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Rise Of Darkrai Edition

Previous Thread:

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first for /WotC/
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>anons are living pack to pack. they cannot afford cases.
>still buying vintage
pulling a few packs, to tide me over till Wednesday
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>still grading cards
You assholes told me cards were a good investment.
Day after day you boasted about your new "bitcoin" and told me that the worth of Pokemon cards can only go up.

So I bought a bunch of cards a couple of years ago and their worth has plummeted. Yeah, even the coveted "waifu cards".
Now everyone's silent. Nobody is shilling anymore.

What happened? Where's the hype from the covid-19 times?
>he bought singles at market peak
you used to laugh at me for not doing that
you didnt tell me it was peak
I'm sorry for your loss
really annoyed me back then that the Pokemon were all "Owner's" Pokemon ensuring they'd never get a western release
What retard invests in cardboard? Fucking put your money in a retirement account dipshit
Just read some archived threads from 2020-2022, these threads were super active, everyone shilling cards, treating it as the new bitcoin etc.

It's always like this, even on /biz/. When a pump n dump is over, nobody says a peep.
Just fucking ADMIT what happened
Just ADMIT I was right in calling it stupid fucking worthless cardboard in 2022. I was right.
There were people taking loans to buy 5000-dollar Lillie cards unironically
Sorry, you should have bought that Louvre pikachu instead of waifushit!
Oh that is correct I'm 100% with you. I crack these fucking slabs open
Anyway, invest in tera hat pikachu now!!! It's going to the moon i promise
investorcucks itt will deny market manipulation is real and 500$ cards becoming worthless after getting pumped is totally organic btw
My 20 full art Hex Maniacs only went up in value, cope and seethe.
No one is going to admit lies you tell yourself.

During covid lockdowns, prices of Pokemon cards soared. I remember it vividly. These threads got maxed out in a matter of hours, everyone buying, asking advice on what cards to invest in. Strong /biz/ vibes.
I told everyone that this was a passing fad and there's no way shit like waifu cards will just endlessly go up in value. People disagreed. They laughed at me. "Stay poor kek" "We're going to the moon!" The group mentality was near religious.
I got sick of investing in cardboard so I sold my Lillie full art for about 200-300 and everyone laughed at me. I have no idea what it's worth these days but most cards are coming down in price so I don't really care. My Bitcoin on the other hand is actually a good investment because it has use cases. Just like I told you 4 years ago, these are mass-produced, modern pieces of cardboard. People are hoarding these, keeping them in mint condition, which is what people didnt do in 2001. Only base set will ever be truly desireable.
I mean, of course some cards will always be expensive, but not 100k expensive. I dont care if Aaron Paul bought a Charizard for 100k and has plastered it to his forehead, it doesn't legitimize the tulip mania.
You now remember that your pets are starving, and (You) should feed them.
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>still buying modern
You fucked up retard.
>You assholes told me cards were a good investment
I told you (and will tell you again) to only buy shit you like
I'm personally glad cards are seen as bad investment. Lillie is by waifu and I would rather her card be owned by people that actually appreciate having her, instead of being hoarded by soulless speculators.
eevee focused set after a pikachu focused set makes me want to puke.
Wait for the owner's pokemon set
>inb4 Ash's Charizard
I'm waiting for the full spoilers just in case, but I'm not getting my hopes up
I guess I'll save what I set usually aside for sealed and buy more expensive singles on my list
They're gonna make a Red's Charizard to just shit on the lore.
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here is a bullshit graph i just made up to better explain. pre 2020, the card market would behave a certain way. Most distributors were asking under MSRP for product. anywhere from 90 - 140 per booster box. there would be some peaking, where some sets would go over MSRP due to demand. but for the most part you could get a booster box anywhere for 10 bucks off the pokemon centers website.
post 2020 i was bitching how everything was in a bubble and its not realistic to the normal pokemon card market. most sets are way above what they use to be, even higher than MSRP, which has basically changed from 150 to 165. then sets skyrocket because everyone and their grandma was buying cards. just for them to slowly peak. now if you look at sets that are over 1 year old they are starting to bottom out in price.
Since i knew the pokemon market better than new people i suggested for years to hold your money because this is clearly a market that is benefitting the distributors more than the consumers. the pricing didnt add up, and now were stuck with a bunch of over printed product that frankly is not rare by any means.
so im sorry you bought into the hype, because i didnt, i know the card market better than a couple zoomers with a 1000 bucks and a trip around town to short the market so sure that everything they touched will turn to gold.
I admit I got tired of Yuka Morii's style, but I really like these with the lighting contrast, especially the Hitmonchan
Ok so where were you in 2021 when 100% of posters on /vp/ were shilling overpriced cards?
I was the only "nay-sayer"
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here is a post i made in 2021.
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I have been here for a long time mad at the stupidity of the market.
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Thats why I bought MetaZoo instead of Pokemon.
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Serious question. how are Logan Pauls Shitty NFT cards that people bought doing?
I knew there was plenty of people salty afterwards that spent 10k on a fucking non existing, not physical, shit NFT card of his short lived boxing career.
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i cant even find videos on these NFT's Logan Paul Made, i cannot even find the website to see if they are still there.
was this just a big fucking scam that got swept under the rug or something?
>was this just a big fucking scam
yes of course it was. You didn't need to ask
someone call coffezilla.
nevermind, i found a video on this. but where has these NFT's gone? i mean we all know where they really gone.
>still buying physical
its what you get for rattlin' the chains of ol scratch.
except for the fact that her best card was bought at like 40k so we will never get our hands on it cause nobody is taking a loss on that.
When Pocket releases trades, everyone with their alts will be selling their rares. Save this post.
I am probably the only anon here who made high 5 figures speculating on this shitty cardboard. Anyone with a brain sold out during the hype cycles. Must suck to be poor and retarded.
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Me on the right.
holy shit this is so hot
>Must suck to be poor and retarded.
I have money I'm just to retarded to make it grow :(
but you don't understand it totally was gonna go to the moon I don't know what a bubble is
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havent seen him in a while. did all his collection go in the shitter?
>card stores I can pre-order from all sell out of pre-orders for prismatic evolutions in seconds
>no scalping controls in place in this business at all
Fuck this hobby, I'm done. Just got into it this year and this is a huge turn off.
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>Invests in a bankrupt company, wins.
>bullshit graph I just made
then what good is it?
I was saying it was a bubble as people posted slabs with their silver collections and were telling me to cope.
We're STILL in the bubble. There are a lot of people who put a lot of money into it, and keep the prices high by refusing to sell for less than what they think they deserve.
At the end of the day, a [thing] is only worth as much as someone will pay for it.
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>buy high sell low
Did you just drop by from /biz/?
bros? Is Surging Sparks a meme or is the price of the pikachu gonna keep rising?

I'm scared desu
Next year (real)

>falling for pre-release/shortly after release prices
based retard, never forget the Obsidian Flames Charizard SIR
next year will have 3 sets that will completely shit all over surging sharts, it's the Silver Tempest situation all over again, a mid set carried by 1 hyped card
silver tempest is maybe my 2nd favorite swsh set tho
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I really love this one from the set
I'll pick it up and the JP version soon I think
yeah it has a great trainer gallery, lugia ofc, I also really love alolapix. and radiant jirachi! shiny jirachi is awesome.
What are some tins/packs to look out for? I stopped by Target and saw a bunch of Glaraian Zapdos/Articuno/Moltres tins, but decided to not pick them up.
Do you think Gigantamax pokemon (vg/tcg/anime) installed a giant furry fetish in a lot of kids that will manifest as they develop?
I looked this up thinking that the inclusion of May would make it really expensive.
Weirdly? No May tax on this one.
Time to shift cards around in my 'folio to make room for new cards.
This is always a pain in the ass. Satisfying? Kinda.
But every time I do this, it makes me envy 3-ring binder chads. Their presentation may not be as good, but just popping it open and inserting a sheet is so much easier than shifting EVERYTHING over.
Don't people just organize by set sequence number? I'm thinking of buying a bunch of vaultx binders for black Friday, do you know if they ever have a sale?
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>last sale $38.00
holy lel
Same fate will fall for the new Pikachu, don't fall for the FOMO like a retard.
I fell for it....what the fuck do I do now?

surging sparks for 129.99
Just keep it
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Had this card til recent, sold it with a binder full of vintage stuff.
It's a meme but it's also probably still going to settle at a high price. Unfortunately people fell for the Greninja pump and the market has now accepted that modern cards from sets still on shelves can just be 300+ dollars apparently. Once the eevees overshadow it, it'll probably start decreasing and settle similarly to Greninja because unfortunately I can still see plenty of retards continuing to accept buying it for that price. Maybe it'll completely crash if TPCi prints the absolute everloving shit out of the set, which admittedly isn't outside the realm of possibility since the next set is a special one.

That one is a little more of an extreme case, since Obsidian Flames seems to have been printed in higher volume, had more generous pullrates, and had less SIRs in the set itself which made pulling Charizard in particular easier. Plus a better Charizard was released in Paldean Fates. But I don't disagree on principle.
I’m over Surging Sparks restocks already. Just put up more Prismstic Evolutions
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The greninja promo from shrouded fable is objectively a better version of the same fucking pokemon, nobody can convince me the hype behind Terashit greninja isnt entirely manifactured by the usual (((suspects)))
I really should pay more attention to the special collections when they get released
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I got this in the mail. Am I correct in the wild assumption that the second place worlds card from 18 years ago is not common enough to warrant putting out print ads?
Why does PC list ETBs as having 11 packs, but when I went to the store the box said 9? Does PC just give more?
Alright /tcc/, I have $70 to spend on cards and not a penny more. What do I get that's the best bang for my buck if I wanna do some pulls?

I'm thinking about ordering one each of the Walmart black Friday Tyranitar/Tsareena $20 bundles (12 packs for 40, not bad) and then maybe a cheap booster bundle. Any sets you all recommend? I like how the full arts on temporal forces look, but I'm open to suggestions.

What would you do with $70 to chase some PULLS?

Pick related, just pulled this today. Love this little nigga like you wouldn't believe, probably my favorite from the set
Pulled the 151 Charizard Ex a couple nights ago. Does anyone care about this set anymore? I still have like 30 sealed packs I'm sitting on and I feel like there's no need for me to open more.
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>TFW you been warning people about market manipulation, scams, and other shit things happening in pokemon while everyone enjoys their reddit tier pokemon news.
What would we do without you *swoon*
Shut the fuck up bitch
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Outside if booster boxes, the cheapest dollar/pack I've seen recently is the Sea and sky Sam's club box. Other than that, some online places like smoke and mirror, Zulu, cardshop online, have some single packs for less than $3. These shops also don't have taxes and do have free shipping if you spend enough.
Pokemon Center edition ETBs have extra booster packs and one extra promo with a Pokemon Center stamp on it
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>TFW my best pull of electric breakers is the worst SAR
I would've been happy with any other, dammit
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After 22 packs, my best so far have been the IR Spheal and picrel
I also pulled THREE of the shitty Flygon EX double rare
Seriously? Shit, im sorry dude! I'll be going singles here on, going for Jasmine and Milotic for priority, will probably wait a couple months though for prices to dip.
if you were so certain you were right you wouldn't be coming here for reassurance
ok whats your hot take. just so i can shit on it.
You're right and it's all but confirmed that Greninja's market hype was artificial. And now it's changed people's perception on the market going forward.

On a similar note, sounds like the distributors are up to shenanigans. Two different shop owners I've spoken to have independently told me that their distributors jacked up the price on Surging Sparks boxes from $90 to $125. Evidently one of the owners was told they had a restock, but he firmly believes that they wouldn't have an actual restock so soon and they simply cut people's orders and held them back so they could upcharge them. Really cool and fun. Hopefully TPCi prints this set into the fucking ground.
Yeah, people are still crazy about it. The set has recently seen a pretty significant bump in price, especially the Charizard.
didnt read
never selling
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does anyone else feel like pulling out of booster boxes is too much? Like, I feel like there’s too many cards, and it needs to be hampered somehow. You should have to work for your cards. That’s why I like pulling ETBs
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Is this the Trading Card Collector’s General or the Trading Card Investorfag‘s General? Post your favorite worthless commons.
Why is the new Pikachu popping the fuck off, it's not even a cool or good card. I'd expect this more out of the Prismatic Eeveelutions than a random shit ass Pikachu.
*swoon*??? Kill yourself you unfunny little bitch
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Does this count? Since they reprinted it so much
See proofs
At this point it's probably easier to just wait for it in stores. I hope they end up making so much product of Prismatic that scalpers get fucked on it.
This is what I don't understand. Why doesn't the business just print run after run after run of these highly desired products? People want to buy and rip packs and the business is letting scalpers profit from that demand instead of them. It defies logic unless there is some business-smart reason I am not seeing.
I think it's just an expensive example to get boomers hype enough to raid their children's bedrooms.
Well for one there is probably a production issue going on right now, and two, TPCi probably legit thinks there aren't scalpers and that the reason for the demand is because people just really love their game. It probably doesn't even register that the people that want their product aren't even getting it at the proper prices that they advertise. Or they're letting it happen so they can later increase the prices to match, scalpers are a good business tactic to see what people are willing to pay for instance.
Ive worked in retail a lot and retailers don't give a fuck about specific prices as long as product is moving quickly in and out
They print enough that demand allows. The supply chain is long, distribution is long, etc. Basically they print enough to sell out at the start, and then ramp up production based on demand that needs to be met, but still underdo it because they don't want so much of it just sitting in warehouses or on floors not selling. Scalpers wouldn't even be a thing if people just stopped buying from them at increased prices. You see prices drop all the time and normalize on things that people just aren't willing to buy for instance. But people are so giddy to perhaps get a chance to get a card to get graded and then sell (even though a lot of Pokemon cards are only valuable depending on the Pokemon it is). For instance Eevelutions, Pikachu, Original Starters, Waifu Trainers. Those cards tend to always go hard, barring the very random Mewtwo, Lugia, or Error Card or something for instance.

Prismatic is selling out by the loads simply because it has so many Eeveelutions, they know those cards are gonna be hot items to resell, especially graded. Which is funny, because those cards almost always double in price, so off-loading them this early that so many scalpers will actually do is beyond retarded.
TCPi must really be smug faggot ass morons for believing that scalpers have not been ruining this hobby since sept 2020.
i literally went on my birthday to buy champions path for a chance to pull a SR charizard, just to get to target and find shelves were already cleared. and its all been downhill from here.
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We're so back.
McDonalds promo news finally dropped?
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>Since they reprinted it so much
>still well over $100 for a free promo
Fuck you

They print too much and risk it not selling through. With current demand they can hype up the next release each time and sell more before it's even delivered.

Nobody wants Paldean Fates, for example.
Well it doesn't help that people have gotten way more into the hobby because of quarantine and all the streamers/youtubbers live opening packs and showing off how much they gain on money (even though they have the disposable income for that to be vastly more viable comparatively speaking). Scalpers just saw an opportunity and took it, eventually it will die back down given enough time. But people are willing to pay crazy prices for things so it's always gonna be a problem to a degree. Look at MTG and YGO, sure some cards are expensive, but generally speaking most of them are cheap as all fuck because there's no profit to be made there for scalpers. Doesn't help either that nobody online or in stores has a "you can only buy X amount of this item".

Quarantine was the death knell for Pokemon wtih scalpers tho, they could easily go to stores and buy shit up like it was nothing. Go find recent costco vids of people just like black friday fighting each other over boxes and shit. It's fucking nuts.
yep, thats right. i was stuck in the house for months with nothing to do, pandemic lockdowns. they relase Champions Path on my birthday. i go early to beat the crowds and literally nothing. everthing got taken off shelves and thrown on ebay and scalped. thats literally when it started. you could easily get product on shelves before this time, day of release, with some exceptions on more anticipated sets.
they are printing at capacity lol.
tpci knows the secondary market better than any other group making trading cards and their decisions over the years shows this.
Dude I remember there was one guy in my area that would show up as places opened and load up 151 sets on a flatbed, he'd go to every single store and do this repeatedly ever restock. I highly doubt the dude made his money back considering how much he fucking bought, but perhaps he has at this point with those prices inflating now too.

Nobody should be able to buy multiple flatbed trucks worth of product in any way.
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>over 14k pop in PSA 10
>over printed to oblivion
>should fetch asking price of 100 - 150 based upon active population.
>but scaplers need to still make their money back so asking price is 300ish even after 4 years.
TCPi aint fooling me. i know the market way better than that. BS shit isnt wrong. bunch of cocksuckers work there.
Streaming, quarantine, and FOMO has ruined the hobby. It was the perfect storm of shit that basically caused the scalpers in full force.
You can definitely find that card for like $140.
Scalping is a really interesting phenomena that has a lot to it.

For instance, a lot of them don't have permanent jobs and just do it as a form of income, bouncing from one job to the next, and trying to survive, but according to these types of scalpers most of them agree that just stealing and reselling and general crime is more lucrative of a business than scalping is.

Others will do it to pay for their own collection. For instance, they'll buy 11 Charizard Holos, keep one, and sell the other to cover the original cost of the Charizard they kept and extra profit.

Most of them only do it because of their outlook on the current economic sphere, between people losing jobs, etc. to outsourcing, AI, and so on, they join in on scalping to try and make any extra money they can from people willing to pay. For instance, if you can't beat them, join them. Lets be real, if we could all have an OnlyFans and scalp to our hearts content and make bank on it, we would, and anybody that says otherwise is insane. That's why people do it, because it's easy money.

As the economy gets worse, expect scalpers to get worse. It'll eventually just become a lawless land of the insanely rich, the scalpers, and everyone else poor and starving, with the scalpers all fighting amongst themselves like its mad max trying to see if they can make it to the insanely rich. Give it a couple decades and it'll be a nightmare.
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for comparison this card is
>175 dollars
>8 years old, 4 years older than the champions path charizard.
>subjectively a better looking card
>with 4k less psa 10 pop, at a little over 10k pop.
>long term the card has always had an active population
weird, when i set the pricing i seem to have a better basis for reality. but i should just shut up and listen to master on what they think is true. maybe i have a basis for my opinions, maybe im just the retard and buy the overpriced shit card.
>or best offer
>make market rate offer
>offer declined/expires
Honestly should go to paid listings so the site isn't cluttered with shit that never sells.
See, you're looking at it like a logic person with a brain does. You should look at it like a degenerate retard trying to scam people. That's your mistake. Also single cards are usually desperation attempts at scalping and making money back. Most of the good scalping stuff is boxes and sealed product.
"doesnt sale" sounds more like overpopulation and consistant active listings. and not that hard to come by, and why you overspending on not rare shit.
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all im saying is that i wasnt born yesterday.
15k eevee fags will buy a psa 10 newbreon card from surging sparks at 1000 bucks a pop and wont bat an eye. but if one little philosopher questions their reasoning, well EVERYONE PANICS.
the sad thing is that the secondary market is less profitable than ever because of biden's tax codes. You really can only make like 5$ off of marking up an ETB to 100$ unless you're avoiding taxes and seller fees somehow. so they're making us pay twice as much to make 5 bucks.
Yeah, but they don't care about you, they care about making $5 more. That's the thing anon, it's about them, not anyone else. What benefits them at the expense of others. That's pretty much philosophy for most humans these days, and will continue to get worse.
$5 per box is still $50 per 10, and most scalpers will probably have around 100 of those, so $500. It's not exactly a good profit, but it's better than nothing.
they probably would have made 500 dollars quicker and easier working at mcdonalds than obtaining and packaging 100 boxes.
Yeah but they don't want to do that, just go and rip off pokemon fans and sit around doing fuck all and make money.
you didn't read what I said, I just said it is probably actually less effort to work minimum wage job than to flip 100 boxes of pokemon cards
It is, they don't want to do that though. They don't want to have to wake up, drive to work, and then actually work. They just want to go to a store once a week, get everything, and then spend the rest of the day listening to podcasts trying to flip it, with the only extra driving being going to the post office to ship it.
Most things get worse and more criminals are around when there is less money spread out among the people to be able to afford things without resorting in crime. For the sake of pokemon collectors everywhere we need something other than unregulated capitalism.... something different... I just can't put my finger on it.....

>biden's tax code
actual retard
>unless you're avoiding taxes and seller fees somehow
yeah most of them sell direct cash on facebook marketplace then flip it to some new product they got for under value because they have a connection with someone pretending to be a store
We're past that point anon, all great things come to an end and shift back to cavemen ooga booga crime and stupidity. It's just finally our time and we're living in it.
how do you explain the hundreds of sales every day on ebay then? that thats a minority of sales?
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Aaaaand I'm done.
Took... 6 hours? That can't be right. Well... that explains my neck and back pain.
shifted 120-ish cards down three pages, miscalculated and then shifted half of them back a page. Got new cards in the mail. sleeved them, filed them. Moved cards between the folio and binder and then back again.
And then spent time switching cards to see if:
looks better than
I'm split. And tired
pic rel came in mail
and every time the ooga booga times ended with a huge leap forward in how we all ran things. this time, who knows how long it'll last with the effects of the internet and mass surveillance. The real profit is keeping your cards safe through whatever apocalypic events you deal with so that your grandkids can sell that charizard psa 10 for 10,000 yuan.

yes that is definitely a minority of sales. there are a lot more pokemon cards out there than that.
I don't think I expressed myself properly. let me ask more accurately. You believe that the majority of pokemon sales take place in cash offline?
>and every time the ooga booga times ended with a huge leap forward in how we all ran things. this time, who knows how long it'll last with the effects of the internet and mass surveillance. The real profit is keeping your cards safe through whatever apocalypic events you deal with so that your grandkids can sell that charizard psa 10 for 10,000 yuan.
If we ever truly go into an ooga booga time again, there won't be a coming back from it, because the rest of the world will follow.
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>still swiping pic-a-nic baskets
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I feel like i should just sell my collection, because im too much of a liability to the scalpers in the nu age of pokemon collection. they would probably like if i sold everything and never gave shit-o-mon my money again.
Big Mac
Your active Pokemon is now poisoned.
do u have the expensive lillies that im too broke to ever afford anon
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This guy>>56902421 is a scalper. Give me your Riris pls. Or shall we share...
Penny sleeves or dragon shield if I want to put cards in a binder?
Based autism. Hope it looks good anyway.
I gave in bros. Sadly I had to settle for English.
Seeing all this discussion about what new sets will be profitable and what’s a good investment is so strange to me.
I just buy the occasional vintage single on ebay every now and then for nostalgia’s sake, slowly but surely filling up my old binder
>their outlook on the current economic sphere, between people losing jobs, etc. to outsourcing, AI, and so on
This is giving these people who barely graduated high school way too much credit in being able to acknowledge anything beyond the price of their rent and gasoline, much like [election] voters.

The minority of scalpers that I find fascinating are the ones attempting to argue they're a legitimate business providing a helpful service.
ruh roh investorsisters... the bubble is already poppin'...
scalpers are unnecessary middlemen. they are not a phenomenon. they are not mystic, mysterious or cool. you fucking idiot. they are there to gate keep you from your own hobby and interests. and you should gatekeep them back.
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>be at lgs
>local whale brags about how he has made thousands out of buying out evolving skies during the pandemic (theoretically, he's still holding)
>mfw easily 10x that amount by investing in stocks in the same period instead of shitty cardboard
unironically scalpers are getting BTFO'd over PS5 pros. too bad im not in the market anyways.
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Surging sparks pull rates are the exact same as Stellar Crown. The reason why people seem to think they're bad is because the pool is bigger (4 vs 7 SIRs, 13 vs 23 IR) so you have more chances of getting the trash cards nobody wants.
>posting made up pull rates
how about real pull rates?
12 SIR/1000 packs = 0.012
1/87 =0.0114
wow incredible it's the same, even slightly better
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>Post your favorite worthless commons.
i love collecting cards.
It took me some time to deal with anger against investorcucks (because they make it look like pokemon community is ALL ABOUT MONEY SELL SELL SELL BUY BUY BUY) but im in peace now.
There are rare cards that dont get holo foil. this is one. it has some really good artwork that i guess didnt make the cut. wasnt going to search for it. but this is it.
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What makes his punch so special?
>Tomokazu Cyndaquil
Incredibly based, love that one
Her z-form full art is more iconic but her original recipe card is an underrated cutie.
That's what Japanese boxes are for. The satisfaction of having a whole box, but the card count is closer to that of an EN ETB.
>does anyone else feel like pulling out of booster boxes is too much?
When I was a kid I used to dream of opening MTG and Pokemon booster boxes because it would be awesome to finally open more than just a pack every 2 or 3 week
Now I realize I end up with way too much bulk I can't do fuck all with
>be me
>Work theft prevention at Walmart
>Constantly dealing with thieves filling up a totes in a shopping cart and filling it up with cards and making a mad dash for the fire door where they load up a vehicle.
>Talk to store and MJ holdings who rent the shelves from Walmart to sell cards about theft and maybe put them behind glass like other Walmarts.
>Walmart doesn't care, not their product they still make their money from the rented shelf if it's stolen or not, they do get a small percentage from sales as well but they don't care.
>MJ holdings doesn't care because they're still making a profit off the markup.
>Facebook marketplace full of meth heads selling hits from a ton of packs.
Fuck, that's gross.
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Paldean Fates ETB
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Paldean Fates Great Tusk ex tin
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Paldean Fates Great Tusk ex tin (2/2)
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That's rough brother
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Paldean Fates Iron Treads ex tin
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151 ETB
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Stellar Crown booster bundle
fyi, with all that money, you could have just bought the mew from paldean fates
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Stellar Crown 1-pack promo blister

I didn't buy these all at once btw, I just got into the hobby this year and I've learned my lesson about cracking packs. Just sharing so others can learn the easy way.
Stellar crown 1-pack promo blister (2/2)

[No hits]
its over...
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should have bought singles.
It's okay. I honestly want to take half of the folio out, remove the sleeves and put them in my binder.
My binder used to be a 3", but four-ish years ago, I swapped it for a 1.5" and purged sooo many cards. (To a bunch of ETBs, because I may as well store cards in them)
So now my binder has already been my 'choice' cards. And I just forgot.
I get the binders that have square-ish 'rings'? As opposed to circles? Because then the pages stack aligned.

And so I don't know what to use the folio for.
Maybe just Full Arts? GX, V, EX, V-MAX, Etc.?
But then my folio would be like 3/4 empty.
Maybe I need to buy one of those 2x2 folios. If they even make any good ones.

I wish I could be like this guy
>Not organized by type, dex#, species/evolution line, illustrator, or set
My guy. How do you not go crazy.
It's like you just sleeved random cards and slotted them in as you bought them.
Please tell me they're like, organized as your favorites or something.
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Thoughts on BW and XY EXs? They absolutely mog SV exs
pls respond
Love em.
All my shit is in Dragon Sheild sleeves, go with them.
sleeves and folio from the same manufacturer usually fit perfect
I've had issues fitting penny sleeves into binder pages. But there are general top-loading sleeves, and then there are really snug "inner sleeves" for people who double sleeve.
The snug sleeves will fit in binder pages
Dragon Shield are durable sleeves, like if you're going to be playing with them. The price reflects the durability, so it depends if you're on a budget.
I say they're overkill if you're putting them in a binder anyways.
Very kino. Not as many actually illustrated cards compared to ex but something about the renders on these EX cards was very striking, I probably still prefer the og ex and Level X though. SV ex definitely mogs GX (except tag teams) and all Vs though
I think Vs are easily the ugliest type if card ever. And I mean regular Vs.
It uses passion fruit juice, lychee juice, and spiced rum.
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Let's go boys
GOAT set, good luck
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I got so manyh nice Pokemon cards, but I’m almost out of packs. . . What do I do when I’m out of booster packs to open? What is poor little old me supposed to do
literally prove it. I don't believe you. the only way I could imagine stocks outperforming evolving skies is if you just gambled on one stock and were correct, and they went from nothing to nationwide stores in 3 yrs. and pokemon is much more secure than gambling like that.
99% of stocks were at an all time bottom during covid retardbro, everyone was shitting bricks. There was no gambling literally just buy low sell high
I can't seem to find what I'm looking for on Amazon, but it must exist?
I'm trying to find a D-Ring binder that zips shut. That's it. Everything I find is either an O-Ring, or a portfolio listed as a binder. (pages stitched-in)
Maybe what I'm looking for doesn't exist, because people would overfill the binder? But that doesn't make sense, because people do that already without a case that zips closed.
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S&P 500 bottomed at 2237 in march 2020 and is currently up at 6,003. Evolving skies is up at 831. It came out sooner. lol.
>They absolutely mog SV exs
Not unless we're talking about the 2D illustrated ones like the ones from kawayoo.
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>Surging Sparks box
>hit the SIR
Sounds like a win to me, now get more copies of it.
Fuck you nigga, Durant is cool.
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>Buy a 6 pack of Surging Sparks, wanting Kekleon
>Get meme Pikachu and flip it for 400$ immediately
Today's gud, lads.
Well now you can buy like 80 Kecleons.
Do not redeem the sir
congrats my dude. Now put that money into more packs.
Earn money exponentially. It's foolproof!
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Stellar crown 3-pack promo blister
Why not get a zipped portfolio? People say ring binders are bad for the cards but idk why.
Ring binders have a risk of bending the cards in the column closest to the ring if you're not careful with how you handle it. I have both and have been slowly migrating to a ringless binder
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I've never seen damage in a D-Ring binder, stored flat, and I've been in the hobby for a while.
That's unfortunate. It really shouldn't be anywhere near the ring, unless it was a stuffed O-ring.
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Ended up opening way more boxes today than I should have.
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Hope you got everything you wanted.
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>it says 5 star on it. its the best option, toploaders suck.
I need this card so bad. I should have bought it before the price doubled. Hopefully it comes back down next year.
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came in mail today
I started collecting after not being in the hobby for about 20 years, what do you guys normally do with all the extra common/uncommon cards?
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First JP box. How'd I do, lads?
I throw them away.
Sex. Also Lissia should have a belly button ring.
Make decks to give to people. Teach them how to play. Now I have someone to play with.
When I was younger, I'd give them to my younger brother.
Sometimes I'll bulk-trade with others. 50 cards for an uncommon I want. Sometimes they think they're getting a deal, but they usually realize I'm using them to offload trash.
I've done this. Sometimes I need more space for stuff and don't have time to order another card box, or the storage is full.

When I lived close to a card shop, I'd walk over a bunch of shit and then bring something that was like worth ten bucks and say he could only have the ten dollar card if he took all of it.
Sometimes he'd still say no, and I'd just leave it on his counter. haha.
Good times. I miss that dude.
The two LGS in my town stopped buying bulk, so I throw most of them away, except those with nice or cute art and stadium cards
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4 shiny treasure boxes. Cursed or not, you tell me
Is that all your pulls total? How many packs are in that box? My Paradise Dragona had fifteen packs with rares. Most were shit, admittedly.
10 cards per pack and 10 packs per box, since it's a specialty set. Each pack also has a guaranteed regular ex, 2 holos, and 1 reverse holo. I didn't include the regular exs since who wants to see 40 regular exs.
Hope you like Quaquaval buddy
The Gardevoir is a very nice pull though
huh. I didn't even notice Kadabra started getting printed again last year. First time since 2003.
I guess their lawsuit against that psychic worked itself out. Or, like. He died or something.
Crazy, it's been so long. 20 years.
And then he's back, like magic.
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And here are the 6 star universe box pulls. Excluded the regular Vs and Vstar/max and also radiant mons. This is my 3rd arceus but I still haven't pulled Giratina and dialga. I have a problem.

I hate him actually.
He dropped his lawsuits and apologized last year.
nice my Nazi Pokemon cards just came in the mail. Hail Hitler
Based, recognizing the real value is n0t the monetary aspect, but what you personally care fore.
Pretty bloody good, this is i think the 2nd best chase of the set.
me too. Upon doing some preliminary research, I ended up buying three of the 1600 BCW card bins:


this was after having bought basically the first thing I saw on Amazon (Mlikero card deck case), which, of course, ended up being a big disappointment, I might add

I have high expectations for the BCW card bins. They look sturdy, and have a strong latch to prevent cards from toppling out, which was my main concern. The Mlikero card deck case was just flimsy trash and the foam inserts to be used as a book end didn't even fit properly, as it were. The BCW one has slots for the book end inserts. I think it will work pretty well, in a manner of speaking, I might add. They weren't much more expensive either, and they have a carrying handle. They make a larger 3200 bin that still has the latch, but no handle, so I opted for more smaller ones for convenience. I even looked at Gamegenic cases, and they looked sort of like the trashy flimsy one I am discarding. A more premium version of the same trash design, but still trash, nevertheless. Gamegenic's other stuff did look good though, like some of their organizers and deck boxes, sweetie
What is supposed to be better? According to TCGPlayer this is the top chase. I think second most expensive was the Latias.
But yes, I'm quite proud of the pull. Started collecting EN last year, if we don't count my cards from when I was five in 1999, and never pulled anything this big until my first dip into JP. I'm tempted to grab more JP boxes, and likely will do so. But I also believe I've used up all my luck for 2024.
Also please note I really wanted the Castform art rare, and didn't pull it, despite it being worth way less money lel
The Latias EX is the big card of that set, at least at the moment.
Can I see them?
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I didn't get much in that little ETB I opened, but I do like Nemona, so that's something at least. I have one more booster bundle for Obsidian Flames still coming in the mail
auf... deutsch?
I've invested over $5,000 into Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, and Neopets COMBINED. How the fuck is this accurate? I've fucking lost money on my investment.
Yeah, with a big crease through the middle maybe.
I love apples. They make a decent deck too
Tell that to the aftermarket. Everything I see has Lisia's Appeal worth more. Latias looks better in EN, but it's outpriced by the Pikachu anyway.
Based Ferkuli playmat (I refuse to use the shitty english name)
based man. get rid of the fagachu and sell it for profit.
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The artist's barely disguised fetish.

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