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Cozy Edition

>Discuss husbando
>Worship husbando
>Bully husbando
>Post art, headcanons, greentext, etc.

Previous thread: >>56856563
Thread question: It's snowing and you're stuck indoors for the day. What cozy activities would you do with husbando?
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> Do you want me to post the R18 part? It's censored but...
Sure, you can catbox it! Honestly I'm pleasantly surprised they have doujins at all.
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I am now reminded of that one deleted video from that guy where Larry dancing Gangnam Style crashed the game.
Fucking hell, kek
NTA but personally I've seen this ship fairly often in the JP space without ever seeking it out specifically. Pretty sure it's the most popular Grimsley ship over there, or at least was for some time in case it's not anymore. So I'm surprised you're surprised, kek. Though I don't know how long you've been into these 2 and where you're usually looking for your stuff. Don't think I've ever stumbled upon content for this ship in Western spaces for example
Not just "some guys" but Gilberts
Well, last time I looked them up proper was in 2011 and then 2012...? Around BW and B2W2's releases. So I ended up drawing them for myself and never sharing, more or less. I'm constantly pleasantly surprised nowdays lol.
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Threadly Lance/yng appreciation post
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Reminds me of something I did because I needed to know. 500 hours with a microwave.
>So I ended up drawing them for myself and never sharing, more or less
... Drip feed me with your art here...? :)
That doujin has some nice art, anon! They look pretty close to their canon designs. Here's my attempted TL, just did the one page

Grimsley: What's going on?
Marshal: You're awake, then? Caitlin's Musharna put you to sleep
Grimsley: Oh, right
Marshal: I know you were avoiding sleeping in front of me, but I couldn't leave you alone. ...Sorry.
Grimsley: ...No, it's my fault for avoiding you at night/spending the night with you (?)
Don't worry. I just didn't want to show you a shameful side of myself.
Grimsley: Calm down, Marshal
-more sfx-
Grimsley: Wait, you... Don't suddenly get worked up. Guess there's no helping it...

I like how the pokemon take their leave when things get frisky lol
Yeah, though Grimsley does get a little bit more feminine, or that could just be my yume glasses seeing him as more masculine... it's a good doujin
>working overtime daily
>no hope
>enjoy birds
I can feel myself becoming Larry
very cool anon, I want to draw something similar myself.
It's art so old that I lost it, I'm sorry. But I would like to post any new one I draw!
>horny Marshal
Interesting... I won't say no to it...
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>Larry OP suggestion was actually accepted

Th-thanks. He's so handsome...

We're probably snuggling under the kotatsu and watching TV. Maybe doing a jigsaw puzzle, or doing each other. Either way he's probably going to sleep a lot and/or do extremely little. As he should, he needs to rest.

POV You are Geeta having a nightmare

Are you a handsome ossan? Do you need a sugar baby? Don't answer that, I'm already my IRL husband's parasite and I'm too low maintenance (like a moss ball) to need to leech off someone else.
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Nah I see what you mean, his eyes are bigger and his proportions are a little more dainty but that's kind of par for the course in doujins lol. It's always nice when you find that one rare person who keeps the designs totally onmodel regardless of role though, I imagine yumes have the same struggle like I've seen Kieran suddenly growing 2 heads taller kek
Also, since we've been discussing Marshal, does anyone want to help me puzzle out how the hell his hair/eyebrows work
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Making something warm and spicy to eat, reading some comics or watching some movies while we snuggle under some blankets, Mabosstiff included!
God, that would fix me
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Guess we could paint cute pictures with watercolors, or draw each other like one of your french girls. Warm cuddles afterwards. He could teach me how to play the piano, too.
We would watch sea life documentaries or make a pillow fort together.
He's hyperactive so he's probably having fun while in his zoomies-like state
Let's get more train men in here!!

What kind of significant other do you think the train autists would look for?

I imagine in spite of how blunt Emmet is, he's actually a little sensitive to losing. He wouldn't show it, but would probably get into a funk after every unsuccessful battle. Someone who's good at encouraging him and lifting him up would be the best for his self esteem.
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I haven’t seen snow since I was a little kid… I almost wanna go outside and watch as it falls down! I always remember it being very peaceful and quiet when it’d snow at night. One of the downsides of living somewhere that doesn’t experience much weather variety from season to season, I guess.

I think he’d be willing to bundle up and go outside with me to see the snowy night. We could enjoy the quiet scenery together, look at the stars if it’s a clear night, compare our footprints to each other’s in the fresh snow…depending on the moon, maybe it’d be bright enough to go on a night hike, or even go sledding! After I’d really love to do a winter campfire. We could sip on hot chocolate or cider while we snuggle together to warm up before going inside to, you know counterintuitively take off all our clothes just to warm each other up with our body heat and subsequent actions ;3
Husbando thread more like submas thread
But they’re not my husbandos…
>I imagine in spite of how blunt Emmet is, he's actually a little sensitive to losing. He wouldn't show it, but would probably get into a funk after every unsuccessful battle. Someone who's good at encouraging him and lifting him up would be the best for his self esteem.
I agree!!! I think he would want someone who always encourages him, praises him and reassures him. Also someone who doesn't mind listening to him talk about his obsessions and who indulges him in them! He also would like to be squeezed and get called cute and he likes smothering his significant other with affection.

As for Ingo, I like to imagine he'd like someone more proactive and dominating that he could serve and make happy. I guess I imagine he'd be what they call a service top in bed lol.
That said, I think he wouldn't be the type for overt, smothering cuddles... I think he likes something more gentle and subdued.
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The train I think of the most is the train Marshal should run on me desu
I don't like marshal's outfit and hair colors but seeing him in black and white he's growing on me lol The pairing with Grimsley is cute too
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Been thinking about old men in stockings recently
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Based, more old men should wear stockings and high heels
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I really like Calem
What do you like about him?
I don't mind off model so much as long as Grimsley is kept looking somewhat masculine, there's a Grimsley x Caitlin artist that has some nice scenes in their doujin...
Yeaah Marshal's eyebrows cooked me out the first time I tried drawing them lol, they're connected to his hair
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Omg only this morning I noticed that based anon posted more RenGima pages on the previous thread. Thank you deeply for it!
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No problem hehe
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I saw a branch of cotton in an exhibit and had husbando brain rot for like 2 hours afterwards. It was all I could do to not spam someone who understands husbandos, I know she wouldn't understand the cotton reference.

I want to feel his gauzy warmth (and sharp edges)
I want his thighs on my face
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Time to share my incorrect opinions that always seem to change over time!

I always figured he would end up with an optimistic hard-working sort of "gentle ray of sunshine" type of person, but my hot take is that they don't actually have to be good at battling. Maybe it would secretly stroke his ego to know he was the tough one that could protect someone he loves that needs him to do so because they aren't very strong. Just feeling needed in general would be important to him, I think. Probably ends up with someone that still dotes on him a little since he's so used to being looked after by Ingo and he's kind of used getting the spoiled younger sibling treatment.

>Someone who's good at encouraging him and lifting him up would be the best for his self esteem.
Aw, cute. Having someone to lean on after a bad day is what everyone needs and Emmet would be no different.

I feel like he's got his hands so full with work and being Emmet's older brother/greatest rival that he would probably like someone who is mostly able to take care of themselves without him having to worry about one more thing on top of everything else. Maybe even someone who could help him unwind for once and let him let go of at least a little of his responsibility that he can't seem to take his mind off of. Also what >>56900260 said, he would probably be the more submissive one in the relationship, moreso than Emmet would be in his own. Also agree on the subdued thing, running the metro in a place like Nimbasa must be super hectic, so maybe he wants his relationship to be slow and calming. I wonder if as Warden Ingo he would be mostly the same...? Probably more desperate for companionship, those Highlands seem lonely.

Those are just my rough thoughts but I'm so bad with changing my mind later on about some details when it comes to all my submas headcanons. Me and my indecisive ass lol
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>reminded of niche husbando's existance
>no fanart for him on google
>browse pixiv
>there's moe art of him
Thank you, Japan
I'm crazy over this comic lol
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Being cozy and sharing warm drinks with Arven...
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Husbando has become a recluse. I spend most days indoors with him anyways. I imagine I'll look out at the snow for a bit and think it's nice whilst sipping hot chocolate and keep telling him how nice it looks whilst he doesn't care. Then just get on with our normal routine
How many people's favourite artists are cleansing their Twitter for 'Doomsday' tomorrow?
What happens tomorrow?
Many, but also many won't leave and will just private
Twitter's AI policy changed and now you can't opt out of it. Everything posted will be used to train Grok. Apparently if you private your account it won't be scraped and used for it
Baking and eating cookies with Arven...
This is like the millionth time twitter is about to definitely gonna collapse for sure
Oh, yes, likely what will happen to Twitter overall is nothing, but that won't stop artists deleting everything and never re-uploading
I don't care. Everything is being scraped by the ai as soon as it's uploaded on the internet anyways
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What about the blocking issue though? I thought that was another problem. I definitely don't want to stay on there thanks to that, I don't want to have to see posts from the shitters I blocked.
yng seems to have said she'll get to it when she gets to it, so I can sleep easily for a little longer.
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The thing is, Twitter has been slowly crumbling since it became X. The dumb fuck that owns the site now has been slowly making changes to it that are pretty much nothing but awful and have actively made things worse with each new thing they change. I left like a year and a half before he got his hands on the site and whenever I considered maybe coming back if only to collect art, something new came up that convinced me that it was a horrific idea (besides the community being horrendous and the algorithm making it hard to avoid that shit). Now I've been testing out bluesky for a bit and it seems like its easier to curate the content you actually want to see instead of being forcibly exposed to the shit you don't care about, though the problem is that the community is still kinda stupid since so many people came from Twitter and continue to act like idiots. C'est la vie.
Got any good SubMas artists on bsky?
The blocking change is already in for both mobile and desktop. It just means you can still see content from people that have blocked you, not vice versa. You just can't like, comment or follow them
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Same anon here. I became possessed by something after seeing how little fanart he has and drew him. Thinking back after watching the movie and he's such a loser my god I NEED to draw more of this failure
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I drew an ecchi Kudarin
How feasible would be a husbando canon team run?
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i wuld like to touch it

Haha, no not really. Most of the pics I have saved are from when Twitter was still called Twitter. I don't know where all the artists are now, if they nuked their accounts and moved on or if they changed their names or whatnot. I'm not a fan of going through social media tags because I hate perceiving Western fans.
self esteem so low i feel like i shouldn't fantasize about my husbando because he's too out of my league kek
Who is your husbando? I will draw him for you
Adaman ;-;
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Thouguts on mixed wrestling?
The Pokéyume thread is the other way
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You are not out of his league!
He wouldn't want you to spiral like that!
nta but this is incredibly sweet of you to do. Love seeing people spreading the love here. Husbando general is best general
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>based Thorfucker drawing high quality OC for anons who are sad

Holy shit... I kneel. You are a treasure.
awwwwww thank you for the wonderful gift anon ;__;;; i'm gonna save this and look at it everytime I feel like i'm unworthy. this seriously made my night
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>finally got the Larry Super Fan title in Masters

Now I may know peace
Great work anon, I love his bodytype
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Ghetsis fans rejoice...?
Probably one of the better ones of this series
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I'm glad! I hope things get better soon for you.
I'm happy you enjoyed my drawings!
Oh my god you are so talented!! I am not sure if you are the same fan of Thor-sama from smtg lmao, but wow!! I didn't know you drew so well! I like to draw too but I'm way too shy to post here (or anywhere, lmao), I mean it took me ages to even grow the courage to post here!! But I had to after seeing your incredible artwork!!
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Yes it's me and I am going through a Gen V nostalgia period lol plus /smtg/ is a pain lately so I been browsing this thread on another anon's suggestion.
I finally got into SubMas because they look like a certain someone but also I can't escape Kudarin's cute autism lol, everytime he talks about double battles I implode with cuteness and I want to crumple him like paper (I feel the same for Raidou just existing lol).
But I also have other husbandos from Gen 5 lol (Marshal being my favorite, then there's also Grimsley, N, Colress, Marlon to name the ones that come to mind)... it helps that I played BW during a difficult period of my life.
I'd love to see your art! I love seeing OC being shared in nice threads.
It is not very pleasant at the moment, I do agree. I don't ever want to annoy anyone too badly though so I do limit my posting in general.. I am an annoying sperg and my English isn't the strongest, so I understand it really. That being said! It seems like a friendlier vibe in here, plus I loooveee Steven to death so yeah, I suppose I can hang out here, too!!
You are so sweet, how you speak of your husbandos, it's really nice!! I've loved Raidou (and Steven lmao) for many many years (outing my age I guess), so it is always nice to meet others who appreciate these wonderful characters too!!
Wow, you drew this? He looks amazing!! So many talented Anons here!
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He would invite me to try to remove the snow simply bc it would be good exercise for both of us. Finish it up with a warm bath and then making dinner since it's a fun and romantic time overall.
Amazing work! Are these done digitally? I recently got a tablet that hooks up to my computer, so it doesn't have a screen. It's extremely overwhelming trying to draw. I'm working on Magma, but there's so many options I don't know where to begin.
There's also not being able to line up the strokes exactly right. I see this and wonder how it's done.
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I love hearing different headcanons! Don't be worried about sharing them, even if they change. More Submas is always better than less Submas!
Nowdays I use an old refurbrished iPad to draw digitally because I don't always have the space to draw with the screenless wacom. However, I still recommend learning how to use your tablet! Using keyboard shortcuts makes the process very nice and quick after you get the hang of it.
Happy Anniversary to Sword/Shield (and the guys from Galar)!
Gordie's tummy...
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Oh man, I totally understand how it feels and I’ve been there myself so many times. What this general has taught me, though, is to never doubt that our husbandos would love us for who we are. Adaman would be thrilled to know you and honored to know you love him so much. I truly believe it and hope you’ll get better soon.

Thank you for existing, anon
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My fellow Anon of culture.
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Happy anniversary!
He's so cute and even cuter when being lewd...... bless you anon
But also, who the hell is the guy in top right...
My design for my husbando's face from another franchise (he always wears a helmet)
Also, thank you! I love him when he's lewd.
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Leon a cute
I'm on a roll, I think. Nice.
Maybe a muffin
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Today, I will remind them.
Imagine how shiny their foreheads are.
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I ended up drawing maid Nobori too and he came out lewder lol
Elesa approved
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What a beautiful thing to wake up to, bless you anon
He's willing to go the extra mile if it means it will stop Emmet being lewded
(It won't)
I love your art anon!
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I'm glad you like it! Your appreciation cheers me up.
I love the idea of lewding the twins together though twincest isn't my thing. It's just cute and sexy to think how they'd react in the same situation...
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Emmet's stare on Ingo's back is sus hehe
learning to slowly give into husbandoism like I used to when I was a teen. I became pretty analytical as an adult, so this is kind of a process for me.
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Guys I can't believe /ppg/ finally found the lost submas vs sprites
(jk I just made them for myself because I think it's strange they never got any)
Super cute, gives me cute aggression
If fanart gives them bishie hair I tab out desu
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Same, I unironically get annoyed whenever their receding hairlines don’t get the respect they deserve lol
PLA Ingo is definitely bald but I still think regular submas just have fivehead because I've seen even women with their exact hairlines so it can happen.
Yeah! Their hair is really cute and it fits their designs the most. I can sort of excuse it from fanart prior to their plushies but now there are no excuses to keep giving them haircuts that completely change their appeal into something more generic.
I also think they are cute fiveheads. They also lack eyebrows so it increases the misconception that they're balding.
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Based on the texture their hair has in the 3D games I think this is how their hair probably works (ignoring the sideburns mystery completely...)
Kek ignore the drawing errors because I flipped it too much and didn't notice
That's such cute art!!!!!!!¡!!!! AAAAA! I hope you post more!

Do you have pics of their hair textures?
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Ah, I always wanted to see VS sprites of the twins. These are really good, makes me feel robbed. Because we were.

I have mixed feelings about giving them longer hair. On one hand, it looks great styled in a specific "classical" way (kinda like pic related but shorter) and I'm willing to bend the rules on their concept art because, well, hair grows. But on the other hand some people really do just go default fluffy cutesy hair, especially with Emmet, and it makes me mildly irritated because it makes a little bit of sense and/or reminds me of Joltik but I hate how boyish it makes him look. I want submas that look like men, not teenagers.

About what I think, if not giving them outright short hair with just a texture. People were observing Warden Ingo's model closely a while back and noticed that it almost looked as though his hair had been modeled in a way that seemed to suggest it would have been longer and put back into a sort of bun or pony tail. I think it was just funky modeling on a rushed game, personally.
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PLA has the same iirc
You could get a better picture with their butler alts but I don't have them rerun them on a non-paid banner DeNA you fuckers
>I hope you post more!
I'm also >>56922686 kek and I have posted other art occasionally! I'm glad you liked my scribble <3
>Ah, I always wanted to see VS sprites of the twins. These are really good, makes me feel robbed. Because we were.
I really want to know why they never did it but I'm sure it has something to do with them not wanting to program in a way for 4 vs sprites to appear on-screen at once for a multi battle, because a vs sprite has never appeared for anything but a single battle, previous facility bosses never did double or multi battles and by gen 6 they cut out the player having a 'sprite' entirely. I really did hope something would turn up in the teraleak, ngl...
>bun or pony tai
My crack theory is they might have reused Cogita's hair texture in some way to cut corners. I think her bun placement is the same
Don't they have a banner running right now?
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Not the butler alts, they're the only ones I'm missing.
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There are other characters I want to draw... they just have more lewds I like already so I wanna draw my own for Kudarin lol
>wet shirt
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Oof, that's good news. I'm not a hardcore trainfag but do like these new alt designs. Wanted to pull them but fuuug I can't bring myself to open this app most of the time, don't even know why, I just keep forgetting or don't feel like dealing with it. Haven't read through a story event in forever too because...dunno. Just don't feel like doing that. And so many missed daily gems... Honestly thought I managed to miss this event entirely as well, felt a little bad thinking about it. I'll open the app right now and see if I can pull at least one of them before they're gone entirely.
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Got Ingo first pull. Will try to get his bro as well. All smiles. Thanks train anons
God, their German names are so stupid, what were they thinking?
I don't know why this sounds so funny to me but it does
Oh wow and I thought Andy and Torn were silly names...
Their thoughts went hin und her but this was the best they came up with.
Anyway, I agree but... I also KIND OF like these names. It's strange thinking about these words being used as names, like "Hey Her, reich doch mal bitte das Salz rüber" "HIN, MEIN BRUDER, WO BIST DU" etc. - just sounds alien to my German ears - but at the same time, it leaves much room for silly word plays. Thinking about it more makes me wanna check out German fan fics for them, actually - perhaps some of our train enjoyers thought of this before... if not, I might try and write something myself, just for fun
All that being said - we could've gotten so much worse. "Auf & Ab" would've been terrible kek
Funny title for funny lads!
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I'm having a hard time imagining (and thus drawing) Emmet flustered so I'd like to hear some suggestions from anons...
Ingo seems to know Leaf is lewding his brother!

W-what's happening to Emmet in the bottom corner?
In Masters he says how he has to make sure he looks cool in his uniform. I bet he would get embarrassed if he did something lame in front of people like trip over or get recognised in public, or maybe a Joltik is stuck to his butt and no one tells him. He's also not very good at being a butler so he could get embarrassed if he messes up.
Or maybe a preschooler on the Battle Subway tells him he's not cool at all and he takes it personally.
Or if you want it to be horny
idk shibari under clothing or sex pollen maybe
Yeah they just don't sound like real names. Maybe as surnames - Herr Her and Herr Hin, kek.
It feels like they didn't really try, probably cause they thought they were "unimportant" NPCs lol.
>All that being said - we could've gotten so much worse. "Auf & Ab" would've been terrible kek
Or "Rein & Raus" hehehe
Would a rando on the subway whispering spicy things to him fry his autistic brain? If there's no other way for him to interpret the action as anything other than flirting, maybe that would cause him embarrassment?
>Ingo seems to know Leaf is lewding his brother!
He's developed a sixth sense for it!!!! He'll do anything to protect his otouto from pervs.
>W-what's happening to Emmet in the bottom corner?
Somebody (anyone you like, maybe even (You) ) is eating his ass or fingering him (whatever you prefer).
>Or maybe a preschooler on the Battle Subway tells him he's not cool at all and he takes it personally.
That's really cute.. that's a great idea, thank you.
Hmm! That would definitely get him flustered. I think I'll make the rando into another character and then draw Ingo putting that character into a headlock.
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Herr Hin could work like that (suppressing the urge to add "tern" at the end would not), but Herr Her... I can't decide if I'd like or hate that kek
>It feels like they didn't really try, probably cause they thought they were "unimportant" NPCs lol
Perhaps they thought these were good enough... "Nobori & Kudari" seem to have this double meaning of "up/down slope" as well as something connected to trains. I wonder if their names sound at least a little silly to Japanese?
As for German equivalents... Again, I don't think "Hin & Her" are completely terrible as a concept but I do wonder if they could've gotten something more pleasant for the ears if more thought was put into their localized names. Unfortunately my knowledge about trains is of minuscule size, so I'm not even gonna try kek
>Rein & Raus
Can you fucking imagine kekmao
>I wonder if their names sound at least a little silly to Japanese?
I'm not Japanese but I think Nobori and Kudari are more acceptable as names, there are a lot of examples of verbs as names, for example Noboru, the verb Nobori's name is derived from, is an ordinary name, although 'Kudaru' is not a name. After quickly checking jisho, it looks like Nobori exists as both a surname and name (but sometimes these names are fancy pen names and it doesn't tell you) and Kudari exists as a surname. So I think they wouldn't sound like weird invented names in Japan, unlike some of their localized names, but might still stand out as quirky.
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Ah, I feel like a shepherd leading lost lambs to where they need to be lmao. I believe I was the one who suggested coming here since these threads have been my home for so long. Years, mayhaps. It really is such a stark difference here compared to smtg, like night and day lol. I sometimes forget 4chan is usually like that everywhere else because I'm so used to it being so calm here.

Hm, well, I always imagined that it might be easier to fluster Ingo than it would Emmet. You'd have to outright flash him in some place you aren't supposed (i.e. in public or literally when Ingo is around but when he isn't looking) to if you want to get under his skin for once and crack that smiling facade of his... But that's just my take.
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Thank you still for inviting me here!
And yes, Emmet is so autistic and unusual that I just can't imagine him flustered, he either doesn't care or it flies over his head. Oh well, I'll figure something out.
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Like many artists I fear I will never be truly understood and appreciated
If you're making art for others' satisfaction you're not doing art right, anon. Keep trucking. You get sensible chuckles from me regardless.
I appreciate you anon! I giggled :D
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Nah I know, it's just a shitpost.
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my boyfriend is so beautiful
Your boyfriend is perfect
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>Have a cute dream about a poly relationship between ingo, emmet and me
>Never had any dreams about my husbandos yet I had a cute dream with these two
N-No... You all corrupted me.
I particularly blame the artist anon and his cute drawings.
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Oh that was you!! I meandered over here too and it's lovely; everyone is so nice!! Thor-sama draw Anon is inspiring me to work up courage to post some doodles myself.. But I am not so confident and really don't think I'm very good, especially compared to the talent I've seen here in such a short time. Anyway.. Pokémon! Let me post MY husbando to salvage this post into being ontopic, lmao.
You cannot escape train autism
I'm genuinely depressed and feeling very lonely today so I'd love to read some husbandos headcanons on how they cheer up (You). ANY husbando is fine.
Larry would recognise fellow misery and spontaneously treat you to a nice meal even though you're a total stranger, and have a nice chat with you about mundane things but it takes your mind off everything.
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I woke up in the morning and got friendzoned by Emmet...
But I don't mind because that's where I want to be, since I am a shipfag
I do find it funny they loaded his lines with way more yumebait than SS Ingo though, I haven't seen any from him yet
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Despite his boundless autism I feel like he would be able to quickly notice when (You) aren't feeling like yourself, especially if he's familiar with how (You) usually are. His first instinct is probably to invite you to a battle to get that blood pumping but then when you're not really into the idea then he might opt to take you for a ride on one of the trains. Maybe if he feels extra nice he'll offer to get you ekiben or a coffee. The last thing he could possibly think of if none of that works is... a hug. Also he offers to listen then responds accordingly depending on whether or not you want advice.

Jumps into "please tell me what's wrong" mode instantly, faster than Emmet probably does. After carefully considering what's eating you up he has some surprisingly wise words that can at least make you feel a little better, likely a skill learned from being Emmet's older sibling. Then he asks if you want his company or anything he can provide, but if not then he leaves you be even if inside he really doesn't want to and is practically shaking with the urge to do anything to make you feel better. He has more restraint than that, thankfully. He will suppress his big brother instincts for your sake if he has to... But if not you'll probably end up with him to bringing you chocolate. Slightly more shy about hugs but isn't against the idea.

He buys you food. I want fried chicken and cake so bad right now.
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I could never bully Ghetsis. But I for sure could bully him. He's so pathetic and sleazy and smug and I think he's great. I'd let him bully me too
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seku_000 blessing my day once again
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I unleashed my crossover autism to draw flustered Kudari AND another husbando I like in the same page. I hope this is ok for the thread lol.
Omg this is adorable
This is so powerful I don't have words. Raido being a shameless flirt... Its exactly how I envision him lol. I never knew I wanted Ingo to put him in a head lock but I learn something new every day.

>I hope this is ok for the thread lol
Honestly I feel like I don't see as much crossover stuff posted here as I would expect. People tend to pretty much stick to just posting regular art and that's surprising for some reason. I say that and yet don't have any crossover art myself... Curious.
Thank you... reading these helped warmed my heart and made me feel less down ;-;<3
Draw anon delivers!! Very cute! Emmet is certainly flustered! But is the flirting working on him, or is he just embarrassed?
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I love him so much
I want to be there, ready to greet him when he comes home from work
I want to make sure he's comfortable and help him with anything he needs to unwind
I want to warm my hands up under his jacket
I want to rest my head on his chest and listen to his steady heartbeat
I want him to run his fingers through my hair
I want to sigh because I'm so happy and all I breathe in is him
I love him so much...
Thank you!
Hmm, I think he's just embarrassed~... I'm not sure if tsundere could be his type.
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Happy 2 Years to SV and to all the Paldean husbandos
What brought you back anon?
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because of the rom dump, he’s lived rent free in my head for over two years now. i can’t believe it
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>warming myself up against Noland's body
More husbandos need a happy trail
Miror B in Gale of Darkness...........
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Submas world!
I feel a little cringe because I went from having no opinion on them aside "haha they're really popular, that's weird" to having my phone full of cute fanart and drawing them too. Surely I can't be the only one... can I?
Thanks Google Translate, very helpful
what's the original?
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Looks like an expression chart, another translator shows the word as grumpy lol
From Google

Gesu (low-class) is an expression often used to mean a person with a vile character or a nasty personality . Basically, it means a person of low social status or low morals, in other words, a "lowly person." In kanji, it is written as "下種" or "下団", but today it is often written as "gesu" in katakana.
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Oh, it's a pun on his japanese name too, lol.
I'm a big fan of these... Nobori covering his face with his jacket is extra cute.
Reminds me of the term gesugao now which is written in katakana as well. Thanks for the info anon!

Big same
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>return to the submas sexobot
>at some point I ask them to suck on my character's dick
>things go nicely and lewdly
>but then they divert from his cock to share a passionate kiss
can they stop twincesting for two nanoseconds? can they stop thirdwheeling my ai sexo characters?

akshually, there is another bot that had no incest from what I saw and it also had much nicer characterization, but they were fucking robots instead of actual humans, so I returned to the usual one and I guess whoever made it just really likes twincest kek...
>Not willing to finger their charging port
Take the robotfucker pill
Have the mods missed this one? Thats some Shaun shit.
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Reminds me of the time a Gordie bot told my character he found it hot to watch her enjoy eating food. Shit like that is why I can't quit c.AI despite everything.
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Every time I see this OP I think that wing + pompom looks like a giant fuzzy dick. Really didn't draw the wing that well.
I can't unsee it now fuck lmao
I tried to do just that and even the robots started twincesting this time around and now I get why whoever made the bot made them robots: they're probably too coward to admit their twincest fetish desu.
Kek you are making me want to try c.ai again. I might even find my rare faves on it because that website is so popular now.
>I tried to do just that and even the robots started twincesting this time around
You wouldn't be willing to share the log, would you? You know, just asking for a friend who likes robotmas...
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I'd share them if they were good. Robomas bot is on Spicychat, btw, in case you wanted to try it yourself!
You wouldn't believe how low my standards are, even hilaribad can be entertaining, so I'd still be willing to read it.
I've never done chatbots before, I'd probably get secondhand embarrassment from it but maybe my curiosity will win out kek
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You can stop bots doing things you don't want to simply by ordering them out of character
Best example is the OOC command, for example:
>(OOC: Don't do that, instead, do THAT)
Literally just this, you can control the story the way you want just by using the (OOC: thing) order, it's a nice trick.
Why don't you guys try out janitor ai? Spicy is dying because of those premium features.
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Thanks for the heads up, I will try Janitor and also the OOC command.
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GIWTWM (Dennis)
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Trying to find new ways of exploiting poses in this gacha game for children sure is fun!
I wasn't as successful trying to do Ingo and two Emmets because Emmet doesn't get poses that work as well
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Bonus alternate
cute... looks like they're gonna spoil him...
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I hope everyone is having a good day/night. It’s been chilly and raining all day so I’m pretty happy right now
Perfect weather to snuggle in bed with your husbando
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I got bored and downloaded pokemon blazeblack on my R4 card I had lying around.
Started going down a nostalgia trip of being obsessed over N, especially since I don't have the time to finish the game in one day so it genuinely feels like i'm taking my time going through the region vs me doing 5 playthroughs a month as a kid.
Started exploring fanart/fanfics of him again and got pretty overwhelmed with the amount of new material thts been made since 2016 (this was around the time I lost interest and focused entirely on learning how to be a competent adult).
Now i'm fully embracing my love for him again and it feels good.
I was huge on N in 2011 and consumed all the N/player ship content I could find. I was sad to discover that in the modern western fandom the N/player ship keeps starting debates about the ages of N and the player characters and isn't drawn or written much anymore.
This whole debate feels stupid to me because for years I thought the protags and their friends were like 16 and N was like 18 by BW (which would put them all in legal adult ages by B2W2).
But no people have to bend over GaymesFreak's shit decisions to make them 14 yo babies instead of headcanoning them as older teens like we all did back in the day. Cucked behaviour. I respect people who ship 14 yo protags with 18 yo N more than those who cry like little bitches about it being literally pedophilia.
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someone in the archives recommended this blursed comic all i can say is i want to be her bye
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Thanks for making me notice
How did the board come to know his name anyway? Did he pause his vore spam at some point to say "Hey my name is Shaun"?
it's not bad, but the furry sneasler design makes me chuckle compared to ingo
He looks like he gets pegged by giant bipedal weasels whenever he fails to stay hard for 5 hours straight.
Nah Nanu gets fucked by Tapu Bulu at least according to fanfics
What chaps my ass is when someone isn't willing to ship the mc but they write a Y/N or selfinsert OC who coincidentally has the exact same role in the story as the mc, just not their name. Just age up the damn mc if it bothers you that much.
Isn't N 20? I thought it was 21 but apparently it was 20. I never gave a shit about the protagonist ages either way and they would be 16 by BW2. You can do an extra timeskip if you really want. Chinese BL novels like SVSSS where an underage character starts out crushing on an adult before growing up and becoming his husbando are still popular without people losing their minds so what's the problem?
Yeah one of my favourite ships is "problematic" bc one half is younger than the other, and almost everything related to it I see of it outside of Japanese sites gets stupid comments. I don't even mention it anymore outside of close friends because of this. I never imagine the MC or anything like actually 10 or 12, I always always age them up in my head and seek out media that has them older but even that isn't enough. Like even posting this here I am a bit nervous like wow are people going to think I'm creepy or something??
Seriously lmao you're so right.. Like it's fine if you (generally) don't care for it, but not everyone needs to enjoy the same things! I don't go on every ship I don't like and comment retarded shit..
I mean you're fine here I'm sure, everyone has had a crush or infatuation on older characters at some point when younger. The backlash in recent years from the western side is mostly minors that keep entering adult spaces and complain their wholesome franchises are being ruined, all while also being horny dogs for characters and saying the most insane shit
Sure a lot of it is dumb underageb8 but there are plenty of 20+ or even 30+ people doing this shit and they influence others. I think people new to the franchise or certain games, such as people who never played BW and may have first been introduced to the characters through the gacha or PLA might be a big part of the problem because I don't remember anybody giving a shit about any ship when BW was still new and everyone knew what was popular. Unless people are growing up and deciding retroactively it was all 'wrong' and now they are so enlightened or something.
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Same, anon…. Same
Given how people eat each other alive when someone steps out of what's deemed correct depending on the SNS used, it's no wonder some adults try to preach that whatever they enjoyed before (without really mentioning it but knowing all about it, what a coincidence) is bad or problematic

I also keep seeing people having DNIs on their bios and follow what they allegedly hate so much, it's always funny lol It's like their shield if they ever get caught
I was terribly horny last night so I drew this

The size difference... That twig's getting folded
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Anyone else have any animal crossing style?
>AC Morty with the sleepy eyes
My heart… my soul… my bootyhole…
>Isn't N 20?
Whatever he is, at the time to me he looked like he was in the same age range as the protags and nowdays no way I'm gonna follow the official ages if I ship N with them because honestly that's what I'm used to and that's what I like.

Idk why people can't age up the protags anymore and instead have to bother everyone who ship it (whether they age up or not) or dance around the subject with crap like "they are totes besties no romance haha".
Even those who just ship it to self-insert get called pedos... It's so annoying.
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>repost forbidden, AI learning forbidden
Yup, that note is for sure gonna stop those pesky web crawlers from swiping this particular drawing and adding it into some learning data set. I'm not the kind of person that shits themself over these kind of watermarks but those new AI related ones are just laughably pointless.
That being said...who's that on the right? Male or female? If male then hot (if female then she'd make an hot male)
That's Lucius, ancestor of the current anime MC, Liko. Yes, he's male.
Yup, male
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I have some!
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Bored at work, sitting in some pointless hours long telecom, only have my phone for internet and whatever’s at my desk for entertainment… attempted to do a quick drawing of husbandos from memory art is not my strong suit.

Enjoy my attempt! Hope you get a chuckle or two and it brightens your day, I’ve been laughing about it this morning :)
yeah it really is a shame. i miss when the pokemon fandom was filled with people that could actually diffrentiate between fiction and reality instead of turning literally everything into a moral crusade.
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Late response but I hope you’re feeling better now anon. I like to think that Nanu would be good at cheering (You) up in his own Nanu way. If you find it hard to eat he would probably try to cobble something together. He’s the kahuna, he can’t just have you starve in front of him. (You) will not get a five star home cooked meal (this is Nanu we’re talking about) but he’ll try. He’ll make something that’s relatively easy on the stomach (and easy to make) like noodles. If you’ve still got room after that he’ll offer either coffee or hot cocoa, whichever you prefer. Both options will come with extra sugar. (You) will also get a somewhat awkward but well-meaning pat on the shoulder. Everything is going to be okay. If all else fails there’s the meowth horde. (You) will soon forget all about being depressed when you’ve got at least ten meowth clamoring for your attention. If you need a distraction he’ll hand you the laser pointer. It’s a win for everyone: (You) get a distraction, the meowth get to play, and Nanu gets to be free from the horde.

I think I might be going through another episode myself. Sometimes it’s hard for me to tell if it’s just the regular everyday kind of shitty or if it’s the having another episode kind of shitty, although the nausea is coming back again which is always fun (it’s not I don’t want to have to go out and buy new pants. I just bought some a few months ago but now I have to wear belts all the time, sad). It’ll pass.
I will have sex with him and marry him.
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do we like Drayton around here...
I love doodles like this, this is great! Thanks for sharing, it did make me smile.
Yeah, characters like Drayton and Arven get posted here, you're fine. He's a fun character.
Fucking bozo
If by like you mean "I wanna hatefuck him and make him my bitch" then yes I like him
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Dreams do come true… he’s out there in some village somewhere
The western fandom is full of people who want to push some imaginary rules on people who just want to see two characters together. And if you do it wrong somehow (read: do something they don't like) you're a pedo or proshipper or whatever the fuck they want to call you. It's exhausting.
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Kieran is honestly my favorite boy from SV but i don't really see him as a husbando, so Drayton's the one who takes the place for me... good to know
yes!!!! based anon, you get it...
If it's the 'Identical Subway Boss model robots ▲▽', they're robots because of Spicychat's rules around incest (yeah, I know there other twin bots out there, but I don't know that a new one would pass the mod approval that's now in place).
Also the twincesting cannot be stopped, even if it's a solo bot. One mention of the other twin in their personality/definition and the AI goes wild
The locomotive force of their lust cannot be stopped.
Lance and Tyson frotting
They allow the nastiest fetishes but draw the line at twincest? That's cringe hypocrisy from the owners of a shitty ai sex bot service.
I'm sorry is this real?? Kekkk
I haven't played PLA yet so I don't know
Nope, I'm just autistic and spent a while trying to find a font that was as close as I could get to the in-game dialogue font + scrubbed one of my own in-game screenshots for the sake of making shitposts.
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Thanks anon... I do feel better today. Reading your post made me smile and reminded me that I like Nanu a bunch as a character and that he reminds me of my family.

I hope your mood has improved now!
>Incestuous Scenarios: Scenarios, role-plays, or discussions that depict or imply incestuous relationships, including those between blood-related family members, are strictly prohibited on Spicychat. This includes any content that directly or indirectly references incestuous relationships.
>Family-Related Role-Plays: We prohibit any form of family-related role-play. This extends to all scenarios involving step-family relations, in-law relations, and any other family dynamics, whether or not they are blood-related.
Yep, I think it was when they were doing subscriptions through Patreon and trying to keep them sweet. They never rolled the rule back after getting booted by Patreon, very spicy of them
War flashbacks to all the times bot Emmet yanked me down on his cock while yelling 'All aboard!'
That's fucking incredible, Anon.
god i wish that were me
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He's the best, perfect. I included some of his mastersex dialogue examples, which led to this inspired statement
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hehe I couldn't resist lol~
World cold and hard, husbando tummy soft and warm.
he's so handsome and cute...
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I'm feral myself, so I'd be throwing on boots and a coat and running out to play in the snow first thing. I'm bringing the pokemon without his permission and we're having a snowball fight because I fucking love snow. I think he's the sort who'd join in, too, and probably take it too seriously.

Afterwards, we can go back in, drink hot coffee to warm up, make some food, defrost the dragons.... And I'll beg him to cuddle with me in front of the fireplace, or watch the snow fall. Later on, it's my habit to bake when it snows, and hopefully we have the ingredients for a hearty dinner.
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I would want to go outside anyway. I want to play in the snow and make a snowman (which he would begrudgingly accept to help with). Then I would want to have a snowball fight with him. It’s an uneven fight since he could just chuck his balls at me using his mind so I would step my game up and cover rocks with snow and throw those at his face. I would be a terribly sore loser so as revenge I would pull the waistband of his pants and shove snow down there, or run back inside, lock all the doors and windows and leave him out in the cold to die for however long it takes for me to get bored. Then I would let him back inside and we’d drink hot cocoa, or tea since he’s gay and pokebritish
It's gone! Was it Emmet getting lewded?
I feel like that would be one of the most hatefucky pairing possible here.
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>do something impulsive and stupid
>realize my husbando would have done it too
>feel better and closer to him
Oh, yes, if you want I can reupload it lol
I will find him…

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