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Duobious Disc Edition

Previous Thread:

>still buying vintage
hmmmm 300 bucks on 2 boxes to get 3 stunfisk, a kecleon, 2 larvesta, 5 surfers and 4 ace specs (total: 45$) or just get the most valuable card in the set at the same price? really activates my almonds
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>tfw won an auction for Lisia's Appeal SAR for about half of the current market value
Feels good, mang, now to wait and see if the seller actually honors the sale instead of cancelling the order because "the price is too low ;_;" why even do an auction at that point?
you can report the seller on ebay for that shit
'tis the season
I know and it never happened to me personally so far but I've hear anecdotes of some sellers trying to pull a fast one before.
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I have vintage cards but don't know what to do with them.
>tried buying cards (singles) from outside my country to resell with a markup locally
>made roughly €40 profit in two months by shipping some cards every now and then
Really not expecting to make any big money on this, but hey, it's a fun thing to do. Plus my local market gets to see some more cards. Counting my actual time "working" I've lost a good amount of money if this would've been a serious business
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Sell them to me
>I have vintage cards but don't know what to do with them
unironically buy more
nta he can but ebay basically does nothing about it
>still buying physical
Get out of our thread Gary Vee
I wish I had vfrens :c
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If you have a better way to sort pyramids, I'd like to hear it
I only have the disc of this
even the sleeve is gone...
guess we doing octahedrons now
okay which one of you did this
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>still buying modern
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it's a really pretty card in person
erm... etb bros....?
As someone who likes the design of the cards, or in other words, everything that ISN'T the art, is there a card that has been printed in every... do you guys use 'block' as a term like in MTG? Essentially the card design before they change it.
Which is somewhat arbitrary but aligns somewhat with the release of the games.

If so, which card would that be? As a collection displaying design differences, since the art doesn't matter, any cards can be used, but having a common factor would bring the design elements forward, and it would just look nicer in a mini-album.
The only thing I can think of are energies, but that's not really design, and more art.
There likely isn't one.
my initial guess would be basedmons like pikachu or zard, you'd have to research it some
Yeah, Pikachu is a good bet.
I don't really want to buy a Charizard from every set. ...Actually, I probably couldn't afford it.
What are you asking?
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Even the HGSS sets are too modern, for me it’s Platinum or earlier
There isn't one.
Card layout changes every generation, and sometimes within the same generation there can be 2 or more designs (looking at you XY)
Cards are separated by regulation mark. Starting with A in Sun & Moon in Japan and D with Sword & Shield internationally, cards are marked with this letter symbol at the bottom left to mark cards that will be legal after rotation. Current rotation is F-G-H, and around Spring we'll lose G and get I cards.
So then it's just up to fan labels pre Sun & Moon?
Like WotC, e-Cards, etc?
Kind of a shame.
Energy cards might be a good alternative. Not as noticeable, they too have changed.
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For regulation, TCPi would just name which expansions were legal up to that point, but this became a hassle, so they came up with the letters instead.
The only single mark that's been consistent among all non-booster cards is the black star promo mark, so if you want some consistency among your collection you could do only promos.
These are the only cards without a regulation mark, and you can use any energy from any expansion as long as it has the same back and in the language(s) permitted in your area (for sanctioned tournaments).
Apparently it seems TCPi wants to homogenize and clearly define each card, starting with SV, so every card has as much marks and info as possible now, even energies. Meaning it's possible from this point on that cards will be more consistent throughout generations, but don't keep your hopes up.
Just look at the framing of each card? Seems like a crapshoot as to official terms, you can tell with your eyes when it changes.
I tried thinking of a card that would be in every set, and the 'Switch' card turns out to be a good example of Trainer Card changes.
Just with how the game works, it's been in every style, as far as I can tell.
Weirdly, Potion and Poke ball have not.
man, the HGSS 'block' which was... two sets and some starter decks? Had some great cards.
I like the gold/silver ...dithering? on the edges.
All of the energies have a city in the background and a pokemon for the type.
Most of the items moved away from CGI and were hand-drawn.
there should be a switch, potion and poke ball from every generation (not expansion) and some even have promos too like prerelease or the golden 25th poke ball. You will have to dive into bulbapedia to check out each and every variation though.
I collect these evergreen cards, and it's overwhelming
I don't see a Potion in the HGSS style.
It was a short 'anniversary' style.
But I'm looking at English only cards on pkmn, let me check Bulbapedia.
Yeah, Potion skips HGSS, being printed in Platinum set, and then next in Black and White.
HGSS is just an expansion, but I'd like to dip into that design.
One of my favorites, changed for international release.
Such a weird card.
Tomokazu Komiya has some excellent illustrations, including my (our?) favorite Hypno/Clefairy pair.
A really good artist for 'illustrator collectors'.
lol, lmao, etc
he also has absolute dreck
Not a fan?
I don't envy the fool who tries to collect every Sugimori card.
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that's a bummer
How did design change in the middle of XY? Also I thought XY and BW had the same card design.
>I thought XY and BW had the same card design
I wonder if there are any unironic 5ban Graphics collectors out there
kids maybe
That's Jashinposter. He's hands-down the best poster on [s4s], but it doesn't translate to a board with rules.
>How did design change in the middle of XY?
Think he's talking about XY Evolution.
>poster on [s4s]
Yeah, that tracks.
What's the other option exactly
Today I found a binder with a complete base set, 3/4 of Fossil and 3/4 of Jungle and 3/4 of Rocket. I might complete them for shits and giggles. I like the collecting side of things, I'm thinking of picking up the Scarlet & Violet—151 set.
>Today I found a binder
like, in someone's unattended backpack?
or in your friend's house?
or a middle-schooler's locker?
Buried in a pile of my old stuff, completely forgot it was there.
So, I often see people with binders/folios using what looks like the sleeves that are given with promotional things, and the only reason I've never used them is because I didn't know if they were PVC free.
And also because I have more cards than 60, and I'd get really autistic if my album had different sleeves in it.
And also also because I'd want the pyukumuku sleeves, but I think those are expensive?
Why are you not taking action instead of posting pointlessly here?
It would take 20 minutes of google to find a source of pvc free sleeves you want
or inner sleeves that work, too
do your own fucking legwork
are you going to cry if I make card related posts on the pokemon trading card collecting general?
because you could have ignored my post, but instead you chose to be a little bitch.
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She deserves more cards
I'm waiting for a rare houndoom on Pocket to accompany the post
pretty sure I've read somewhere ETB sleeves are acid free, have plenty of cheaper cards that have been in them for years and are fine. my goodshit I keep in BCW sleeves and store in zipper binders.
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I made a mistake.... 1/3
She deserves more cards.
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I made a mistake.... 2/3
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I made a mistake... 3/3
>Pulled the lame Slakoth twice
My condolences anon, also fuck Scovillain
I also have an Obsidian Flames... should I crack it?
Yeah you did, you unironically bought Japanese lmao.
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I'd personally keep it sealed, the EV on Obsidian Flames is pretty bad
how much?
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We can only hope they reuse the Prime artwork.
I don't have either yet, and the prices keep going up.
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HGSS is peak, your taste needs to change
i love her
>t. kimono girl
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>Mugshots galore
It's peak trash. Fact.
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>I also have 2 JP boxes coming in for this set.
Oh, I'm gonna get boned, arent i?
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I already accidentally unsealed it thinking it was surging sparks when I first opened my package.

I made a mistake... 4/3

Don't crack packs, guys... just buy singles.
sell me that Misty's determination
just got dressed in my cozy ‘jamies, my new ETB box of Paldea Evolved came in the mail, I still have 12 packs in my original booster box; just poured a non-alcoholic Guinness, set up on my tatami mat and zabuton, and I’m ready to go. Life is good, friends. . .
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skyridge and aquapolis trainer cards are so good.
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>still grading cards
I'm jsut open one more pack. . . Gotta save some for tomorrow
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what are they discussing /tcc/?
>He bought?
>>Pulled the lame Slakoth twice
Not him, but it's a good card. Silly and minimalistic like Slowpoke from Fossil.
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are you the same guy who was debating last thread how it was worth it to buy a booster box instead of just buying the pikachu? rofl
No, that was someone else. I just got into collecting cards earlier this year and I'm slowly realizing how silly it is to crack packs. Sucks because it's nice nostalgia.
How to best get impregnated by Lance's cock
I'd collect the eReader sets if they wouldn't destroy my wallet.
Eh, just stay away from western booster boxes. JP is still cheap all things considered.
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I'm glad I don't do master sets, it's pretty rough with vintage when you set a budget, but god are the ereader cards nice
I recently ordered picrel
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save boosters for special occasions. start buying Japanese singles, they are better quality, cheaper, plus the native language is more authentic
I remember hating the design change as a kid. So much space on the card was taken up by the SCAN DOT CODE.
But looking back, the eReader sets are fantastic when it comes to art, and I've done a 180 on the eReader card design as I got older.
I think a lot of people have come around to it, myself included. Unfortunately that means every card is going for like $200 because it's a pretty rare set
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I can't get past how much I hate the huge borders
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Mail day, did someone say e-reader cards?
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more e-cards
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I like childhood trainers
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finally I got this deck too, seller forgot the chansey coin and will ship it with my next purchase. He also included a bunch of nice gifts. BTW the melted marbles are included for those who were asking in previous threads
fuck the resolution is terrible, pls excuse my 6 year old phone
Damn son, that's a nice big ass haul
Round Pikachu is so soulfull. I miss it so much.
Can someone edit the paint on her white for me? Thanks.
Just buy new boxes. They are still pretty cheap. Just sit on one and buy cards you want loose.
I distinctly remember trying to buy this card, but don't remember what this issue was.
I either couldn't justify the price, or T&T didn't have any copies.
What do you mean exactly?
as someone who worked in a comic shop, where my boss wouldn't buy a UV filter for our case comics, I REALLY hope these are UV protected.
My boss:
>The case doesn't receive DIRECT sunlight. They'll be fine!
They weren't fine, and after I left, the new guy stopped rotating comics. They're so bleached by the sun, it's crazy.
Anyone know someone or a card shop thats selling a japanese copy of the masked royal full art?
Got a Shiny Treasure ex booster box. The last time I opened something was for Bandit Ring where I got the shiny fug. I hope I’ll pull something nice.
It was fun.
Neato, I like it.
nice zard pull
what if instead of 10 cards in a pack they put 11 cards in a pack
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decided to just cave and order pic related
this was my mistake with FA Mina
>It's the 'cheap' one
>it'll stay 'cheap' forever
>I can just buy it whenever, there's no rush
In 6 months, if this card only increases in value by like 2 bucks, I'll feel validated.
Stupid fucking waifu cards and their artificial value.

Meanwhile, I really don't have the $60 for Mina at the moment.
so fucking tacky
>didn't even realize the pun until after
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I find the thick left border with no e-reader dots v aesthetic.
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Let me know when they start putting 1/1 sketch cards in Pokemon booster boxes, then I'll start buying them.

Getting a hand drawn & signed card is way better than something printed 50,000 times
I'd love to have Imakuni sign a copy of either 'Imakuni!' or the Medicham that he illustrated, being my favorite illustration of his.
This dude is a hero of mine.

A shame I can't just send him a card in the mail and attach, like, 50 bucks or 5,000 yen or whatever and ask for an autograph.
It would be both rude, and I'd feel like an asshole.
But how else am I supposed to get a signed card, outside of being Japanese?
What? November?
what are you talking about there are 12 cards in a pack
post a cumshot to that misty card
I'm getting mine prolly in a week, will do so just for you anon
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Those flippers on eBay are a joke.
Not only is the card not graded when slabbed, It's 5 times the cost of a Gem 10. Usually around $3,000.

So in peak condition, the card is like $500. Yet grifters want an extreme markup on some heavy play damaged shit cause 'signed'

There's a dude with my little pony CCG binder, filled with random signatures he got at a convention. Wants over a hundred grand for it, these people are delusional. It must work though, somebody must be paying these sky high prices.

I'd like to get Ian McKellen autograph because he's not long for this world
Love Tomokazu Komiya. Wish I could afford those fucking Psyducks...
Keep them if they bring you joy, sell them if they don't. Not sure how this is hard
worse, is the illustrators are more than likely aware of this, and probably don't want to sign cards unless they see that you're literally 7 or 8 years old, or if they're doing a giveaway or putting the card up as a prize in a tourney or something.
I like child trainers
Trump won, how does this affect current vintage prices?
Crypto has been going crazy the past 24 hrs. So I imagine high end cards are gonna pump soon as crypto bros need an anonymous way to money launder. Weve seen this all before. If you have cards worth $10k or more just list em and browse crypto exchange groups.
bitcoin reached new all time high, markets are going up. But for the vintage collectors goods not sure, Pokemon is already in a massively inflated bubble.

Japan to Australia > Free postage
America to Australia > $40 dollars postage (envelope)

If trade tariffs affect eBay costs you'll find less international customers. Already ripping people off
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just pulled a Pikachu ex ultra rare from Surging Sparks. The centering looks off, as in the right side is thinner than the left side. . . Not sure if that matters, as it also looks slightly off center on Pokedata, so maybe it's supposed to be that way
>extra ultra rare
surely it's as amazing magnificent and genuinely sought after as the name implies

Also surging sparks?
>Pre-orders are $100
>Value goes up to $150
>Vendors shit themselves & cancel preorders over 50 bucks
well, it is going for ~$40 right now. Guessing it will eventually go down. I just went into my LGS today because they mentioned last week they were probably getting some in, so I went, and they had just gotten a bunch, so I spent $137 for two ETBs and one booster bundle. It will probably last at least a few days. I'm annoyed because I use PKMN.gg to catalog all my stuff, and SS isn't on there yet
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>Guessing it will eventually go down
Probably, but it'll have some long term value since it's a pika
Who knows, it might even get price manipulated like the SIR Magikarp from Paldea Evolved and the Greninja
Just feels a bit too "consume new product" for my tastes.
People buying entire cases, printed into oblivion. I'd rather put away childish things and settle for owning 151 original. Modern just isn't worth the money
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erm, I'm not too particular about the Surging Sparks set overall, I just wanted to get a couple packs. As luck had it, the Pika w/ two silver stars rarity was basically the one I wanted the most anyways, so I'm done. I still think Paldea Evolved was the best new set, and I tend to like the newer sets. They have good artwork
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All these youtubers making leftists virtue signaling videos about how elections will affect the pokemon card collecting community. for example, someone was bitching about trump tariffs making japanese cards harder to come by.
but since were on the topic ill address the elephant in the room. alot of illegal immigrants started buying up all the pokemon product, it was a smart move by them. too bad they are here illegally and will be kicked out of the country. so now it will be easier to collect pokemon cards again. you need proof just look at the costco footage.
Thank you Gumshoos for making Pokemon Great Again.
palda evolved is definitely my favorite SV set so far as well. It just very satisfyingly shows off this Era's pokemon very well and is fun to open.
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Fuck Scalpers :)
Man whats up with all these shitposters recently? Guess pocket is to blame.
Need to get this card in japanese at some point. Its so pretty.
I have one of these. Actually opened it with my then girlfriend while on vacation in Orlando. Shit was so kino. Got 2 Mega Red Gyarados aswell. That was such a good vacation.

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