I love this dex so much. I hope we get a strong dex like this and Alola and not something like Generation 8 again.
I hate this dex OP loves so much. I hope we get a strong dex unlike this and Alola and something that OP hates again.
>>56898528its one of the worst nonny
>>56898528I like the original designs but there's not a single paradox pokemon that I like more than its original version
>>56898528Ehhh I got problems with all the 3D pokemon dexes, but overall I do think 7 and 9 have a lot more that I like over 6 and 8.
>>56898528Post Sovl version
>>56898547alola being good is a psyop too. half the dex is ugly beasts you can't use until the game is over, shitcineroar, ugly trash like drampa togedemaru dumbest event legends
>>56898585Drampa is one of the best nugen mons
>>56898528Yeah it's a good ass dex. Some stinkers like Shroodle but not a lot. Galar was definitely way worse, especially the staters. And all SV legendaries are great, been a whole since that happened.
>>56898528I hate all of these abominations, if you hate you have either garbage taste or you're a subhuman zoomer furry.The only fucking pokemons in this uninspired dogshit are the cute olive, the olive loli, the electric bird and the mud woopers.Everything else is a crime against creature design and game freak deserved to get all of their hard drives leaked in oblivion to pay for plaguing the pokedex eternally with actual mobile mascot tier shitmons.The chinese quatuor isn't that bad as well nevermind, at least they are coherent among themselves.
>>56898528This is bait but I agree. I really like Alola and Paldea
>>56899308>hating on based GarganaclLet me guess, you're a zoomer who thinks Minecraft invented cubes
>>56898528Easily the worst dex of all time. I'll be impressed if they manage to make a worse one.
>>56899454>he likes the shitty parrotsHow
>>56899454What do you have against the Raidons man
sagie is not gonna lxke this
>>56898553I like the past Volcarona more than Volcarona but I don’t like the paradox names. Just give them actual fucking names
>>56898528I like about half of it
>>56899779You crossed out way less than half.
>>56899454surprised that someone would prefer the poopbug over all those pokemon that are crossed out
>>56899824It's bait
>>56898528By far the worst dex in the series, half of this shit doesn't even look like pokemon. The previous gen had some decent designs but nothing here is remotely redeemable. Paradox mons are awful and their stupid names make them even offensive
>>56898528Eh, better than gen 8.Yellow is for "there was an idea there but it needed more time in the oven".
>>56898528This dex is horseshit
>>56899801yeah but a lot of what I DIDN'T cross are variations on previous pokémon which I count less than a full original creature
>>56898528Insane amount of ugly shitmons makes gen 8 and 5 look good
>>56898585Alola has one of the best dex's there a few misses but overall its better than what came before and after