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Yggdrasil Edition

>I want to learn the game, where do I begin?
Download PTCGL at https://tcg.pokemon.com/en-us/tcgl
The game has a quick tutorial and a bunch of decent decks to get you started against other beginners or against the AI. Some of those decks are very close to meta too. You can also go to your local game store and see if people are playing Pokémon.

>I know how to play, how do I make my own deck?
You have a decent beginner's guide at https://www.justinbasil.com/guide
There's also the old /tcg/ guide at https://imgur.com/a/W4NkOu6
After that, look up meta decks and try to reverse engineer them to see how things work.

>Where to find meta decks?
For big irl events, go to https://limitlesstcg.com/decks
For online events, go to https://play.limitlesstcg.com/decks?game=PTCG
For japanese events, go to https://pokecabook.com/archives/1417

Previous thread: >>56796856

Old /tcg/ pastebin: https://pastebin.com/Ge95YuMA
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first for a beaut
that's not a bad idea thanks

d*mn I should have posted my post itt in case more people had input

I will probably just stick with TCG live for now to see how the game feels. I'm sure I can eventually drag people I know to those stores because I really like the idea of playing somewhere else and going to a pub or something afterwards
oop meant for >>56843089
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I was looking forward to Noctowl, but it feels so lackluster without this.
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Doing God's work, anon
I must admit, I didn't like maractus when I first saw her, but she kinda grew on me in part thanks to you. May the gods bless your life with cuties
yeah take your time playing live and try out the different decks it gives you to see if you enjoy it. no reason to worry about playing at a store right now because itll still take awhile to build something to play with irl. you can then use that time to check out stores and who you want to play with.
Well I'm glad my autism is contagious because Maractus is pretty great! I just wish she'd get a good card.
I also started playing last month only, played for about a week or two on live first to try out the gardevoir deck, and once I was somewhat happy with it I bought the league battle deck and went to a lgs that was hosting a league challenge about 20 minutes from me, The turnout there is roughly 5 or 6 people on weekends (I don't know if this is considered big or not), most were adults in their 20s/30s with one kid, I guess it makes sense since buying cards is a rather expensive hobby. I've grown fond of that place since the shop owners there are also pretty chill. There's another lgs only 10 minutes away but the guy that usually runs the shop there is a bit of a weirdo, I still go there, for the league challenges, but it's just to play and then leave
>Try Banette item lock
>Lose starting coin flip
>Opponent chooses to go first
>Coin flip on shuppet's item lock
>Lose that too
How the fuck did Mateusz manage to make it that far in Gdansk
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I know there are a lot of big basic decks around but with how prevalent Zard and Dragapult are (and sometimes Gardevoir) I'm surprised I've never seen anyone use 151 Aerodactyl. Assuming they haven't got any kind of effect protection it's a guaranteed KO on any of them and can set them on the back foot if they haven't been able to set up a backup.
Obviously you need a main attacker but as a tech surely it's worth considering?
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>fossil so a hassle to setup
>opponent most definitely has a backup and can just evolve right back
>only takes 1 prize
I considered it in my Slowking control deck but most of the time it's better to use Porygon or even TM Devo so you can devolve more than on(c)e
yea that's probably normal. I think there were 4 people there today for some MTG thing as I was perusing. Did you just go there on your own? Is a league challenge basically like entry level casual in-person events?
NTA but there are
>casual tourneys
>weekly league tourneys
>monthly league challenges
>Trimonthly league cups
Casual tourneys can be anytime and usually give out prizes from the store, and give no points.
The other ones give league points and usually prizes from TPCi like league Prize Packs, mats, promo cards and so on
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ok so I'll take it as casual tourneys are just intro/learning open sessions, whereas league stuff is for bringing your winning decks. That clears things up, and makes it easier to tell what's going on whilst looking at Events pages. Thank you my love
Post pulls
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gratz on the triplets and gay squirrel
what da snek doin' here?
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Threadly reminder: People need to learn shit the hard way. Stop holding their hands.
Threadly reminder: Go outside.
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hey guys
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they need to print a card that disables tera trait
all these spread attackers are absolute garbage with that around
All they needed to do was write "This attack isn't affected by any effects on the opponent Pokemon". That's it.
Why would they waste a rainbow rare on a shitmon like Greedent?
It's fine to have preventable methods like manaphy, rabsca.
but giving everyone a free immunity to it just by being tera is so utterly dumb. it kills off any use for spread attacks when majority of mons are just immune to it. and in cases like vaporeon/flygon who ONLY target ex, there's very few mons they can actually hit on the bench
Come to think of it, the meta is already dominated by dragons even before the said "dragon set" (that doesn't even include any good dragons)
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I'm looking to make an Armarouge deck to mirror a Ceruledge deck. What do I change?
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>a certain southern wholesale warehouse chain has packs of 5 pokemon 151 tins with 4 promo card for 38 dollars

damn having a friend with membership is good
what set is that
I don[t read green text mhheffrrr
>Illiterates should be euthanized.
Along with avatarfags.
the only card you need from 151 is like $9 brand new. just buy singles
How to play live from Japan? Need a vpn to download and launch the game i guess? Website giving me error 403.
If you're in Japan, you have a thousand card shops to choose from. Why would you want to play live?
I don’t want to meet stinky players in person too much trouble.
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How hard is it to get to Arceus league? Is it mostly just a matter of grinding? I have the next couple days off so I figured I should give it a shot. I'm currently in Corviknight tier.
>Is it mostly just a matter of grinding?
VPN outside of Asia, preferably NA/EU but Iran works too I guess

TM Devolution is superior in every way.

very easy and then subsequently easier once you do it once
open the godam pic and read it retard
I remember reading posts where people did the math and they were saying that you need to win at least 40% of your matches to make it to arceus. which if true its not too hard to accomplish. I think I have a 50-55% win rate and I'm awful at the game. you just have to grind out a ton of matches. probably a couple hundred when starting from the bottom
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Damn pocket killed this place huh?
Same as it was before.
helping people killed this general
>dumb tera hats ruin them
>useless competitive too
collectorfags in shambles kek they're not gonna sell
SIRs look good enough to me but yeah it's definitely no evolving skies
Creatures is probably looking forward to Megas coming back as much as any of us
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I hope they bring back Ancient Traits in the Z-A sets. Especially omega Barrage
Baby Espeon looking kinda... breedable
Going to probably go and play paper for the first time tomorrow. I'm going with a Dragapult/Dusk deck and a Regidrago, though i'll probably stick to Dragapult. The seller I bought my counter catchers sent me 5 instead of 6 so my snorlax stall deck is short one but I've been advised by a few people that it's no cool to play that. So I'll hold off so my first impression isn't "that guy". Now i just gotta work up the courage to actually go, both my decks are boxed up as well as dice, coins, vstar plaques and my play mat. I just need to grab it and hop in my car. Weather i actually do or not we'll see.
Just go man it's really not that hard. Say hi, ask for help and stuff, don't be shy.
cool blog, baby
regi isn't bad, you might want to try a few matches with it as well.
yeah no, people know me for years at my lgs and like a month ago I played stall and the hate is strong
go in, look at the first few things inside until you reach the counter but don't stick one just just walk by them, talk to the guy at the counter, say
>hey I'm here to play pokemon what do I do?
and then just hear him out and ask questions and stuff, he'll probably point you to a judge if there or teach you a bit himself about the store's history with pokemon tcg
then he'll pair you up or tell you to wait, if you wait just stick around the merchandise looking at shit
ty for coming to my blog faggots
Traits like these are cool, because the card is balanced around them. With attacks synergizing with it
I'm not a fan of the tera traits though, that shit just seems slapped on as an afterthought
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Wholeheartedly agree. Medicham Barrage was fun because even if the base damage is only 30, it can hit harder with all the Fighting type support in the meta at that time. And with that in mind, they put the "This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness or Resistance." line so that it won't be too powerful.
Tera is lazy as fuck and I don't even care if it's game accurate or whatever, it just doesn't seem like it was thought well. Just look at most of the early Tera mons, they were weak as fuck with no supports around them.
Am I retarded or is there actually no way to spend money on live?
you are not retarded
Was also the case on the old client. They want people to buy packs to get codes (even tho people just buy codes from 3rd party sites)

They mentioned some economy changes happening in the upcoming patch >>56813019 but it could just be them talking about the battlepass changes only. We'll have to see
What are some good resources for expanded format? What's the meta?
good luck my love. Perhaps one day I will do the same
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Mogged by Night Stretcher.
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she's kind of cute. Do people play with decks that have characters just because they're cute? Are there cute meta decks in competitive play?
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Blissey is cute but she's accompanied by the monke which is fugly as heck
Terapagos ex is fun but I wish there were better ways to get those 4 energies into play than relying on draws and Colress
Why have the past couple of battle passes had such insanely tight margins? When I first started playing Live, if you played just for your daily rewards every day, you would complete the battle pass two weeks early. This time, I missed maybe 3-6 days of playing total and I will need to grind to get the rewards at the top.
skill issue I’ve been done with it for weeks
People who hate stall don't know how to navigate the matchups for it. I never play stall but once I learned the right plays to handle it, it's never been much of an issue.
Do you play many games per day beyond just completing daily missions?
I understand the last one being shorter since it was also only 30 days. but yeah I agree there's usually 2 weeks extra from finishing it through dailies till the next but i ended up with only a week this time
They're reworking the battlepass into being 75 tiers next one. that seems really awful for us login andys who just do the missions for exp...
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has anyone ever played pauper? probably my favorite format to play pokemon
fitting for this general...
theres nothing wrong with the format
It's a Reddit The Gathering rip off format made with funkofags in mind as its target audience.
buzzwords galore, atleast give actual criticism
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>Coins being removed
>Coins are converted into crystals
>All cosmetics cost crystals now instead of coins
Buy your cosmetics NOW

>Battlepass is always free now
>75 tiers
>500 exp per level? judging by image
>Missions are 220 and 500 exp
>3 levels every 2 days from that

sounds a bit like the professor cup rules, not sure if it's the same name. This is nice as it makes you think outside the regular game by actually finding simple 'mons that work together
Surely we're getting energy acceleration printed after rotation, some "search for 3 different basic energies and attach two to a Tera pokemon" effect
>>All cosmetics cost crystals now instead of coins
My bad only deck cosmetics cost crystals. All clothing is free. So buy any deck cosmetics you like
You mean like this?
I truly hope that's good. We should get more of these effects in attacks (like joltik too) instead of spamming trainers.
It's far too slow
>2 retreat so needs a switch item
If it was 1 maybe but 2 it's brick tier

We need more abilities like rotom that are "Do effect, your turn ends" Having a rotom that attaches 1 energy to one of your tera pokemon would be pretty good
you want even more turbo decks?
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What? Leafeon existed before and saw very few use. No fss stone like on rotom is huge too
End of turn abilities like leafeon, zamazenta, zacian, sylveon, snorlax are fine. Ones like snorlax slow down the meta as getting a turn 1 attack isn't as impactful as getting a better set up
My brother in Arceus, Vs are the most turbo things around. You couldn't have chosen a worse example.
And leafeon with the exact same ability effect saw basically zero play ?? The most it was used as was cope in arctina if you didn't get a turn 1 attachment
Reprinting it would be fine, not turbo at all
I did. Just because you're not happy with the way I did it doesn't mean it isn't actual criticism.
Ignore the fag, he just hates custom formats for whatever reason
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>Umbreon ex
>From Terastal Festival
>[D][C][C] Moon Mirage: 160 damage. Your opponent's Active Pokémon is now Confused.
>[L][P][D] Onyx: Discard all Energy from this Pokémon. Take a Prize card.
Could you build some sort of control deck from this using the same principals as mill decks? Combination of Powerglass, Night Stretcher/Retrieval and Xatu, Crispin etc to just get the energy back every turn. Spidops ex on bench and Calamitous wasteland then Boss or Catcher a shitmon in and take a prize every turn? I'm sure it wouldn't be good per se but could it work?
>Missions are 220 and 500 exp
Both of mine are 220xp. 90 crystals per day isn't bad if celebrations are still going to be 200/pack
I guess those were the tutorial missions
220x2 isn't even a full level each day.. 10 naturally from the games you play I guess, but still that's 75 days just to finish the battlepass..
The new system is so bad
>could it work?
At that point just play checkmate slowbro instead. Umbreon being a 2 prizer needing so many more pieces is way more risky
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>Spidops ex on bench and Calamitous wasteland
Umbreon is too easy to counter. And if you add in snorlax, sylveon (safeguard), and all the other traditional stall cards your prize taking strategy gets much less consistent.
Latios should've been -2, not totally free. It kills off all retreat trapping options
>knock out a nigger's charmander and charmeleon in the same turn with Duslops and a normal attack
>he ragequits and times out on Live
Love it when this happens, kek. The dumb nigger had Pidgeot out too and didn't even search the tools he needed
Not all, you can still trap evolution mons. And it's not like there's an ability in the meta that gives you free switch.
>went to play at local shop
>there were maybe 6 people in total playing
>mostly kids and younger adults (?) and one older lady
>nobody was sweating or making a fuss over mistakes
>everyone had fun playing

I'll probably go back next week. Hopefully next week I can win more games.
>had all but 9 coins
>going to be able to expedite my collection with crystals


I guess now it's time to but the coins and deckboxes in the store bundles
toldya not to worry
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Missing a lot of coins too. I much prefer the metal looking ones you used to get from the blisters and theme decks
Also why the fuck do they have such random mons as cosmetics. Deerlings, delibird, diglett, dondozo. Like there's no cosmetics to match most popular decks, where's the palkia sleeves at?
>where's the palkia sleeves at?
Timed exclusive
>500 coins is worth 125 crystals
>Currently 525 coins is enough for 1 card sleeve
>Should be roughly 130 crystals to 1 card sleeve after the update

>Celebrations is 1120 crystals for roughly 3500 credits on the low end
>Roughly 8 sleeves for the price 1 celebrations bundle
So spending crystals on 1 card sleeve will be worth 437~ credits which is the cost of crafting a rare card, almost enough for an ex card (600)

>Do you want an ex or some cosmetic sleeves
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I'm new to playing I like Quad Thorns. Would that be a problem to play at a local? I like the deck but I don't want to deal with people sperging if it's considered rude or something.
It's a quick way to get people to hate you.
if its a casual event you will probably be avoided. I don't see why anyone would want to play with someone with a deck thats made to stop them from playing the game when they just want to hang out and have fun.
I figured. I guess I'll play like Hydrapple or something. Even though that's not nearly as fun.
You should ask yourself why you find a deck like that fun, and what could be wrong with your personality that leads you to enjoy making other people miserable.
I just like card games man oh and tyranitar.
apples are fun wtf are you on about
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Nice quest system they gave us with the economy update.
The website showed a screenshot with a 500 point reward task so if there isn't one with the surging sparks pass it's another bug
that's just a tutorial quest on new accounts
we'll get two quests for 220 each
That's a tutorial mission. Regular missions are 220 x 2.

>We used to get 800/1000 exp for a level
>Now we get 440/500 exp for a level
So we gain +40 more exp for dailies but now there's +25 extra tiers which needs 12500 more exp.
The +40 exp gain means you need to do over 300 dailies to meet the requirement of finishing the battlepass

Expect to play a LOOOOT more lmao. This is so bad
Not even mentioning how shitty it'll feel getting 1 pack a day and having to wait till tier 30+ to get the archaludon cards
Ah, okay
Well that sucks
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Guys, I just started playing and bought a surging sparks Elite-Trainer-Box. With the cards in the box I built a electric-fight deck out of:
- 6 supporters
- 3 Pokemon Equipments
- 1 Stadium
- 1 Item
- 6 Fight Types
- 5 Electric Types
- 7 Normal Types
- 31 Energy Cards
This was the best I managed to do with the cards I got from the box and the boosters.
I wanna go to the local play group in my town and try to play with this deck. Am I screwed?
Wait, i only have 9 fight and 7 electric energy cards, damn it. I gotta bring a third element to my deck
Okay, updated my deck:
- 6 supporters
- 3 Pokemon Equipments
- 1 Stadium
- 2 Items
- 6 Fight Types
- 5 Electric Types
- 6 Fire Types
- 7 Normal Types
- 1 Dragon Type
- 23 Energy Cards
make sure to go on a casual day, as in a league event you will get wrecked
I'll look that up. Thanks!
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