be illegal as well
>>56831633no it wouldn't
>>56831633lol are you the same guy who said it would be illegal for nintendo to alter cards after launch
Just Aero'd someone turn 2 with an empty bench.Feels pretty good ngl
This game feels like it will become very boring very fast.
>>56831610HOLY FUCK... its hilarious people actually to believe this to be true. It doesn't even make sense.1. It would have to been coded, which it wasnt2. Somehow the "physical" contents of the digital pack cause the corner to be bent when the pack was produced in the digital factory Sadly, you idiots probably believe #2 to be true.
>>56831656It already is. Once you run out of free hourglasses there's literally nothing to do.
the bent pack is true tho i was a non believer but then i tried it 2 times in a row and got rares each time, its not schizo!!1
>>56831539i meant dusting for cards
>>56831661>there's literally nothing to dogo battle people? the entire point of pokemon tcg?i dont understand you people
i already spent 20 dollars on this :/
you are collecting all the 1* cards right anon? You aren't a casual right anon?
>>56831677good sissy pay daddy gamefreak like the good goy you are
>opent bent pack as a test>shitty Electross but still technically a rare>decide to open another bent pack because surely this was a fluke>get Articuno EX>open another bent pack>its another Articuno EXOk.
>>56831673But that's not fun
>>56831686>things that never happenedOk.
>already have the event items and I'm only missing 1 of the new Chansey artsnice fucking event
>have full mewtwo and marowak decks from ~25 packsThink I’m just gonna start hoarding. I don’t even battle that much
>>56831698>mad because he spent all his gold opening non-bent packs and getting shitJust opened a Mewtwo EX from a bent pack btw. This shit is getting patched soon. This is why you should always hoard resources, so you can exploit bugs like this.
>>56831720Yeah well I just did it myself and didn't get jack shit. Explain that.
>>56831737This one came from a backwards pack. There was no bent pack this time. Either there's a bug or my luck is phenomenal. I'm 4 for 4 so far.>>56831739The first bent pack I opened had a shitty Electross in but it’s been goods pulls since.
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I’m going back to Duel Links