What's the appeal of poison type girls?
>>56839779Toxic Love Loop
Klara is one of the most realistic female characters in gaming
>>56839779I don't like any of them except Klara.>>56839820True.
>>56839779Resting bitch face.
>>56839779Roxie is so cute and I love her a lot!
>>56839779They're toxic, duh.
>>56839779Brat, musician, tranny, ninja
Which one has the stinkiest pussy smell?
>>56841852ninjanin jaja ninjanin>>56839795>>56841063janin isn't toxic
>>56841939her weeb obsession is toxic
>>56839779They all have daddy issues unironically
>>56841976she lives in kanto, japan
>>56839779Poison is also my favorite type, so Poison-type girls are also based.>>56841986Also this.
>>56839779Sex with Roxie
>>56839820Must be rough to only meet ethots in your life.
>>56844172Thats just the price for living in a first world country
>>56841893It goes from left to right, with Plumeria being the stinkiest.
haha imagine all four of them turning into pokemon
>>56841939Wtf i never made the connection!