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We don't need any degrading, cuckoldry, or castration fetishism. Just beautiful ladies and our adoration of them.
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Cynthia is very cute and pretty and I love her and I want to give her a big hug.
She seems like she would be fun just to hang out with
Mixed wrestling with bea and her lopunny
Agreed! I would love to get nice and comfy with her and tell her how much I love her.
Is it safe to talk about Cynthia now? I really like her.
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My sweetheart <3
Is it morally or ethically acceptable to have sex with an older autistic girl?
This is what you kneel to btw
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Why wouldn't it be?
Is it morally right to tell someone "you can never do this for your entire life" because they're a bit off?
This has nothing to do with either of these characters, it's just randomly generated nonsense that could be applied to anyone
No i just spent 400+ messages breaking Cynthia
>another Cynthia stealth bump thread
Just make another cuck general and stay there
we should have our own logo and motto for the vanilla PokeGoddess thread, something like "Embrace, Support, Adore" or something instead of "Kneel, Worship, Obey"
That sounds fantastic. It's very sweet.
Now what to do about the logo? The standard one is high heels stepping on two locked PokeBalls
I don't understand why this thread exists. You just wanted to steal the name?
No I started the previous vanilla PokeGoddess thread because I wanted to worship the girls without being exposed to cuck fantasies
Something heart related. A love ball, maybe?
We should alternate between domme goddess and vanilla goddess every few threads, as interest and horniness waxes and wanes. Sometimes you just want to snuggle. Sometimes you want to get teased and mocked.
>domme goddess
redundant phrasing
What about wanting to take down the goddess from heaven and have her worship you instead?
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finally, one of these threads that I can post in!
Acerola is the pokegirl we deserve, and shall be treated like the royalty she is.
You can still lewd her here though
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nah. I don't think I will.
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>keeps going after she clearly doesn't want to do it
good writing energy, bad kink. 4/10.
Valid opinion, but it's hardly the edgiest thing I've ever written, so I'm kind of jaded.
oh no it's not edgy, it's just that she shouldn't feel pressured into sex. it doesn't feel right to me.
then again outside of some weirdo kinks I'm a bit of a puritanical pansy when it comes to sex, so..
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A pleasant surprise seeing you here.
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>We don't need any degrading, cuckoldry, or castration fetishism.
It'll get derailed by femdomfags anyway
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I want to get railed by femdom though
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as said before, this is one of the only times it's been "of interest" to me. not mean, no fetishes built on breaking my rule of Three C's, and hopefully no derailing.
Femdom can be sweet and gentle.
Don't worry, the normal pokegoddess threads creep me out. These threads are MUCH more my kind of thing. It's all about showing your love as opposed to weird chastity and castration stuff.

>Three C's
What are those? If you feel comfortable answering, of course.
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I do not like femdom
Fair enough. I'm not really sure if I like it myself, to be honest.
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oh that's okay! it's just a silly little term I coined that stands for Care, Comfort, and Consent. It's how I feel any form of sexual anything should be handled.
Aww, that's sweet. All of my fantasies follow those rules as well. Nemona deserves all of my love and respect. She means the world to me. If she's happy, I'm happy.

What is the exact extent of your love for Acerola? Do you have a crush on her, or do you just find her cute? I think you might have told me before, but I forgot.
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a little bittle of both, honestly. about 40% romance, 55% cuteness.
Okay, that is just adorable. It's kind of refreshing to see someone who loves a pokégirl in such a unique way. My love for Nemona is a lot more standard (75% wholesome, 25% lewd (but with lots of encouragement)).
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I mean, there is that 5% of weirdness for me, but it usually gets drowned out by the other 2 feelings, really.
I would ask what that is, but I have a feeling I'm better off not knowing.

(I have my kinks as well, but they're VERY tame)
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oh it's nothing bad, do not fret!
That's good to hear. I was afraid it would be weird deviantart stuff (inflation, vore, farts).

(If it is, I'm sorry)
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oh no don't worry about that! it's just generic stuff. some slight weird things, but nothing too crazy.
Adorable. I would ask about them, but if you're not comfortable, that's perfectly fine. My kinks kind of fit that description as well, if I'm being honest.
i wish i could go on a nice romantic photoshoot with viola
Same, but with Perrin.
honestly same, but take the romance out. I think the shared interest would be cool :o
i mostly said romantic to fit the theme of the thread, but yeah just being platonic friends with her over a shared love for photography and bug-types would honestly be plenty enough for me
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honestly, I'm just happy a thread like this exists, purely because it's such a nice change from the overtly horny general waifu threads that exist.
Same. Things can be horny here, of course, but it's nice to have a place that celebrates the more simple things when it comes to waifus.

(That's a very cute pic, Acerola definitely sleeps with Mimikyu)
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Acerola sleeps with me, and when she wakes up and notices my boner pressed against her, she'll laugh at me and tease me for being a pedo
A femworship thread without cuckholdry?! That doesn’t compute!
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this is.. honestly the type of stuff that made me want to avoid these threads
Sorry. I don't know what to tell you. The goddess threads don't actually have much pedo/hebe stuff most of the time, but girls laughing at you having a boner is par for the course, and you can hardly expect to post Acerola on /vp/ without eliciting a horny response or two.
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I'm a wholesome/gentle femdom enjoyer myself. I wanna be cuddled by a doting woman as she strokes my hair and calls me a good boy
Same. When I say that I like femdom, that's what I mean. I want to cuddle naked with Cynthia and have her comfort me as I tell her how much I love her.
I'm gonna be real with you guys: that's not femdom. That's just a vanilla relationship with a woman. It's not kinky BDSM for you to cuddle your girlfriend and tell her you love her, that's a normal default thing.
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I mean, don't get me wrong, I get it, but the hornyposting away from /trash/ kinda feels awkward to me. like, I'd be lying if I said that thoughts like that didn't invade my brain at least once every 2 weeks, but there's a time and place for everything, and the blue board is not it.

..that, and the general mean attitude you guys like to place onto your waifus. that.. doesn't feel right to me.
Honestly? I respect that. I hornypost here (nothing too bad though, I just like talking about pretty girls), but I understand why people don't like it. Although /trash/ tier stuff is where I draw the line.

When it comes to mean stuff, I don't really fantasise about that kind of thing at all, but I only apply those traits to characters who fit the archetype (mainly just Carmine and Klara).
like, vanilla level lovey-dovey hornyposting seems pretty nice, but most aggressive or over-the-top stuff feels.. off.
True. Like I said, I don't really care for anything aggressive. It's either sweet, lovey-dovey fantasies, or just talking about how pretty a girl is. I don't like degradation of any kind, whether it's towards me or the girl in question. As far as I'm concerned, love comes first, sex comes second. I'd prefer to give Nemona lots of big hugs and kisses and go on lots of lovely dates with her, but sexual stuff with her doesn't sound too bad either. It mostly has to do with how I'm feeling, really.

I really only think about "mean" girls because I have a thing for ENF, so they'd be good targets for it (Klara in particular). That probably flies in the face of the "three C's" you mentioned earlier, but I think it's a cute scenario. I can't really explain it. Sorry.
honestly, agree with you entirely on that, but most nsfw anything would be balanced through love and trust and adoration instead of anything negative. kind of a continuation of love rather than it's own separate thing

no need to explain it, all is well.
>kind of a continuation of love rather than it's own separate thing
That is such a beautiful analogy. Thanks for that, I'll definitely use that in the future. It captures my views on sex perfectly. I've never been able to put it into words, but you've managed to do it better than I ever could.

Thank you for being understanding.
I'm off to bed now, it's been nice chatting with you. Hope we can discuss more later.
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bump 'w'
Thank you for your kind gesture.
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no problem! always adore a good waifu thread that isn't about violent sex
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You insufferable fools.
I'm unable to post any pics at the moment (sorry), but I'm more than happy to post here all the same.

Do you have any fantasies about Acerola besides treating her like royalty? I'm just curious.
honestly? just vibing and doing cute things together. I don't mind doing things as long as she's there with me. she deserves the best in the world, and while I don't think I'd be the best for her (I'm afraid of being a parent and she's the last living heir to a royal family) I want her to feel as happy as possible
Aww, that's sweet. You love her very very much. You have a unique way of expressing your love for your waifu, and I respect that. I'm the same with Nemona and Penny for the most part, especially Penny. I would love to sit next to her in class, chat with her, stare at her when she isn't looking, hang out with her in her room after class…
This. I was hoping for a femdom thread without the cuck/trannyshit. This ain't it
sorry man, you might genuinely have better luck in /trash/.
I guess whatever I want is "trannyshit" but fair enough I guess.
/trash/ is 60% cuckshit and 60% furry. Only a good 10% of theads are safe from either
plus honestly I don't mind the feminization. It's just the castration/hormones shit. Traps>Trans
honestly I just liked this thread because it's a general waifu thread that doesn't have cucking, cheating, roughness and other similar stuff in it.
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Abandon reason, abandon self-control, give in to lust, do it for her. It's not healthy to stay pent up...
Are there any girls you like besides Acerola? I'm curious.

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